Chapter 205 The power station exploded, and Lin Fan pit himself

Lin Fan’s current strength, day and night had no effect on him, even if it was dark and did not see the five fingers, in Lin Fan’s eyes, it was like day.

Just opened his eyes, Lin Fan did not feel that there was something wrong, but Lin Youyou’s expressions were a little solemn, Lin Fan did not react for a while, knowing that he looked up at the roof.

The crystal lamp in the living room on the second floor was extinguished, if it was usual, Lin Fan looked up, he could see that the crystal lamp emitted a faint white light, but now the light disappeared.

The pupils fluctuated a few times, just as Lin Fan thought in his heart, the living room instantly darkened, Lin Fan would not feel that it was Lin Youyou who deliberately turned off the lights, since it was not Lin Youyou, there was only one answer.

Power outage!

Today, more than a month after the end of the day, the power finally went out, and in the darkness, everything seemed so dead silent, and everything around it became clear.

In Lin Fan’s arms, Su Xiaoluo raised his head in grievance, looked at Lin Fan with big eyes, and whispered, “Brother, did Luo Luo bother you just now?” ”

The women in the family have a default rule, when Lin Fan closes his eyes and thinks about things, everyone will consciously lower his voice and slow down his movements, in order not to disturb Lin Fan thinking about things.

But the power outage came too suddenly, and the sudden darkness of the environment frightened Su Xiaoluo and almost jumped up, which was how it disturbed Lin Fan.

Su Xiaoluo, who has Lv6 energy level, has night vision ability, but it is like suddenly turning on and off the lights, and the sudden arrival will still be frightened, just Su Xiaoluo is this situation, although the eyes have reacted and automatically adapt to the darkness, but people are still frightened.

Lin Fan with a calm face looked down at Su Xiaoluo, and the little Lolita who usually did not do the baby was about to cry out, Lin Fan lowered his head to block her Xiao Qian, and almost mixed her into the body before letting go.

Patting Su Xiaoluo’s very elastic little fart, Lin Fan reassured: “Don’t be sad, my little cute is so sweet, how can it disturb me, but this sudden power outage, it is indeed a bit of a problem.” ”

Raising his head and looking at the solemn-looking Lin Youyou women, Lin Fan asked, “What do you think?” ”


Before Lin Youyou and his daughters could speak, a terrifying explosion suddenly came from afar, and the dazzling fire light was so dazzling under this dead and dark night.

Holding Su Xiaoluo up, Lin Fan came to the balcony on the second floor, looked in the direction illuminated by the fire, and asked: “Where is that over there?” ”

Zhao Wanqing and Lin Youyou came over, among them, Zhao Wanqing held the mobile phone, the signal on the mobile phone was very poor, but it was barely able to use.

Looking at the situation on the mobile phone map, Zhao Wanqing compared it, and her look was somewhat solemn.

“Just now I checked, the power supply facility on the side of our hospital comes from Changbei Power Station, using thermal power generation, the direction of the explosion is just north of us, if there is no accident, it should be an explosion at the Changbei Power Station.”

Power station explosion…..

The hearts of the women present sank, Lin Fan’s face was also a little ugly, what does the explosion of the power station mean? This means that from today onwards, their side will enter a period of complete darkness at night, and now unlike before the end of the day, the power station explosion has not been repaired.

“Are there any other power stations that can supply electricity to our side?” After a moment of silence, Lin Fan asked.

Zhao Wanqing straightened the hair behind her ear, slid the mobile phone screen up and down, shook her head, and said: “In our area, there are only two power stations, one is the Changbei power station that just exploded, and the other is the Huayang power station 25 kilometers north, but the Huayang power station exploded on the sixth day after the end of the day.” ”

“The closest thing left to us is the Wanghai Power Station in Yangpu District, 39 kilometers away, this is too far, if you want to deliver power to our side, you need to change the line, do we know this?” And most importantly, it’s not clear whether the Wanghai power station is functioning properly. ”

Listening to Zhao Wanqing’s report, Lin Fan’s mood is not very good, no electricity at night is too fatal, what does the night represent? The night represents danger, and from ancient times to the present, night has been synonymous with danger and the unknown, so there is a campfire and then an oil lamp in the back, so that now the electric lamp.

This is before the end of the world, and today after the end of the world, once the power is cut off, it means that the night is more dangerous.

Putting down Su Xiaoluo in his arms, Lin Fan turned his head and asked, “Changbei Power Station, right?” A doomsday more than a month still running well power station must be maintained, I will go to see now, Wanqing, you go to see if you can supply the hospital with electricity first, I will go to Changbei power station to see. ”

Lin Fan’s words, there is no other meaning, he wants to see if there are any living people surviving from the Changbei power station, just like he said, a power station that is still running well after more than a month of the end must be maintained, and whether there are talents in this area in the hospital is not clear for the time being, and there is a high probability that there is none.

If there is no such thing, the talent in this area is very important, if there is a surviving woman over there, Lin Fan does not mind bringing the other party back, as long as the other party is not dead, then it will be difficult to die.

Although it is crazy to say this, but the wood element energy is so fierce, under the massive wood element energy supply, even if the heart is stabbed in a big hole, as long as there is still a breath, Lin Fan can save it.

If it’s a head, then forget it, this is really not saved.

Hearing Lin Fan’s command, Zhao Wanqing nodded, with the power of thunder and lightning, as long as she controls the energy output, it is not difficult to generate human power.

“Lord, be careful, Changbei Power Station is not far from the Magic City Stadium.”

Lin Fan, who had just planned to leave, almost fell off the balcony, and now Lin Fan understood why a well-functioning power station would suddenly explode, if it was not far from the Modu Stadium, it was probably because he dropped a time bomb today and was accidentally affected.

After some rescue, in the end there was no rescue, the line completely collapsed, and then exploded.

A time bomb can pit itself, Lin Fan did not expect it, shake off the thoughts in his head, Lin Fan’s figure flashed, and drilled into the space door.

Above the Olin Hotel, Lin Fan’s figure appeared out of thin air, looking down at the bottom, the area where the Olin Hotel is located, has now become a nearly ten meters deep, thousands of meters square of the pit, with the Olin Hotel as the center, the terrifying shock wave swept over several kilometers, the surrounding buildings were either leveled, or the shock wave hit the holes, in short, miserable.

The nearest Modu Stadium has been bombed in half, this side has just exploded in the afternoon, at night a kilometer north of the Changbei power station, followed by an explosion, Lin Fan stood in mid-air, can see the explosion of fireballs scattered and splashed, the center of the explosion, the flame rose nearly a hundred meters high, the billowing smoke kept rushing to the sky, and there were even some chain explosions in the power station from time to time.

Now Lin Fan has been convinced, this Changbei power station is related to the time bomb he had in the afternoon, the distance is so close, the shock wave is the first to bear the brunt of it, and now looking down, you can see the broken walls around the Changbei power station that are hit by rubble and steel fragments.

Without too much hesitation, Lin Fan flew to the Changbei Power Station that was still exploding, all the shock waves, fragments, and smoke of the explosion were blocked three meters away when they were close to Lin Fan, Lin Fan’s mind spread, sensing the survivors in the Changbei Power Station, but the explosion was too violent, and the electric light flow channeled, which greatly affected Lin Fan’s perception.

Frowning at the current flowing everywhere and the flames of the explosion, Lin Fan’s arm was raised, the palm of his hand pressed downwards, and in a flash, the flame that was still burning seemed to be playing backwards, pouring back from high altitude towards the power station, and finally being compressed into a condensed flame.

As for the current flowing, it was directly sucked into the center of Lin Fan’s palm.

Casually drawing a space crack and throwing the residual current and fireball into the space crack, Lin Fan once again spread his thoughts out.

I don’t know if the explosion of the Changbei power station was too violent, Lin Fan did not sense the existence of a living person for a while, the figure walked step by step, and from time to time he saw a charred corpse under his feet, and as the perception continued to spread, Lin Fan soon found the first living person.

Looking down at the man whose burned side was a little scorched, and who was already dying, Lin Fan shook his head, crossed the man, and continued to walk inside.

Along the way, Lin Fan saw mostly the bodies of men, or men who were blown up with only one breath left, and saw very few female corpses, but they didn’t know what the environment inside this power station was like before the explosion.

Men’s hegemony? And then women are reduced to tools? Lin Fan did not know, even he did not know, the end of more than a month, how this power station maintained power generation, Changbei power station belongs to the thermal power station, generally coal as fuel, Changbei power station can not eat enough to store coal for more than a month.

Don’t say whether there is foresight or not, the place occupied by so much coal is not something that the Changbei Power Station can put down.

Thinking about it, Lin Fan walked a long distance and finally found the first woman who had not been killed by the explosion and was still alive.

But this woman is not far from death, the woman’s injuries are very serious, her face is covered with black ash, obviously affected by the explosion, but this is not the root of the woman’s death, in the woman’s left ribs, not far below the heart, a thumb-thick steel pipe penetrated her body, firmly nailed her to the ground.

There has been a lot of blood on the ground, from the surrounding traces, the woman should have struggled fiercely, but the steel pipe is too strong, the woman can not pull it out at all, the steel pipe is too long, more than a meter, about 50 angles, this angle and the length of the steel pipe, even if the woman stands up in pain, it is impossible to let the steel pipe out of the body.

But fortunately, the woman is not dead, as long as she is not dead, Lin Fan can save her.

Looking at the steel pipe in front of him, Lin Fan took it casually, and his senses were easily pulled out by Lin Fan.


The steel pipe left the flesh, bringing out a handful of blood, and the woman snorted in pain, and her already closed eyes opened under the painful stimulation.

Looking down at the steel pipe in his hand, Lin Fan pumped his horns, no wonder the woman could not pull it out, the penetration was a foot deep into the ground, and a man with a sound body could not pull it out, let alone the seriously injured woman in front of him.

Discarding the steel pipe in his hand, Lin Fan squatted down, picked up the woman, and tore open the clothes at the place of her wound, this is not Lin Fan wants to take advantage, do not tear off the clothes, by the way, clean up the dirty things in the wound, when the wood element energy, those things will be full of body.

This is not saving people, this is killing.

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