Chapter 180 Sudden Surprise, Great Harvest

Until all the women on the screen died tragically, Lin Fan waved his hand to close the picture that made the women terrified.

Turning around and looking behind her, with Lin Fan’s action, the women took two steps back in fear, and there was an unconcealed panic on their faces.

The fear of women, Lin Fan did not pay attention to the heart, the eyes swept over the women’s faces, Lin Fan smiled lightly: “You don’t need to be so afraid, as long as you are obedient, I will be very kind to you, I don’t like others to oppose me, in my territory, I must abide by my rules!” ”

“Your task is very simple, even I think I am very kind, as long as you work hard, you can be the same as before the end of the world, no one will bully you, work every day to earn money, enjoy a quiet life without the threat of zombies, as long as you do not do stupid things yourself, no one will do anything to you.” 」

“Do you understand?”

The women were dazed, and they all doubted whether they had heard the wrong words that Lin Fan had just said, as long as they went to work and earn money every day, they could do it? There is no crisis of zombies, or even a man to force them and use them as a tool to vent?

The end is over, there is such a good place in the world? The women even thought that Lin Fan was joking with them, they would rather be a joke than believe it, otherwise, when they were full of expectations to face the cruel life that followed, they would be greeted by the ugly faces of those men, and they might collapse directly.

“If you understand it, let’s go.”

The women’s suspicious eyes Lin Fan could see everything, Lin Fan did not explain anything, said a word lightly, and took the lead towards the City of Judgment.

There was no need for explanation, these women would know it by looking at it for themselves.

Under the illumination of the setting sun, thousands of women followed Lin Fan with trepidation, walking step by step towards the City of Judgment, when they crossed the obstacle of high-rise buildings, looking at the ground rising up in front of them several kilometers apart, the tall walls of black and gray were all frozen.

The huge city wall of twenty kilometers long is like a dragon lying on the ground, even if it is motionless, the majesty and heaviness that comes from the face are still shocking!

These women did not know how they came to the bottom of the city wall, at this time, none of them thought about whether it was sour or not, whether their feet hurt or not, these women were all shocked by the thick, huge and indestructible wall in front of them!

Lin Fan returned with thousands of women, Zhu Fangfang on the city gate tower had already seen it from a long distance, at this time Lin Fan came to the bottom of the city wall, Zhu Fangfang immediately urged the city gate jade charm in her hand, which was her responsibility as the captain of the city gate town guard!

Under the impetus of the qi in the body, the city wall seemed to come alive, and in the sluggish and stunned eyes of the women, the thick wall in front of Lin Fan slowly opened to form an arched city gate, and this scene in front of him completely subverted the women’s cognition!

Returning to the inner city with the women who could not return to the gods at all, Lin Fan turned around, and there were already female warriors running down from the city wall next to them, but it was not Zhu Fangfang, as the captain who controlled the jade rune, she had a heavy responsibility and could not leave the city gate tower, and the two who came down were members of Zhu Fangfang’s team, and they were also powerful female warriors with a strength of more than 20 points.


The two female warriors knelt in front of Lin Fan’s eyes in unison, and Lin Fan waved his hand to help them up, pointed at the women in front of him, and said, “You two brought them back to the hospital, these are your rewards.” ”

With that, Lin Fan threw away two jade bottles, and the two female warriors quickly caught them, with irrepressible joy on their faces.

“Thank you Lord, these are our own jobs, and we don’t need to be rewarded.”

Looking at the two female warriors who were smiling with open eyes, Lin Fan laughed and scolded: “If you don’t want it, then return it to me.” ”

When the two female warriors heard the words, their heads immediately shook like rattles, is this not a joke? Don’t want to be a fool, this is the source force, although it is only the lowest level, only need 100 ruling coins to buy, but 100 ruling coins is not money? That’s 10 zombies to kill!

“Lord, you have given it all down, and there is still a reason to take it back.”

“It is.”

Looking at the two women in unison, Lin Fan shook his head and smiled: “Don’t be poor, hurry up and do things.” ”

The two female warriors laughed and did not dare to lie down any longer, waving at the woman brought back by Lin Fan and drinking: “Don’t rub it, go quickly.” ”

The two female warriors knew that they were not clean, and Lin Fan couldn’t look at them, but it was good to be able to talk to Lin Fan and stay a little longer, and they were already very satisfied.

Watching the women go away, Lin Fan shook his head, and the figure shook and disappeared in the same place.

In the morning, only two sewers were obtained under the city gate, and now it was time to arrange the other two gates underground, so as to ensure the safety of the female warriors, and then there was a long project, slowly covering every part of the inner city with cannibal vines and piranha flowers.

Now that the wood element energy has been promoted to Lv7, the wood element energy has not only doubled, if the wood element energy of the Lv6 level is a stream, then the wood element energy of Lv7 is now a big river!

The remaining southwest two sides of the city gate underground covered with cannibal vines and piranha flowers, Lin Fan did not stop, standing under the south city gate, step by step, Lin Fan’s plan is, when to use up the wood element energy, when to stop.

When he came back, he walked for more than an hour, mainly because the women walked a little slowly, and when Lin Fan was close to the South City Gate, the area two kilometers underground was covered with man-eating vines and man-eating flowers, and when he returned to the ground, the sky was already black.

This two kilometers is not simple, the entire south city gate is twenty kilometers long, this three kilometers is two kilometers from south to north, two kilometers wide, twenty kilometers long underground, has been covered with man-eating vines and piranha flowers by Lin Fan.

Doing all this almost exhausted the wood element energy in Lin Fan’s body, and if he wanted to recover it all, it was estimated that it would take one night.

Back to the supermarket, the door on the second floor, let Li Yun kneel on the ground to help him change his shoes, Lin Fan looked at the living room, Lin Youyou in the living room They have all returned, but Lin Fan’s focus is not Lin Youyou, but a bunch of vegetables and fruits on the coffee table.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, strawberries, watermelons, potatoes, cauliflower and beans, almost all piled up on the entire coffee table, at this time Lin Youyou and others are surrounding the coffee table, constantly touching this, and then picking up that, and Zhao Yanyan next to him kept praising Zhao Yanyan.

Lin Fan leaned closer and asked curiously, “What are you doing here?” How come so many vegetables and fruits, and where did this corn come from? So fresh. ”

The end of the day is so long, even if you find some of the vegetables in the canteen that are not broken, they are not too fresh, these vegetables in front of you are not the same, it looks like it has just been picked, especially the corn, the corn buds are still emerald green, there is peeled corn next to it, the corn kernels are not good, it can be boiled and eaten.

Looking at Lin Fan’s curious look, Lin Youyou smiled and pulled Zhao Yanyan over and solemnly said, “We Yanyan can eat these fresh vegetables and fruits, and we Yanyan are indispensable!” Every day, our Zhao Yanyan students will go to the orchard, vegetable garden and farmland to sprinkle wood element energy, otherwise, we can’t eat these fresh vegetables and fruits! ”

Looking at Zhao Yanyan in surprise, if it were not for Lin Youyou, Lin Fan would have forgotten this stubble, the wood element can indeed promote the growth of plants, and even at the beginning, he also planned to use the wood element to speed up the ripening speed of vegetables and fruits, but then he was busy and forgotten.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t say anything, Zhao Yanyan did it, in fact, this is also very normal, Zhao Yanyan is so smart, it is not surprising that she will think of this.

“How many fruits and vegetables do we grow now and the staple food these crops?”

Lin Fan really did not care about this problem, the last time he went to an orchard, secretly picked a grape to eat, and was also discovered, since then Lin Fan has not been embarrassed once.

Hearing Lin Fan ask, Zhao Yanyan thought about it and said: “The orchard is about five acres, and now there are more varieties, melons, fruits, pears, peaches, strawberries, etc. Almost all of them, there is wood element energy, almost do not worry about whether these fruits can adapt to the climate of the magic capital, a little wood element energy, these fruits grow well.” ”

“As for the vegetables, beans, cauliflower, cucumbers, eggplant, potatoes, these are about seven acres of land, and the crops are more, rice, corn, wheat are planted for about twenty acres, and now they are basically ripe, and then we can be self-sufficient, and we can completely feed the current population of the city we adjudicated.”

“I deliberately left a small piece of corn without ripening, Lord, do you like to eat boiled corn?” It’s delicious. ”

Listening to Zhao Yanyan’s report as a number of family treasures, Lin Fan was a little stunned, unconsciously, has the hospital planted so many things? And they were all cooked, so many vegetables that they could even be fed to the female warriors and maids.

In the past, it was all bagged food, or simply bread, instant noodles, etc., only at noon there would be some extra meals, lunch meat, canned meat, etc., and everyone got very little.

Vegetables are such things, before only the supermarket side can eat, now planted so many vegetables, naturally can be supplied to female soldiers and maids, but still that sentence, want to eat and take money to buy.

Now that the monetary system of the City of Judgments has been established, what you want to eat, what you want to work hard to spend money to buy, what you want, what you want to work hard to spend money to buy, everything is basically no different from before the end of the world.

With the diversification of vegetables and fruits, the development of the inner city will only get better and better.

“Well done, hard work you swallow, if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to eat fresh vegetables and fruits now.” Looking at Zhao Yanyan, who was smiling and smiling in front of him, Lin Fan’s face was full of smiles, if he was alone, he would definitely not be able to take care of so many things, nor could he do all aspects, and he could be annoyed to death.

“As for boiling corn, of course I like to eat this thing, tonight we will eat boiled corn, arranged, tonight will eat!”

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