130Chapter Huang Wei!

130Chapter Huang Wei!

Looking at the people frozen in front of him, Chu Tian smiled and played with his bat to return to the Chu family, “Since no one dares to come anymore, then let’s all disperse! I’ll go back and take a nap!” He yawned and walked back to the house, yesterday he was tormented by Yemengarde, today it is time to sleep well.

“You brat! “Huang An saw his men are afraid to go up, he was lying on the ground gritting his teeth, why this guy can be so strong! Why this guy can this strength! He couldn’t believe it, and didn’t want to believe it, this kid came up against him and took what he wanted.

Even, also his most respected brother was seriously injured, this is the most unacceptable thing to him! Huang An was born inferior to Huang Ping, he felt that Huang Ping is his life’s biggest “zero-20” target, and he may not be able to surpass Huang Ping, but the figure in front of him collapsed inadvertently!

Huang An naturally watched the duel between Huang Ping and Chu Tian, Huang Ping could be said to be defenseless, being abused by Chu Tian from the beginning to the end, and afterwards, he was so angry by Chu Tian on the city wall that he vomited blood. This made him very unhappy, his most respected brother! He was in such a bad shape under Chu Tian!

How can he still take Huang Ping as his target in the future! This let him how the Huang family in the future in the base city foothold, this let him after how also have the face in the base city to flaunt the power!

“Die! Chu Tian!” Huang An thought more and more angry, he stood up, gripped his bat, smiled and jumped towards Chu Tian, and swung a bat hard at Chu Tian, the bat used all his strength, with a roaring sound, Chu Tian hit, look at the weight, this bat can kill a wild boar.

“Alas, why do you still want to resist at this point.” Chu Tian stood still, quietly raised his right hand, and steadily caught the bat that came down, the bat was metal, no one dared to catch it, but Chu Tian just effortlessly caught it.

“You… …Huang An with an incredulous look, his right hand began to vaguely pain, he remembered the day Chu Tian bent his arm again. But to be able to catch a fist was not surprising, but to be able to catch a bat was too much of a stretch!

This is a solid bat made of steel, normal people may not be able to lift it, let alone catch it with one hand like Chu Tian!

“You what you ah! I’ll teach you today what it means not to be a hero! “Chu Tian took hold of Huang An’s bat and swung it gently, and Huang An was thrown into the sky, then Chu Tian raised the bat and swung it 360 degrees, and Huang An followed the bat with a scream.

“Let go of ah young master!” Huang An’s men shouted, Huang An does not let go will certainly be always so turn around and grab ah!

“Ahem! Right! “Huang An then realized his current situation, immediately he let go of his hand, but to his surprise, due to inertia, in the moment of letting go, he flew out.

“Ahhhhh-!” As Huang An’s miserable screams became smaller and smaller, Huang An flew into the distance.

“Young master ..seems to fly! “Huang An’s men looked at Huang An, I do not know why, the heart felt quite good!

“You guys! Get the hell out of here! Don’t come to Su’s house to pick a fight in the future!” Chu Tian threw the bat in front of Huang An’s men, who immediately turned around and tried to escape.

“The Su family’s new son-in-law, you’ve got a lot of nerve! Dare to throw my son out!” A voice came from the place where Huang An came, that voice with a profound aura, the bottom of the air, let people listen to some chills.

“Old, old master!” Huang An’s men immediately retreated, lowering their heads and retreating to the side to make way.

Immediately after, a man came over, this man is very shape, than Huang Ping is also a circle, almost like a stand up bear, I have to say, this Huang family genes but really good, a stronger than one! He carried in his hand like a chicken to carry has fainted Huang An, gently thrown, thrown to his men.

The men immediately catch Huang An, just this time take good care of Huang An words, maybe back to some less chastisement.

“What are you?” Chu Tian looked at the approaching big bear “”, although the other side is almost a head taller than him, but he did not have a little fear, he coldly asked.

“This is the master of the Huang family, Huang Wei, the father of Huang Ping and Huang An, is one of the top experts in the base city,” Su Yu came over just right, close to Chu Tian’s ear and said the information of the Huang family.

“So it’s the old thing from the Huang family! Come to pick up your son back? ” Chu Tian said, others are afraid of him, but he is not afraid of this old thing!

“You kid, you hurt my two sons, and your tone is still so bad! It seems really lack of discipline! It seems that I have to teach you a lesson today for the old man of the Su family, since the dream to other people’s homes, we must take into account the face of others! Do not be so out of line!” Huang Wei arms clutching his chest, the tone of a strong lesson Chu Tian.

“You be careful of this old man, it is said that he can open the zombie with his bare hands, the power is very strong. Forget about it today.” Su Yu immediately posted over to persuade Chu Tian, afraid that Chu Tian suffered a loss today, this Huang Wei is a powerful base city of experts ah!

Chu Tian is holding out his hand, indicating Su Yu back, he is not afraid of this Huang Wei, although the system shows that he is a master of breaking the four genetic locks, but he is not Chu Tian this kind of fast breaking the four genetic locks, the strength should be inferior to Chu Tian.

And even worse, Chu Tian still has the bottom card, the poison of Yemengad is enough to instantly kill six genetic locks of experts, Yemengad physical strength is also enough to rival the seven genetic locks of people. Since the Huang family is now at odds with the Su family, and Chu Tian recently had to go out of town to pick up Su Mei, this time since the Huang Wei came, it can not let him go.


Chu Tian eyes with a cold flash, he put his hands behind his back, the glacier Rift Valley sword in his hand appeared, the other side of the strength and his difference is not so big, so we must go all out.

“Stop it old man, what do you want today, if you want to do it, then hurry up and come!” Chu Tian said indifferently, since the decision to let him stay, then there is no need to be polite.

“Hahahaha, what do I want? Today! I want your life! “Huang Wei laughed out loud, then he shook his arm, the iron ring fell from his sleeves, the thick little back cover, clanking sound at the same time also came over.

This is exactly Huang Wei’s weapon! With these iron rings, Huang Wei can knock down a wall with one arm!

He instantly rushed towards Chu Tian!

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