Chapter 107 Thunder and Lightning Controls Lv7, and the vision is shocking and shocking the world

In the hospital supermarket, Zhao Wanqing, who was thinking about the monetary system and the reward system, suddenly seemed to sense something, and the figure pulled out an electric light, and in the surprised eyes of Li Yun’s three people, she instantly appeared next to the window.


At this moment, the dense sonic boom struck, and then Zhao Wanqing saw that it was a gorgeous scene like a heavenly goddess scattering flowers.

Looking at the dense and dense thunder beads, Zhao Wanqing was slightly open, her eyes were sluggish, she thought that her lightning power was already very powerful and terrifying, but seeing this scene in front of her, she was deeply aware of her smallness!

The dense arc of blue light disappeared into the sky, and it took a long time for Zhao Wanqing to return to God, she had just sensed a large-scale thunder and lightning energy, and then she subconsciously came to the window, and then she saw this scene that made her unforgettable!

But she didn’t realize that it wasn’t just the end, it was the beginning!


The muffled thunder rolled, the roof of the big talk commercial building exploded with terrifying thunder element energy, the terror of the voltage, even if Zhao Wanqing, who possessed this thunder and lightning ability, felt a burst of shock!

Subconsciously looking at the past, the sky turned into a thunder pool at this moment, the bucket-thick thunder snake raged in mid-air, followed by the discoloration of heaven and earth, rolling thunderclouds, thick lead clouds like a mountain hanging overhead, the heavy pressure made Zhao Wanqing have a feeling of suffocation!

The thunderbolt exploded, the thunder dragon raged in the thunderclouds, the terrifying Tianwei was boundless, Zhao Wanqing’s heart seemed to be caught by an invisible hand, and the urge to almost vomit blood made her quickly lower her head, Tianwei could not be violated!

Fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, Zhao Wanqing’s heart shook, and the afterglow of the corner of her eyes looked at the roof of the Dahua Commercial Building, and she already had a guess in her heart!.

Standing on the roof of that building must be Lin Fan! Only her Lord has such a terrible power! This supreme majesty can only be displayed by Lin Fan!


The heavens and the earth lost their color, the terrifying thunder dragon descended from the sky, as if the heavenly punishment had descended to the world, the world was quiet at this moment, the brilliant white light filled the whole world, and the world turned white!

In front of her eyes, Zhao Wanqing did not panic in her heart, she knew that she was not blind, but that the thunder light was so dazzling that her eyes were all shaken beyond recognition!

Outside, Lin Youyou slightly closed her eyes, at this time she could not see things, not only her, the hundreds of women next to her could not see anything, listening to the frightened shouts of the women around them, Lin Youyou said in a loud voice: “All calm, the sky can’t fall, this vision of heaven and earth is the Lord breaking through!” ”

Lin Youyou’s words seemed to have a great soothing effect, and the panicked women were quiet when they heard it, followed by boundless shock!

Is this actually the breakthrough of the Lord who has a one-sided relationship? Is this a vision of heaven and earth triggered by a breakthrough? It’s also horrible!

The brilliant white light did not last long, and soon everyone’s eyes recovered, and countless eyes looked below the thunderclouds, and the moment they looked at the past, their eyes were frozen.

Only to see the roof of the Dahua Commercial Building, the blue thunder pool filled the air, in the boundless thunder pool, there seemed to be a figure standing, bathed in thunder light as if the thunder god descended into the world, shocking everyone’s body and mind.

In the middle of the thunder pool, Lin Fan’s eyes were slightly closed, his eyebrows flashed with electric light, and a thunder and lightning god emblem appeared faintly, emitting boundless power.

The Thunder Sea in the void was restless, and a steady stream of thunder and lightning poured into Lin Fan’s body, and then it was absorbed by the Thunder and Lightning Emblem, and the Thunder Sea contracted sharply, and finally disappeared into a point of light.

It was at this moment that Lin Fan slowly opened his eyes.

The piercing electric light burst out, and the lightning cut through the long sky for hundreds of meters before slowly dissipating, and the air twisted where it passed.

Raising his hand and touching the center of his eyebrows, Lin Fan could feel that the acupuncture points in his brow heart were gathered with Wang Yang’s sea-like thunder and lightning energy, and as long as he guided it a little, he could burst out a terrifying destructive force!

Lightning control power continuous advancement, the body lightning energy soared, reached Lv7 lightning control power powerful and overbearing, hidden and plant energy and earth energy conflict, in order to solve this conflict, under the suggestion of the system, Lin Fan used lightning energy to open up the hole in the eyebrow.

From now on, all the lightning energy is stored here, and there will no longer be conflicts with other energies, in the same way, after the level of other departments is increased, Lin Fan will also open up new holes to accommodate the energy, so that he can perfectly solve the problem of energy conflicts caused by too much energy in each department in the body.

The sky is still pitch black, and it seems that the sky around it has come to night, if it were not for the fact that the sky in the distance was still bright, I am afraid that the world in front of me would not see the five fingers.

Looking up at the clouds that were dense, even with the dark clouds of the Razer raging, Lin Fan’s mind moved, the thunder in his eyebrows flickered, and the terrifying clouds that enveloped the magic capital for ten kilometers slowly dissipated, but in a few seconds, the heavens and the earth returned to brightness again, and the sun’s light also shone down.

Changing the celestial phenomenon between the minds, this is a small ability of the Lv7 lightning to control the power, of course, changing the celestial phenomenon is not the goal, the Lv7 lightning control of the power, but also become more terrifying!

“System, open the Properties panel.”

Character: Lin Fan

Strength: 157

Agility: 152

Intelligence: 169

Constitution: 174

Score: 18191

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Control Lv7], [Lightning Control Lv7], [Plant Control Lv4], [Earth Element Control Lv4]

Experience: 3749/10W; 2237/10w; 389/500;340/500

Possession: Flying knife*100

Today’s attributes are simply non-human, Lin Fan doesn’t know how strong he is now, but he estimates that if he punches down, the Dahua Commercial Building under his feet will definitely not be able to hold on.

As for whether he was directly crushed or smashed into pieces, it was not very clear, anyway, in Lin Fan’s feeling, Dahua Commercial Building could not hold him a punch.

Dahua Commercial Building, but with more than twenty floors, up to hundreds of meters high, the whole body is made of reinforced concrete, which can not withstand Lin Fan’s punch!

One punch crashes the mountain, that’s all!

“The points are about to break 20,000 again, really fast.”

Smacking, Lin Fan rubbed the temples on both sides, just killed tens of thousands of zombies in a second looks really fierce, but to achieve accurate guidance, Lv7’s magnetic field control ability almost directly drained the spiritual power, his head is still a little heavy, but the lightning control power continues to advance, the original lack of lightning energy was filled on the spot.

Strange energy experience can not be shared, this point Lin Fan has long known that Lv7’s magnetic field control ability can not rise in a short time, it is better to upgrade the lightning energy upgrade first, the result is beyond Lin Fan’s expectations, the surprise brought by this lightning power is indeed very large!

The zombies within a radius of five kilometers were all evaporated, plus the grogginess in his head, Lin Fan did not want to move, as for what to plan the barbed wire, it was better to take a break or do it tomorrow.

He had just made such a big move, the zombies within a radius of ten kilometers were all shocked by Tianwei, even if there was no wisdom, he would not walk away today, but there was no need to worry about the zombies wandering around the area cleared.

Shaking his somewhat heavy head, Lin Fan flew straight towards the hospital, he didn’t want anything now, he wanted to lie on the women’s heels, pillow the comfortable knee pillow, and then rest well.

In fact, Lin Fan did the same.

Back on the second floor of the supermarket, Lin Fan didn’t even bother to change his shoes, so he went straight to Mu Yueqing on the sofa, the speed was too fast, so that the goddess of literature and art did not react, and there was more Lin Fan’s head on the big stomp.

“I’m so tired, let me rest.”

The three noble lady dogs who had not yet returned to God saw Lin Fan, and Yue Yiren rushed to the door to get slippers, and then hugged Lin Fan’s shoes to change for him, while Li Yun and Zhang Qiuyue ran to the side in a panic and knelt down, massaging Lin Fan’s arms and feet.

Zhao Wanqing slowly walked over, looked at Lin Fan with a tired face, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, shook his head at Mu Yueqing, signaled not to make a noise to disturb, and then bowed his head and kissed Lin Fan on the forehead, picked up a part of the information written next to him and carefully walked to the side.


With a muffled sound, the door of the room in the middle of the room opened, and a little Lolita wearing a lolita at most one meter and five meters came out, and before she could go to the living room, the shouting came over.

“Wow wow wow wow! Thundering outside that is not ….. Oh well??? ”

Su Xiaoluo rushed out with a shock in his heart, and before he could finish speaking, he found a flower in front of his eyes, and then Xiao Qi was firmly covered.

Zhao Wanqing stared at Su Xiaoluo, put her finger on the edge of the sofa, and then pointed to Lin Fan on the sofa, “Whisper, understand?” ”

Looking at Lin Fan on the sofa who did not know when to return, Su Xiaoluo immediately nodded his head and said that he understood.

Letting go of Su Xiaoluo’s Xiaoqing, Zhao Wanqing pulled her to the corner, grunting, and from time to time Su Xiaoluo’s exclamations were heard, and adoring eyes frequently looked at Lin Fan on the sofa.

“So, such a spectacular vision of heaven and earth just after dark, is it really made up by my brother?” Blinking his big eyes, Su Xiaoluo didn’t mention much worship.

Zhao Wanqing nodded, and Su Xiaoluo’s eyes lit up, and he asked, “Sister, are you so powerful?” ”

“I’m not that good.”

“Why aren’t you so powerful?”

Zhao Wanqing:…..

“Then can you be so powerful in the future?”

How do I know?

“Why don’t you talk?” Do you think you won’t be so strong in the future? ”

Looking at Su Xiaoluo’s delicate little face, Zhao Wanqing was eager to blow her head up, would she speak? What do I know about the future?

Rubbing her eyebrows with a headache, Zhao Wanqing slapped her little ass with her backhand and said with a straight face: “Are you finished designing the picture?” That’s it? Big designer? ”

Su Xiaoluo’s small face stiffened, tilted his head, and his face was full of question marks.

Watching Su Xiaoluo’s soulless departure, Zhao Wanqing hooked her horn, and the little girl also wanted to fight with her?

Not long after, footsteps came from the stairs on the second floor, and Zhao Wanqing followed the sound and just saw Lin Youyou walking in.

In the courtyard, Lin Youyou saw Lin Fan flying back, and noticed that Lin Fan’s state was not right, Lin Youyou left the maid and rushed back, in her heart, Lin Fan’s importance is absolutely the first.

Gently moving the lotus step to the edge of the sofa, Lin Youyou’s movements were very light, it seemed that he was afraid of disturbing Lin Fan, looking at the tiredness on Lin Fan’s face, Lin Youyou’s heart was very painful.

She saw the fireworks of that prosperous world, accurately controlling how much so many thunder beads consumed, Lin Youyou probably had a number in mind, waved at Mu Yueqing, under the control of the magnetic field, Lin Fan’s head was slightly raised, and she bent down to replace Mu Yueqing’s position.

With his hands on the sides of Lin Fan’s head, Lin Youyou slowly closed his eyes, and a stream of pure spiritual power slowly poured into Lin Fan’s mind along his fingertips, nourishing his dried up spiritual power.

With Lin Youyou’s supplement, the tiredness on Lin Fan’s face stretched a lot, seeing this, Zhao Wanqing was relieved a lot, nodded at Lin Youyou, and turned her head to continue to write information.

Lin Fan had a wave of precision guidance and killed a happy, but some people were very dazed.

The vines were all uprooted, looking at the zombies who were suddenly headshot in front of them, Zhao Yanyan was stupid!

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