Chapter 203 imprints the shock and longing in the heart

“The second team retreats! A team to come forward! ”

“Whew…. Call…. Whew…..”

The voice of the squad leader in front of him came, and Qin Yuwei retreated with Liu Mingyue as if she had just woken up from a dream, gasping for breath in her mouth, with irrepressible excitement and excitement in her eyes.

“How’s it going? Exciting, right? Do you feel like you’re getting a lot stronger? Liu Mingyue next to him raised his hand and patted Qin Yuwei’s shoulder, with a bright smile on his dirty little face.

Looking back at Liu Mingyue’s bright smile, Qin Yuwei clenched her fists in her small hands, felt some of the strength in her body, and nodded with joy on her face, “Well, I feel it, the strength is much stronger than me before, and now I can feel that there is a force in my body, as if it is moisturizing and strengthening my body.” ”

“That’s right!” Liu Mingyue raised her small hand, and the cuff was wiped on her face, making the already flowery little face more spending, she didn’t mind at all, “My first day was also like this, take your time, there is a sister to cover you, let’s get stronger together!” ”

“You are Yue Yue’s friend, that is, my friend, hello, my name is Wu Mengfei.” Across Liu Mingyue, Wu Mengfei, who was standing next to her, put her hand in front of Qin Yuwei, and unlike Liu Mingyue, Wu Mengfei was more mature, and she exuded a kind of big sister’s temperament all over her body, quiet and elegant.

Wu Mengfei’s face was not as flowery as Liu Mingyue, obviously more attention to the appearance, not like Liu Mingyue, shouting, after taking the Tang knife, the whole person was like a little pony sprinkled with joy, there was no weakness at all.

“Hello Sister Feifei, I’m Qin Yuwei, just call me Weiwei.” Holding Wu Mengfei’s small hand, for her gesture of goodwill, Qin Yuwei took it all, and when she first arrived, even with the help of her mother, she also had to have her own small circle.

Qin Yuwei was young, her voice was sweet, a sentence of Fei Fei sister, quickly close the relationship between several people, next to Wu Mengfei, together from the Jiangyuan villa area out of the Bai Fumei people have greeted each other, if it is not discipline there, can not just walk around, it is estimated that all will run to Qin Yuwei’s side.

These girls are not stupid, Qin Yuwei’s identity is the same as Liu Mingyue, there is no backstage, and it will never hurt to make friends with Qin Yuwei.

After experiencing the initial discomfort, Qin Yuwei quickly adapted, and with the slow improvement of strength, dealing with zombies also became more handy, even without the assistance of Mu Qingxueqin, killing zombies was not soft at all.

The sun in the sky gradually tilted to the west, the sky gradually darkened, Qin Yuwei did not know how many times to change the formation back and forth, after retreating to the second line again, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she felt someone tapping her shoulder.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at Liu Mingyue doubtfully, Qin Yuwei was a little confused, so just after asking, she saw Liu Mingyue’s small hand pointing forward.

“Look over there.”

“Over there?” Qin Yuwei subconsciously looked ahead, her eyes were suddenly stunned, and the whole person was shocked and unable to speak.

In front of the line of sight, I don’t know when there was an earth-yellow giant that was tens of meters high, on the shoulders of the earth-yellow giant, or crouched or sat dozens of women holding Tang knives, the earth-yellow giant walked all the way to the city wall, and where it passed, a large number of zombies were trampled on.

The earth-yellow giant is too terrifying, the zombies can’t grasp the giant’s feet at all, the terrifying power that comes up with walking around directly throws hundreds of zombies away, and they can’t wait for these zombies to fall from the sky, and a large spiky cone rises from the ground, and the string of sugar gourds hangs all those corpses on the spikes.

Where the earth-yellow giant passed, the not too crowded sea of corpses directly turned into a blank area, and the so-called sea of corpses in front of this giant was like a bunch of small ants, which could be trampled to death at will.

“How’s it going? Shocking, right? Listen to my mother tell me, this is the divine power given by the Lord, this earth-yellow giant, summoned by the master mother Li Siqi, cool enough, right? ”

Listening to the voices coming from around her, Qin Yuwei subconsciously nodded, “Cool… It’s so cool! ”

Qin Yuwei had also heard Zhang Qiuyue talk about divine power, but she hadn’t really seen it, and she couldn’t specifically understand how powerful and shocking it really was, even in Lin Fan’s place, she just saw the space door that was opened casually, or the terrifying man-eating tree that was born from scratch.

But those who were far less shocking than the earth-yellow giant that was tens of meters high in front of him!

Big Mac! It’s almost like the legendary Titan Giant, everywhere you go, all the zombies are ants, all trampling to death, this is simply too shocking, but also too terrifying!

There is such a terrible giant, the so-called corpse tide, probably a joke, right? How many waves of corpses can’t help such a terrible giant pushing all the way! No amount of them is enough for this earth-yellow giant to step on!

Looking at the earth-yellow giant in front of her, for the first time, she had a desire for infinite divine power!

Just when Qin Yuwei lost consciousness, the earth-yellow giant had already arrived in front of him, and dozens of female warriors swung around, quickly jumped off the shoulders of the giants, and fell directly to the ground, as dozens of female warriors landed, a wave of anger swept over their faces.

Qin Yuwei was provoked by this anger, and instantly woke up, looking at the dozens of female warriors who jumped down, it was like facing a prehistoric fierce beast, the terrifying blood-colored qi seemed to condense a terrifying demonic shadow behind dozens of female warriors, and the next second was going to swallow her up.

“Hey! Coming back, you’re new here, right? ”

A crisp voice came, Qin Yuwei only felt his shoulder being patted, a burst of clarity in his head, quickly woke up from that illusion, looked blankly at his eyes, but found that he did not know when there was a playful girl in front of him.

The girl was like the little sister next door, dressed coolly, with a lollipop in her, and was looking at her with concerned eyes.

“Ahhh…. I….”

Qin Yuwei was confused, she couldn’t remember what the girl in front of her had asked her now.

Liu Mingyue smiled and giggled up, put her arm around Qin Yuwei’s shoulder, and smiled: “Sister Siqi, this is the little sister I just recognized, at four o’clock in the afternoon, it will be sent by Aunt Qiuyue, and it is Aunt Qiuyue’s daughter.” ”

Li Siqi nodded thoughtfully, looked up and down at Qin Yuwei, she said that looking at this young girl felt wrong, one look was new, the strength was very weak, even the group of female warriors under her could not hold back, there could not be such a weak female warrior in the inner city, it turned out to be a relation.

Turning his head and glancing at Liu Mingyue, Li Siqi skimmed his eyes and said dismissively: “Who are you, don’t be close to me, you see your dirty look, stay away from me, don’t stain my clothes, I don’t know such a dirty person.” ”

Liu Mingyue’s small face drummed, and his small hand smeared two handfuls on his face, “Sister Siqi, I am Yueyue, can you look at me again and recognize me?” With that, Liu Mingyue also pushed his small face forward.

Li Siqi heard the words, pretended to look at it, took a few steps back in shock, and said in horror: “You are actually the moon and the moon, my God, I don’t know that I thought you climbed a circle from the pit, you are far away from me, don’t say that you know me after being so dirty, it’s too humiliating.” ”

Liu Mingyue looked at Li Siqi with a grievance, and did not speak, like an abandoned puppy, Li Siqi rolled her eyes, raised her hand and rubbed it on her small head, helplessly: “Here is this trick again, afraid of you, you look at people Fei Fei, clean like a big girl, how come you are dirty into a little pig?” ”

Li Siqi is a jumping character, and Liu Mingyue is a hit, although the two people have known each other for a short time, but the relationship is very good, Li Siqi did not look down on Liu Mingyue because of the gap in status, but the two of them played with talk and laughter.

Retracting her hand, Li Siqi looked at Qin Yuwei, who was somewhat restrained, and said, “Since she is the daughter of General Manager Zhang, then like Yue Yue, call me Sister Siqi, work hard, it’s not too early, it’s time to go into the city, the zombies at night are more fierce and easy to be injured.” ”

Qin Yuwei didn’t know Li Siqi’s identity yet, and when she heard Li Siqi’s words, she said solemnly, “Thank you Sister Siqi.” ”

Raising his hand and snapping his fingers, the earth-yellow giant tens of meters tall drifted away with the wind like sand, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Walking behind Liu Mingyue, staring at Li Siqi’s back, Qin Yuwei’s unspeakable shock and longing in her heart, on the first day of coming to the City of Judgment, she met the users of divine power, saw the horror of divine power, and also stimulated infinite fighting spirit.

On the city wall, Li Siqi’s return, Lin Fan had already seen it, seeing that it was late, and there was no longer the idea of walking, he turned his head to look at Zhang Qiuyue and Mu Qingxue, and said indifferently: “It’s not too early, let’s go back.” ”

Mu Qingxue and Zhang Qiuyue naturally had no different opinions, returned to the city gate tower, took the guqin, Lin Fan waved it casually, the space passage opened, and Lin Fan took the lead and walked in.

Mu Qingxue had already seen it once, but Zhang Qiuyue was still seeing it for the first time, and after being surprised, he also walked in after Lin Fan.

In the blink of an eye, he crossed ten kilometers back to the hospital, and Zhang Qiuyue looked at the familiar scene around him and was unspeakably amazed.

Summoning a passing maid, Lin Fan said, “You take Mu Qingxue back to the dormitory.” ”

Mu Qingxue just came today, Lin Fan didn’t want her to get lost inexplicably, and the area of the Second Magic Capital Hospital was not small.

After sending Mu Qingxue away, Lin Fan walked back to the supermarket with Zhang Qiuyue, and on the way, Lin Fan thought of some things.

Nowadays, there are a lot of points, recently there have been no new abilities to be taught, this is not OK, the points are not meaningful to keep, it is better to exchange a few more new abilities, Zhang Qiuyue The three of them have served him for so long, Lin Fan in all aspects are very satisfied, and has reached the standard of giving the abilities.

For his own woman, Lin Fan will not be stingy, and it is also time to let Zhang Qiuyue, Li Yun, and Yue Yiren embark on the road to becoming stronger.

On the second floor of the supermarket, under Li Yun’s service, changing slippers, Lin Fan walked all the way into the living room, just in time to see Lin Youyou’s back to what she was paddling, what surprised Lin Fan and expected was Ye Ruolan’s figure.

Maybe this is the secret that Lin Youyou said? During the day, Lin Fan had some speculation in his heart, and now that he saw Ye Ruolan, this speculation was confirmed.

Lin Youyou, who was facing back, did not see Lin Fan come in, Ye Ruolan who was facing Lin Fan could see clearly, and when he saw Lin Fan walk in, Ye Ruolan’s voice shouted sweetly: “Lord, you are back.” ”

Hearing Ye Ruolan’s words, Lin Youyou turned his head and looked at Lin Fan with a bright smile on his face, and Lin Youyou turned around, which also allowed Lin Fan to see what she was really busy with.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Fan’s eyes lit up.

PS: The human design map is Li Siqi

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