110Chapter Base City

110Chapter Base City

After a short time, Chu Tian followed the route on the map to the base city, the base city is currently the largest gathering of humans, which is also very prosperous, and the city before the arrival of the end of the world is no different.

Of course, along the way, Tian also eradicated a lot of zombies, Coconut Dream Plus is also absorbed a pain, she also got a lot of growth, it is estimated that soon can evolve to the mature stage.

“I wonder what this Coconut Mongaard looks like in human form.”

“What will hatch next time?”

Along the way, Chu Tian looked at the coconut Mongaard, very much looking forward to her after the change, after all, Kidola is already so beautiful, then in the monster period than Kidola a little more normal-looking Coconut Mongaard will become what it looks like!

An exciting thing to look forward to indeed!

And the coconut dream is a giant snake, that into human form is not able to become a beauty snake!

Chu Tian think about the expectation, this time he thought of Su Mei, I wonder how Su Mei. What happened in the villa area a few days ago made him a bit worried, if someone breaks into the villa again, it will be a bit of a problem.

But then he thought of Su Juan is already a strong person who has competed for two genetic locks, should be considered not weak, there should not be many can be her opponent.

It is estimated that the current Su Mei met Huang An kind of strength, there is also the possibility of a battle.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian put his mind at ease.

Now the biggest task is to quickly upgrade their strength, that the fifth genetic lock should be accelerated to break, you must quickly become stronger, so as to have the ability to protect Su Mei.


Chu Tian thought of his two invincible little guys, with those two little guys in, it is estimated that breaking into this world will not be a big problem.

Thinking about it, the walls of the base city came into Chu Tian’s eyes.

The base city is a huge city surrounded by a siege, is the ancient war left behind the walls of the city, the circular walls around the entire city, the city only two front and back gates, and the left and right two small doors to access.

The base city is a developed city before the end of the world, the ancient city walls have become the landscape for people to visit. I didn’t expect to become a weapon to defend against zombies, when a large wave of zombies came, people living outside the walls were quickly wiped out by zombies.

Only the people within the city walls survived, and then one by one there were surviving people who fled to the base city, so the base city gradually became the current appearance.

The various facilities in the city are fully equipped, completely self-sufficient, of course, the city will regularly organize search teams to go out to collect supplies and survivors.

The base city has become a paradise under the end of the world, where we do not even feel the threat of zombies, and can freely enjoy the same peaceful days as before.

The old city wall outside the base city, there are a lot of zombies floating on it, it is the zombies attracted by the people in the city, they are wandering outside the city wall all day long, eyeing the people inside the wall.

“Glacier Rift Sword!”

To get into the city, you must go through the thick swarm of corpses, in this post-apocalyptic world can not expect others to help you, so Chu Tian summoned the Glacier Rift Sword, he wanted to go through the swarm of corpses!

The ice blue sword immediately appeared in Chu Tian’s hand, the upper side also wafted a burst of cold air, the sword appeared, the surrounding air temperature seems to have lowered a few degrees.

Come on”, let me go to this base city to see!” Chu Tian low drink a sentence, then immediately rushed towards the direction of the city gate, he is now a strong person who has broken the fourth genetic lock, the speed is also naturally very fast.

Soon, Chu Tian arrived at the city gate, and a large number of zombies started to notice Chu Tian and rushed in his direction without any thought.

This wall around the city but gathered hundreds of thousands of zombies, this number of corpses together madly rushed over, the sound is very good, almost like a small earthquake, the footsteps have alarmed the people in the city, people do not know what is happening outside the city.

Chu Tian looked at the gate of the base city some distance away, smoothly cut off a zombie, in that zombie’s disconnected place, there are dense and tiny ice crystals, that is exactly the effect of the glacier rift sword.

Chu Tian’s speed is extremely fast, almost every second can solve a few zombies, many zombies will be surrounded by him, but not able to hurt him.

…… request flowers ………

“Hey! Look, there’s a man trying to break into the city gates! “The guard on the wall also noticed Chu Tian’s arrival, and his leisurely nap time was disturbed by the noise created by the zombie.

He inadvertently looked towards the city, found a large number of zombies will be surrounded by a person, a dense mass of zombies into a group around, so that people have no way to see the person’s situation.

According to the normal situation, surrounded by so many zombies, must have died, but the zombie group is still gradually advancing, which is the proof that the one in the middle is not bitten to death by zombies.

“This man is crazy! What kind of person enters the city like this!” Another guard looked down and exclaimed.

Because of the large number of zombies surrounding the city, the best way to enter the city is by helicopter or car, before the zombies do not notice, immediately rushed into the city.

No one has ever been able to come down to the city and walk into it by himself!

There were surviving, hungry people around who wanted to enter the base city, and they rushed to the city gates regardless, but it didn’t take them long to become the zombies’ dinner.

Do we “want to help him? ” the guard asked, admiring the bravery of Chu Tian, who always wanted to do something for the survivors.

“Help, my ass! Surrounded by so many zombies, even if you can walk to the city gates, you would have become a zombie!” Another guard did not think, in this post-apocalyptic world, too kind-hearted will also harm themselves.

“Yeah, even if we go to the city now and call the security team people, it’s too late.” The good-hearted guard also sighed, “It’s a pity, he killed so many zombies.

Chu Tian’s bravery did make them marvel, because at this time the zombie swarm was still gradually advancing toward the city gates, and the zombie swarm passed by, leaving countless zombie “corpses” on both sides.

This is just two guards on the walls of the boring life of a relief thing, even if Chu Tian died outside the city, they will not have much feeling, after all, have seen a lot of dead people.

But for some reason, looking at the slowly advancing herd of zombies, they still clench their fists, cold sweat emerges from the palms of their hands, silently praying for the young man.

“It’s not even close! “Son.

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