Chapter 085 The truth in the room, the women are looking stupid

He Yuming’s performance proved more and more that things were not simple, Zhao Wanqing knew what must have happened in the room, looked at Xu Yan, and waited for her answer.

Thinking of what they saw in the room, Xu Yan and another female warrior’s disgust for men became thicker and thicker, and the eyes of the dead man stared at He Yuming, who was kneeling on the ground and kept prostrating, Xu Yan condensed: “We found a lot of meat in the refrigerator!” ”

“Human flesh!”

“A woman’s head, and human flesh piled up in half a freezer!” The woman is the bride in the wedding photo, the man’s wife! This beast, in order to survive, actually killed his wife and froze it in the refrigerator for food! ”

The more Xu Yan spoke, the colder his voice became, and the female warriors next to him couldn’t restrain themselves and wanted to give He Yuming a knife!

After Zhao Wanqing listened, she felt a little cold, and her wife could actually kill her fiercely, just to have food to survive, and this was just a few days after the end of the month!

Is there still a matter of eating seeds later? Zhao Wanqing didn’t dare to think about it!

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, but I can’t help it! I was so hungry and momentarily delirious that I was damned! I really damn it! ”

He Yuming knelt on the ground and kept prostrating his head, crying out, but facing Zhao Wanqing and a group of female warriors who hated men to the extreme!!

“Break your limbs and drop them to feed the zombies.”

Zhao Wanqing turned around and pronounced the end of He Yuming, and He Yuming, who was kneeling on the ground, was frightened and half dead, and his eyes were red with red arrows: “You are a straw man’s life, you can’t have so much me!” I don’t care about you! Get out of here! I don’t need your rescue! Roll on! ”

In the face of the crazy He Yuming, Xu Yan’s eyes were full of killing chances, Tang Dao came out of its sheath, and without hesitation, he stabbed He Yuming’s limbs, his hands and feet were pierced, He Yuming was lying on the ground like a wasteman, and he was still roaring and cursing madly.

Xu Yan lifted him up with one hand, and the figure quickly rushed downstairs, and it didn’t take long to come to the street outside, his arm forcefully, throwing He Yuming into the zombie horde, the terrible howl echoed, and the zombies feasted.

Looking at this scene, until He Yuming was completely dismembered, Xu Yan and another female warrior left.

Zhao Wanqing and the others moved quickly, the entire community was only 13 buildings, and when it was close to the evening, they searched thoroughly one after another.

The man found more than twenty, and now they have all turned into corpses, He Yuming only found one, while the woman found 8, bringing these 8 women to the door of the community, looking at the sun that was about to set, even if Zhao Wanqing was now powerful, she did not dare to challenge how terrifying the zombies at night were!

“Go fast, you have to go back to the hospital before dark.”

Because it has been cleaned up before coming, the way back seems to be very smooth, that is, the 8 women who followed are somewhat difficult, they are all proper ordinary people, and they are still in a state of malnutrition for a long time, even if they have just eaten enough, they cannot keep up with Zhao Wanqing.

Looking at this situation, Zhao Wanqing waved her hand and said, “Xu Yan, each of you carries one, and when you are tired, you will change people, and go back as soon as possible.” ”

The women nodded, so the speed increased a lot, when passing a crossroads, Zhao Wanqing suddenly raised her hand to stop the crowd from advancing, in the doubtful eyes of the women, Zhao Wanqing looked at the left street, over there, the rumble of the engine was very harsh.

Looking at the past, at the end of the road, several off-road vehicles made a harsh roar, knocking the zombies in the way, in addition to the roar of the engine, there were the crazy roars of men and women, which seemed to be very excited, and the crushing of the zombies was entertainment.

Behind the modified off-road vehicle, there is also a truck, not surprisingly, this group of people should come out to search for food, the off-road vehicle opens the road to attract zombies, and the truck is to take advantage of the gap where the zombies are lured away to carry the food needed for life.

Looking at these people, Zhao Wanqing very much wanted to go over and take them down, and then find the other side’s stronghold by the way, but now the time was too late, Zhao Wanqing could only give up, safety was the most important.

Xu Yan carried a woman on his back, looked at the arrogant motorcade over there, and asked: “Captain, do you want to go over?” ”

“No, let’s go back first, these people can’t run.”

Speaking, Zhao Wanqing did not turn her head back and headed in the direction of the hospital.

Not long after, Zhao Wanqing returned to the hospital, and at the entrance of the hospital, Lin Youyou stood quietly, but the flying sword light was constantly killing the zombies coming from several other directions.

After all, the zombies in this neighborhood are limited, with such a few days of strangulation, the number of zombies that have rushed over is obviously much less, and it is foreseeable that in two days at most, there will be no zombies coming again.

Even if the zombies have a keen sense of smell, the distance is limited, and it is impossible to smell the smell of living people a few kilometers apart.

Looking at Lin Youyou at the door, Zhao Wanqing was very vigilant in her heart, even if she was now promoted to Lv4 with lightning powers, looking at Lin Youyou still had a feeling of being impenetrable! It’s not like it’s a grade!

Zhao Wanqing guessed that Lin Youyou’s ability level was at least Lv5, and it was even possible that he had already reached Lv6!

Now she has to kill 500 zombies to promote Lv5, it’s hard to imagine how much Lv6 needs!

“Coming back? Come in, are these survivors of the discovery? Hard work. Lin Youyou straightened the hair that had been disturbed by the wind around her ears and greeted Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing answered, just wanted to ask Lin Fan if he had returned, he felt a suppressed horror coming from the opposite street, and the power of the thunder and lightning homology made Zhao Wanqing can’t help but look at the past, and he froze in an instant.

At the end of the street, behind the dense zombies, Lin Fan walked in the front, the zombies blocking the way were turned into coke by the terrifying thunder light, the zombies could not even get close to a hundred meters, they became corpses, and behind Lin Fan, hundreds of women followed closely behind with awe.

Looking at this scene, not only Zhao Wanqing was stunned, Xu Yan and sixteen other female warriors were also stunned, compared with them, Lin Fan was more like playing, they brought back these 8 women has been a bit difficult, but Lin Fan …

Coming with hundreds of women, just like going out, the zombies can’t go beyond the thunder pool, this kind of picture is too shocking!

Not long after, Lin Fan cleaned up all the zombies that stood in the way, looking at Zhao Wanqing in front of him in a daze, Lin Fan smiled slightly, raised his hand and stroked Zhao Wanqing’s face, “I can feel your efforts, you have become a lot stronger.” ”

Speaking, Lin Fan also looked at Xu Yan and the others, “You are too, you are all working hard, trying to become stronger.” ”

Receiving Lin Fan’s praise, Xu Yan and the others almost fainted without excitement, and were praised by the gods in their hearts, this feeling, death is also worth it!

“The Lord… Lord, these are all given by You, and we thank you immensely for your greatness, and what we have done is simply insignificant! ”

The electronic door slowly opened, Lin Youyou came out from inside, looking at the hundreds of women behind Lin Fan, Lin Youyou couldn’t help but be stunned, obviously he didn’t expect that Lin Fan would bring back so many women!

“Lord, go first, it’s getting dark.”

Holding Lin Youyou with open arms, Lin Fan bowed his head and kissed it, in front of so many people, Lin Youyou was still a little uncomfortable, and when Lin Fan raised his head, Lin Youyou’s face was all through.

“You have worked hard at home, and these women have to work hard for you to arrange.”

Lin Youyou shook his head, pulled Zhao Wanqing next to him, and smiled: “It’s not hard, and Wanqing helps me.” ”

“No, sharing worries for the Lord is what I should do.”

“All right, let’s all go in, it’s going to get dark.”

A group of women followed them into the hospital, and after handing these women over to Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing, Lin Fan became the treasurer of the hand, and slipped to the edge of the farmland opened up with his back to his back.

The hospital area is very large, there are many open spaces, Lin Youyou did not let the maids idle, has been reclaiming land, Lin Fan came over, has been reclaimed out of five or six acres of land.

Seeing Lin Fan coming, the maids knelt on the ground to say hello, Lin Fan picked up his eyebrows and was a little surprised, but he thought that it should be Lin Youyou’s arrangement, and he didn’t care.

Isn’t it normal for a maid to kneel down and say hello to the Lord?

After walking around the field, Lin Fan pointed to the vegetable field in front of him and asked, “What is grown here?” ”

“Back to the Lord, this is the beanstalk.”

“What about over there?”


“This is the eggplant.”

Listening to the answers of the maids, Lin Fan nodded secretly, there were quite a few vegetables planted, but he did not know the climate of the magic capital, whether these vegetables were suitable for growth, and he had not planted them.

Leaving the side of the farmland, Lin Fan came to the orchard, unlike the vegetables just planted, these fruits were transplanted from Su Xiaoluona, they were all finished products, and many of them could be eaten.

There are also a few maids here, Lin Fan asked, the job of these maids is to catch insects and then drive away the birds that fly over, many birds will eat fruit, in order to prevent the fruit from being scourged, these maids as long as they find birds coming, they must drive them away.

Lin Fan turned around, found that the home was arranged in an orderly manner, and his heart was very relieved, there was a little bad, that is, a group of maids looked at him, he wanted to pick a grape to see if it was sour or not.

Finding a hidden corner, Lin Fan leaned over to block the maid’s line of sight, picked one with his hands and feet, and then threw it directly into the basket.

Well…. Not sour, very sweet!

Contentedly, he left the orchard, not knowing that as soon as he left, a maid walked to this side, looked at the grapes that were missing, and looked at Lin Fan’s back strangely.

Blocking their view just to steal a grape? For someone else, this maid has long been scared to death, Lin Youyou is strictly ordering the maid not to steal fruit, found that it must be severely punished, but now eating Lin Fan, then she is not afraid, when the time comes to report truthfully, there will be no punishment at all, she is not panicked.

Lin Fa, who did not know that the small action was discovered, leisurely returned to the supermarket, and Zhao Yanyan, who was guarding at home, saw Lin Fan return, immediately opened his eyebrows and smiled, trotted and knelt next to Lin Fan to change his shoes, looked up at Lin Fan, and his face was charming.

“Lord, will you bathe first, or shall you bathe first…”

PS: Ask the editor to know one thing, such as excitement, horizontal push and other chapter names are not written, because it will be associated with sexual excitement, push to the like picture, and then directly rectified, very affecting everyone’s viewing experience, so the title may be flat in the future, everyone will forgive more.

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