Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 106: : Who is the boss

Regarding the dullness of the fat man's thinking, the girl said that she was completely speechless...


Angrily, he threw a sanitary eye at Fatty. Seeing that the man had already dug out blood crystals, he seemed to be about to leave, so he stomped his feet, left Fatty, and chased out towards the square...


The girl's name is Xiaoxue!

Full name Ai Xiaoxue...

Just turned nineteen this year!

Before the Great Disruption, it was just an ordinary member of the many college students in Pearl City.

When he was ten years old, his parents died, and he was raised by his grandparents.

When I was sixteen, my grandparents passed away one after another...

It can be regarded as a miserable girl with a tragic fate!

Fortunately, my grandparents, as well as my parents, left a large deposit for Xiaoxue before they died. Therefore, even after being completely orphaned, Xiaoxue can still finish her studies normally...


These are just superficial information!

If someone really went into it carefully, and observed Ai Xiaoxue's seemingly ordinary life, he would be surprised to find out!

In fact, Ai Xiaoxue's record before the age of four was completely blank!

Including birth records...

It's as if she just came out of nowhere! ! Suddenly appeared at her parents' house...

It's just that in those years, when the state implemented the most stringent family planning period, there were literally countless black households who couldn't get a family after giving birth.

The population of such black households with blank records is overwhelming. It's not even a thing at all.

Even if Ai Xiaoxue's parents only gave birth to her one daughter, and then had no more children, it could be understood that they wanted to prepare for the next child to have a boy.

Naturally, no one will pay attention to it deliberately...

No one will doubt it. Is it possible that Ai Xiaoxue was not born to her parents.


Of course, this is only the first surprise.

And then there's even more bizarre...

That's the result...

Before the third grade of elementary school, Ai Xiaoxue's IQ was much higher than that of her peers, and the test was basically double percentile.

By the fourth grade, the grades plummeted, from the previous percentile to just passing grades in every subject. That is sixty.

Wait until sixth grade is...

The change happened again, but this time, it was not the score that Ai Xiaoxue changed!

but the ranking...

That is from this time. No matter what level of class Ai Xiaoxue attends in junior high school, high school, or university, her ranking in the class is always on the same level. Intermediate level.

But every time it comes to the critical exam time. And always outperformed, and then again reduced to mediocre.


In the end, it was the moment when Ai Xiaoxue's parents and grandparents died...

See a loved one die!

Other children are either ignorant or ignorant, or cry in the dark.

But Ai Xiaoxue is an exception...

The death of a loved one, at a funeral, you can never see her cry when she is extremely peaceful!

If it were someone else, this situation can be said to be outrageous!

Can be biased. On weekdays, be parents. When her grandparents were alive, Ai Xiaoxue was extremely sensible and obedient to them, and she was extremely filial. The more they reached the end of their lives, the more so...

And she seems to be able to predict the specific time of the death of these relatives.

Before the death of these relatives, no matter where she was at the time, she would always appear in time and accompany them through the last period of their lives.

The degree of filial piety makes it impossible to pick out any faults...


This is Ai Xiaoxue in everyone's eyes...

A girl who is too ordinary to be ordinary, ordinary enough to be ordinary...

But is this really the case?

The truth of the matter is...

From small to large! Ai Xiaoxue's heart has always been hiding a big secret...

When Ai Xiaoxue entered some kind of special state, some very strange picture fragments always appeared in her mind inexplicably.

At first Xiaoxue didn't know what it was!

Just thought it was a dream!

But when these dreams become reality one by one around me...

She suddenly realized...

She was pleasantly surprised to find that she had the ability to predict the future!

At that time, Ai Xiaoxue's ability was very powerful...

She can splurge at will...

The test scores are good, not because her IQ is really higher than others, but because those test questions are basically open-book exams to her, and she can do it a day, a week, a month, or even a year in advance. Targeted review.

But the surprise is very short-lived...

When she predicted the death of her parents, but she couldn't change anything, this kind of surprise was gone.

to this end……

Ai Xiaoxue hesitated, feared, and struggled!

until one time...

When Ai Xiaoxue inadvertently saw the picture of the doomsday coming, she calmed down instead...

Ai Xiaoxue is finally mature...

Then I learned to be indifferent, I learned to look at my ability calmly, I learned to hide myself, and I learned to observe the world from the perspective of a bystander...

Even death! !

She also began to learn to face it calmly!

In the eyes of others...

She may be indifferent, indifferent, cold-blooded!

But who knows, Ai Xiaoxue just sees through...


In Ai Xiaoxue's view, it was just another sense of relief.

It is better to die now than to struggle in the end times!


Different from other abilities, as age increases, it will become more and more powerful!

Ai Xiaoxue's predictive ability actually increased with her age. Gradually, it started to become erratic.

Up to now...

Ai Xiaoxue could no longer control her abilities.

Only when it wants to appear, can it passively accept the picture that appears in the mind. It gradually became less clear...

Just like this time...

Although Ai Xiaoxue knew that there would be a general-level vampire dying here!

But I can't figure out how it died...

Without even knowing it, Xia Jianhui suddenly appeared here...


One who can chase and kill a general-level blood clan in the city! And what does it mean in the end of the world to chase the powerhouse that has nowhere to go?

This point, I believe that every survivor in the end of the world is aware of...

not to mention……

According to Ai Xiaoxue's observation, the character of this strong man. It seems pretty good...

If you can climb this big tree...

If you can climb this big tree, the benefits are self-evident...


If it was just because of these two points, it was still not worth Ai Xiaoxue's decision to follow this man!

It has been mentioned before...

as a prophet. Moreover, in the early stage, under the circumstance that the predictive ability can be squandered at will, when Ai Xiaoxue learned that the coming of the Day of Destruction could not be stopped, how could she not use her predictive ability. Pick a path that is most beneficial to you?

no doubt……

Wu Kai is Ai Xiaoxue's first choice!

predicting. Wu Kai did not die very early, and in the ensuing time, when he gradually became stronger, Ai Xiaoxue found Wu Kai right away.

Let Wu Kai become her first amulet.

As for Xia Jian...

That's pure intuition!

You heard right!

The reason why Ai Xiaoxue went after Xia Jian was purely because of her intuition...

In those days when Ai Xiaoxue kept using her abilities to predict the scene of the apocalypse, among the countless broken pictures, there was always a figure that appeared most frequently.


Among the countless pictures where this figure appeared. A hazy mist always shrouded him, even though Ai Xiaoxue tried her best. It was impossible to see the true face of the figure.

By intuition...

Ai Xiaoxue knew that this figure had some kind of inevitable connection with herself!

Maybe because of this, the scene in the picture always seems so blurry...

Ai Xiaoxue really wanted to find this figure.

However, after more than half a year, even though Ai Xiaoxue kept searching in Pearl City, she couldn't find any survivors who could be related to that vague figure in the slightest.

Keep looking!

keep failing...

And then disappointment after disappointment...

To this day, Ai Xiaoxue almost gave up, otherwise she would not agree to Wu Kai's adventure to deal with the general-level blood clan, in order to win the slim chance of becoming a general-level evolutionary.

But at this time...

Xia Jian appeared on the roof of the waiting hall without warning...

When Xia Jian was bathed in a sea of ​​blood, looking down at the dark chasers in the waiting hall...

Ai Xiaoxue's calm thoughts throbbed fiercely...

At the beginning, Ai Xiaoxue was still puzzled. After all, she almost gave up. After a while, she didn't get in touch with the figure she was looking for...

It's just that this figure seems a little familiar...

until just now...

When Xia Jian's aura suddenly skyrocketed and he threw out an axe that was enough to split the mountains and ground, and completely strangled the general-level blood clan, Xia Jian's violent figure suddenly overlapped with the figure that was about to be destroyed by her in the past... …

"it's him……"

At that moment, Ai Xiaoxue suddenly had a hint of enlightenment!

no why...

Pure pure intuition!

Ai Xiaoxue was sure that the person in front of her was the one who appeared the most in her predictions and who she had been searching for for more than half a year...


Fortunately, the speed of Xia Jian's departure was not too fast...

Just as he was about to enter the woods, Ai Xiaoxue finally caught up to the door of the waiting hall...

"please wait……"

The girl's crisp voice immediately resounded through the empty square.

At this time, the fat man who was still stunned before finally recovered his senses! !

Although most of the time. In Wu Kai's eyes, Ai Xiaoxue is a weak girl who needs her own protection, but Wu Kai also knows it. Ai Xiaoxue will definitely not aimlessly!

And all I have to do is to unconditionally believe in her and support her...

"Are you finally willing to come out?"

Ai Xiaoxue was still worried that Xia Jianhui would just leave...

But what she never expected was that when her figure appeared at the door and shouted loudly, Xia Jian, who had his back to her, quietly curved the corner of his mouth.

That's right! ! Xia Jian laughed!

It was as if he had long expected that Ai Xiaoxue would chase after him!

what happened?

Is it after more than a week of tempering. Xia Jian also suddenly realized the ability to predict the future?

Of course not...

The matter had to start when Xia Jian first entered Pearl City.

For more than a week, Xia Jian has been searching everywhere in Mingzhu City. There are many survivors in the middle.

A real strong man, what does it mean in the end times.

Since Ai Xiaoxue can think of it, other survivors can also think of it...

In the last days, there is no shortage of smart people!

Why would I rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail...

Unless a person is already strong enough. Have full confidence. I think I can survive very well in the end times.

Otherwise, for the survivors who are struggling to survive in the apocalypse, this sentence is nothing but bullshit!

Especially in the environment of Pearl City, which is even worse than the outside world.

This is especially evident!

Among them, there are not many people who want to climb the big tree of Xia Jian and volunteer to be Xia Jian's younger brother or even a servant!

At the beginning, Xia Jian refused in one breath!

After all, this time, Xia Jian didn't just wander around!

But it has a very important task...

Take these cumbersome words with you. Not to mention search targets, just to keep these people safe. It will disperse a lot of Xia Jian's energy.

But those people just persevere...

Following Xia Jian's **** all the time, it brought a lot of inconvenience to Xia Jian.

Not every survivor has the ability to keep up with Xia Jian's speed...

It's just that these survivors, since they were able to successfully survive the last turmoil of the Dark Chaser, will have some skills more or less...

After a few more days of entanglement...

Xia Jian thought that it was not the way to continue like this. Then he thought about it, since Dong Hao and his party were able to find the naval base by their own abilities.

So why not let these people go to the naval base themselves?


Taking in these people will not only not increase their burden, but will also enhance the strength of the naval base.

It can be said that two birds with one stone ...

And these survivors, after learning that Xia Jian is the boss of a party, and this strength has a very strong strength, naturally will not continue to pester Xia Jian.

Anyway, Xia Jian has already said it clearly enough, it is up to them to decide whether to go or stay...


Xia Jian slowly turned around...

His face has returned to his usual indifference and indifference...


The distance of a hundred meters was fleeting, and the moment Xia Jian turned around, Ai Xiaoxue had already run to the front: "My name is Ai Xiaoxue!"

Seeing the doubts in Xia Jian's eyes, Ai Xiaoxue introduced herself immediately...

"He's my eldest brother, Wu Kai, a soldier-level peak evolutionary..."

The reason for taking the initiative to introduce...

In addition to dispelling Xia Jian's doubts, Ai Xiaoxue also meant to increase the weight of the two of them.

Perhaps this weight is not worth mentioning in front of the man in front of him.



Xia Jian just responded lightly, without even looking at Fatty, he looked like an expert!

I'm just laughing in my heart...

Another evolutionary player at the peak of the soldier level! ! Another rare talent! !

"Is there a problem?"

This time, before Ai Xiaoxue could speak, the fat man beside him had already bent his knees and knelt heavily on the snow with a "bang": "Boss! Please take in our siblings!"

Feelings, the fat man finally came back to his senses...

And do it so thoroughly! !


This change was beyond Xia Jian's expectations!

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Get up first!!"

Unexpectedly, Fatty went out of his way, "Boss!! If you don't promise to be my boss, my Fatty won't get up..."

"I fuck..."

Xia Jianman has black lines on his forehead!

He had never encountered such an unreasonable play! !

Is this still an evolutionary at the peak of the soldier level? ? Is there such a thing as begging to be someone's younger brother?

think carefully……



On the way down, there are really many people begging to be their little brothers!

It's just not as weird as this fat man!

Xia Jian's expression was in Ai Xiaoxue's eyes, and he secretly gave Wu Kai a thumbs up in his heart.

As expected, he was the one he chose...

Although usually ignorant, but the critical moment, it is reliable! !

Although the strangeness of this fat man was a bit surprising, Xia Jian had planned to take them in, so naturally he would not disagree. He immediately smiled and said, "Get up!"

Fatty's face was full of surprise: "Then the boss agreed to take in our brothers and sisters?"

"Yeah!" Xia Jian nodded, "Get up!"


Fatty immediately jumped up excitedly, his face full of excitement, but while Xia Jian was not paying attention, he secretly gave Ai Xiaoxue a victory sign!

Ai Xiaoxue also secretly gave a thumbs up!

Unexpectedly, this scene was completely seen by Xia Jian with his spiritual perception...

"Depend on……"

I don't know why, why does Xia Jian feel that he has been deceived?

Drive them back to the base immediately!

"Cough cough..."

Xia Jian coughed a few times, and waited for the two to focus on himself again, "Well, I'm still staying in Pearl City and have important things to do. Otherwise, I have a base near the suburbs. How about going back to the base?"


The fat on the fat man's face suddenly A pair of small eyes looked at Xia Jian incredulously: "Boss, you don't dislike us, you want to let us go, and then..."

"Don't worry, I'll give..."

Xia Jianzheng wanted to explain...

"What is the boss going to do? In the past six months, our brothers and sisters have almost traveled the entire Pearl City, maybe we can help!!"

This time it was Ai Xiaoxue who spoke...

A pair of big eyes looked at Xia Jian watery, like a little daughter-in-law who was aggrieved, so Xia Jianda couldn't feel it.

But now, Xia Jian is not the little rookie he used to be...

Immediately, his eyes widened, his momentum suddenly soared, and he said angrily, "Are you the boss? Or am I the boss?"

……………………………………………………(To be continued..)

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