Chapter 006 You are so brave, I suggest you go to play with zombies

The warehouse is very large, Lin Fan casually took a look, there are many kinds of food inventory, even if Lin Youyou ate for a month, it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Lin Fan plans to use the hospital as a base, and then radiate the whole city, then the whole country, and then the whole world!

The hospital is a very good choice, there are a lot of restaurants around, there is no need to worry about this piece of food in a short time, Lin Fan is confident of establishing a new order and kingdom!

In a chaotic world, and with such a powerful ability, if there is no ambition, it is really a disgrace to the system, and also to live up to the power of the body!

“Hey! What are you doing! ”

Eating chicken legs, coldly hearing the sound coming from behind him, Lin Fan turned his head and looked at Lin Youyou, who rushed to the front and was still carrying the iron rod, Lin Fan’s heart moved.

The first subordinate, let’s start with this woman.

“What am I doing that you can’t see?” Tell you one thing, from now on, you belong to my personal property, you have the right to choose to refuse, and the consequence is that you will be thrown out to feed the zombies. ”

After saying that, Lin Fan took some food, ignored Lin Youyou, and ate it by himself.

He hadn’t eaten anything in the past half a day, patronizing the zombie killing, and now his stomach was very hungry, and when he was full, he still had to clean up the zombies, earn points and improve the level of special abilities.

The Lv4’s magnetic grip is powerful, but it’s not enough to counter missiles, not to mention the horror of the nation’s nuclear weapons.

Lin Youyou’s side was already confused, the thing she was most worried about had happened, this man wanted to occupy her warehouse, not only that, but also treat her as a personal item, which she could not accept!

Looking at Lin Fan with her back to herself, Lin Youyou clenched the iron rod in her hand, she was not willing to become a plaything, otherwise, before the end of the world, with her beauty, she could live a high-quality life, but she did not.

She’s going to fight! Her confidence is this iron rod in her hand, and the other party is still facing away from him, if she suddenly attacks, even if it is a big man, it will not be her opponent at all, as long as she knocks this man unconscious and throws it out, she can continue her previous life!

Step by step carefully approaching Lin Fan, Lin Youyou’s heart was tense, and the hand holding the iron rod sweated a lot.

Looking at Lin Fan who was close at hand, Lin Youyou plucked up his courage and forcefully raised the iron rod and waved it at Lin Fan’s neck.

The iron rod was waved down with a whistling wind, Lin Fan’s fingers moved slightly, several silver rays flashed, the sharp knife tore through the air, and with a slight sound, the iron rod was cut off by a section, and when Lin Youyou’s arm fell, the iron rod in his hand was only less than three centimeters short.

Looking at the small iron rod left in her hand, Lin Youyou was confused, she couldn’t imagine what was happening, she was so long an iron rod?

Slowly turning around, looking at Lin Youyou, who was looking sluggish, Lin Fan said expressionlessly: “You are very courageous, since you chose to refuse, then I had to feed you to the zombies.” ”

Saying, without giving Lin Youyou time to react, with a stroke of his hand, Lin Youyou floated up uncontrollably.

“What’s going on, you…. What have you done to me? ”

Lin Youyou looked panicked, facing such a supernatural event, she was a little unable to accept it for a while.

Ignoring the woman, Lin Fan walked to the door, the supermarket door automatically opened, followed by Lin Youyou’s figure flew out, rolling several times before crashing into the corpse of a zombie.

Looking coldly at Lin Youyou outside, the door of the supermarket was closed, and there were already zombies coming towards this side not far away.

Thrown violently on the ground, looking at the corpses around her, Lin Youyou could not take care of the pain on her body, screamed, and climbed up in fear, before she could stand still, she saw a scene that made her sluggish.

As far as the eye could see, the ground was full of fallen corpses, and the heads of these corpses all exploded, thinking of Lin Fan’s strange ability just now, Lin Youyou suddenly had an idea in his heart.

These…. Shouldn’t it all be killed by that man?


The zombie smelled the smell of the living and let out a low roar, Lin Youyou quickly looked behind him, a hundred meters away, dozens of zombies rushed towards this side, vicious faces, teeth full of flesh and blood residue, how terrifying!

The thought that he would be eaten alive by these zombies made Lin Youyu shudder.

“No…. Don’t, I don’t want to die! ”

Lin Youyou was terrified and quickly turned around and ran towards the supermarket door, but the supermarket door had been closed, and no matter how she pushed it, she couldn’t push it open.

Through the glass of the supermarket, Lin Youyou could see Lin Fan’s indifferent look, and those eyes were like looking at a dead person.


The roar of the zombie behind him was getting closer and closer, Lin Youyou slammed the door of the supermarket hard, turned his head to look behind him, the zombie was already less than twenty meters old, and the fear in his heart overwhelmed everything.

“Open the door! Open the door! Please! Open the door! I don’t want to die, I do! I want to be your man! ”

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