In the midst of everyone’s shocked gaze, Chen Bai flicked his wrist and thought for a while

“The power is not small! It is estimated that there must be more than 50 points of strength, which is worthy of ‘meat mountain’! ”

Such a force, if it weren’t for Chen Bai’s evolution of the black light virus in the past few days, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to resist it.

However, even if he resisted now, the soreness in his arm made his physique up to 48 still slightly unbearable!

The strength of the mutant made Chen Bai’s eyes narrow slightly!

In fact, the real strength of Roshan is still secondary, and the real horror is undoubtedly the terrifying physique that has accumulated layers on his body!

However, as most people think, in general, the size of the body will also be reduced!

Mind you, it’s just flexibility, not speed!

Just now, the speed displayed by this Roshan had already shocked Lu Li and the others!

Of course, they are too weak and have too low attributes, so in their eyes, this bulky mountain of meat is still extremely fast.

However, what Chen Bai is best at is speed.

He flicked his sour right hand, and the next moment, black scales instantly covered the entire palm.

Three sharp claws suddenly stretched out on the back of the hand, like three extremely sharp steel knives!

This strange picture made everyone who had not yet recovered from the scene just now stunned!

What the hell is wrong with this world!?

First such a terrifying monster, and now it is such a weirdo who appeared out of nowhere, and his strength is so strong!

The world is becoming more and more unreal!

However, Song Ziqiong’s eyes widened.

They are more receptive than ordinary people, although such a huge mountain of meat still makes them feel physically uncomfortable and terrified

However, the invincibility that Chen Bai showed before gave them confidence!

And that’s exactly what happened!

If it is a simple fist-to-meat confrontation, Chen Bai estimates that if he fights with this meat mountain for ten minutes, he may not be able to withstand it.

Bleeding from internal organs and muscle collapse is certain.

Even the punch that tried this Roshan just now was already very risky and made Chen Bai uncomfortable.

However, if he wanted to speculate on the strength of the mutant, Chen Bai also had that confidence.

And now, how to play to their advantages and deal with such a mutant, no one is more experienced than Chen Bai!

‘Ghost Claw! ’

Chen Bai’s heart was silent!

The next moment, on the pitch-black zombie claw, a ghostly ghostly shadow wrapped around it.

At the same time, Chen Bai’s figure disappeared in place almost instantly.

Everyone, including the huge mountain of meat, did not find out how Chen Bai disappeared for the first time!

This is their visual ability, which can no longer keep up with Chen Bai’s speed!

Too fast!

Really fast!

Chen Bai himself was even taken aback!

His agility, with the awakening of the black light virus, reached 48 points!

After wearing the zombie claw, the agility has increased by 10 points again!

At the same time, he activated his own skill ‘Ghost Claw’ on the Zombie Claw! Agility has skyrocketed by 10 points again! At the same time, there is a 20% shot speed!

68 points of agility!

Such a speed is no longer something that can be captured by the naked eye at will!

With such speed, as long as it can break through the defenses of this mountain of meat.

Then, this behemoth, for Chen Bai, is like a fish meat placed on a cutting board!

‘Whoosh! ’

The dark shadow is like a wisp of black wind!

Before everyone could react, above the belly entangled by that huge mountain of flesh, a huge wound with gray-white fat and oil clearly visible underneath had appeared!

However, the person who created this wound still had no way to see the slightest!


The terrifying roar, even if it is thousands of meters away, even if it is sitting in the car, it still makes people only feel that their eardrums hurt!

But at this moment, no one cares about this, everyone’s eyes are looking over there, looking at the mountain of meat over there!

‘Swoosh, swish, swish! ’

Clear sound, like the sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air!

The defense that the submachine gun bullets and grenade shrapnel could not hurt it, under that pitch-black claw, it was like a paper knife facing paper!

Every time the black shadow slashes!

Rolled flesh, split fat, bursting black and red blood!

What is this huge mountain of meat that has just been terrifying in their eyes, which can be called unrivaled, like at this moment?!

Among these people, Lu Li, who has the strongest ability to form words, gave an appropriate answer at the first time!

Ding Xie Niu!

It’s just that this cow is not a dead cow, but a super big rhinoceros that is still alive, even jumping alive!

However, that figure, every time it passes, is as elegant and precise as dismemberment! It’s like the difference between slaughter and surgery.

Although zombies will not die due to physical injuries, just as ordinary zombies are unloaded their arms and legs, their strength will be greatly reduced!

All the weaknesses and fatal points of zombies are always in the place of the brain!

However, even though Chen Bai had such a ghost-like speed, he was still patiently like a poisonous snake slowly injecting venom, and after injecting, he quietly waited for the death of his prey on the side!

In the last life, I don’t know how many evolutionaries with extremely fast self-supporting speed, under the speed and flexibility of facing the crushing speed and flexibility of Roshan Mountain, rashly launched an attack on Roshan Skull, wanting to kill with one hit!

But what is the result!?

Most of them have become part of Roshan nutrition!

The speed is fast, but also use the borrowing point, in the air, there is no borrowing point to accelerate the burst and divert direction to dodge! Once blocked, you will surely die!

Mutants, if they are just a bulky sandbag, then they cannot survive on this blue star with human evolutionaries, mutant beasts, etc.!

And that’s exactly what happened!

It seemed that he was finally angered by Chen Bai and completely crazy, and this huge mountain of meat suddenly roared!

Then in an instant, at the position of its back, countless balls of flesh and sarcoma were stirring.

One arm after another, as if struggling out of it.

Even the head, which was the weak point of the zombie, struggled to appear in the back of the head!

However, Chen Bai, who had already expected these Chen Bai, only smiled coldly.

Sharp claws, like the most patient slicer.

In ancient times, there was a special punishment called lingchi.

Ling Chi’s executioner is the most superb knife art!

And now, Chen Bai was as patient as an ancient executioner.

Crazy mountains of meat, crazy destroying everything that can be seen.

However, it was that black shadow, as if it was a joke, and there was no way to make it angry!


Huge chemical factory buildings, and thus collapsed!

However, at this moment, up and down that meat mountain, there is not the slightest good place!

Finally, Chen Bai’s eyes flashed, and the moment when the latter’s movements were slowed down because of this, the twelve big hands and big mouths behind him curled up because of this.

Finally burst out, a leap! Stepped on Roshan on the shoulders!

This was the first time that Chen Bai appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

The black-clothed figure that instantly soared into the sky, the black ‘blood-stained trench coat’ hunting, at this moment, at the moment when the sunset in the sky was about to fall into the sky

This black-clothed figure covered the light of the last setting sun.

As if draped in a dark red brilliance!

Then, this figure, that pitch-black claw, stretched out instantly!

A huge head that runs through this mountain of flesh!

And then,

Chen Bai’s figure fell abruptly, and he didn’t even look back at the flesh mountain, and the dark ‘zombie claw’ in his hand slowly retracted and disappeared.

Along with this, the huge mountain of meat behind him crashed to the ground!

The sun set, and the earth slowly fell into darkness

But it can’t make everyone thousands of meters away move their eyes.


Ask for a monthly pass for flowers….

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