Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 103: : rounded to 0

Driven by curiosity, the little girl couldn't help but put her ear on the wooden door of the closet...

She wanted to hear what this middle-aged man would say...

Unfortunately, the result disappointed her very much. After the middle-aged man came in, he didn't mean to speak. He just stood there quietly, motionless, as if he had fallen asleep!

This situation may have been going on for dozens of minutes...



The blood-red flesh ball monster floating on the roof made that disgusting squirming sound again.

"Is this meat ball going to get bigger again?"

According to the little girl's observations during this period of time, this meat ball monster will undergo a great change in its body every time it devours the survivors ten times. , will grow a tentacle again!

Correspondingly, the next time it devours survivors, it will be one more than the previous time!

And the previous five survivors happened to be this meatball monster, devouring the survivors for the fiftieth time!

After all, it is indeed time to change again!

Thinking of this, the little girl couldn't help but put her eyes on the crack of the door again...

She wanted to see if it was as she imagined...

Sure enough, in the darkness, I saw the surface of the huge blood-red flesh ball monster that had been quietly suspended in mid-air before, and once again began to squirm violently! With the peristalsis of the meat ball, there will continue to be some greasy liquid. Spilled from the meat ball, along the surface of the ball, and dripped onto the ground.

Soon the ground was dripping wet a lot...

Simultaneously. A disgusting stench, a completely different strange scent that filled this room, slowly filled the air...

This uninterrupted squirming lasted for about ten minutes...

Then it gradually intensified, and from a distance, it looked like a pulsating heart.

suddenly. The bottom part of the meat ball actually cracked a gap again, and at the same time began to roll out. It bloomed like a flower bone again and again, and the crack in the middle of the meat ball monster became bigger and bigger as it bloomed. getting bigger……

After a while...

A white foot first stretched out from this gap.

And then the second foot...

Followed by fair complexion. The lines are beautiful and the streamline is full of sense. At first glance, people can't bear to take their eyes off the calf.

Round thighs!

Plump, full of elastic hips, slender, curved belly full of temptation, waist...

After that, at the exit of the meat ball monster. Suddenly turned out, a pair of perfect circles. The very upturned, elastic white rabbit appeared naughty in the air...

After that, most of this seductive female body finally emerged from the flesh ball monster. With the last two slender, soft-line arms and jet-black hair coming out one after another, the woman finally fell heavily. Among the previous piles of slime! !

Seeing this scene, Lin Dan was dumbfounded on the spot...

Not surprised that this blood-red flesh ball monster spit out!

After all, during this period of time, Lin Dan has watched a scene like this no less than a hundred times! !

What really makes Lin Dan strange is...

"what happened?"

"Didn't the five survivors who were swallowed just now be spat out of their stomachs by the meatball monster?"

"And before this, the meatball monster swallowed many people every time, and spit out how many people!!"

"Then why is there another one now?"

The little girl suddenly found that her brain was not enough!


There should be one more person! !

When the woman who had just been spat out by the meatball monster lay on the ground and struggled for a while, then she stood up from the ground softly, with a touch of soft beauty, took the clothes handed over by the middle-aged man, put it on, and turned around. When her face finally appeared in the little girl's field of vision, the little girl suddenly realized!

The woman who was suddenly vomited out of her stomach by the meatball monster was none other than the first beautiful woman who entered this room. The meatball monster was completely transformed by her! !


No matter how shocked Lin Dan is, how strange...

The woman who was dressed, looked very beautiful, and was very friendly had already begun to speak: "How is the situation outside now?"

Her voice was very strange. Not only was it cold and emotionless, but it also gave Lin Dan the feeling that it sounded directly in her mind, and Lin Dan did not see it when it sounded. This woman's mouth moves!

"Except for the area where he was active, everything else went smoothly..."

The middle-aged man seemed to be very afraid of this woman. While answering respectfully, he kept his head down...

After listening to the middle-aged man's answer, the woman couldn't help frowning: "What about others now?"

The middle-aged man said quickly: "Still in the city, but just yesterday he gathered a group of humans, about 400 people, it seems that he wants to bring this group of humans back to the base..."

The woman's frown slightly loosened: "Are you sure?"

The Zhongnan man affirmed: "Sure!! He has already set off with these people this morning. According to their speed, they could have left the city tonight, but there was a little accident in the middle, and it was delayed again! Rest in a building..."


Hearing the report of the middle-aged man, the woman's aura suddenly changed, becoming extremely cold, making Lin Dan, who was across the door, feel like he had fallen into the ice cellar!

She seems pissed! !


The middle-aged man's body trembled and his head dropped lower. He seemed to be very scared, and then he heard a "dong" sound, and he actually knelt directly on the ground. With a trembling voice: "It was an accident. Along the way, he found another group of survivors, so..."

Under the trembling explanation of the middle-aged man, the woman's terrifying aura finally subsided...

"I don't want this to happen again..."

The middle-aged man was amnesty: "Yes!!"

Seeing the respectful look of the middle-aged man. The woman nodded in satisfaction, "Yeah! Get up!!"

When the middle-aged man stood up straight, the woman seemed to think of something: "Right. How many people are in their team now?"

The middle-aged man thought about it: "I don't know exactly, it should be almost a thousand!!"

"It's almost a thousand?"

The woman was slightly surprised and thought for a while, as if she had thought of something bad. His face changed. Angrily said: "No, I have to go outside and watch those guys, otherwise, they will make trouble again, here you watch it!!"




the next day……

The strong wind and heavy snow for the past few days finally stopped completely. In the city covered by ice and snow, the dazzling sunshine once again ushered in blood!

Standing tall and looking at the sky. The entire city was shrouded in a hazy sea of ​​blood!

But even for an apocalyptic world where the sky is filled with thick nuclear fallout. It's still a rare good weather...

The temperature didn't rise though!

The thick snow and ice showed no sign of thawing!

But the blood-red light that shrouded the entire city in it has a deadly lethality to these dark chasers in the city!

As long as an ordinary dark chaser is exposed to these rays of light, for ten to twenty minutes, his whole body will fester, and then he will lose his mobility and lie on the ground waiting for death to come!

The powerful blood clan will persist for a little longer!

As for how long it can last, it depends on the strength of the individual blood race!


This is one of the most common out-of-town trails in Pearl City!

There are many high-rise buildings on both sides! From the surface of these buildings, it is obvious that they are all newly built.

As an area connecting the suburbs, although this place is prosperous, but because it is not fully open, you can see the kind of low-rise residential buildings built by citizens from time to time!

In fact, as long as you cross these buildings on both sides of the street and continue to go deeper, you can still see some bungalows, urban villages and other very dirty places!

No longer the hustle and bustle of the past!

The gray-white cement road has been completely covered with snow! At the deepest point, the snow has even reached a meter!

At a glance, it stretches forward, and the road surface that can't see the end is densely packed with various vehicles parked on the road at will!

To be precise, you can see the roofs of various vehicles! !

I believe that if it snows continuously for another month, when you come here again, you may not even be able to see the roof of the car! Then these vehicles, along with the corpses and bones that have long been buried under the heavy snow, will be buried under the thick snow and ice as time goes by, until the next time they see the sun again!

A gas station on the side of the road...

On the roof of the greenhouse outside the gas station are densely packed, crystal clear icicles.

Even if the wind is not strong today, because this gas station is located in the gap of a high-rise building, which is the so-called tuyere, you can still feel a very strong cold wind here!


Perhaps it was precisely because the wind was too strong that a relatively small icicle column that seemed to be unable to form, suddenly cracked a small gap in the middle!

It didn't take long for the small seam to become a large seam.

This small icicle column finally fell straight down from the roof and plunged directly into the thick snow!


With a crisp sound, a shoe that fell from the sky stepped heavily on the icicle, where it just fell! The whole shoe immediately fell deeply into the snow!

be alone! To be precise, it would be a man with a thin face, cold eyes, and a hard-to-approach man!

this man. He was wearing a pair of thick jeans on his legs, below his thighs because he had been walking on the snow for a long time. It was completely soaked with snow. The upper body is a thick leather coat, and there should be a lot of clothes inside, which makes him look very bloated!

I saw him look around cautiously...

Through the hazy blood-colored halo, in the buildings on both sides of the street, you can often see some figures with stiff movements! !

Dark Chaser!

These figures hidden in the buildings are all dark chasers!

And judging from the frequency of these dark chasers, on this street. The number of dark chasers in these buildings should be very large, very dense!

Come to think of it...

After all, this is Pearl City. Pearl City with a population of more than 30 million!

The dense population means that the dark chasers will be very dense!

What's more, since a week ago, in the entire Pearl City. Nearly 10 million dark chasers came out of their nests. When they wandered outside for three days and then came back to Pearl City, they did not all return to the center of the city, but nearly 80% of the dark chasers stayed in the outer areas of the city!

This situation directly made the outer area of ​​Pearl City close to the south, completely reduced to a paradise for dark chasers, a forbidden area for human beings!

Whether it is a survivor or other mutant creatures, they want to survive in this area. It's all hard to come by!

However, it is strange that since this area is a forbidden area for humans. Then why did this man suddenly appear here?

"You can come down..."

At this moment, the man who made sure that he did not alarm the dark chasers in these buildings whispered hello to the top again.


With a series of crunching noises from the soles of their shoes stepping on the snow, twenty or so men and women jumped down from the carport of the gas station and quickly gathered behind the man!

"Okay! Captain Xiao Han, everyone is here, there is no shortage of one!"

A voice reported in a low voice...

Captain Xiao Han? Xiao Han! !

This thin man with cold eyes turned out to be Xiao Han who was forced to join Xia Jian's command!

But why did he appear here? This dark chaser is so dense!

And with this team of twenty or so people! !

"Everyone, be careful, follow me..."

After listening to that person's report, Xiao Han nodded, and after exhorting again, under his leadership, the team of twenty or so people began to move again!

They moved vigorously one by one, and even if the road was completely covered by heavy snow, it did not have much impact on them.

It can be seen that their strength should not be too low! The worst should have the strength of a fifth-level enhancer.

If you look more closely, you will find that in fact, many of them have large wooden boards on the soles of their shoes...

That way, every time they step on the snow, they don't sink too deep...

This piece of wood can also be regarded as a watershed in the strength of this group of twenty people. Once you reach the strength of an eighth-level enhancer, you can move freely in the snow even without relying on this plank! But if it is below level 8, it is a bit hanging!

The environment in the apocalypse is extremely cruel!

If you want to survive, you must learn to adapt!

If you want to come, these people have already learned how to act better in the snow!

But a hundred secrets!

After all, it's a team of twenty people...

No matter how careful and careful you are, there will always be someone who accidentally makes a little mistake...

"Clap clap..."

When a woman who was not too strong, with a wooden board tied to the sole, followed the team and jumped onto the roof of a car, her feet suddenly slipped, she immediately lost her center of gravity, and fell heavily on the roof of the car!


Since the carriage was empty, she fell down, and the sound from the silent and empty street was not small, it could be heard for miles.

"sorry Sorry……"

The woman apologized in horror and panic, while scrambling to get up from the snow.

However, at this time, no one cared about her at all...

The moment she fell and the voice came out, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and their bodies suddenly became tense. They stopped at the same time and looked nervously at the surrounding buildings!

Even during the day!

Even if the weather is very nice today!

However, as long as the dark chasers in these buildings are alerted. For these already starving dark chasers, a team of twenty or so survivors is definitely worth the risk of rushing out!

Now that such a big move has been made. At this time, it is too late to blame this woman. The most urgent task is how to safely survive the first round of attacks by this group of dark chasers!


However, the development of things is somewhat unexpected!

There were more than 20 people at the scene, even in Xiao Han's imagination, when this woman fell. After causing such a big movement, it will definitely alarm the dark chasers in these buildings!

This is indeed the case! !

Xiao Han saw it with his own eyes, inside the facade of the nearest store. At the moment when the sound came out, there was a small riot among the dozens of dark chasers crowded in this facade!

Indistinctly, Xiao Han even heard the low roars of the dark chasers!

However, what Xiao Han didn't expect was...


Just when he was ready to meet the attack of these dark chasers. A low. A hoarse, roaring sound that contained incomparable might, suddenly came out from a far away corner!

When I heard this roar, in that facade, the dark chaser who was just about to move and was about to rush out actually retreated again, and it didn't take a while. Silence has been restored again!

More than just this facade...

In other buildings, Xiao Han wanted to come. This should be the case too!

Because they waited in place for more than a minute, and none of the dark chasers came out of those buildings...


Everyone is confused...

What's up with these dark chasers? After seeing human beings, they didn't even rush out! ! Could it be that they are suddenly modified today and become non-eaters?

impossible! ! Absolutely impossible!

Then there is only one other possibility...

Xiao Han couldn't help but look up at the **** sun hidden in the thick clouds...

"Captain Xiao Han, is it because the sun is too big that these dark chasers dare not come out?"

A voice has whispered the guess in Xiao Han's heart! !

"Hmm!! I hope so!"

Xiao Han nodded, then glared at the woman just now: "Be careful!!"

"Yes Yes!!"

The woman lowered her head in fear. He didn't dare to face everyone in this team, and he didn't have the face to face everyone in this team. You know, just now, just a little while ago, she was killed. The whole team is up! !

"Come on, take advantage of the sun, let's go out quickly..."

It was definitely not a dream, this frightened team, led by Xiao Han again, began to move...


at the same time……

In the vast expanse of white snow outside Mingzhu City, a huge billboard stands alone - East District Industrial Park!

That's right! This area is the Eastern Industrial Park!

It's just that this so-called East District Industrial Park has just been established, and there is not even a single building except for the billboards standing here!

The entire industrial park is actually a piece of wasteland that has been leveled and cleaned up a little!

It already belongs to the outer suburbs of Mingzhu City!

But even in the outer suburbs, the economy of this area is much better than some places in the interior!

After all, being close to Pearl City is a unique advantage that no other place has...

Especially in recent years! !

As the economy in Pearl City becomes more and more prosperous and the land becomes more and more tense, more and more companies have launched their ideas into these previously unremarkable surrounding areas!

This local government also saw this, and urgently set up a project to establish an industrial park! I hope to take this opportunity to bring the local economy to a new level!

However, although the project has been established, the end of the world has come before the industrial park is built...


This billboard in the industrial park is very big and imposing!

Even if it is separated by several kilometers, it can be seen very clearly. It is the most conspicuous landmark in this area!

Zooming in...

Gradually, under this landmark industrial area billboard, you can see four small black dots that are somewhat vague!

These four little black dots, the momentum is four people!

The first one had a cold face. Speaking carefully, his whole person is actually very ordinary, neither tall nor short. Not fat or thin, it belongs to the kind that is thrown into the crowd, and it is very likely that you will not be able to find it. The most special thing about the whole body should be those deep eyes!

It's strange that even though his body is extremely ordinary, as long as he is standing there. It will make people unable to stop paying attention to him!

At the same time, he will also have a kind of fear from the heart! !

Behind this man, two men and one woman stood side by side...

All three look very unique!

Women don't have to say it. With a graceful figure, a cold face, and a beautiful face, Rao is wearing a thick down jacket. And this can't hide the seductive aura emanating from her!

Next to this woman is a burly figure. He looks like a burly man with angry eyes in mythology! The whole body exudes a ferocious aura like a wild beast!

The last man was tall and thin, like a bamboo pole! It feels like it will fall down as long as the wind blows.

No surprises...

They were Xia Jian, Xu Leini, Feng Feng, and Lin Fan!


The four of them just stood quietly in the snow, looking at the direction of Pearl City in the distance!

Haven't moved in a long time...

It seems like four statues stand tall!

Of course, this is just an appearance. When you really get close to the four of them and observe closely, you will definitely find out. Among the four, Xia Jian and Xu Leini. And the expression of the storm is still normal, Gujing Wubo, if it is not open eyes, it will definitely make people think that they have fallen asleep!

But Lin Fan did not have the calmness of Xia Jian and the others! !

Although standing here...

But his palms in his trouser pockets were tightly squeezed into fists, and his eyes were full of urgency!

If he could enter Lin Fan's heart at this time, he would definitely hear that at this moment, the former No. 1 powerhouse in Pearl City was constantly nagging in his heart: "Why haven't you come yet! Why haven't you come yet! …”

What's going on?

Last night, weren't the four of them still discussing how to rescue Lin Fan's daughter?

Why did the four of them appear here at this time?

Indeed it is...

After last night's discussion, Xia Jian did make the decision to go to the bomb shelter as soon as possible to investigate!

For this decision, Lin Fan naturally agreed with both hands!

Even last night, I wanted to encourage Xia Jian to leave...

But Xia Jian is not Lin Fan!

It is not one or two things that need to be considered, but the overall situation...

For Xia Jian, it was important to investigate the bomb shelter, but the nearly 1,000 survivors in the building were equally important!

Comparing the two things, although the former is more important, it is more urgent to bring these nearly 1,000 survivors out of Pearl City!

For this, Xu Leini also agrees very much! !

After all, if Xia Jian's guess is true, if the mysterious powerhouse and the mastermind behind the control of nearly 10 million dark chasers are really the same person, if the two sides start a conflict, it will definitely affect the entire Pearl City!

If at that time, the nearly 1,000 survivors were still staying in Pearl City, it would definitely be a disaster!

What's more, it doesn't take much time to bring these survivors out of Pearl City!

One day is definitely enough!

As for the mysterious powerhouse in the air-raid shelter...

It's been so long since it happened anyway. From Xia Jian and Xu Leini's point of view, it shouldn't be a big problem after a day or two of delay!

As for Lin Dan! !

In the hearts of Xia Jian and Xu Leini, they should only be at the bottom of the list, and it should be considered a matter of convenience!

But Xia Jian and Xu Leini are not in a hurry, Lin Fan is in a hurry! !

It was his daughter who was trapped in the air-raid shelter. If you delay for a second, his daughter may be more dangerous!

Perhaps God heard the prayers in Lin Fan's heart! !

At noon...

In the white sky, on the snowy ground, there were more than a dozen very vague figures!

When he saw these figures, Xia Jian, who had been standing there for a long time without moving, finally blinked...

"Let's go! Go and see..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole person had turned into an afterimage. Rolling up snowflakes...

For a time, looking down from the sky, there was a vast expanse of snow before. Suddenly there was a snow dragon advancing rapidly!


The appearance of these dozens of figures is just the beginning...

Since they reached this industrial park...


On the distant ground level where the snow is the same color, teams of more than 20 people keep appearing one by one! !

They came from the direction of Pearl City, looking down from the sky, like ants, they kept gathering towards this industrial park...

soon. The team led by Xiao Han also appeared in these teams...

Then all the teams, all gathered under the huge billboard...


As for why this happens...

It turned out that since the departure this morning. The number of survivors who joined along the way turned out to be more than yesterday. Among them, there were even whole teams of other not weak forces to vote, which made the original team less than 1,000 people. It quickly surpassed a thousand. In the end, it directly broke through the number of 3,000!

Three thousand people! !

Perhaps lost in the entire Pearl City, it can only be regarded as a chestnut in the ocean!

nothing at all...

But don't forget, now is the end of the world! !

When the three thousand survivors gathered together, the huge popularity exuded was enough to attract the attention of the survivors within a radius of ten miles! !

Along the way, there are more and more frequent and more and more dark chasers. It also confirms this!

After getting close to the outer area of ​​Pearl City, this situation became more and more serious!

Downtown area after all. No matter how many dark chasers there are, the number is still limited!

But the outer area is different. You must know that in this small area, there are more than 10 million dark chasers...

If Xia Jianzhen took the 3,000-strong team and forced his way into this area...

Not to mention that it has attracted all these tens of millions of dark chasers!

As long as it attracts one million, or even one hundred thousand, ten thousand! Xia Jian is naturally not afraid, but the more than 3,000 survivors he has managed to collect, it is estimated that he has to follow the footsteps of the more than 3 million survivors in the military base 015!

This situation is obviously not what Xia Jian wants to see!

Finally, negotiate to negotiate...

There was really no other way. Under Xu Leini's suggestion, Xia Jian simply divided the 3,000 people into small teams, each of which was assigned an Evolver, who led the team. Go through this small group of dark chasers alone in the most dense area.

After passing through this area, gather together again, and then return to the base together! !

There is obviously a lot of risk in this arrangement!

And if there is no one to supervise, these people who have gathered too much under Xia Jian, may have many people scattered again!

But compared to gathering 3,000 people together, the safety factor of this method is obviously higher! !


Facts have also proved that Xia Jian's arrangement is correct! !

Waiting for the allotted time...

Xu Leini walked up to Xia Jian with a strange expression: "Boss, the statistics have been made..."

Seeing Xu Leini's expression, Xia Jian couldn't help but feel curious: "Why do you have this expression?"


Xu Leini smiled and said, "Guess how many people there are?"

"You let me guess?"

Before that, Xu Leini had been counting the number of survivors who could arrive this time!

Xia Jian has also been worried about whether the casualties will be too great...

But seeing Xu Leini's strange expression, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. If the casualties were too great, Xu Leini would definitely not be able to laugh!

"Is there not a lot of people?"


Xu Leini raised her eyebrows, showing that she was in a very good mood now. She raised four fingers and said, "Four thousand, I counted just now, and there are actually four thousand!!"

"I rely on..."

In addition to being excited, Xia Jian couldn't help but feel speechless. Before, he was still worried about whether the casualties would be too great! Absolutely did not expect such a result! !

There are nearly a thousand more people! !

Are there really so many survivors in Pearl City?

Why didn't I feel it when I was in Shenzhen and Hong Kong!


The reason why Xia Jian had this idea was because he had entered a misunderstanding before!

After all, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have experienced a nuclear explosion! Most buildings were destroyed in a nuclear explosion! Those citizens of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. A large number of people died in the nuclear explosion, and when they entered the apocalypse, they did not have a good hiding place. Another large number of dead! It would be strange if the number of remaining survivors increased! !

Compared to Shenzhen and Hong Kong...

This group of survivors in Pearl City will undoubtedly be much luckier!

Not only did they not experience a nuclear explosion, but the buildings in Pearl City were basically not damaged! You can hide for a while at any location, and since the layout of the city has not changed, relatively speaking. It is also easier and simpler to find food, and it is a matter of course that more human beings can survive by luck!

And that's just the obvious reason! !

Actually there is another reason. Xia Jian may have discovered it, but he did not contact this...

I still remember when I was in Shenzhen and Hong Kong...

Xia Jian not only has to face the dark chasers, the blood clan, but also those who are more numerous than the blood clan. Demons whose strength is even more terrifying than the blood race! !

It can be said. In Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the Demon Race is the real ruler!

This can be seen from the fact that the guardians of the demon race alone were able to completely suppress those blood races and dark chasers!

But in Pearl City, the situation is completely different...

Xia Jian searched Mingzhu City for more than a week, not only did he not encounter a single demon, but even the survivors living in Mingzhu City, even someone like Lin Fan who was very well-informed. I don't know any news about the demons!

They didn't even know there was a Demon Race! !

No demons! !

This undoubtedly gives the survivors in Pearl City the chance of surviving. A bit bigger than the survivors in Shenzhen and Hong Kong!


After sighing, Xia Jian thought of another question!

The number of people has increased, which can only prove that among them, there are survivors who have joined...

What happened to the original 3,000 casualties?

But what Xia Jian never expected was that the expression on Xu Leini's face became even weirder after hearing him ask such a question.

It took her a long time to come up with an unbelievable answer...

Thirteen people! !

Out of a total of nearly 3,000 survivors, only thirteen people were injured or killed! !

Moreover, these thirteen people, all of which were caused by their own carelessness...

What's even more incredible is that Xu Leini deliberately checked with all the captains. She found that during the process of dispersing out of the city this time, not a single team was actively attacked by the dark chasers! !

"How can it be!!!"

Xia Jian looked at Xu Leini incredulously, and before he knew it, even his voice was an octave higher!

No wonder Xia Jianhui was so surprised...

Because in Xia Jian's view, this is simply impossible...

You must know that Xia Jianke decided to break out the entire team and break through it because he was harassed and harassed by the dark chasers who kept coming out of the surrounding buildings! !

"I didn't believe it at first..."

Xu Leini's performance was much calmer than Xia Jian's. After all, she had confirmed it again and again: "But everyone said so!!"

After thinking about it, Xu Leini guessed: "Boss! Do you think the weather is good today, and it happened to be noon, so the group of dark chasers dared not come out?"

Xia Jian frowned and did not agree with Xu Leini's guess...

I don't know why, but with directness, he always felt that this matter was evil! !

But what was wrong, he couldn't say...

But just when Xia Jian was entangled in this issue...


Suddenly, there was a faint buzzing sound like a bee flapping its wings in the distance!

Hearing this voice, Xia Jian and Xu Leini, who were still struggling with the previous question, raised their eyebrows and looked in the direction of the voice! !

And they have the same behavior as the storm! !

The strange behavior of the three of them immediately caught the attention of Lin Fan who was standing beside them!

Just one more thought now!

Then Lin Fan also heard the voice, and curiously followed the voice and looked over...

At the beginning, Lin Fan was just curious...

But when he looked at this, his eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and he couldn't move them away...

It turned out that at this very moment, in the distant sky with the same color in the snow, there were actually more than ten black dots, lined up in a row, and suspended neatly in the air! !

"This is……"

When he saw the ten or so little black dots getting louder and louder on the connection, an unbelievable thought popped up in Lin Fan's mind: "Helicopter! This is a helicopter!!"

"Well! It's finally here..."

At this moment, Xu Leini's emotion suddenly came from the side! !

At the same time, there was Xia Jian's instructions: "Go and let everyone prepare, let the weaker ones go by helicopter later..."

Hearing Xia Jian and Xu Leini's words, Lin Fan's pupils suddenly widened, and he looked at Xia Jian in disbelief...


"If you are weaker, just take a helicopter?"

"Are these helicopters here to pick us up?"

Faced with Lin Fan's successive questions, Xia Jian nodded and said, "Yes!"

………………………………………………(To be continued..)

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