Chapter 196 The End of the Pastoral Female Dog, The Horror of the Man-Eating Tree

Just came back, I heard such bad news, Lin Fan had some toothache for a while.


Ye Ruolan nodded and confirmed again, “Yes Lord, among the women you brought back from the Universal Hotel yesterday, there was a woman named Wu Yali who tried to rebel, and when instigating Tan Yufeng and others, she was restrained by Tan Yufeng and others, and then handed it over to me, because you were outside, you only notified Master Yoyo for the time being.” ”

“The Lord Mother means that when you come back, you will send it yourself.”

Brought back yesterday, rebelled today? This is also too showy, this person is not brainless? Especially yesterday, when I saw the fate of those women, did I dare to jump out and rebel?

“Lord, I personally investigated the information of this woman, this woman is also very famous before the end of the world, is a famous social flower in the magic capital, wandering around the rich people, or a pastoral female dog, every day on the Internet to strike hard, in reality only the promise is to say her.” 」

“Probably it is the crazy output on the Internet when there is free time during the day, saying that men are not good and that is not good, or foreign foreign devils are good, long live foreign devils, at night they are pressed by others to output into dogs, probably like this.”

Lin Fan’s brain shell hurts, good guy, can he really let him bump into this kind of person?.

“You did a good job, where is the woman?”

Ye Ruolan was overjoyed, turned his head and waved at the female warrior not far away, and commanded, “Go, bring that damn woman here!” ”

The female warrior looked at Lin Fan in awe and adoration, and quickly left after answering the call.

After commanding the female warrior, Ye Ruolan happily hugged Lin Fan’s arm, and the whole person almost went into Lin Fan’s arms.

Lin Fan is also very comfortable now, and he can’t tell who is picking up whose oil in the end, probably if you are willing and I am willing.

Soon after the female warrior left, a shadow quickly flew in the distant sky, and soon fell to Lin Fan’s side.


The woman who flew over was Lin Youyou, and after receiving the report from the female warrior, she quickly rushed back from the city gate.

Seeing Lin Youyou coming, Ye Ruolan let go of Lin Fan’s arm, and her heart was a little lost, she also took advantage of Lin Youyou’s absence to dare to come up and eat Lin Fan’s tofu, otherwise it was estimated that she could not touch Lin Fan’s side, in the case of this monk with less meat and more meat, if she did not take the initiative, she would not be able to take the turn in eight lifetimes.

Just now Ye Ruolan also deliberately performed in front of Lin Fan, the male peacock also knows to open the screen to attract female peacocks, do not show their charm and role, when can they attract Lin Fan’s attention?

Just how good, she was also praised, crying children will have milk to eat, this era is the courage to eat enough, the timid can not eat.

Opening his arms to take Lin Youyou into his arms, Lin Fan looked down and found Lin Youyou’s little sister and kissed him, and Ye Ruolan’s eyes next to him were all green, until a burst of footsteps came, Lin Fan let go of Lin Youyou, whose face was slightly red.

“Lord, Wu Yali brought it!”

The female warrior pushed Wu Yali to the ground with force, raised her foot and kicked it, and drank from Wu Yali’s hair: “Kneel well.” ”

In the square, a group of women brought back by Lin Fan were all a little confused, so they looked at the scene in front of them, completely unclear what the situation was, how to bring a tied woman up with good manners? And it was covered in blood.

“Go and call all the women who work, including the garment department and the printing department, and call all the women here.”

Lin Youyou opened his mouth and commanded the female warriors next to him, more than a dozen female warriors nodded in response, and the figure was like an arrow off the string, instantly sneaking out, so fast that a group of women who watched were shocked in their hearts.

Looking down at the woman in front of her who was covered in hair, her face was miserable, and her face was full of blood, Lin Fan did not have half a pity in her eyes, how pitiful Wu Yali was now, how hateful she was when she did those things.

“Woohoo woohoo hoo

After the tongue was cut off, Wu Yali’s resentful eyes stared at Lin Fan and Lin Youyou, even if she was held by the female warrior’s hair, she was constantly struggling, constantly trying to say something, but she couldn’t say anything, only a vague voice, but looking at Wu Yali’s resentful look, she also knew that it was definitely not a good word.

In front of Lin Fan’s face, Wu Yali still dared to make a mistake, Ye Ruolan’s heart was already a little sour, and now he was even more angry, his wrist was reversed, the bottom of the Tang Dao knife sheath was forcefully pestle on Wu Yali’s lower abdomen, and the heavy force instantly made Wu Yali’s eyes open and choke out a mouthful of blood.

“He still dares to be a demon in the face of the Lord, and he does not know whether he is dead or alive!”

Ye Ruolan did not lay down a dead hand, otherwise with her current strength, even if it was a blow from the sheath of the sword, it was not at all something that Wu Yali, an ordinary person, could eat and consume, and a single blow could kill instantly, instead of vomiting blood now.

Seeing Ye Ruolan so ferocious, the women who did not know the truth exclaimed one by one in fright, and their hearts were even more uneasy, and they all began to wonder how dark the life they were going to face next was.

The maids came quickly, they didn’t dare to let Lin Fanduo wait, one by one they all ran over quickly, the rumbling footsteps came, Mu Qingxue and Qin Yuwei looked up, and subconsciously grew up Xiao Qian.

Only to see in all directions, a large number of women quickly ran towards this side, the number was very terrifying, even, Qin Yuwei looked at a certain figure in the front, and her eyes contracted.

That figure was too familiar, familiar can no longer be familiar, it was ten months pregnant to give birth to her, and then raised her for more than ten years of mother, Zhang Qiuyue!

If she hadn’t seen that the situation was not right at the moment, Qin Yuwei would have wanted to rush up and reunite with her mother, but she didn’t move, she knew that what came next was an opportunity.

“The Lord, the Mother, all the maids of the hospital, including the three adults in the supermarket, have already come.”

A female warrior stepped forward and made the situation clear, Lin Youyou nodded, and said, “Well done, back off.” ”

The female warrior retreated in response, Lin Fan let go of Lin Youyou’s slender waist, stepped forward step by step, and his eyes swept over the neatly lined up maids, unconsciously, the number of maids was about to catch up with the number of female soldiers.

Signaling to the female warrior next to her, the female warrior pulled Wu Yali’s hair to make her turn around, Lin Fan pointed to Wu Yali, who was kneeling next to her, miserable, and said: “She, I think there are many people in you who know each other, and there are also many people who don’t know!” Today I will introduce you to you. ”

“Wu Yali, one of the women I personally rescued from the Universal Hotel yesterday, I gave you a stable life, only need to pay hard work, you can exchange for a peaceful life, a comfortable environment, enough food for food, and beautiful clothes and cosmetics, almost exactly the same as before the last day, I ask you, are you satisfied with such a life?”

“Satisfied with the price” The maids shouted in unison.

“Whether you are really satisfied or not, I only think that what you say is true, and I think that everything I have given you is already a lot, but some people are just not satisfied, do not take the rules I have specified to heart at all, do not work well, and go around inciting rebellion.” 」

“And this person, this kneeling woman next to me, Wu Yali, I don’t know what kind of heart she really has, maybe she is using you as a gun, according to the investigation of the squad leader Ye Ruolan, this Ms. Wu Yali is a pastoral female dog dedicated to network combat before the end of the day.”

“Her daily job is to attack others on the Internet, and then fool some ignorant women, destroy her family, and the most ridiculous thing is that this pastoral female dog lady, who is a class fighter by day, has become a random female dog around the rich at night, and I don’t know how many people are used as guns by her without knowing it.” 」

“I believe that even if her rebellion is really successful this time, the biggest beneficiary will only be her, and those women who are instigated by her are victims and will be paid attention to, and their future lives are doomed to be dismal and difficult to move forward.”

“I say so much without any other meaning, just to tell you, don’t be shot casually, because I am a cruel and ruthless person, my rules are written clearly, I violate my rules, there is only one way to die, I will not care whether you have a hundred people, a thousand people or ten thousand people!” Even if it’s all of you! ”

“There is no law in my place, no one to blame the public, only to kill them all, not even to sit down, and not to report the same charges in the know, you should all know this, I will not say more, the reason why I asked you to come here is to let you see what the fate of those who have broken the rules really are.”

Speaking of this, Lin Fan’s eyes flashed a cold light, what he had thought about before could now come in handy.

The arm was raised, the green light flowed in the palm of the hand, as Lin Fan’s palm was waved, the green light poured into the ground, and under the gaze of many women, a small seedling broke out of the earth, and then grew rapidly, and in the incredible eyes of all the women, the seedling gradually grew into a giant tree tens of meters high.

On this huge tree hung dense rattans, which were very long and casually placed on the ground, and the trunk of the huge tree was very thick and full of cracks, and even those cracks were still creeping, and the cracks could see the fine jagged teeth, and the tree was like a living creature, not just a tree.

“I think you are all curious, what kind of tree is this, and why should I get a tree out?” Sweeping his eyes over the women, taking in the women’s doubtful and frightened gaze, Lin Fan smiled lightly: “Next, let you know the role of this tree, remember not to blink your eyes.” ”

“I call this tree the man-eating tree, as the name suggests, the man-eating tree is the man-eating tree, the more people who eat, the faster it grows, see these vines? Don’t underestimate these vines, once you are caught by these vines, you may be anesthetized in an instant, and then the blood in the body is drawn, or even eaten by these vines on the spot. ”

Listening to Lin Fan’s story, the women shivered with excitement, some creeps, and kept rubbing the goosebumps on their arms.

“Don’t be afraid, as long as you don’t make mistakes, this tree will be your patron saint, and today, let you see what the fate of breaking the rules is, and let you see how the man-eating tree eats.”

Speaking, Lin Fan’s palm gently waved upwards, and Wu Yali, who was kneeling on the ground and constantly struggling, shook her head madly, looked at Lin Fan with pleading eyes, and kept kowtowing to Lin Fan, but these could not impress Lin Fan at all.

As Lin Fan approached, the vines of the man-eating tree stirred, and one after another the man-eating vines raised their heads from the ground like snakes, and then quickly swam to Lin Fan’s side, looking at it from a distance, it was like hundreds of green snakes surrounding Lin Fan.

With a wave of his hand, Wu Yali, who was begging bitterly, was thrown into the vines by Lin Fan, and in an instant, hundreds of vines sprang up, firmly fixing Wu Yali in mid-air, and a large number of tentacles pierced into Wu Yali’s body like a syringe, constantly injecting venom and drawing blood at the same time.

There are even some vines that are relatively large, with beast-like fangs at the tip, like real snakes, tearing at Wu Yali’s flesh and blood in one mouth, and the terrifying screams echo, the screams that almost tear the vocal cords make everyone shudder, looking at Wu Yali in mid-air in horror, that kind of fear goes deep into the bone marrow.

Hundreds of vines swarmed, like locusts transiting, almost in the blink of an eye, Wu Yali was left with only bones with blood, the vines carried the skeleton to the side of the man-eating tree, the crack opened, the skeleton was thrown in, the chewing sound came, and soon the sound disappeared.

From the time the piranha tree was eaten to Wu Yali’s complete death, it was only a minute or two, but for the onlookers, it seemed as long as a century or two.

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