468Chapter Strange Phenomena in the Medical Center

468Chapter Strange Phenomena in the Medical Center

Just”, for your sake I’ll believe him, and I believe you should not lie to me, in that case, then I’ll pack up I’ll go out.” A Yan nodded, then turned around and left.

She was not really angry, so naturally it is not to continue to talk about it, because they also know that wasting too much time, in fact, there is no use, and they can specially come to find themselves, in fact, let themselves quite touched, so they do not want to waste so much time, can go out to play for a while, naturally a while, but because yesterday is really not enough fun, so it is Will have such a thought.

Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief: “I do not know how it happened, why she so listen to your words? But I should not be thinking about the thing, at least to now not to find my trouble, I have thanked God, you really is my good brother, ah, the key time still depends on you, otherwise I really but to be finished.”

He really convinced this woman, how to their own as if they have a grudge as confident, not yet to his little sister to get his hands on, on their own so kind of treatment, if they are to abduct Yan Yu to the hand, a smoke this time the woman will not want to kill themselves, right?

If in addition to this reason, they now also do not know what reason can make him so to himself, he seems to have done nothing to provoke him, and also has been for that philandering young master things in helping her, so she should be no reason to treat himself so, if quiet, if not because he robbed the little sister, then why so to himself?

“It’s you to have nothing to provoke it, what does it have to do with me, if you can be as honest as I am, want to say to you, should also be quite useful,” Su Chusheng said indifferently.

It is not too big, always like to flirt with people’s words, it is not so much to be so bullied by others now, old know when he was small so bullying others, now grow up retribution is always back, so they do not want to help at all, otherwise it is really too bad, and a waste of their time, they really will not help him.

…… request flowers.0

“You two stop talking, in fact, in the boss’s heart you are all equally important, but may say Su Gongzi is a little more stable, and Liu Gongzi acted as the one who fought behind the boss’s back.” Yan Yu this time thought about saying.


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!


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