At eight o’clock in the morning, Lin Fan woke up from his sleep and looked down at Lin Youyou, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, the girl yesterday

After kissing Lin Youyou’s little sister, Lin Fan got up, and the small movement woke Lin Youyou, confused like a kitten who had just woken up, and the small hand pulled Lin Fan’s arm, rubbing it around, and seemed to want to hold the sleeping meeting.

Withdrawing his arm, Lin Fan covered her with a quilt, put on her clothes and walked out of the room, and before she reached the living room, she smelled a smell of rice.

“Lord, do you want to wash up?”

Looking at Zhao Wanqing dressed as a kitchen lady, Lin Fan nodded, this woman did not disappoint him too much, knowing that getting up early to cook, this added a lot of points for her.

Watching Lin Fan nod, soon Zhao Wanqing hit the basin of water and came out, and then pulled Lin Fan’s arm and began to wash his hands, Lin Fan was confused at that time.

Until after washing his hands, Zhao Wanqing took a towel to wipe his face carefully, moving softly, as if he was afraid of hurting him, Lin Fan reacted.

This…. Someone was waiting to wash up, this was the first time he had ever looked at the toothpaste and toothbrush prepared next to him, and an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Shouldn’t this woman still have to brush his teeth?

Many times, rule out everything impossible, that is the truth!

Zhao Wanqing actually took a toothbrush to brush his teeth, looking at the face close at hand, Lin Fan did not know what to say for a while.

Should we praise the corruption of capital, or condemn it?

Lin Fan thought about it, and as a person who enjoyed this privilege, he chose to remain silent.

“Lord, does this hurt? Will it be too much force? It’s time for the host to change sides. ”

Listening to Zhao Wanqing’s gentle voice, Lin Fan seemed very cooperative.

After washing, Zhao Wanqing took the basin of water and left, leaving Lin Fan sitting alone on the sofa, and after a while, Lin Youyou, who was yawning, walked out dressed neatly.

“Why don’t you sleep?”

Drilling into Lin Fan’s arms, Lin Youyou shook his head and said with some sleepiness: “The Lord is not there, Yoyo can’t sleep, he will get up, and he will have to clean up the zombies later.” ”

Patting Lin Youyou’s back, Lin Fan said softly, “Go wash up, it’s time to eat.” ”


A breakfast was calmly eaten, leaving Zhao Wanqing alone at home, while Lin Fan and Lin Youyou, who had recovered their vitality, went to the courtyard to clean up the remaining zombies.

Just as the two left, in the residential area not far from the hospital, three men, Zhao Zhiyong, Hua Ming’an and Wen Lu, cautiously pushed open the door and ran out.

The three of them were tasked with avoiding the zombies and heading to the hospital to find antipyretics, and two of them had originally five of them, two of whom felt too dangerous and flinched.

“Zhao Zhiyong, Qingqing I will not give it to you, we each rely on our own ability!”

Unlike Zhao Zhiyong’s tall and strong, Hua Ming’an belongs to the kind of small fresh meat, thin, and the skin is relatively white, and now for the goddess in his heart, Hua Ming’an has no fear and looks at Zhao Zhiyong.

Wen Lu between the two pushed the gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his face was gloomy: “It doesn’t matter how you two fight with me, this time I came out with you mainly because of Yan Yan, and who Mu Yueqing really is has nothing to do with me!” ”

Glancing at Hua Ming’an, Zhao Zhiyong gave up his thoughts of arguing and said, “Let’s act according to last night’s original plan.” ”

Hua Ming’an snorted coldly, did not stimulate Wen Lu again, and the three of them carefully bypassed the zombies all the way and slowly approached the hospital.

This road can not be said to be thrilling, can be circumvented, can not be around to throw things, attract the attention of zombies, and finally there is no danger to climb over the iron fence of the hospital, collapsed on the ground to rest for a while, Zhao Zhiyong wiped the sweat on his head, stood up.

“The outpatient building is over there, let’s be careful, it’s too much time to waste when we come, we have to go back before dark, the zombies at night are too terrible!”

Wen Lu and Hua Ming’an did not refute it, with a look of fear in their eyes, obviously knowing how terrible the zombies were at night!

The three cats moved forward, but what made them wonder was, how come there were no zombies in this courtyard? How is it so quiet? This is clearly counterintuitive!

What they didn’t know was that the courtyard area had been cleaned up by Lin Fan, and what they didn’t know was that at a high level, a glance was looking down on them.

“Interestingly, I haven’t gone out yet, but someone has come to my territory first.”

A gust of incense came from behind him, Lin Youyou quietly appeared next to Lin Fan, noticed Lin Fan’s gaze, and couldn’t help but look at the past in doubt.

“Lord, what are you looking at?”

“Nothing, found a few small rats, it looks like there should be a windfall!”

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