Chapter 143 The Surreal Doomsday, Here, I Lin Fan is the law!

Not only Liu Mingyue, Wu Mengfei and the rest of Bai Fumei were all named by Lin Fan.

Inside the female warrior phalanx, I don’t know how many female warriors have a glint of envy in their eyes, even jealousy, and this kind of look is especially obvious in the maid’s phalanx!

Zhou Xiuyan they obviously came later, as for Liu Mingyue and Wu Mengfei, they were only brought to the female warrior side by the top level yesterday, there was no superior performance at all, but everyone knew that Lin Fan had the final say! And there are people above, and promotion can be faster than everyone!

This is true before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world!

Looking at the dozen or so women who came out, Lin Fan handed the folder in his hand to Lin Youyou, what he needed to do, almost all of it, the rest almost had nothing to do with him.

“Zhou Xiuyan, the owner of the Dark Xiang Bar, Zhao Wanqing’s girlfriend, your name I heard from Wanqing, she said you are very good, so I give you this opportunity, your recent performance is really good.”

Zhou Xiuyan subconsciously glanced at Zhao Wanqing, who was standing behind Lin Fan, with a grateful look in her eyes.

“Jasmine, the person at the Dark Fragrance Bar, the forced professional killer, Yo-Yo and the you I recommend, at the beginning, I was amazed, and after your performance, you really completed the killing of a kind of art, work hard, and I am also optimistic about you.” 」

Jasmine is a person who knows the gratitude map, otherwise she would not have followed Zhou Xiuyan for so long, hearing Lin Fan’s words, her eyes were full of gratitude to Lin Youyou and Lin Fan.

Lin Youyou saved her, gave her a new life, and helped her kill her enemy Wang Kui, while Lin Fan gave her new opportunities and a better start.

Looking at the beautiful figure around Jasmine, especially the fierce Ye Ruolan, thinking of the situation in the past few days, Lin Fan wanted to laugh, but Lin Fan did not laugh out, Ye Ruolan endured very hard.

“Ye Ruolan, is also a person of the Dark Fragrance Bar, to tell the truth, the Dark Fragrance Bar is really talented, unlike your boss and Jasmine, since the end of the world, or grow so big, you are the first to touch the porcelain with me, very courageous, support the courage to starve to death The timid, I remember you, so give you a chance, it depends on whether you are angry.”

Ye Ruolan can’t say the feeling in her heart now, at that time was healed by Lin Fan, plus Lin Fan was very handsome, in the hospital this force, this life is either lonely and old, or Lin Fan looks, there is no third choice, her brain is hot, touch the porcelain words blurted out, but did not think that there is a current opportunity, she can’t say the happiness in her heart.

Listening to Lin Fan’s story, many women at that time recalled Ye Ruolan’s bold actions at that time, looking at Ye Ruolan’s back and unspeakable envy, this society is like this, if you don’t even dare to perform, you can only be unknown.

Lin Fan didn’t know what Ye Ruolan was thinking, his gaze shifted slightly, looking at Liu Mingyue, who was still a little confused, this girl was really stunned, those eyes and delicate skin, but it was very similar to her mother.

“Liu Mingyue, Bai Fumei of Jiangyuan Villa District, I don’t know your merits, the only thing you should be grateful for is that you have a good mother, she let you eat a lot less suffering, less walking, your life is very lucky, born with a golden key, and now you just came here, and you have a good starting point.”

Speaking of this, Lin Fan pointed to the female warriors in the rear and the maid camp of the other phalanx, “You are many times luckier than them, work hard, don’t live up to your mother’s efforts.” ”

Liu Mingyue’s eyes were hot, looking at the Yueyi people at the end of the line, and his heart could not be said to be moved.

But Yueyi people don’t have so many ideas, if it is not a place that is not suitable, she wants to pound her waist, the acid is almost untenable, ten years do not open meat, open a small life is almost gone, comfortable also have to die ah.

Small episode, Lin Fan did not pay attention to, looking at Wu Mengfei standing next to Liu Mingyue, this woman Lin Fan heard Mu Yueqing mention, there are two brushes, can lead a group of rich second generation Bai Fumei, but also need to be skilled, everyone is Bai Fumei, why should you be served? It depends on strength.

“Wu Mengfei, the leader of the Bai Fumei in Jiangyuan Villa District, including you Bai Fumei, I am glad that you have a good girlfriend.”

After Lin Fan finished speaking, Wu Mengfei and the others subconsciously looked at Liu Mingyue on their side, and the happiness in their hearts could not be said, if it were not for Liu Mingyue, they would still be farming, or if it were not for Liu Mingyue, what would happen to them in the current roll call?

With a wave of his hand, a dozen porcelain bottles flew out, and after doing all this, Lin Fan said: “You all belong to the promotion of the exception, or the object to be observed, the level is unchanged, it is still Lv2, the road has been paved, if you still can’t climb up, it can only mean that you are waste, and waste does not need more attention.” ”

“Go home!”

Picking up the porcelain bottle in her hand, Zhou Xiuyan and the others bowed their heads in salute and then returned to the team.

After the reward was completed, Lin Fan’s gaze swept through the two camps, and the cold gaze made all the women subconsciously bow their heads.

“Now is a new beginning, if you are not willing to be the lowest level, work hard, the high level has a good life, you can not imagine, the rights of the top is also unimaginable to you!” There are laws before the end of the world, and after the end of the day, in my case, the upper echelons are the laws! I! It’s the law! If you want to become an enforcer of the law, try to climb up! ”

Simple and crude, the upper level is the law, which is the most stringent class system, and can even be understood as the aristocratic class system, although very harsh, but it will undoubtedly inspire everyone to climb up.

Lin Fan will not be afraid of what the so-called people harm, deceitful, the most basic laws are still there, arbitration team, auditors, these will not let some out of the ordinary things appear, if someone really naively thinks that they can do whatever they want in a high position, the arbitration group will let those women know what is the real high-level!

After doing all this, Lin Fan waved his hand, a large silver box full of scientific and technological atmosphere appeared next to it, snapped his fingers, and the silver box opened, and it was filled with black watches.

“You should be curious, what are these, I can tell you now, these black watches not only allow you to see the time, but also have a positioning function, and most importantly, the counting function, how many zombies you have killed, this watch will be displayed, and it is also a proof of how much you can get paid every month in the future.” 」

Speaking of this, Lin Fan took a step back and pulled Lin Youyou to his eyes.

“Next, Lin Youyou will be responsible for distributing these devices to you, some follow-up activities and the selection of talents, will be responsible for the people of the arbitration team, today temporarily stop all outings, just as a rare holiday, enjoy it.”

The big silver box inside is not only the more than seven hundred counters exchanged yesterday, this morning Lin Fan exchanged another 1,000, ten thousand points are gone, this thing is not a big problem, after all, female warriors will continue to increase.

In addition, there are Tang Dao, which is also 1,000, and it is ten thousand points, the original more than forty thousand, now only 24580 is left, it is estimated that more will be spent in the future, of course, the points will come faster, pay 20 points, the harvest will be dozens of times hundreds of times.

For example, Li Fengjiao, who was only a Tang Dao with 10 points, these female warriors have now killed at least a thousand zombies, which is still the reason why the location of the hospital is relatively remote and there are not many zombies nearby.

Look at ten kilometers away, there are many zombies over there, and now the outside of the city wall is already full of zombies, and the area that Zhao Wanqing went out to clean up before has long been covered with zombies.

After doing everything that should be done, Lin Fan turned his head and planned to walk back to the supermarket, today everyone rested, he as Lv9 can not go out to kill zombies, right? Right? As Lv9 shouldn’t it be time to slump on the couch as a salted fish?

When passing by Li Yun and Yue Yiren, looking at the two women’s faces were a little white, although the light in the corner of their eyes seemed to be very smooth, but the breath was still a little weak.

Standing in the somewhat inconvenient standing posture of the two women, Lin Fan immediately understood, even if the two women have lived alone for many years, they are ordinary people after all, where can they not resist him from bumping so much, and it is not Lin Youyou, these women with a physique of up to seventy or eighty.

Looking at Lin Fan suddenly stopping in front of him and not leaving, Li Yun and Yue Yiren both girls did not understand why Lin Fan stopped for a while, was it planning to call them back…..

Thinking of this, the two women’s pale faces were a little more dizzy, and their hearts were a little afraid, they were really not good now.

“The Lord… Lord, do you need us to serve you back? ”

Listening to Yueyiren’s somewhat timid tone, Lin Fan couldn’t help but shake his head, it’s okay if you don’t say this, I don’t know if this tone is easier for men to want to bully you?

Raising his hand to pat on the shoulders of Yue Yi and Li Yun, the plant energy full of life breath swirled around in the two of them, and in an instant, the two women’s waists were no longer sore, their feet were no longer painful, and they no longer felt uncomfortable standing up.

“The next time I am uncomfortable, say early, you are living and suffering in this way, although I am not a good person, I have not yet reached the point of torturing you for pleasure, how to say that I am also a person who serves me, and I still have a status.” 」

Lin Fan did not hide anything, his voice was flat, listening to Yue Yiren and Li Yun’s ears, the emotions in his heart could not be said.

“Thanks… Thank you Lord for your concern. ”

“All right, you guys keep busy, I’ll go back first.” Swinging his hand, Lin Fan walked back to the supermarket step by step, and did not plan to use any ability, a few steps to use the ability, that is how boring, and not the old man who is about to retire.

Back to the supermarket, Zhang Qiuyue in the living room rushed over, knelt on the ground to change slippers for Lin Fan, do not know how, may be the sequelae of the morning, kneeling in front of Lin Fan, Zhang Qiuyue could not help but face the leek, originally drank some water much better throat also began to hurt a little.

Lin Fan did not know what Zhang Qiuyue was thinking, walked to the living room, and found that Su Xiaoluo on the sofa had actually gotten up, and was shrinking on the sofa with a small face, and the whole person was a small group.

Curious to go to the side and sit down, Lin Fan fished her into his arms, pinched her small face, and asked: “Why do you suffer from small faces?” ”

Last night, the relationship developed by leaps and bounds, Su Xiaoluo was obviously more dependent on Lin Fan, and the kitten rubbed in Lin Fan’s arms like a kitten, and said bitterly: “People have stomach pain.” ”

“Stomach pain?” Lin Fan subconsciously put his hand on Su Xiaoluo’s small belly, and the plant energy operated for a moment, wondering, “Isn’t this no disease?” How does the stomach hurt? ”

Plant energy contains life vitality, it can be said that many diseases can be cured without medicine, but under Lin Fan’s examination, Su Xiaoluo is obviously not sick.

Sighing at Xiao Qian, Su Xiaoluo raised his hand and punched twice in Lin Fan’s arms, muttering, “Not that pain.” ”

“What’s that?”

“It’s not you, step to stomach, step to stomach, can I not feel bad?” I’m only 146, I’m only 150 in shoes, how high do you not count? Reciprocal? ”

Lin Fan scratched his head, as if it was indeed his fault at first, and later he could blame him? You are short and can you blame me for being big?

Grass! It doesn’t make sense!

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