Chapter 185 Moving the Capital? Defeated in Tsu Port? The horror of the Transformer Warrior

Zhao Zhi’an and Kong Wenxiu’s tone was full of determination, and in the current situation, the imperial capital had theoretically fallen.

After more than a month of cleaning up, there are only tens of millions left in the more than 20 million corpses outside the second ring, and now millions of people in the second ring are about to be infected with zombies, and under the internal and external troubles, they can no longer think of any way but to abandon the imperial capital!

Although I did not want to make this choice to abandon the retreat of nearly a million survivors, for the sake of the fire of mankind and the continuation of the empire, we must make up our minds to retreat! Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers would also completely fall into the imperial capital.

In addition to abandoning the imperial capital and recovering it later, they can no longer think of any way to save it, if they retreat, they will stay in the green mountains without worrying about firewood, as long as there is a foundation, sooner or later they can make a comeback, if all of them fall into the imperial capital, then there is no hope!

It is still early, and if a decision is made earlier, hundreds of thousands of officers and men will be able to withdraw to the Tianjin Port Military Region in time, and the number of officers and men will be able to reach more than 800,000 in conjunction with the Tianjin Port Military Region, and the most important thing is that there will also be the East China Sea Fleet at the port of Tianjin Port, which can be completely invincible!

First of all, we began to clean up the zombies in Jingang City, which had a population of nearly half that of the imperial capital, with only more than 15 million people, and it would be much easier to clean up than the imperial capital.

Yang Ligong slowly returned from despair, looked at the determined expressions on Kong Wenxiu and Zhao Zhian’s faces, took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and his lips kept shaking: “Sinner! O sinners! I Yang Ligong! Is the history of the Eastern Empire! The biggest sinner! ”

What does it mean to abandon the imperial capital? Moving the capital in peacetime is a big deal, not to mention being forced to flee out of the imperial capital, and once this order is issued, it will be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of your life!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sinner!

There was a moment of silence in the president’s office, and after a moment, Yang Ligong opened his eyes, pushed away Zhao Zhi’an next to him, and stood up straight with trembling, “Pass on my orders!” The 1st Army, the 2nd Army, the 3rd Army, and the 4th Army abandoned the defensive line and retreated from the main road of the country 218 to Jingang City, with the fire cover of the Aviation Corps! ”

“Yes! President! Announce your order now! ”

Kong Wenxiu was saluting, in fact, there was no need to read it at all, the phone had not hung up, and Yang Ligong’s verbal order had already been heard on the other side of the phone.

After truly giving the order to abandon the imperial capital and defeat Jingang, Yang Ligong’s eyes darkened for a moment, as if he had been emptied of his spirit.

Before the phone was hung up, the door of the president’s office was suddenly pushed open, and Wen Shuhua, wearing a white coat and glasses, walked in excitedly and shouted: “Mr. President! Can’t withdraw! Can’t withdraw! I can solve the current crisis of the imperial capital! Absolutely can not be withdrawn! ”

Looking at Wen Shuhua, who suddenly rushed in, before Yang Ligong could speak, he was interrupted by Wen Shuhua’s excited voice, and his tone was stagnant, and he asked uncertainly: “What can you do?” ”

“President, have you forgotten?” My experiment has been successful! With your approval, after my efforts day and night, there are now more than two thousand people in the three forms of reformers, and these two thousand people can completely block the tide of corpses for a long time, without the pressure of the frontline tide of corpses, the crisis in the resettlement area can be solved in a short period of time! ”

“Mr. President, you have your support, and now is the time for you to see the results!” Wen Shuhua looked excited, clutching Yang Ligong with both hands deadly, that look had the feeling that if you don’t agree, I won’t let go.

“Good! I promise you, I hope your reformers don’t let me down! Yang Ligong could not express the surprise in his heart, and at the same time he was greatly relieved, if it were not for the situation forcing him to abandon the imperial capital, who would want to be a sinner?

With Wen Shuhua’s guarantee, Yang Ligong saw new hope, whether it could be achieved or not, at least he had to try, otherwise, he was not willing!

Even if it fails, there is time to transfer, in case of success, that earth-shattering catastrophe, you can pass unharmed, when the time comes, we must thoroughly investigate the real cause of the virus outbreak! This thing has to be listed first!

“Pass on the order, dispatch the second, third, and fourth armies to the survivors’ resettlement area, kill all the zombies, and establish a protective station, and every survivor must be thoroughly inspected!” At the same time, the First Army was ordered to pay attention to the tide of corpses at any time, and once Dr. Wen’s reformers could not resist the tide of corpses, they must report it as soon as possible! ”

“At the same time, the order of the previous square remains unchanged! All in action! ”

“Zhao Zhi’an, order you to set up a special operations group to thoroughly investigate the cause of the zombie infection for me, even if it is three feet on the ground, you must find out the reason for me, and if you mess up again this time, I will send you to the military court!”

One order after another was issued in an orderly manner, and soon Wen Shuhua, Kong Wenxiu and others left the presidential office, and Zhao Zhi’an was the last to go out, at this time he secretly cried bitterly in his heart, this is to put him on the fire and roast, to his life!

At this time, the sound of gunfire echoed in the square, one zombie after another was killed, some of the living people who had wounds on their bodies, but had not yet mutated into zombies, were not spared, the square had been completely blocked, and it was useless to let those people make any noise, if they dared to attack the defense line, only bullets greeted them.

No matter what these people say, the soldiers on the defensive line will not let these people pass at all, only those who have been thoroughly examined and have no wounds can pass.

One order after another, the Second Army, which was now on duty at the front, began to retreat, and the Third and Fourth Army on standby in the military area was sent to the survivor resettlement area.

At the same time, the direction of the research room, under the control of Wen Shuhua, as many as two thousand reformers were sent to the closed container, under the transport of Wu Zhi, one giant container after another was thrown to the front line, the door of the container was opened, and hundreds of giant containers rushed out with human appearances, but they were covered with all kinds of hair, roaring like monsters of beasts.

Some of these monsters are similar to normal human body shapes, and some are as high as two or three meters, roaring like wild beasts, and after running out, they scream and rush madly towards the zombies who pounce on them, that look is like some deep hatred with zombies.

Most of these irrational reformers are very dexterous, the claws on their fingers are sharp, and each swing can scratch the head of the zombie, and the reformers who are as high as two or three meters go to crush wherever they go, and the thick hair on their bodies has become the strongest defensive armor, and the zombies can rarely bite through the defense of the hair, even if they bite on it.

These terrifying reformers not only blocked the tide of corpses, but even suppressed the momentum of the tide of corpses, especially the transformers in the form of bears, running wildly, the zombies were directly knocked into the air, or they were torn apart!

Yes, the bear-shaped transformation of human strength is terrifying, grab the zombie can be torn in half alive, the horror is amazing, especially the thickness of the hair is very strong, the zombie can not break the defense.

More than two thousand reformed soldiers stubbornly blocked the tide of corpses, and even pushed their positions forward a lot, which was an eye-opener for the soldiers of the First Army on the front line.

In the president’s office, after Wen Shuhua arranged the follow-up work, he immediately ran over and enjoyed the pictures on the TV with Yang Ligong, and the smile and self-satisfaction on his face could not be concealed!

“President, did you see that?” My research is valuable, with these transformation warriors in place, we are fully capable of suppressing the tide of corpses, and even if the number is enough, we can also clean up all the zombies in the imperial capital! ”

Looking at the pictures on the TV, Yang Ligong was finally relieved, the tide of corpses was controlled, as long as he could win enough time, the imperial capital could be saved, listening to Wen Shuhua’s excited voice next to him, Yang Ligong did not know what to say.

At first, he was opposed to human experiments, and then there was no way, forced by the severe form of the imperial capital to agree, but now he gave the emperor a breathing space.

“Dr. Wen, I heard before that the success rate of these reformers is not very high? How can there be such a terrible number now? ”

Wen Shuhua said with a smile: “The success rate has been improved and has been improved somewhat, in addition, there are too many criminals in the imperial capital, there are many people who rape and commit various crimes, and there are some people who propagate any cults, and these people have all been used for experiments.” ”

“Especially some black races, these people have a large amount of food, even if they don’t do things well, they often oppress our citizens, rape and the like also count these people, now is not the end of the day, will not give them preferential treatment, will not treat them as foreign fathers, what first-class foreigners second-class officials, these are not common now.”

Yang Ligong looked a little embarrassed to hear this, there was indeed such a saying before the end of the day, the virtues of the Eastern Empire had become the noble capital of the foreigners, and even many officials had given them generous treatment, but the people of the Eastern Empire had become the queen mother, and he actually knew this kind of thing.

But there is no way to fundamentally solve this kind of thing before the end of the day, after all, promotion requires political achievements, and there are various reasons, and he can’t prohibit it at all.

“Dr. Wen, how did you make these Shapeshifter warriors attack only zombies?” Know that our soldiers are not far behind, but these reformers show no sign of attacking. ”

Diverting Yang Ligong from the topic, Wen Shuhua did not hold on to it any longer, he just complained about it, and the root cause was not in Yang Ligong, the president.

Speaking of reforming people, the smile on Wen Shuhua’s face is more obvious, these are his proud works.

“This matter is actually very simple, Mr. President of the Biological Chain should know that as long as something is added to the DNA of these reformers, this problem is easy to solve, after all, these reformers are disposable consumables, do not need to consider the health and life expectancy issues, what I added is the zombie virus, as long as it is activated, these reformers will only recognize zombies.”

“I’m also working on later improvements, reusable and some other aspects.”

Yang Ligong took a deep look at Wen Shuhua, although he did not understand many things, he understood some things, that is, the goals of these reformers were uncertain, just look at what Wen Shuhua added.

This time it can be a zombie virus, the next time it may also be a human, Yang Ligong actually wants to think that these are his thoughts too much, otherwise, it will be a disaster.

After all, there are many things that can be added, and the biology is very scary, and he is afraid of raising a scourge that is no less than a zombie virus!

The zombie virus is uncontrollable, that…..

What about transforming people? Is this thing really uncontrollable? This was clear only to Wen Shuhua himself.

PS: The chapters can be read, yesterday Fei Lu had some problems, everyone forgives, not the author’s problem, in addition, it will not be a eunuch, it will only be 404, or something will be broken.

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