Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 216: :decisive battle

In the last battle, Xia Jian suffered a lot from the spiritual shock of the king-level blood family!

Although at that time, the mental shock of this intensity from the king-level blood clan would have caused any substantial damage to Xia Jian, but it could only make Xia Jian feel dizzy and have a splitting headache for a moment!

at this point……

In normal times, it may not have much impact on Xia Jian!

But if it's in battle...

But it can directly determine the outcome of the battle!

After all, the real masters fight, and the outcome is often in an instant!

That's what happened that night...

Whenever Xia Jian tried his best and finally rushed to the vicinity of this king-level blood clan, when he planned to give it a fatal blow, this king-level blood clan would be stuck in time and attack Xia Jian's spirit!

Then taking advantage of the time when Xia Jian was distracted, he directed the nearby vampires to quickly surround Xia Jian and attack him!

Xia Jian is not three heads and six arms after all!

In a hurry, facing the attacks of countless dark chasers, I can only cope with it, how can I go up to deal with the king-level blood clan!

we can even say……

That night Xia Jian's injuries all came from this!

At the same time, the king-level blood clan will also take advantage of the time when Xia Jian is dealing with the blood clan near him, to open the distance from Xia Jian again!


Xia Jian could only watch the king-level blood clan helplessly, and once again widened the distance from himself!

Looking helplessly, his previous efforts. It's all in vain...

That feeling of helplessness and lack of energy makes people feel hopeless!

After personally tasting this despairing feeling, if you don't find out how to deal with the king-level blood clan. This kind of mental shock method, how dare Xia Jian stand up again today?


Seeing that Xia Jianhua was transformed into a hurricane, wherever he went, it was destroyed, and all those who dared to stand in front of him, whether it was a dark chaser or a blood race, flew away...

The king-level blood clan is finally in a hurry!

Without any choice. King-level blood clan, can only stop again!

The sparkle in the eyes...

When he turned back, his lips parted slightly. A circle of mental fluctuations that can almost be seen with the naked eye, centered on it, quickly rushed towards Xia Jian!

King-level blood clan, this is trying to repeat the old trick. Launched a mental shock to Xia Jian!

It also does not want to hurt Xia Jian!

As long as it can stop Xia Jian a little. It's enough to let yourself fight to escape!


But Xia Jian has been waiting for the king-level blood clan's hand!

Seeing this king-level blood clan, I want to do this again!

Xia Jian, who had been burying his head in chasing before, kept his speed unabated, as if beckoning, and suddenly raised his right hand above his head!

next second...

Ye Tao's eyes suddenly opened, showing a hint of horror, as if he saw some kind of incredible scene!

What did he see?

turn out to be……

The moment Xia Jian raised his hand just now. Ye Tao actually saw a current that was visible to the naked eye. From nothing, it was fleeting on Xia Jian's arm!

Immediately afterwards, these looming lightning seemed to be suddenly given life, and quickly turned into an electric snake the size of a thumb, and quickly dashed into the sky!

During this period of time when it entered the air, the current was long in the wind. It only took less than a second to change from a faint current that was just visible to the naked eye to the thickness of the wrist, and one head drilled into the sky. in the thick clouds.

In an instant, lightning flashes in the sky! The situation changed!

"Che la la..."

I heard a thunderclap...

A bolt of lightning the thickness of a bucket, with unparalleled power in the world, slammed towards the king-level blood clan 100 meters away, and slammed down...


Just hear a bang!

Blue, dazzling electric current, madly raging at the explosion site!

The aftermath of the lightning current that splashed out, centered on the king-level blood family, quickly spread to a radius of 100 meters!

At this moment...

These blood clans who originally gathered around the king-level blood clan, under the stimulation of the strong current, their bodies trembled!

It's better to be far away, but at the moment when the current penetrates the body, the body suddenly numbs!

My body suddenly felt a little disobedient...

Seriously, it will twitch a few times!

But as long as you wait for a second or two, this feeling will quickly dissipate, and these dark chasers and vampires who are numb by the electric current will quickly resume their command of the body!

But compared to them, those blood clans who leaned a little closer, one by one, fell blood mold!

You know, this thunderbolt that fell from the sky is as thick as a bucket!

Being struck by such a flash of lightning...

These vampires were all covered in white smoke, and it was obvious that some parts of the body were scorched by the violent electric current!

And the heavier ones were directly pierced by a powerful current, and the body was instantly blown to pieces by this lightning bolt, and blood was dripping!

It looks appalling!

As for the royal blood clan...

It was struck by lightning, and it was already charred black at this time, and there was no good place on the whole body at all!

The whole thing looks like it was just drilled out of a coal hole!

How embarrassed it is to look!

If you get close, you can even smell a faint smell of meat in the air!


At this time, the king-level blood clan, the whole body has been numb with the strong electric current!

This time, don't say that there is another mental shock...

Under the stimulation of the electric current, its whole body froze there, and it was extremely difficult to even move its eyeballs!


Seeing this scene, Xia Jian sneered again and again!

Let you still have a mental shock, this time let you taste the taste that you can't move!

Seeing this once-in-a-lifetime event, I thought about it day and night, looking forward to the opportunity for almost a week. When he finally appeared in front of him, Xia Jian naturally wouldn't let it go...

Taking advantage of the nearby vampires, they are all under the blow of the current. The moment his body was stiff and his movements were blocked, Xia Jian's figure once again turned into a hurricane!

Waving the double-edged giant axe in his hand, with unparalleled power, it looks like a ferocious monster from the prehistoric wilderness, heading straight for the king-level blood clan protected by many blood clans in the center!


However, the king-level blood family, although they are good at it. It's just a mental attack and control, but after all, he is a blood clan with king-level strength! !

**No matter how bad it is, it won't go anywhere!


The current king-level blood clan. Being struck by this lightning bolt, on the surface, although it gives the impression of being very embarrassed. The whole person also seems to be burnt!

But actually. This is just an appearance...

In fact, although the thunderbolt with the thickness of the bucket completely smashed into the body of the king-level blood clan, everyone was not injured at all!


Even the king-level vampire who was struck by lightning from the sky was like this!

Those blood clans gathered around the king-level blood clan, not to mention needless to say...

After all, since they can be selected by the king-level blood clan, they can protect themselves. This itself shows that these blood races must be thick-skinned and thick-skinned. The kind that is extremely resistant!

In addition, Xia Jian's attack target is not them!

This current, it is really difficult to have any effect on them...

It's not...

Seeing that Xia Jian was going to pounce on the king-level blood clan again!

Xia Jian just moved here...

These blood clans who were still in the same place just now roared angrily, moved again, and rushed towards Xia Jian frantically...

It's just that compared to before, the movements of these blood clans are now a lot stiffer...

But this did not prevent them from appearing one by one on Xia Jian's only path.

If Xia Jian wants to attack the king-level blood clan!

Then you must rush through the line of defense that is all composed of general-level blood clans in front of you!

"Can it be successful?"

Seeing this scene, even as an enemy, Ye Tao couldn't help but sweat for Xia Jian in his heart! !

Although there is already previous experience, those who were hit by Xia Jian before, after all, are only the cannon fodder that only looks at the soldier level with some strength!

Don't say Xia Jian!

Many people ask themselves, although they can't be as spectacular and thorough as Xia Jian, these dark chasers will definitely not be able to stop them!

All of this can be attributed to the fact that Xia Jian's strength is strong enough!

But now?

Now those who stand in front of Xia Jian are all general blood races!

Among them, there are also a large number of blood corpse kings who are huge and good at strength!

not only that……

Around the king-level blood clan, there are four more terrifying bodies than the blood corpse king, and the muscles are stronger, powerful blood clan, and guard the king-level blood clan behind him!

no doubt……

If Xia Jian wants to attack the king-level blood clan!

You must pass through the line of defense composed of these blood races!

In Ye Tao's opinion, even if he admits that Xia Jian is indeed stronger than himself, he still refuses to believe that Xia Jian can rush through these blood clans and successfully attack the king-level blood clan!


However, just when Ye Tao thought that Xia Jian would be entangled by these blood clans and fell into a hard fight...

The strange scene just now appeared again!

No matter how these blood races want to block Xia Jian, even those blood corpse kings who are huge and powerful. But as long as they stand in the way of Xia Jian's only way, all the blood clans, often as long as they come into contact with Xia Jian, their whole body will be like a kite with a broken string. fly out...

That's right!

These blood clans who stood in the way of Xia Jian's only way, regardless of body size and tonnage, regardless of ability, all ended up being knocked out by Xia Jian without exception!

He didn't even want to delay Xia Jian for half a moment!

If those dark chasers flew out like this before, Ye Tao was just surprised!

At that moment, he felt incredible and shocked!

You must know that these blood clans have the strength of generals, and they are still the best in the generals!

Be yourself!

Even in the face of such a blood clan, I am afraid there will be some difficulties in dealing with it!

But now...

These blood clans couldn't even cause Xia Jian a little trouble!


Subsequently. Ye Tao has made a new discovery!

He found that these blood races, and the previous dark chasers. Although the distance that Xia Jian hit and flew out was very far, I felt a great impact!

But in fact, when they fell to the ground and rolled on the ground for a few laps, they quickly got back up from the ground!

There is no change in flexibility!

It can be seen that these dark chasers and blood clans were not in the collision just now. How much hurt!

It's almost impossible for this to happen in normal times!

But now it happens...

To Ye Tao, it was like before Xia Jian came into contact with these vampires and dark chasers. In front of him, there is an invisible force, one step ahead, to bounce them away!

"In addition to being a mutant of the lightning system. Is this Xia Jian still a mutant of the spiritual system?"

Ye Tao was in his heart. He couldn't help but have such a thought, even he himself felt the unbelievable idea!

As for why you think so...

Xia Jian is a mutant of the lightning system, which Ye Tao has basically confirmed! (At least Ye Tao himself has identified it!)

After all, Ye Tao had seen it with his own eyes, and Xia Jian released a bolt of lightning!

The speculation that Xia Jian is a mutant of the spiritual system stems from the current situation...

Now these blood clans. Before contacting Xia Jian, they were bounced off one after another. Isn't it like being bounced off by Xia Jian with mental power?

When Xia Jiang first appeared before, the bullets flew to nearly a hundred dark chasers, which seemed to confirm this!

Before this, Ye Tao was fortunate enough to have met several spiritual mutants!

Among them, there are many people who have the ability to control things!

It's just that none of those spiritual mutants can achieve the level of Xia Jian!

If this conjecture holds true...


Ye Tao felt his heart skip a beat!

If Xia Jian is really a mutant of both the spirit and lightning systems, then it seems that there is a real possibility of success in the battle against the king-level blood clan in front of him! !


No matter how shocked Ye Tao was...

On the other hand, look at the two sides fighting in the camp!

After Xia Jian accelerated again and launched a sprint...

Even a large number of blood clans tried their best to block him!

But Xia Jian still took less than a few seconds to break through the siege and blockade of these blood clans, and rushed to the king-level blood clan, less than ten meters away...

Time seems to stand still at this moment...

The two figures who were looking at each other just now, looked at each other!

Xia Jian's line of sight is full of confidence and fury!

As for the king-level blood family, this time, it seems to be a little lacking in confidence. It only looked at Xia Jian for a while, and its eyes were a little evasive...

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the appearance of the king-level blood clan, Xia Jian couldn't help laughing, and he laughed wildly!

In an instant, the momentum skyrocketed...

The deterrent violent aura contained in the king-level powerhouse radiated from Xia Jian's body and instantly enveloped the audience!

Under this furious atmosphere...

Ye Tao was dumbfounded!

The shock in his eyes had long since disappeared, replaced by horror and fear!

"King... king level..."

He stretched out his hand, exaggerated his mouth, pointed at Xia Jian, and even stuttered when he spoke!

The dark chasers and vampires, who were restless before, also stopped in place!

Under Xia Jian's violent aura, there was a rare hint of fear in their crazy blood-red eyes!

Similar to them are the king-level blood clan!

It's just that its reaction speed is much faster than these dark chasers...


Just saw it screeching...

Before everyone had recovered, their bodies suddenly hung in the air without warning, and at an extremely fast speed, they quickly retreated in the air...

This king-level blood family is really timid!

After discovering that Xia Jian's strength had reached the king level, he chose to escape immediately!



In fact, I wanted to run away long ago!

It was only halfway through that I was interrupted by Xia Jian!


But in the past few days, Xia Jian spent so much time trying to lure this king-level blood clan out, how could it let it escape so easily!

"Want to run?"

Hearing Xia Jian snorted coldly: "Try to eat my axe first..."

Followed by the king-level blood clan who flew and retreated quickly, they chased after him...

Wait until the right distance!

Xia Jian sneered, swung the double-edged axe in his hand, poured his whole body into the axe, and slashed Huashan with a single strike, and slashed the king-level blood clan in front of him!


There was a loud explosion of thunder in the flat ground, and the axe with huge strength actually broke through the speed of sound in an instant!

The violent air flow frantically swept out from the axe...

In the face of this unparalleled axe!

Ye Tao shook his head...

At this moment, he seems to have seen that the head of this king-level blood clan, under Xia Jian's axe, was split in half like a watermelon!


No wonder Ye Tao thought so!

Facing the axe that was slashing towards his head at a rapid rate!

The king-level blood clan did not evade, nor did they make any resistance...

Just stay in the same place stupidly!

It gives the impression that it has been fooled by the lightning strike from Xia Jian just now, just staring at the axe blade, it is getting bigger and bigger in the pupil...


However, just when Xia Jian's axe was about to touch the head of this king-level blood clan...

The incredible thing happened again!


With the deafening roar of the king-level blood In the sound waves that swept out like a 12th-level gust of wind, the axe that condensed Xia Jian's whole body, unexpectedly stopped strangely!

And it's still the same way, which changed from rapid to static in an instant, and stopped abruptly at a distance of less than ten centimeters from the head of the king-level blood clan!

at the same time……

With the roar of the king-level blood clan, the blood clans who originally rushed over from all directions, wanting to protect the king-level blood clan, seemed to suddenly hit an invisible wall!

Their bodies, once again out of control, lifted off the ground one after another, and flew out upside down...

"It's a control object!"

"This king-level blood clan used mental power to control Xia Jian's axe!!"

Seeing this strange scene, Ye Tao understood what happened after just a little thought!

……………………………………………………(To be continued..)

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