Chapter 096 The Powerful Up, the Weak Down, the Iron Rules of the End Times


Lin Youyou’s words shook the whole audience, and the women looked at Lin Youyou one by one in disbelief, knowing that this is not killing zombies, but killing! This is fundamentally different from zombies!

As for Wang Kui and the others, they all looked miserable, with panic and despair in their eyes, and even Wang Kui felt a chill in his heart, had he ever done such a thing? It must have been done, but a woman could have such a fierce heart, and it was the first time he had seen it except for the woman of the next door force!

Today is planted, Wang Kui saw it very clearly, but he did not have much remorse, he has tried his best, and he is fierce and decisive enough, but the woman in front of him, she opens and hangs!

What about the ordinary doomsday that is said to be good? Say yes without superpowers? What is it?

Just when many women were at a loss in their hearts, Wang Ziwen dragged her injured leg out, the Tang knife in her hand was sheathed, her face was cold, and there was no wave in her eyes, as if what she was going to do next was not to kill people, but to kill zombies!

Truly! In Wang Ziwen’s heart, there was no difference between the mob in front of her and the zombie, she saw it very clearly, the partner who was saved by her own hand was betrayed, and at that time she had clearly seen the humanity in the last days!

Are these thugs worth pitying? No! Looking at their previous actions, we know that they must have killed no less, if Lin Youyou is not here today, what will be the fate of her and those women?

Either they were all swept to death by bullets, or they were caught by these men, and then imprisoned as playthings after tea and dinner, and there was only endless misery in the rest of life!

These thugs! Damn it all!.

Wang Ziwen walked out of the crowd, Lin Youyou looked slightly sideways, the foundation of this woman she knew, Lin Fan told her, now can come out so decisively, it is indeed a buildable material, unlike those women, this will not react.

In the crowd, Liu Yu’er had already returned from the shock just now, looking at Wang Ziwen’s actions and the light in Lin Youyou’s eyes, Liu Yu’er was eager to raise her hand and slap herself, what a good performance opportunity?

Even if she stands up immediately, it will not attract too much attention, the pearl jade is in front, the rest of the light is dimmed, just like the game, can attract everyone’s attention only the champion, the second and third places are all foils!

“No… No… I don’t want to die! ”

The thugs standing in the middle of the field had regained their mobility, looking at Wang Ziwen, who was holding the Tang Sword step by step, shouting in horror and limping back.

Wang Ziwen’s eyes were cold, holding the Tang knife and approaching quickly, the wound on her leg was already scarred, as long as it was not a high-intensity exercise, it was not a problem at all!

“No! No! ”


The figure of Tang Dao accelerated, Tang Dao held in front of him, the sword light flashed, a splash of blood splashed, Prince Wen’s left leg was at the bottom, the figure rotated, Tang Dao reflexively stabbed straight into the vest, and then quickly drew the knife backwards, the hundred-footed insect died without stiffness, Prince Wen understood, she did not want to be injured by the person who must die.

Do! Just do it perfectly!


The fountain of blood burst out under high pressure, two key points were severely damaged, and the thugs were already dead and could not die anymore!


The corpse fell to the ground, splashing a little dust, and the muffled sound was like a giant hammer hitting the hearts of the mob and the women!

In the eyes of everyone, Wang Ziwen dragged the injured leg back step by step, and the action just now seemed to make the wound collapse a little.

“Mother, the enemy has been destroyed, and Prince Wen is fortunate not to dishonor his life.”

Lin Youyou admired in his heart, Wang Ziwen’s performance was amazing, if there was no accident, with her appearance, she might be a member of the core layer in the future.

“You’re doing a good job, Yan Yan, heal her.”

“Yes, Sister Yo-Yo.” Zhao Yanyan sweetly responded, and went forward to take Wang Ziwen’s hand and helped her to the side.

Zhao Yanyan’s ability Lin Fan told her last night, probably the ability Lin Youyou is clear, the convenience contained in the plant system is very broad, killing, controlling, producing, and healing, all included.

A small leg injury, Zhao Yanyan is still not a word.

Rolling up Wang Ziwen’s pants legs, revealing a small section of white crepe, a scar on the warm jade small toe destroyed the beauty of the entire small toe, at this time the scar had collapsed and was bleeding.

Zhao Yanyan’s palm was raised, Yingying’s green light emitted vitality, under Zhao Yanyan’s control, the green light covered the wound, and under the repair of the plant-based energy, the wound had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye until it was completely healed.

Retracting her hand, Zhao Yanyan looked at her masterpiece with satisfaction, and the unspeakable excitement in her heart was the divine power that Lin Fan gave her!

“Okay, you can stand up.”

Wang Ziwen looked at his little shoe in amazement, the previous injuries were all healed, not even leaving half a scar, the skin was crystal clear, if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she couldn’t believe it was true!

Not only Wang Ziwen, but also many female warriors were also looking at this side, and a scene of divine skills appeared in front of them, and these female warriors were stunned to see it!

This is divine power! A miracle beyond comprehension that cannot be explained by science!

Lin Youyou was also watching this scene, and seeing that Wang Ziwen had recovered from his injuries, he said calmly: “From today onwards, you return to Wanqing’s team and retire.” ”

Prince Wen turned back to God, quickly stood up, and respectfully said, “Thank you Master Mother for the reward!” ”

Wang Ziwen knew in her heart that if Lin Youyou hadn’t opened her mouth, her injury would definitely not have gotten better so quickly, and if the injury was not good, it would seriously affect her subsequent development, which would be very unfavorable to her!

Lin Youyou’s words are tantamount to the grace of reinvention for her!


With that, another mob flew out, and this time without waiting for the other women to react, Liu Yu’er quickly stood up and rushed ahead of everyone.

Second is second, even if it is not the first, she can get some attention, but next time she must be in the front!

Liu Yu’er reacted so quickly, stunned the other female warriors, this will make the women have already reacted, indignant in their hearts and scolding, they are not stupid, this is obviously a good opportunity to show their faces! It’s a pity to be robbed!

As for killing those thugs, will it be dangerous? The women don’t pay attention to it, they have a tang knife in their hands, the other party is still lame, if they can’t beat it, then they are too wasteful!

Didn’t give the thugs a chance to speak, Liu Yu’er clenched the Tang knife in his hand, and quickly rushed up, Tang Dao was bare-handed, there was no suspense at all, a clean and neat knife stabbed into the heart, quickly retreating, at this time the mob just reacted from the panic, and it was too late to say anything!

After doing all this, Liu Yu’er walked back with expectation, but what disappointed her was that Lin Youyou only glanced at her lightly.


After saying three words, another thug flew out, but on the side of the female warrior, there was a hula, and the women all took a step forward, and the faces of the thugs who flew out were blue with fright.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youyou simply said, “Let’s go together.” ”

After speaking, unlocking the restrictions of the thugs and restoring body control, Wang Kui looked at a group of sluggish women, flashed a fierce color in his eyes, and shouted: “It’s not like the dead rush with me, killing one is not a loss, killing two is earned!” All follow me! ”

Wang Kui’s words instantly stimulated the fighting spirit of the thugs, anyway, they were all dead, they all fought!

“Stinky cousins, Lao Tzu is going to kill you!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill them! Don’t let me live, and don’t think about living! ”

“Fight with them!”

Hundreds of thugs rushed towards the women with their eyes agape, and hundreds of crazy thugs charged en masse, even if they had no weapons, the momentum frightened the women pale.

When Prince Wen saw this, the Tang Dao, which had just withdrawn its sheath, came out of its sheath again, and when Ren Ren rushed out, Liu Yu’er scolded in her heart, pushed her two sisters, and also rushed up.

After being pushed back to God, Qin Shiyue and the two rushed out, and at this time, the female warriors all returned to God, gritted their teeth and rushed up.

The sword light flickered, Wang Ziwen was like a healthy female leopard, flexible and fierce, every time the Tang knife in her hand was swung, it was bound to kill a thug, Liu Yu’er’s performance was remarkable, but the movement was not slow, and then there were two Qin Shiyue and Han Jingyi, who had just seen blood.

As for the remaining women, their behavior was unusual, and even some of them would shake their hands and be afraid, and then they were kicked down by the crazy thugs, this kind of woman, Lin Youyu grabbed it casually and threw it aside.

“Deprive female warriors of their privileges and fight back into slavery.”

With a simple sentence, the female soldiers who were caught looked at them with a miserable look on their faces in an instant, their eyes showed a look of despair, and they wanted to plead with a rolling belt, but they were stopped by Li Fengjiao and others with frowns.

For these women, no one will sympathize, the opportunity is given to you, but you can’t grasp it, the capable are up, the weak are down, this is the rule in the apocalypse!

The women killed madly, one by one, with the blood of an unknown thug on their faces, and even some of them had injuries on their bodies, even if they had Tang Dao as a weapon, the men’s fists and feet were not vegetarian, and the crazy women were fierce and fierce, one knife and one knife, as if they had some kind of revenge with the rioters in front of them.

The number of thugs dwindled rapidly, and soon, the thugs were afraid, awake from the madness, and looked at the almost no reduction in the number of female soldiers, all of whom were paralyzed on the ground in fright, crawling backwards with rolling belts.

Wang Kui didn’t know when he died, maybe it was under the knife of Wang Ziwen or Liu Yu’er, or maybe he was killed by an unknown woman, and the road to the hero was already over before it was opened.

There were still three thugs left in the field, surrounded by the corpses of thugs, hundreds of thugs were killed, and the corpses were all over the field, and the blood flowed into the river.


Lin Youyou’s words, the women in the field instantly woke up, looking at the only three remaining thugs, not even if any woman dared to take a step forward, here, Lin Youyou’s words are absolute!

As soon as the magnetic field energy was released, three thugs appeared in front of them.

“Where is your stronghold?”

In the face of Lin Youyou’s questioning, the three thugs had a wave of hope on their faces.

“We tell you, will you let us go?”

“Said, you can euthanize, not to say that you will die a miserable death.”

The three thugs looked pale, and this did not intend to give them a way to live!

“Horizontal and vertical are dead, you still want to know the news from us!” You’re dreaming! Bah! Don’t! ”

PS: Mid-Autumn Festival plus more, everyone Mid-Autumn Festival National Day double festival happy, do not say, the author went to the code word, hand pain. Also, can you ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions? Good brothers your automatic subscription too! 23 automatic subscriptions, only 4 people have money, I cry a lot!

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