Chapter 132 Crooked Beating, the daughter of the Moon Yi people

Since the Yueyi people were brought back, whether it is housework or waiting, the performance is very good, today’s situation of unstable water cups is still the first time, especially the uneasy appearance of the pale face, which makes Lin Fan feel a little abnormal.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Not only Lin Fan was looking at the Yueyi people, Mu Yueqing and Su Xiaoluo were also looking at the Yueyi people doubtfully.

Since the Yueyi people came to the second floor, it can be said that everyone present has a good sense of this gentle and moving, easy-going and dignified woman, and now what is going on?

Yueyi turned back to God, quickly knelt on the ground, and panicked: “I’m sorry Lord, I just lost some concentration, I will clean the ground immediately.” ”

“Is it really all right?”

“Lord, it’s really all right.”

Yueyi shook his head and lowered his head to clean the stains on the ground.

“Be careful next time.”

Lin Fan didn’t care much, and said a word casually, just as Li Yun and Zhang Qiuyue brought the hot meal up, Lin Fan urged Mu Yueqing to go over to eat.

At the dinner table, Mu Yueqing was eating while talking about what happened in the Jiangyuan villa area, and Lin Fan was surprised when he listened.

Someone actually hit his side with the idea, and what kind of wingsuit flight, hot air balloon? Lin Fan only felt that this group of rich second generation really could play.

As for the Jiangyuan villa area, this Lin Fan also knows that the high-end villa area of the magic city, the super high house price of more than 100,000 square meters, is often tens of millions of dollars, or even higher, which is not at all what he can imagine before the end of the world.

Mu Yueqing’s words made Lin Fan react to one thing, the 15-meter-high city wall is too conspicuous, it may not only be noticed by these rich second generations in the Jiangyuan Villa Area, it is likely that more people will notice.

Looking at Lin Fan in a daze, Mu Yueqing swallowed the food in the valley and said with a smile: “Lord, I have taken a look, those white rich and beautiful thieves in the Jiangyuan villa area are beautiful, does the Lord want to go and see it?” I remember I asked them to go to the fields to see the orchards, wouldn’t it be nice for a bunch of white rich women to do this kind of thing? In case of tanning, will it be a loss? ”

Speaking of this, Mu Yueqing felt that it was not quite right to arrange it before.

Holding the cute legal Lolita in his arms, Lin Fan shook his head, “Don’t go, there are more beautiful women, do I still want to see them one by one?” Better to be paralyzed on the couch, Lolo is good-looking, right? ”

Coincidentally, Su Xiaoluo raised his small head, Lin Fan found the opportunity, and it was two mouthfuls of the little Lolita who had been exaggerated, and the little Lolita who had been praised lowered her head, and she couldn’t even say a word.

Looking at Lin Fan and Su Xiaoluo’s slimy looks, Mu Yueqing rolled his eyes and suddenly felt a little full.

In fact, just as Lin Fan thought in his heart, the 15-meter-high city wall is twenty kilometers long, this goal is really too big, Wang Xiaoming They found that it is not the first case, nor the last case, the southeast two directions, I don’t know how many forces have found this side of the high city wall, there are many posts on the Internet, all talking about the problem of the city wall.

It’s just that these Lin Fan basically don’t pay attention, the boss prefers to hold the girl to play games, pesticide abuse vegetables he is not fragrant?

Don’t tell me that the King of Glory can call a dish? I’m sorry that in the face of agility and intelligence of up to two hundred points or more, no matter how fast you are, it looks like slow motion.

This gap is not a dimension, can it not be dished?

In the afternoon, Lin Fan collapsed until two o’clock before carrying Su Xiaoluo out to build the city wall, and when Lin Fan left, there were only three people left in the living room: Li Yun, Yue Yi, and Zhang Qiuyue.

“Yiren, what’s wrong with you?” How can it be so careless? ”

Li Yun stared at the Yueyi people whose face was still a little pale, and there was concern in their tone, the three of them were now a whole, hugging together for warmth, she didn’t want anything wrong with the Yueyi people.

“Yeah, that scared me just now, but fortunately the Lord wasn’t angry.” Zhang Qiuyue also had palpitations in his heart, and the palm of his plump white concubine kept patting at the mouth of his heart, swinging waves in waves.

Yueyi bit his lip and shook his head slightly.

Li Yun saw something wrong, took Yueyiren’s hand, and said with concern: “What else is there to say to us?” The three of us are now grasshoppers on a rope, and if there is something you have to tell us, otherwise we don’t know how we died if something happened, and you don’t have anything to hide from us. ”

Looking at Li Yun and Zhang Qiuyue’s nervous eyes, Yue Yiren lowered his head and said softly, “You should have heard what the master mother said, right?” My family has a property in the Jiangyuan villa area, the zombie outbreak will be at home in the moon, I think the main mother is likely to bring the moon and moon back! ”

Li Yun and Li Yun were both stunned after listening, at this time, they had time to think about the child’s problem, the end broke out to the present, they were first arrested, under various crises, where there is still time to think about whether the child is safe, and now the Yueyi people suddenly mention the child, and their hearts have also sunk.

“What should I do?” Yueyi people were a little anxious, and they wanted to go and see it, but they were a little afraid.

Li Yun looked back at the gentle and weak lady in front of him, and reassured her: “Since you want to go, go and see it, just because we have the responsibility of supervising every day now, we can just go over and see, whether there is one or not, we have to face it.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue also helped from the side: “Go and see, at least there is a matter of heart.” ”

Yueyi shook his head, with a look of fear on his face.

“I don’t dare.”

“Don’t you dare?”

Yueyi pulled up the silver chain around his neck, and the collar, and said in a somewhat excited tone, “I am like this…. How do I meet her? Tell her the truth? Her mother is now a lady dog? ”

Li Yun and Zhang Qiuyue were a little stunned, if the Yueyi people did not say, they would all forget about this matter, not to say forget, but to let themselves get used to it, after all, they wanted to use this identity to please Lin Fan.

Li Yun could feel that in the morning, Lin Fan was holding a chain in her hand, and her spirit was more concentrated and more excited, otherwise, with her ability, she might not be able to put on her clothes in an hour.

Fingers touched on the collar, Li Yun quickly wanted to open, in the end of the day to live a little better, there is nothing to let go, at least in terms of quality of life, she is higher than the woman on the other side of the dormitory, I don’t know how many grades.

Lin Fan was not a lord who made her hate and could not accept it, and even Li Yun was proud of it now, even if it was her daughter who saved her this time, she would not consider whether the collar around her neck would make her unable to see anyone.

“If I were you, there would be no such worries, for the current identity, I have a high sense of identity, if it is my daughter, I will consider whether to put a collar on her, or let her take another path of promotion, as for you, you think slowly.” 」

Li Yun sighed, gave up persuasion, walked step by step to the door of the second floor, changed his shoes and prepared to go out.

The second floor was sure to leave a person waiting for Lin Fan to come back at any time, Li Yun went out, Zhang Qiuyue also planned to go out, Yue Yiren was flustered, looking at the two good sisters are leaving, she can feel that there is a rift between the three of them.

And this rift, it is likely that because of what she just said, everyone is in a trench, but you hate this trench, can there be no rift?

Yue Yiren was uneasy in his heart, and quickly grabbed Zhang Qiuyue’s arm, looking at Li Yun, who had already opened the door on the second floor, and said anxiously: “Wait. ”

Li Yun looked back at the Yueyi people on the side of the sofa, and his eyes were calm.

“Wait for me, I’ll go too.” Speaking of this, Yueyi looked at Zhang Qiuyue apologetically and said, “Just let me go out with Sister Yun.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue had nothing to argue about, everyone went out the same, she could still rest on the second floor.

In the courtyard, Li Yun stopped a maid, turned his head and looked at Yueyi who was wearing a mask and dodging his eyes, and felt a little helpless in his heart.

“Do you know where the maids who will be brought back by the master mother are?”

Suddenly stopped by Li Yun, the maid looked at Li Yun in fear, then pointed to the parking lot not far away, and said: “Back to the adult, those women have been arranged to go over there to wash the car.” ”

Li Yun nodded, pulled the Yueyi people over, separated by more than ten meters, the Yueyi people hid behind a tree, their eyes carefully searching in a group of maids, and soon their eyes were a meal, and then they quickly withdrew their gaze.

Following Yue Yiren’s gaze twice, Li Yun quickly found the target, after all, Liu Mingyue’s white rich beauty was too conspicuous.

“Would you like to come over and have a look?”

In the face of Li Yun’s inquiry, Yue Yiren quickly shook his head and waved his hand: “Let me slow down, I am not mentally prepared.” ”

“Okay, you’ll stay here, I’ll see.”

Li Yun did not force her, turning her head to a group of maids who were washing cars.

Wiping the sweat on her forehead, Liu Mingyue was holding a water gun in her hand, her arms were sore, she was so big, where had she done this kind of work? I was so tired that I couldn’t do it, so I squatted directly on the ground and gasped for breath.

“Sister Fifi, I’m exhausted, and if I continue like this, I won’t be exhausted, I’m going to die of heat!”

Wu Mengfei, who was wiping the car with a rag, turned her head and looked at Liu Mingyue, who was covered in sweat, and the movement of her hands was stunned.

Wiping the sweat, Wu Mengfei was also hot, she had never done such a tiring job when she was so old, and now it was the first time.

Looking around at the women who are dressed lightly, almost a piece of tulle can see the bra, even if it is hot, simply sprinkle the water on the body, this is better, and there is no difference between wearing it, she is strange, these women are not afraid of being seen by men?

It is also strange to say, it has been almost two hours since she came, she has not found the shadow of a man, is it not true that there are women here?

“Hey, don’t be lazy, hurry up, otherwise you will be found by the adults, everyone will not be able to eat and walk, and serious may be fed zombies.”

Some maids found the lazy Liu Mingyue and others, and hurriedly sounded a reminder, in an instant, a group of maids looked over, and then some maids found Li Yun who came over, and her face changed instantly.

“Hey, that new arrival, you hurry up, the adults above are coming, don’t want to die hurry up and work!”

Several maids next to them were anxious, hurriedly urging, Liu Mingyue was startled, and quickly stood up, the maids said it was too scary, she did not want to be fed to the zombies.

Wu Mengfei glanced at Li Yun, who was obviously dressed and in a state that was very different from the maids, and her hands also moved in a hurry to continue to wipe the car.

In the nervous mood of the maids, Li Yun walked over to Liu Mingyue and stood still, and in an instant, all the women, including Liu Mingyue, had their hearts in their throats.

“Are you the maids you just brought back?” What is your name? ”


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