Chapter 192 is not your father? Then just kill it

“Really looking for me?” Qin Yuwei returned to his senses and rushed to the door of the room, shouting as he ran: “I’m inside, you come in!” ”

Surprise! An irrepressible surprise filled Qin Yuwei’s heart, the peak turned around, and the place was desperate! At this time, she had no time to think about who was outside the door, no matter what, she understood that she and Mu Qingxue had been saved.

She heard the words of the security guard outside the door just now, Wu Dazhi’s men could not stop the people outside the door! That is to say, Wu Dazhi couldn’t help her and Mu Qingxue at all now!

The savior is coming!

Seeing Qin Yuwei running to open the door, Wu Dazhi panicked in his heart, bypassed the table and was about to chase Qin Yuwei, drinking in his mouth: “Stop! No doors! ”

Wu Dazhi has panicked, he is not a capable person, even if it is not the outbreak of the apocalyptic crisis, he is still a security guard at the lowest level of society, it is not his turn to be a mighty blessing, even if it is the end of the world, he is also a piece of mud that cannot be supported on the wall, bullying and bullying the weak is OK, really encounter a big thing, it is a waste.


Qin Yuwei did not pay any attention to Wu Dazhi’s cheers, pulled the door open directly, and as the door opened, a tall man’s figure came into view.

The man was dressed in casual clothes, very light, and his body was very clean, not at all like he had come after a battle.

“I am Qin Yuwei, who are you?”

Looking at Lin Fan’s face repeatedly, Qin Yuwei was sure that she really did not know Lin Fan, and looking at the man in front of her, she always had an inexplicable sense of oppression, and that feeling was like facing a serious and majestic elder.

“Are you Qin Yuwei?” Your mother’s name is Zhang Qiuyue, right? ”

Just when Qin Yuwei was looking at Lin Fan, Lin Fan was also looking at the girl in front of her, worthy of inheriting Zhang Qiuyue’s excellent genes, Qin Yuwei was very beautiful, the girl was very mature, more than one meter and six heads, the big place was big, the thin place was fine, if it was not the face and some childishness, it was not lost to adult women.

“You give me over, who allowed you to open the door?” Before Qin Yuwei could answer, Wu Dazhi’s fat figure caught up, with a fierce expression on his face, and Shen was about to grab Qin Yuwei’s arm.

Frowning at Wu Dazhi who rushed over, Lin Fan couldn’t figure out the identity of this guy, according to theory, he looked like a pig, it couldn’t be Qin Yuwei’s father, but what if?

If it was really Qin Yuwei’s father, he would kill others in person, how bad.

Taking a step forward and opening Wu Dazhi’s hand, Lin Fan looked down and saw that the invisible pressure had spread.

“Who is this man?” Your dad? ”

Hiding behind Lin Fan and looking at the broad shoulders in front of her, Qin Yuwei’s heart inexplicably rose up with an infinite sense of security, and hearing Lin Fan’s inquiry, Qin Yuwei’s small face wrinkled, disgusted: “My father? Does he deserve it? If my father had grown this virtue, I would have hanged myself in anger! ”

When Lin Fan opened his arm, Wu Dazhi was angry in his heart, and when he heard Qin Yuwei’s undisguised sarcasm, Wu Dazhi was going mad.

Looking at Lin Fan fiercely, Wu Dazhi roared angrily, “I don’t care who you are, hurry up and roll me!” And you Qin Yuwei, today Lao Tzu is not good at torturing you, I Wu Dazhi’s name is written backwards! ”

Anger makes people lose their minds, plus Wu Dazhi is not a capable person, and he completely forgot what his subordinates had just said when he was overwhelmed by anger.

“Not your dad?” That’s easy. ”

Figuring out the identity of Wu Dazhi, Lin Fan’s arm was raised, and a large piece of metal powder above his palm condensed into a small steel knife with a barbed handle, and with a flick of his index finger, dozens of steel knives the size of his index finger and full of barbs shot out, instantly penetrating Wu Dazhi’s fat body.

Not Qin Yuwei’s father, contact the security guards outside, two women and a man stay in a room, what you want to do is needless to say, Qin Yuwei’s breath is pure, the clothes are intact, nothing should have happened.

Dozens of steel knives were like cutting meat, frantically passing through Wu Dazhi’s body, and there were strips of torn flesh hanging from the barbs, and almost instantly, Wu Dazhi became a bloody man.


The terrible scream almost overturned the roof, behind Lin Fan, Qin Yuwei was frightened and trembled, looking at Wu Dazhi’s miserable and terrifying appearance, the small face was full of fear and fear, but the eyes were staring deadly, Xiao Qi squeezed hard, and the small hand hanging on the side of the body also squeezed the corner of the clothes hard.

“It’s too noisy, do you need to seal him?”

“Nope! I want to listen, the more miserable the better! ”

Although her heart was afraid, her stomach was also churning, and she wanted to vomit, Qin Yuwei stubbornly endured it, watching the crazy screaming, full of flesh and blood, almost being dressed as a honeycomb, Qin Yuwei’s heart could not express the happiness!

If Lin Fan hadn’t arrived just now, she and Mu Qingxue’s fate would not have been good, thinking that she would be defiled by this dead fat pig in front of her, she was eager to commit suicide on the spot, but Mu Qingxue’s words made her uncertain, and no one wanted the body to be desecrated after death!

“Are you going to watch him bleed to death?” Or do you just go now? Looking sideways at the girl behind him, he ate the mother, and in some things, he could still accommodate a little.

“I’m going to see him die of pain!” Qin Yuwei gritted her silver teeth, she had never hated a person so much since she was a child, Wu Dazhi was still the first!


Lin Fan nodded, standing quietly in the same place, looking at Wu Dazhi who kept screaming without squinting, if the end of the world had just begun, seeing such a bloody scene, Lin Fan might be uncomfortable, but now, it was nothing at all.

I don’t know if Wu Dazhi’s screams were too tragic or how they were, a group of people on the distant trail rushed over quickly, led by a middle-aged man wearing a suit and holding a pistol in his hand, many people behind him were also wearing black suits, some were wearing civilian clothes, without exception, these people were holding pistols in their hands.

Qi Zhengfeng is the captain of the security company, responsible for protecting a big guy, but he did not expect that just in time for the outbreak of the apocalypse, the suddenly chaotic Modu Stadium was not something that dozens of bodyguards under his hands could solve.

That’s eighty thousand people! The sudden riot, dozens of them were like a drop of water in the sea, it would be easily assimilated, the zombie virus swept away uncontrollably, and Qi Zhengfeng, who knew that he could not stop it, could only escort some people including Mu Qingxue to evacuate.

Because of Mu Qingxue’s concert, there were basically not many people in the Olin Hotel, and the only mutated zombies were quickly cleaned up, and thousands of people who escaped by chance stayed in the Olin Hotel.

The advent of the end is always accompanied by all kinds of problems, he alone can not affect the will of the public, and many of the police under his command are also inclined to do so, in desperation, he can only choose to agree, his only condition is that he must be voluntary.

Actually, is there really a voluntary one? If you don’t do this, you won’t have food to eat, and if you don’t want to, you can’t do it.

Today, the security captain Wu Dazhi’s people found him and said that it was his turn to go outside today to search for food, this kind of thing has happened many times, the two teams are often one team out, the other team in the hotel to prevent emergencies, of course, not all the police under his hands will leave together, there will be some people left as a constraint.

Just when he had just taken people to the supermarket and started loading things, the subordinates who stayed behind at the hotel suddenly called him and told him that Wu Dazhi was going to attack Mu Qingxue, and Qi Zhengfeng hurriedly led people back.

Along the way, he bumped into some of Wu Dazhi’s security guards, and Qi Zhengfeng had doubts before, and now he was 100% sure, and his heart was angry at the moment.

Before the end of the day, he was also a fan of Mu Qingxue, and he could come to see the concert with the big guy, he didn’t know how excited he was at the time, and now Wu Dazhi actually wanted to blaspheme his idol?

The angry Qi Zhengfeng couldn’t take care of the security guards who were blocking the road, and he led people to kill them all the way, and the security guards who blocked the road were either killed or surrendered, and they rushed all the way, and he heard Wu Dazhi’s screams from a long distance away.

Hearing the sound of large footsteps coming from behind her, Qin Yuwei turned around and saw Qi Zhengfeng and the others rushing over, before Lin Fan came, how she expected Qi Zhengfeng to rush back, so that she and Mu Qingxue could escape from Wu Dazhi’s clutches, but unfortunately, they came back too late.

If Lin Fan hadn’t arrived in time, she and Mu Qingxue would have been defiled by Wu Dazhi’s poisonous hands.

For Qi Zhengfeng, her feelings are not good or bad, the only feeling is that the position is too unstable, either you will become completely bad, or you will be a leader who is just and righteous, that kind of position of riding the wall, she really does not know what to say.

It’s like, I don’t care to go along with you, but I won’t stop it, but I don’t know it, that’s the most disgusting thing.

Isn’t not stopping the greatest indulgence?

In Qin Yuwei’s complicated gaze, Qi Zhengfeng quickly rushed over, with an anxious look in his eyes, and asked, “Yuwei, are you okay?” What about clear snow? Where is the snow? ”


Being pierced back and forth by dozens of steel knives with barbs, Wu Dazhi did not last long, the serious injury had already killed him, the fat body was like being fished out of the blood, as the vitality disappeared, dozens of steel knives fell into his body, and the lifeless body fell heavily to the ground.

Listening to the muffled noise and the cessation of screams coming from the room, Qin Yuwei quickly turned her head and looked at the dead Wu Dazhi on the ground, and her eyes flashed with happiness.

The muffled sound not only attracted Qin Yuwei’s gaze, but also Qi Zhengfeng, who had just rushed over, looking into the room, looking at the corpse that had completely become a bloody person on the ground, if it were not for the fat body and clothes, Qi Zhengfeng would not recognize that this was Wu Dazhi.

Wu Dazhi died tragically, Lin Fan had no waves in his heart, looking at Mu Qingxue sitting in the room, a touch of different color flashed in his eyes, this ethereal woman witnessed Wu Dazhi’s tragic death, and there was no expression of discomfort at all.

“It’s settled, you go with me, and you.”

The tone was unquestionable, Lin Fan turned around, looked at Qin Yuwei and said, “Go and bring Mu Qingxue out.” ”

Qin Yuwei subconsciously responded, walked quickly to Mu Qingxue, and walked half way before she reacted, why was she so obedient? However, it seems that this is also correct, I just don’t know where she and Mu Qingxue are going to be taken.

Qi Zhengfeng stood in the doorway, looking at Lin Fan who came out, his arm was raised, blocking the way.

“If you want to take away Qingxue, have you asked me?”

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