298Chapter Mo asks about the future

298Chapter Mo asks about the future

Song mother now also do not know what their future is like, she only knows that their grandson is likely to have an accident, if they can not handle this matter, not to get the grandfather’s forgiveness, afraid that the old grandfather will not be willing to take in their own, after all, the old master is now angry, and so many people here to watch their own always can not be any punishment, so the peace of mind.

After all, he smelled such a big disaster, the family made such a big loss, how to say this old master is unlikely to forgive themselves, so they must be careful, and they now hope to change such 25things, I really hope that the grandfather can forgive himself.

Unfortunately forgiving yourself is not a very easy thing, after all, the grandfather is now angry to death, if you are not able to change these words, I’m afraid that when the time comes there will really be some accidents, and now they are not at all hopeful.

When the master really feel particularly angry because of this matter, and throw himself out, and let his grandson also have no old feet place so he must survive, at least he has to give his grandson a place to live.

If you are alive and pretend to die, then these grandchildren you will certainly leave a shadow, and grandson alone in the life here must be particularly difficult, when my grandson is so small, how can live independently, it will not take much time to starve to death.

After thinking about this scene, Suma has decided to live, or at least he must let his grandson live a special happy life.

Of course, if you can put your own grandson to settle down, even if they die they are no regrets, in his eyes the little guy really has inherited all his hopes.

All his hopes have been pinned on this man, so he can’t let this little one not get sick, and he can’t drag this poor innocent child down with him.

This child is really too boring, too poor some, and has been considered their family’s only hope their family is counting on this child to grow up to become an adult after the glory of the ancestors.

So he must take good care of this child, recently the child is really important, if they can take good care of this child, in fact, everything is considered complete, their own heart is actually particularly happy, can take care of this child is really more important than anything else.

“Children, I do not know if I can survive, is life or death, depending on today’s. I don’t know if I can save my own life, and I don’t know if I can protect you.


PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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