Chapter 213 Aa I’m so angry! The women were sour

City of Judgments, second floor of supermarkets.

Looking at these high-level abilities in the system mall, to be honest, he was really a bit picky now.

Time power is very good, what time backwards, time acceleration, time stopping or is to return to the past, time ability in any novel, movie or anime, there is a thick ink, that is simply a bug like the ability.

But isn’t the power of fate awesome? No, the Fate Ability is also very good, even including the Speech Spirit Ability, the Fantasy Manifestation Ability, and the Destruction Ability, all of which are very good.

There is also the creation of special energy, good guys, this look is very high, creation, this is a direct creation, Lin Fan feels, this creation of special energy is full, is it possible to directly create a new race?

When the time comes to grab the mud, sprinkle some water, pinch it, and then inject the creative power into it, this is a living life?

Male version of Nuwa? This one is a bit hanging.

100,000 points a special ability, after purchasing, at least in a short period of time can not buy other high-order special energy, this is still worth Lin Fan to think about, not the point is not the problem of points, the problem is, time!

Lin Fan now has a new discovery, that is, regardless of low-level or high-order powers, when it really goes to Dacheng, it is from Lv7, such as the magnetic field energy, Lin Fan is now Lv7, he can affect the magnetic field of the entire City of Judgment, even if the nuclear bomb hits, Lin Fan can also ensure that the City of Judgment is fine.

Lightning powers, the ability to initially control celestial phenomena after advancing to Lv7, and space abilities, also start from Lv7, in order to establish space portals and cast mirror space, which can be called a field-like bug ability.

The mirror space is equivalent to Lin Fan himself opening up a dimensional world in the Overworld, and in this space, Lin Fan’s powerful is terrifying! The enemy only had the part of being teased by him, and even threw in a nuclear bomb, Lin Fan could make these kinds of missiles fly until they were short of fuel, and they could no longer fly or detonate.

The low-level ability is fine, Lin Fan calculated it, promoted to Lv7, the low-order ability needs to kill 16660 zombies, which is not much, the low-order ability can be exchanged at will, but the high-order ability, you need to add a zero after this number.

The number of zombies that needed to be killed directly increased tenfold, approaching the number of 17w zombies, if it were not for the 80,000 zombies in the Modu Stadium, Lin Fan’s space ability would take at least a day or two to be promoted to Lv7.

Any ability from the low level is difficult, the higher the level, the faster to kill the zombie, for the sake of insurance, the destruction of the ability is the most suitable for exchange, simple and rude is to kill, but Lin Fan is not short of destructive and powerful powers, and even the destructive power has long been beyond the program.

If I hadn’t wanted to destroy the buildings that the Demon Capital had built for tens or hundreds of years, the more than 20 million zombies would have been wiped out long ago, and of course, the survivors would have done the same.

Time, creation, fantasy embodiment, fate, speech, dreams, looking at this kind of strange ability, Lin Fan’s head will be bald, what is the choice of this special meow?

Thinking about it, Lin Fan suddenly thought of something.

How did this zombie virus break out? He didn’t know this at all, anyway, as soon as his eyes were closed and opened, he woke up a month later, if there was no system, he didn’t say whether he would die because of cancer, he would starve him to death.

“System, give me the time to redeem the power.”

Lin Fan had already decided that he would redeem the Time Ability, and then go back more than a month ago to see what had happened to cause the zombie virus outbreak, and it was an instantaneous global outbreak, and there was no chance of stopping it.

“Ding! Deducting 100,000 points, now start fusing the Time Ability. ”

As the sound of the system fell, the points that Lin Fan possessed instantly evaporated by 100,000, at the same time, a mighty force of time spread out in Lin Fan’s body, and the power of time ran in Lin Fan’s body, and finally imprinted the mark of time in his body, and then slowly returned to calm.

Slowly opening his eyes and feeling the new time power in his body, Lin Fan withdrew his thoughts, looked at Su Xiaoluo, who was as well-behaved as a large Barbie doll in his arms, and bowed his head and kissed her on her little body

“It’s not too early, let’s go to bed!”

After speaking, Lin Fan hugged Su Xiaoluo to the master bedroom, and Lin Youyou and they also got up one after another, and finally only Ye Ruolan was left sitting alone on the sofa in the living room.

Just now, Ye Ruolan had been looking at Zhang Qiuyue enviously, no one would not want to get the power given by Lin Fan, Zhang Qiuyue had stayed up for a long time, and finally waited for this day, she did not know when it would be her turn.

Now seeing Lin Fan take Lin Youyou and them into the master bedroom, Ye Ruolan was even more envious, and the next thing must be the Century War.

“Ye Ruolan! Come on! You can do it! It won’t be long before there will be your place there, too! This day is definitely not too far away! ”

Cheering herself up, Ye Ruolan got up from the sofa and walked to her room, she was already ahead of most of the women, living on the second floor of the supermarket first, near the water building platform first got the moon, the group of goblins in the dormitory ate ash behind her!

Not to mention the supermarket side, the female warrior’s dormitory is also exceptionally unquiet tonight.

The reason is very simple, it is because Ye Ruolan lived in the second floor of the supermarket one step ahead of them, which is a historic step! They are still looking at this side to see through it, everyone has already lived in it, maybe they are still ….

“Annoyed! How come I didn’t have such good luck? If it was me on duty in the hospital today, where would the person who moved to the second floor of the supermarket take Ye Ruolan’s turn!!! Aaaaa ”

In the dormitory, Liu Yu’er was mad to the extreme, today he killed a day’s zombies outside, his strength had improved a little, he was very happy, and as a result, he just came back and heard the female soldiers talking, saying that Ye Ruolan performed well and was allowed to live on the second floor of the supermarket.

Liu Yu’er almost threw up after listening to it, and all the good mood collapsed instantly, especially after understanding the process, Liu Yu’er almost hit the wall with her head, and the whole person had an idea.

Is this particularly okay? Is this OK? What luck is this?

Looking at Liu Yu’er, who was anxiously walking around in the dormitory, Qin Shiyue and Han Jingyi were both a little helpless.

When they first heard this news, their hearts were also broken, and their first thought was, how did this good thing fall on their heads?

But their reaction was not as big as Liu Yu’er, and they almost eased up after a night of chagrin, where like Liu Yu’er, they were eager to hit the wall until now.

Speaking of them, they were really unlucky, when they first met Lin Fan, they had to die and live, and as a result, Lin Fan didn’t bird them at all, and didn’t eat their set at all, and as a result, he broke down by playing himself.

To tell the truth, Liu Yu’er was uncomfortable, the three of them were brought back together with Zhang Qiuyue, Li Yun, and Yue Yiren, and what was the result?

Li Yun and the three of them were picked out on the first day, but the three of them, like orphans, were left here, and they didn’t know when they would be able to touch the side of the supermarket.

If everyone is the same, then it doesn’t matter, but what is Ye Ruolan’s calculation? They came later and ended up going in earlier than they did, which made it unacceptable to them.

Not as good as the same period, not even the later ones, Liu Yu’er’s heart is very high, where can this be accepted?

Looking at Liu Yu’er, who was spinning back and forth, Qin Shiyue sighed.

“Yu’er, you don’t have to be angry, it’s useless for you to be angry again, and ah, if you see Ye Ruolan, don’t clash with her, although the status has not changed, but how to say that it is also a person on the second floor, sooner or later you will fly up the branches to become a phoenix, and if you give you small shoes to wear, we can’t help you.”

“Yes, since you have reached the second floor, becoming the master mother is basically a sure thing, Ye Ruolan’s woman is not a simple commodity, you don’t make a fool of yourself.” Han Jingyi was also helping around, but the two of them knew Liu Yu’er’s temper, if they didn’t persuade her, maybe their heads would really fight with Ye Ruolan as soon as their heads were hot.

Liu Yu’er gritted her teeth angrily, turned her head and looked at the two women angrily, and said indignantly: “Of course, I know that Ye Ruolan is not a simple cargo, dare to use a beautiful figure to touch the porcelain lord, she is still the first one!” But it made her successful, this is a female fox! I’m so angry! ”

“But what you said, I also know in my heart, I will not look for Ye Ruolan to fight, people are steel plates, I am eggs, I am not looking for thin pieces?” My brain pumped me to find her to fight, I was just very upset! The more Liu Yu’er spoke, the more angry she became, and she jumped straight to her feet over there.

This will be 11 o’clock at night, several women have long been bathed almost should have slept, wearing relatively thin pajamas, thin is not as good as not wearing, anyway should not see what should not be seen, vague all can see, but it is this feeling, more attractive than not wearing.

Now Liu Yu’er stomped his feet angrily, and the pajamas on his body couldn’t hold back, seeing that what shouldn’t be exposed was going to jump out, Han Jingyi quickly covered his eyes, “Well, don’t jump, I know you’re big, I have it myself, I don’t need to look at you, hurry up and take it back for me, my eyes will be polluted.” ”

Liu Yu’er’s anger was furious, and he couldn’t care about Ye Ruolan, screaming, like an evil ghost, pounced on Han Jingyi, Qin Shiyue luckily escaped the disaster, looking at the two people who were screaming, the pajamas that were just like the decorations were even more chaotic, and there was no role in covering up at all.

Helplessly patting his forehead, Qin Shiyue had a loveless expression.

“What a sin I have made, to live with these two women.”

The room not far from the three daughters, Jasmine and Zhou Xiuyan’s room was not quiet at this time, but compared to the fuss of Liu Yu’er’s three daughters, Jasmine and Zhou Xiuyan’s two daughters behaved much better.

Jasmine sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed, carefully wiping the Tang knife in her hand with a towel in her hand, and her eyes looked at Zhou Xiuyan from time to time.

“Sister Yan, Ruolan has gone to the second floor.”

Zhou Xiuyan quietly flipped through the book, heard Jasmine’s words, muttered, the expression was very calm, but her heart was not so calm, even she did not know what she was looking at.

Zhao Wanqing, as her good girlfriend, did not give her a pillow wind, let her perform more in front of Lin Fan, so that good girlfriends can join forces, Zhou Xiuyan has always been very embarrassed.

A strong person can always attract more eyes of the opposite sex, especially when this strong person is perfect in all aspects, Zhou Xiuyan can’t help but be a little moved.

The reason why he escaped from the Zhou family at the beginning was because he was dissatisfied with the marriage of the family, so he spared no expense for ten years, from only a few hundred yuan to a billion dollars, for the other half, Zhou Xiuyan’s requirements were very high, but until she met Lin Fan, she found that her so-called high requirements were not worth mentioning for Lin Fan.

Yes, not worth mentioning.

Lin Fan is tall, extraordinary, full of masculinity, especially with the improvement of strength, that temperament is more and more inseparable, even if standing in the crowd, it is like the sun, emitting dazzling light, his existence is like a black hole, attracting everyone’s eyes to the past.

Zhao Wanqing always let her take the initiative, Zhou Xiuyan was still a little unable to let go at first, and did not dare to take the initiative to do anything, but then she found that it was completely unnecessary, because she could rarely get to Lin Fan’s side, how could this make her take the initiative?

People can’t touch it, what initiative?

Wiping the tang knife in her hand, Jasmine shook her head helplessly.

“Sister Yan, the book is reversed.”

PS: The human design map is Jasmine, originally wanted to send it very early, but forgot it

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