Chapter 110 You are the heifer flying, the cow is in the sky!

Lin Fan is confused, good fellow, there are more than thirty gunmen in the corridor, are you kidding me? Isn’t that realistic?

“Are you sure?” Was she alone, sharking in the hallway with more than thirty gunmen with guns? I dare to ask, is your gun a cold weapon, or a gun that can shoot bullets? ”

Lin Fan’s tone has changed, you must know that Lin Youyou is talking about the corridor! How many styles can a hotel corridor have? Two meters is not narrow, right? Just such a big place, how to dodge bullets? Do you really think everyone has magnetic field powers?

Don’t say that one person, that is, a hundred people, facing more than thirty gunmen with guns, is not enough to kill!

Zhao Wanqing is also sluggish in her eyes, Lin Youyou’s words are just like the heavenly night, now she has no problem in eliminating more than thirty gun-carrying thugs in the corridor, ordinary people she absolutely explained in minutes.

“Shouldn’t that woman have any special abilities?” After thinking about it, Zhao Wanqing could only give such an answer.

Lin Youyou shook his head and said seriously, “She is just an ordinary person, at most an ordinary person with quick hands, she does not have our ability, those more than thirty thugs are holding micro-punches, not pistols, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, I can’t believe it, that’s why I am so optimistic about her!” ”


Lin Youyou had not finished speaking, Zhao Wanqing inhaled a cool breath, Lin Fan was also shocked, if what Lin Youyou said was true, then this woman is really amazing!

Lin Youyou will definitely not deceive him, this point Lin Fan is very firm in his heart, then this woman really has the need to cultivate!

This is a woman who has surpassed Lin Youyou a lot at the starting point, if you give this woman the right ability, this will definitely take off in situ, the heifer takes a plane, and the bull is forced to the sky!

Killing more than thirty thugs with micro-punches in the not very wide hotel corridors, in any way, this woman is not as strong as a human! This kind of treatment is simply the protagonist of the novel!

“What’s the woman’s name?” Lin Fan was really interested now.

“Jasmine, that’s the woman’s name, a killer before the end of the day.” Speaking of this, Lin Youyou looked at Lin Fan consciously or unconsciously, and the smile on his face was very strong, “Speaking of which, this woman is still very grateful to us, and it can be regarded as a mistake.” ”

“What do you say?”

Lin Youyu changed his comfortable posture on the sofa, shook his head and smiled lightly, “The Lord should have seen the group of people I killed in the morning, right?” There was a man named Wang Kui, who had a deep hatred with Jasmine for killing her parents, and as a result, she was accidentally killed by our people, and she is still very grateful to us. ”

The expression on Lin Fan’s face was very strange, and it took half a day to hold out a word.

“Is this okay?”

“What’s okay with that?”

At the door of the second floor, Zhao Yanyan kicked the shoes on her feet, and the little feet wearing high-end black stockings trembled, looking curiously at the living room, and Li Siqi next to her was also changing slippers.

Watching Zhao Yanyan’s little feet disappear into the slippers, Lin Fan withdrew his gaze in disappointment, and a fragrant wind flew over, and Li Siqi burrowed into Lin Fan’s arms like a milk swallow, and muttered a few seals for Lin Fan.

“Go wash the smell of corpses on your body, it’s getting more and more unruly.” Lin Youyou frowned at Liu You, glared at Li Siqi, and reprimanded.

For Lin Youyou, the lady of the palace, Li Siqi was still very afraid, and Wen Yan quickly climbed up, smelled the corner of his clothes, and ran to the bathroom with a bitter little face.

“Where does it stink?”

Listening to Li Siqi’s whispered muttering, Lin Fan also wanted to ask, where is the smell? All he could smell was the girl’s body odor.

Zhao Yanyan slowly walked over, the beautiful beauty with a flattery, unlike Li Siqi, Zhao Yanyan skillfully sat on the sofa, holding Lin Fan’s other one in his arms, the small hand gently knocked, looked at Lin Fan curiously, and wondered: “Lord, what are you just talking about?” ”

Lin Fan had already washed up, and this would be wearing big pants, attached to the silk veil on Zhao Yanyan’s toe, and the touch was very comfortable.

Mu Yueqing said what he had just said in a soft tone, and Zhao Yanyan’s eyes were wide open after listening, and his face was full of incredulity.

“This woman is also too powerful, right?” If it were me, the coffin would be ready. ”

No wonder Zhao Yanyan was surprised, mainly because the news was too shocking, and the bridge sections in the novel were not so exaggerated!

Lin Youyou heard the words, Yanran smiled, she did not take Zhao Yanyan’s words to heart, after all, everything is not if, everyone’s encounter is different, just like she is very grateful for meeting Lin Fan at the beginning, if this is not the case, maybe her final result is either starvation to death, or collapse and rush out to be eaten by zombies.

Shaking his head, he threw away these idle thoughts, and continued: “Others are not only powerful, but also very beautiful, full of heroism between the eyebrows, fierce and decisive, the key is that the personality is very pleasing, is the kind of good girl who dares to love and hate, knows the gratitude of the map, when Zhou Xiuyan saved her, until now she has not abandoned it.” ”

It is undeniable that Lin Youyou is very optimistic about Jasmine, and even spares no effort to praise the other party here in Lin Fan, with a pleasing personality, good talent and strong strength, and good looks, these shining points are enough to be accepted by Lin Fan in Lin Youyou’s view.

Such a good seedling does not accept the core layer cultivation, it is really a loss!

Lin Fan also heard Lin Youyou’s meaning, but he didn’t say much, this kind of thing just let it go, he was now surrounded by beauty, he didn’t have to do anything specifically, he believed that sooner or later that woman would climb to the core layer, and he couldn’t deliberately accommodate the other party.

“What is the origin of that Zhou Xiuyan?” This woman shouldn’t be simple either, right? ”

Lin Fan felt that this name was a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had heard it.

“Zhou Xiuyan…” Lin Youyou paused for a moment and said, “This woman is also a legend, and Wanqing should have heard of this level.” ”

Legend? Lin Fan looked at Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing had a thought in her eyes, why did she know Zhou Xiuyan? She vaguely remembers that when she was in the intensive care unit, she asked all her contacts for help, and there were not many responses to her, and Zhou Xiuyan was one of them.

Dark incense bar Zhao Wanqing often went before the end of the day, this is a high-end and stylish bar, she and Zhou Xiuyan can be regarded as a good girlfriend, when she first asked for help, Zhou Xiuyan clearly responded to her.

Probably the meaning is to let her wait, her side will try to save her, but unfortunately has not waited, belongs to the type of powerful uncaught, this situation, Zhao Wanqing did not complain about anything, after all, the dark incense bar is not far from the hospital? At a distance of eight or nine kilometers, trying to cross the sea of corpses is simply a fool’s dream!

Anyway, Zhou Xiuyan can respond to her in the last situation, promising to save her, regardless of whether she can do it or not, this friendship alone is enough to make her remember.

It’s just that the world is such a coincidence that Zhou Xiuyan has not come to save her, but has been packed and taken to the hospital first.

“Zhou Xiuyan, is indeed a legendary woman, compared with her my starting point is too high, ten years ago she only had a few hundred yuan in her hand, came to the magic capital alone, with a daughter’s body, hard to support the dark incense bar, during which she suffered all kinds of coercion, coercion, all kinds of difficulties, were all spent without danger, from hundreds of dollars, to the end of the day before the worth of more than a billion, she is indeed a legend.”

“Moreover, she is one of the few promises after the end of the world that she will come to the hospital to save my friend.” Speaking of the two words of friends, Zhao Wanqing smiled lightly, and the unspeakable irony probably saw through the warmth of human feelings and the coolness of the end.

And the more clearly you see, the more worthy of cherishing many things.

“By the way, Lord, I tell you, my girlfriend, no matter how good she looks, whether she is in shape or temperament, is no worse than me, I have investigated before, it seems that this is the big lady of the Zhou family who ran out of the imperial capital, it seems that because of the escape, now they are more than thirty years old, mature no, do you want me to lead you ah?”

Lin Fan was also surprised by Zhou Xiuyan’s legendary life, after all, a female stream, working alone from a few hundred yuan to the end of the day before the worth of more than a billion, how difficult it is, a little thought can know.

But the next sentence, it is directly crossed, what happened? Is he such a man who hasn’t seen a woman?

Slanting Zhao Wanqing’s eyes, Lin Fan was not angry: “If you want to go over and see people, just say, don’t pull me up, good people let you do it, let me be a bad person, right?” Hurry up, don’t get in the way. ”

Zhao Wanqing smiled softly twice, bowed her head and kissed Lin Fan, and ran to the door with a smile.

“Big Lord, the subordinates will go, don’t be angry!”

Watching Zhao Wanqing run outside, Lin Youyou shook his head and shouted, “Come back early, it’s time to eat later.” ”

At the door of the second floor, Zhao Wanqing waved her hand, “Big sister, you eat what you eat, and I will come back to eat the leftovers.” ”

The remnants of the god stepped on the horse, and Lin Fan’s face was black.

“I think it’s better to have her kneel on the washboard at night.”

“Well, sir, you have the final say.” Lin Youyou silently mended the knife.

Just ran out of the supermarket, Zhao Wanqing suddenly snorted, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

On the 9th floor of the hospital dormitory, which belongs to the maids, Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine are temporarily placed here, and they will be separated until they make a choice, whether to be the lowest maid or take up the knife to become warriors and zombies.

Sitting on the bed, Jasmine was a little distracted, she had not reacted until now, and Wang Kui, who had a deep hatred for her, was dead, and dying so easily was like an adult casually trampling on a few ants.

In fact, this is really the case, the strength of the master mother, killing Wang Kui is really as simple as stepping on a few ants.

Looking at Jasmine in a daze, Zhou Xiuyan was also a little distracted.

Here was the second key hospital in the magic city, she remembered that there was a person trapped here, that person was her good girlfriend, she had a good relationship with the other party before the end of the day, after the end of the day she also received the other party’s call for help, but she was powerless at all.

The dark incense bar is nearly nine kilometers away from the hospital, and there are tens of thousands of corpses in the middle, she can’t come at all, not to mention Wang Kui’s Zhenlong Hotel in front, she has no choice, she can only try to appease, and then there is no news, and she does not know whether the other party is still alive.

Until she came to this side, she inquired about whether there was Zhao Wanqing or not, and the news she got surprised a little.

Zhao Wanqing, her girlfriend who had a good relationship before the end of the day, turned out to be one of the main mothers of this hospital.

The changes in the world really made her a little unexpected, knowing Zhao Wanqing’s identity, she did not go to find the other party, she did not know Zhao Wanqing’s attitude, people will change, she did not know whether Zhao Wanqing had changed, she did not want to humiliate herself.

Ten years ago, she could work from a few hundred dollars to a billion dollars, and she believes that now she can too!

“Good mother!”

“Good mother.”

A neat sound came from the corridor outside the door, Zhou Xiuyan looked back, looking at the door, next to the open door, a mature and noble figure did not know when it stood there.

After knocking on the open door, Zhao Wanqing put her hands in front of her and asked with a smile, “Would you please invite me to go in and sit down?” ”

PS: Today’s first change, everyone read early to rest, the author continued to code words to go.

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