Chapter 172 Space Strange Energy Lv6, opening up space channels

Zhao Deng’s body fell to the ground, and there was still a glow of despair and regret and resentment in his dead eyes, he hated, why such a powerful ability was not his! He hates! If he had such great strength, everything he would have gained would definitely be more than that!

He hates! Why is something out of his control! He hated why Lin Fan was so terrifying, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, and appearing on hundreds of high rooftops out of thin air! He shouldn’t die!

But these hatreds have become meaningless, he is dead, there is no more capital to make a comeback, and there is no chance of a restart!

The creed that Lin Fan implemented was, if people provoke me, cut the grass and remove the roots! Absolutely will not be merciful and give the other party the slightest chance of revenge.

It cannot be said that there is no such thing as complaining about this situation with virtue, but Lin Fan will definitely not test whether his enemies will have the virtue of complaining with virtue in the end, so why should he put the right to choose in the hands of the enemy? Killing each other cleanly, isn’t it all the trouble left?

Besides, he has such a strong strength, why should the other party provoke him? He has not swelled up to be an enemy of the world, where do these people come from courage? But if you have a peanut rice to drink, you will not be drunk like this!

Is there still a point of reverence for superpowers?

Without even looking at the three corpses that had fallen on the roof, Lin Fan walked down the stairs step by step, and several sniper rifle bullets in his hand jumped up and down mischievously.

At the stairwell, two men in black suits heard footsteps and turned their heads, their suits bulging high with muscles, with a fierce breath.

Seeing Lin Fan coming down the stairs, dressed and moving so casually, the two men in suits were a little confused for a while.

They remembered that only Zhao Deng and the three people went upstairs, how did a man who had never seen him suddenly appear upstairs?

“Who are you?” How does it look so raw? What about the boss? ”

Picking his eyebrows, Lin Fan smiled and said, “Looking for your boss?” You should be a guest at Yama, and I will send you to see him. ”

Slightly stunned, the two sensed that something was wrong and immediately pulled out their guns, but Lin Fan’s movements were much faster than theirs.

The bullets flying in his hands flew out in an instant, and two blood flowers burst open, and a smell of blood greeted him.


The two corpses fell softly to the ground, Lin Fan did not look at the two corpses, still aimlessly moving forward.

In the corridor of the presidential suite on the top floor, stepping on the osh-colored carpet under his feet, looking at the man in black standing at the door of the presidential suite, with a snap of his fingers, the two men who had just turned their heads turned into corpses without a word.

The Universal Hotel has a total of 56 floors, Lin Fan walked step by step, the man who stood in the way could not touch Lin Fan’s figure at all, and he was hit by a bullet flying in mid-air.

The door could not stop Lin Fan’s footsteps, kicking the door in one by one, the man killed it with his bare hands, if there was a woman, he dropped a sentence and turned around, whether the other party was sprayed with blood, and whether he was screaming in terror.

Perhaps the screams of the women were too harsh, and soon a group of men with guns rushed up downstairs, these men looked fierce one by one, holding long or short guns in their hands, and when they saw Lin Fan come out, they didn’t want to shoot directly.

Bang Bang Bang!


The sound of pistols and micro-punches kept reverberating, Lin Fan walked forward expressionlessly, three feet in front of him, more and more bullets of all sizes, but they could not cross the distance of three feet at all.

Looking at the strange scene in front of them, the men who had emptied the cartridges were panicked, Lin Fan took a step forward, they subconsciously took a step back, the invincible guns lost their effect, these people did not know what to do for a while.

Especially in the face of Lin Fan, that fear of the unknown made these men swallow spit, and their faces were frightened and kept retreating, perhaps the pressure was too great, and the man in front could not withstand this feeling of oppression that was almost suffocating, shouted, turned around and ran.

The man’s actions caused a chain reaction, a group of people fled in a hurry, Lin Fan shook his head disdainfully, “Bullying is soft and afraid of hard, the guns in your hands are invalid like a group of toothless tigers, even the courage to rush up and fight, it is really a bunch of waste!” ”

With a single thought, hundreds of bullets flew backwards in front of them, and the backs of the men who ran at the end exploded into a large blood mist, and the dense bullets almost turned the last few men into a honeycomb, and the bullets with no reduction in power flew all the way through, no one could be spared, and the dense bullets flew directly to the wall at the end, leaving hundreds of black bullet holes.

It’s too simple, these ordinary people, even if they are large in number, still holding guns, are still just ordinary people, as if they are giving a baby a nuclear bomb, can he threaten adults?

The power gap is simply as terrifying as a dimension, and the final fate of these people is only a dead end.

Layer by layer, Lin Fan didn’t know how many men he had killed, about four or five hundred, until he didn’t find any men in the induction.

Room 8101 on the eighth floor of the Universal Hotel, looking at the two women huddled in the quilt with only their heads exposed, said, “Pack up your things, and then wait for me here, and I’ll come back before evening to take you away.” ”

Dropping this sentence, Lin Fan walked out of the room, the figure slowly disappeared into the ground, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the street.

It’s still early, it’s too much of a waste of time to take this group of women back, it is better to go all the way, if you can still find the survivor team, then just bring it back together, save a lot of running.

Wouldn’t that save a lot of time? In terms of time management, Lin Fan is a master.

Standing on the street, looking at the zombies that smelled the smell of living people in front of him, and the brainless roar rushed over, Lin Fan shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, the two-meter-long half-moon shaped space cut all the way through the space, as if a silver-blue thin line flew through the air, and in the blink of an eye, the corpses on the main road were instantly cleared out of a blank area that was two meters wide and one hundred meters long!

“Ding! Kill Zombies +1, Points +1, Space Control Ability +1, Current XP 9755/10000. ”

“Ding! Kill Zombies +1, Points +1, Space Control Ability +1, Current XP 9999/10000. ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the main upper space mastery of the ability to advance to Lv6, to advance to the next level requires 0/10w of experience. ”

“Ding! Kill Zombies +1, Points +1, Space Control Ability XP +1, Current XP 20/10w. ”


The speed of promotion of high-level alien abilities was very slow, until now, he was barely promoted to Lv6, and along the way, Lin Fan killed more than 10,000 zombies close to 20,000!

After leaving the inner city, the number of zombies is a lot more, this number is the scale that the devil should have, the main road is densely packed with zombies, and even the buildings on both sides are all zombies with glass sticking to the glass to rush out, but where these commercial buildings, the quality of the glass is very good, the zombies can’t rush down at all.

Unless the zombies are so crazy that they keep hitting the glass, it is difficult to destroy these high-quality tempered glass with just scratching their teeth and biting.

The space ability constantly strengthened the body, and as the space ability advanced, Lin Fan could feel that his mastery and understanding of space was more, and at the same time, he could also make more strange things.

The promotion enhancement ended, looking at the zombies rushing in front, Lin Fan’s arm was raised, the void was grabbed, the space of tens of meters in front of him collapsed out of thin air, and the zombies in this range were instantly squeezed and exploded, turning into an irregular sphere, and even the blood was blocked by the collapsed space, and there was no splash at half a point.

Casually abandoning the spherical corpse that was compressed into an irregular giant, Lin Fan’s index finger lightly stroked, the fingertips flowed with the energy of the space, at this moment the space was like a curtain, and it was easy for Lin Fan’s fingers to open a clear crack, and the dark crack emitted a creepy breath.

Looking forward to the cracks in front of him, the space energy in Lin Fan’s body was continuously poured out, maintaining the space cracks in front of him, Lin Fan was trying to open up a space channel, supported by a steady stream of space energy, the space cracks were getting bigger and bigger, and a palpitating breath gushed out from the space cracks.

A large amount of space energy was lost, Lin Fan’s face was somewhat pale, the fluctuating space crack gradually tended to be stable, in the area of a hundred meters in front of the main road, a space crack appeared out of thin air, the creeping space crack was like a wound, under the world’s self-repair mechanism, constantly trying to heal, but it was blocked by another force.

Maintaining the output of space energy, Lin Fan’s unremitting efforts were finally to let the space crack a hundred meters away be completely opened into a channel, looking at the space channel that had been completely stabilized in front of him, Lin Fan stepped in, and when he appeared again, the figure had come to a hundred meters away.

Stepping out from the other end of the space channel, Lin Fan turned his head to look at the still stable space passage behind him, and his face not only had a hint of joy.

The space ability promoted to Lv6 can finally open up the space channel, that is, the energy consumption is somewhat large, and the distance is also very short, and the distance of only 100 meters consumes more than half of the space energy, and the pay and harvest are somewhat disproportionate.

The distance of 100 meters for Lin Fan now, less than half a second can be crossed, but Lin Fan is not discouraged, after all, the space energy level is only Lv6, there is still a lot of room for improvement, starting from Lv6, it is a special energy that really goes to the Dacheng stage, and the early stage is at most a foundation.

After Lv6, every time you promote a level, the changes brought about by it are earth-shaking!

Just when Lin Fan was in a daze, the zombies around him came around, these zombies don’t care whether you are excited or desperate, in the eyes of these zombies, the living represent that they can eat!

Just like when human beings eat rice, they will think about whether the rice in the bowl is sad or happy now. Obviously not!

Looking at these zombies who roared and rushed over, Lin Fan’s arm was raised, and five fingers tightened vigorously, at this moment, the space of hundreds of meters seemed to be affected, on Lin Fan’s fingers, there seemed to be an invisible thin line, and as the fingers tightened, the thin line instantly cut the space of hundreds of meters into thousands of pieces.

The limbs of the zombies in this space are twisted and misplaced, and the broken space completely cuts these zombies into pieces, and almost none of them are complete.

Space is like a knife, the finger is the line, and the line controls the knife, instantly cutting the space and shattering.

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