Chapter 128 dispatches troops, the black hand behind the scenes

Liu Yuanbin is the heaven of the Liu family of the Warlord of the Demon Capital! His words were an absolute order, the Lion King was old but powerful, and no one dared to disobey the orders of Liu Yuanbin, the commander-in-chief of the military region!

What’s more, all the people present were Liu Yuanbin’s concubines, and they had long been dissatisfied with Lin Fan’s words.

Standing next to him, although Ye Feng had long expected that things would be like this, now that he heard it with his own ears, his heart was still a little cold.

The military district is really as the man said, it has deteriorated!

I just don’t know how many people will die this time.

No one would pay attention to the silence of a major in the conference hall, Liu Yuanbin’s eyes were majestic, and he shouted: “Liu Jingyu! ”

Liu Jingyu, who was sitting first on the left-hand side, immediately stood up and saluted, “To! ”

“In the name of the commander-in-chief of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon City, I appointed you as the commander of the First Army Group, led three reorganized divisions, and two days later drove to the city of Modu to eliminate the zombies and capture the outlaw Lin Fan.

Liu Jingyu’s eyes shook and he drank, “Report General, I have no problem!” ”

“Wu Guozhong!”

On the second place on the left-hand side, Wu Guozhong, who was also old, immediately got up.

“To! Please instruct the Commander-in-Chief! ”

Looking at this old guy of his own, Liu Yuanbin’s eyes moved slightly, “Appoint you as the deputy commander of the First Army and assist from the side, is there a problem?” ”

Wu Guozhong immediately said, “Back to Commander-in-Chief, there is no problem!” ”

Speaking of this, Liu Yuanbin’s eyes slowed down slightly, looked at Liu Jingyu, and said in a soft tone: “Old man, Jingyu is still young, you need to help him more.” ”

The seriousness on Wu Guozhong’s old face eased down, and he smiled and replied: “Jing Yu can be said to be an old man who grew up, rest assured old man.” ”

Liu Yuanbin relaxed his heart and turned his head to look at Liu Tongyu, who looked a little frustrated on the right side, and his eyes softened a little.

Unlike Lao Cheng, who beat his son, the second son, Liu Tongyu, was too impatient, and to put it bluntly, it was impulsive, a tendon, which was the most uneasy thing for him.

“Liu Tongyu!”

An excited spirit, Liu Tongyu instantly stood up and saluted.


“I have appointed you as the commander-in-chief of the Second Army, leading three reorganized divisions to detour from the flanks, and taking measures at any time, so that no accidents will occur.

Liu Tongyu quickly shook his head, “Report to the commander-in-chief, no problem!” ”

Liu Yuanbin nodded, and immediately ordered a few middlemen as deputy commanders and general staff officers, after the combat deployment was completed, Liu Yuanbin slapped the table and got up, drinking: “This battle is not allowed to be won or lost, and it must be won beautifully!” Do you all get it? ”

More than a dozen people in the conference hall instantly stood up and shouted in unison: “Understood! ”


The mermaids in the conference hall came out one after another, Ye Feng walked at the back in frustration, the last thing he wanted to happen happened, inexplicably, he felt very tired.

The army had deteriorated, and he had always understood that what he was loyal to was the state, that he could have deceived himself before, and now that the veil had been undone, what should he do?

Late at night, the Liu family of the magic warlord was not calm, and in a certain room, Liu Jingyu sat calmly in his office chair, not knowing what he was thinking.


“General, what instructions do you have?” The adjutant who was waiting next to him asked hurriedly.

“Call a few secret sentries in the magic city to inquire about the situation, I remember that there is a research institute that is relatively close to the second key hospital, let them explore the virtual reality, and ask about Dr. Yang’s research results by the way.”

The adjutant was obviously Liu Jingyu’s confidant, and without hesitation after listening, he immediately dialed the telephone number of the research institute.

In the dark research institute, the sound of telephone calls has been echoing, and in a certain culture tank, Dr. Yang, who is swollen and almost inhuman, frantically hits the culture tank, and the dirty blood covers the entire glass, so Rao is so, he is still not dead.

The adjutant frowned and made several phone calls, but without exception, no one answered, and Liu Jingyu frowned and asked, “What’s going on?” ”

The adjutant was shocked, looked at the interface of the mobile phone automatically hanging up, shook his head, and said: “General, I don’t know, there has been no one over there, even if you change several other numbers, the same is true, will it be an accident?” ”

Liu Jingyu’s eyes flashed a few strange lights, at this time he was not sure, he had the heart to adjust the martial arts straight past, but now is an extraordinary time, there is no room for him to mess around, so far, Liu Jingyu can only shake his head.

“Don’t care, wait for two days for the army to pull out, and then send another Wu Zhi to see what really happened, it’s not too early, adjutant you go back to rest first.”

“Yes… General, you have something to do….”


A gunshot interrupted the aide-de-camp’s voice, and Liu Jingyu was already in his heart, looking out the window, frowning: “What’s going on?” ”

The adjutant did not know, so he rushed out, and the guards outside obviously heard the sound of gunshots, and looked in a certain direction, looking very confused.

“What happened?” The adjutant ran out and pulled the guard outside the door to ask.

The guard shook his head to show that he did not know, and the adjutant watched a soldier run in a certain direction and quickly followed, and when he saw the cause of the gunshot, the adjutant was stunned, and his face was full of incredulity.

In the room, hearing what the adjutant said, Liu Jingyu was confused, and quickly picked up the coat next to him and walked out.

Something went terribly!

Walking all the way to Ye Feng’s residence, looking at Ye Feng, who committed suicide on his desk, Liu Jingyu’s face was full of incredulity.

Not long after, Liu Yuanbin and other generals also rushed over, looking at Ye Feng, who died on the desk, Liu Yuanbin’s eyes were wide, and he stepped forward step by step, picked up a piece of paper on the desk, swept his eyes, and quickly raised his head, and his figure instantly grew much older.

Ye Feng was the last batch of soldiers he had brought out, and he was also the one he was most optimistic about, and now at the age of thirty, as long as he fought steadily, a general in the future would not be a problem at all.

Can…. But because of the problem of faith, he chose to commit suicide.

Putting away the paper in his hand, Liu Yuanbin took a deep breath and turned and walked out of the room.

“Let’s all disperse, collect Major Ye’s body, and bury it well.”

Liu Yuanbin originally wanted to posthumously honor the martyrs and various meritorious deeds, but in the end he did not do so, perhaps this was an insult to Ye Feng.

But the road has gone wrong, and there is no way back.

Many generals quickly dispersed, but the matter remained in everyone’s hearts like a mystery.

Under the dark night, the zombies are manic and vicious, and seem to be running tirelessly on the streets, in the downtown area of the magic city, a slender figure is moving straight forward under the blowing of the night wind, the woman’s face is pale, her eyes are dead and gray, and she is a complete zombie.

The woman seemed to be walking aimlessly, the dead gray pupils looked at the surrounding high-rise buildings, the end came, the original neon lights of the magic city were much less, but it was still gorgeous, and the zombies running around subconsciously avoided the woman, even if there were many zombies, there was no zombie knocking her down.

The woman seemed to be somewhat blessed, and her lower abdomen bulged with some curvature, as if she was pregnant with a child, three or four months old, and occasionally saw what seemed to be moving.

Under the light of the neon lights, the woman’s eyes reflected a colorful light, and in the night, the woman walked farther and farther like a stroll, disappearing into the vast sea of corpses.

In the morning, before dawn, the three Yueyi people climbed up from the floor, pushed open the door lightly, and walked to the living room before they yawned.

Last night I slept late, I got up early, and the three of them were not sleepy and had ghosts.

However, the three people did not complain, but they were very excited, they finally made a bunk in the master bedroom, and the sleepy point was sleepy!

Although they did not expect to be able to go to the position of Zhao Yanyan and the three of them, at least they had to be the core circle.

The three girls were busy in the kitchen, getting up so early to make breakfast, normally speaking, Lin Fan, the Lord, would come out at about eight o’clock, of course, he would wake up early, but he had to get dressed and washed, which would delay for more than half an hour.

This is the law they have grasped in the past few days, and the three girls have always kept it firmly in mind.

The three women started together, cooking quickly, a few dishes plus a soup quickly ready, the three women after the busy, the prepared meal to keep warm, and then hurriedly went to clean the body of the not much smoke smell, this carefully returned to the master bedroom, took off the clothes and drilled back into the quilt.

Not long after the fake sleep, even before some sleepy three girls fell asleep, Lin Fan opened his eyes, the attributes are far beyond ordinary people, Lin Fan’s energy is very exuberant, even if he sleeps for only four or five hours, Lin Fan will not be able to sleep.

Lowering her head, it was Zhao Wanqing who was asleep in her arms, and she lowered her head and kissed her on her runny little, before pushing away the fat powder pile and walking to the ground.

Hearing the movement, Li Yun’s three daughters quickly sat up, and the iron chain on the collar made a crisp sound.

The silver iron chain and the skin shined together, the three women waited for the first time to dress, looking a little busy, taking the chain handed by Li Yun, Lin Fan had some doubts for a while.

“You guys…. Not… Why are you still carrying this? ”

Li Yun, who was kneeling on the ground, looked up and whispered, “This kind of decoration, we think the silver sparkle is very good-looking, and this choker (collar) is also very fashionable.” ”


Looking at Li Yun, Lin Fan didn’t know what to say for a while, well, there is indeed an ornament between the collar and the necklace called choker, which was popular in the 90s.

Compared with Zhao Yanyan, who is extremely talented, Li Yun lacks clothes so much that Lin Fan is a little late in leaving the master bedroom.

Today’s task is still to build the city wall, but compared to yesterday, today is a little more refined, the East and West Sides must also deliberately build the city gate, otherwise the 15-meter-high city wall is afraid to block all the female warriors outside the city, it will be too embarrassing.

Yue Yiren and Zhang Qiuyue ran to the kitchen to serve food, and before long, the table was full of meals.

“Lord, are you going to call the Lord?”

Li Yun, who had just returned from gargling from the bathroom, stood next to him and asked.

Before Lin Fan could say anything, Zhao Yanyan and a few others covered their waists and yawned and walked out.

Seeing the posture of several women, Lin Fan touched his nose, and asked without words: “Why don’t you sleep more?” It’s still early. ”

Zhao Yanyan put down her small hand and leaned over to Lin Fan’s side to kiss it, although the corners of her eyes were tired, her face was radiant, like a well-hydrated flower.

“Now that we’re all leading the team outside the city, we must have gotten up early, or wouldn’t those female warriors have been waiting outside?”

Lin Fan suddenly realized in his heart, now is no better than before, to go ten kilometers away to clean up the zombies, Zhao Yanyan they want to lead the team.

“You’ve worked hard, sit down.” Patting Zhao Yanyan’s jade hand, Lin Fan got up from his chair and went straight to Su Xiaoluo’s room.

Today is to build the city wall, how can Su Xiaoluo do it?

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