Chapter 219 Give You a Man or Not? Qin Yuwei was confused

At the West City Gate, like the Yueyi people, Zhang Qiuyue came here with Qin Yuwei.

Now that Zhang Qiuyue herself has special powers, plus Qin Yuwei has already eaten the Source Force Crystal, and her strength has soared by a large margin, she can take Qin Yuwei with her.

At the city gate, Qin Yuwei looked at her mother curiously, and the look in her eyes was like watching aliens.

“What kind of eyes do you have?” Normal, I think you’re trying to get beaten. ”

Zhang Qiuyue and Yueyi people are not the same, when facing Qin Yuwei, they are still very motherly majesty.

Qin Yuwei spat out her tongue and whispered, “Mom, don’t be so fierce, I’ll see if you can still have less meat?” ”

“Less, what are you trying to say?” Slanting Qin Yuwei’s eyes, Zhang Qiuyue sneered: “Give me less like this, grow so big, as soon as you pinch your ass, I will know what shit you pull.” ”

Hey hey smile, Qin Yuwei gently arched the Yueyi people, and said, “Mom, when you were the general manager, you could give me the source force crystal, then now that you have become the master mother, what good can you give me, although come, your daughter can bear it, don’t look at me as young, the ability to bear it is very strong!” ”

“Do you want a man for you?”

Qin Yuwei was stunned, man? Where is this? Where did the City of Judgment come from….. Hiss… As if something is wrong, there are really men in the City of Verdict!.

Looking at Zhang Qiuyue, who was sneering at him with a question mark, Qin Yuwei was all square, what did he mean? I treat you as my mother, you want to treat me as a sister?

Looking at Qin Yuwei’s eyes, Zhang Qiuyue knew that this little thing was probably not thinking of anything good, raised his hand to carry Qin Yuwei’s ear, and the painful Qin Yuwei grinned, “Mother, my mother, my mother, fell off, the ear is going to fall, let go of the pain and die, I didn’t say anything!” ”

“You didn’t say it, but you said it in your heart, and I heard it.”

Qin Yuwei’s face immediately wrinkled into a mess, not to mention how blue and thin she was, it was not easy to wait for Zhang Qiuyue to release her hand, Qin Yuwei quickly dodged two steps, her hands crossed her waist, and she instantly stood up.

“The mouth of the green bamboo snake, the needle after the tail of the wasp, neither of them is poisonous, the most poisonous woman’s heart!” It was so vicious that it almost screwed my ear off! Those who don’t know think you’re my stepmother! ”

Zhang Qiuyueqi’s forehead jumped straight up, staring at Qin Yuwei, and he chased after Qin Yuwei, “Little Lady, today I will let you know how your stepmother beats the child, and I will let you see what is called Rong Mama’s stitching!” ”

“Slightly, you come after me, you catch up with me, I’ll let you hey hey!” Come on, come on! You can’t catch up, hahahahaha! ”

Qin Yuwei is now very strong, the various attributes exceed 20 points, straight to the thirty points mark, the speed is very terrifying, at least Zhang Qiuyue, who has just obtained the metal power, cannot catch up, it is to find this point, Qin Yuwei dares to be so bold.

As for whether you will be beaten in the future, then it doesn’t matter, first finish the skin.

But before he could run far, Qin Yuwei was directly happy and sad, because he was running backwards, he didn’t look at the road, on the spacious avenue, he didn’t know when there was more than one steel plate, and Qin Yuwei directly bumped into it for a while.


The brain door was almost swollen, this speed, replaced by ordinary people, will die violently on the spot, before Qin Yuwei can get up, a few metal strips will firmly hold her, directly like a suffering Jesus.

Subject to restraint, especially there are dense barbs on the metal strips, it is okay not to move, as long as it moves, it will definitely be pierced, this time Qin Yuwei panicked, looking at Zhang Qiuyue who walked step by step, with a sneering face, the cold sweat on Qin Yuwei’s forehead instantly came down.

“Mom…. You listen to me…”

“I don’t listen, wait until you die, kill the child!”

Qin Yuwei was numb, was violently beaten, and the whole person almost fell apart.

With a grudge on her face, Qin Yuwei looked at her mother, who was very unhappy now.

Why? She is a cattle man with a four-dimensional attribute close to thirty points! How it was so simple to be destroyed! It’s not fair!

The cold gaze looked at Qin Yuwei, and in an instant Qin Yuwei was instigated, unable to provoke, really unable to provoke!

Seeing that Qin Yuwei was honest, Zhang Qiuyue shook her head, and no longer messed with her, raised her hand to gently stroke her face, wiped the dust off her face, and said softly: “Although your mother is now the main mother, but you can’t think of taking shortcuts for everything, the source force crystallizes this kind of thing, your mother will not give it to you again, eating more is not a good thing.” ”

“I know this, just like in martial arts novels, if you eat too much of the Heavenly Treasure, it will be unstable, right?” I get it. Qin Yuwei didn’t have a fuss now, and her little head was even a little bit.

“That’s not it, you are still shallow in your foundation, you haven’t experienced much fighting, although you have eaten more strength, but the combat experience is poor, it is tantamount to pulling seedlings and growing, it is not good for you, this thing can be eaten, but it must also be moderate, at least before your attribute point does not reach 40 points, your mother is not ready to let you eat.”

There is no mother who does not hurt her child, Zhang Qiuyue is also like this, the source force crystallization of this thing, as long as she thinks, it is not a problem at all, but she does not want to ruin Qin Yuwei’s future in this way.

“But although it can’t provide you with any substantial help, as long as you work hard, your mother will improve your status, so that you will be closer to the Lord and enter the arbitration group as soon as possible.”

Qin Yuwei nodded obediently, since she said that sentence, there was not much resistance in her heart, the whole city of judgment was Lin Fan a man, did she have a choice? And now is the end of the world, before the end of the day so play abounds, the law can not control those who have money and power, let alone now?

She is not ready for the mother’s womb solo for a lifetime, but thinking about it, it seems to be quite exciting?

Looking at Qin Yuwei’s obedient appearance, Zhang Qiuyue’s hanging heart also let go, she was afraid that Qin Yuwei would drill the tip of the bull’s horn, but fortunately, Qin Yuwei’s performance made her very relieved.

Turning her head to look at the female soldiers who had parked the car behind her, Zhang Qiuyue patted Qin Yuwei’s shoulder and encouraged: “Try hard baby, don’t let your mother down.” ”

After speaking, Zhang Qiuyue raised his head and shouted at the city gate, “Captain Li, open the door.” ”

On the upper floor of the West City Gate, today Li Fengjiao was on duty, hearing Zhang Qiuyue’s command, Li Fengjiao injected the qi in her body into the jade rune of the city gate, and as the imprint left by Lin Fan was touched, the city gate was slowly opened.


At the North City Gate, Lin Fan’s figure appeared from the ground, just used the plant energy almost, the time has been more than an hour later, looking at the rising sun, Lin Fan shook his hand, and a Tang sword appeared in his hand.

From today onwards, he will be able to improve the Time Ability he obtained yesterday.

Time power and space power are not the same, the direct destructive power is not how expressed, or the killing effect on zombies is not as direct as the space ability.

What effect does time acceleration have on zombies? Let zombies age to death? Don’t be funny.

In fact, thinking about it, Lin Fan felt that the time ability was the most difficult ability to rise, for people, the time ability is very terrible, but for zombies, the effect is not as strong as imagined, at least whether aging is for zombies, there is no impact at all.

Turning into a zombie, even the body of a septuagenarian can run like a devil.

The power of time attached to the blade, looking at the swarming zombies, Lin Fan raised the Tang Sword in his hand, as if slowing down the real disease, it looked like a snail crawling, but in fact it was extremely fast.

On the wide main road, hundreds of zombies that flew over instantly flew into the sky at this moment, and the headless corpses instantly fell forward, while Lin Fan’s figure was slowly advancing, that kind of slow speed made people vomit blood, but fast enough that people couldn’t see clearly.

One person and one knife, facing the countless zombies on the main road, many times to clean up, the zombies on the main road have not been as dense as before, no matter how many zombies, it will take time to gather over, and no matter how many zombies there are, they can’t stand Lin Fan cleaning up once a day.

“Ding! Kill zombies and earn 1 point, time experience +1, current experience 1/100. ”


“Ding! Kill zombies and earn 1 point, time experience +1, current experience 100/100. ”

“Ding! Your Time Ability XP reaches its full value, currently at Level Lv2, and 0/500 XP is required to advance to the next level. ”


The Time Ability was upgraded, promoted to Lv2, ten times the experience, ten times more difficult than the ordinary Ability to improve, fortunately, before there was a Space Ability, Lin Fan was not unacceptable.

The figure gradually moved forward, seemingly slowly, but in the blink of an eye, it came to hundreds of meters away, where it passed, the zombies were all separated, the knife edge was smooth as a mirror, and when these zombies fell to the ground, one vine after another broke out of the earth, and in the blink of an eye, the corpses of these zombies turned into fly ash, and then the vines disappeared, the earth element energy quietly spread, and the previously broken streets became intact.

Lin Fan’s figure kept advancing, there were not many zombies blocking the main road, Lin Fan’s figure quickly disappeared at the end of the road, looking at Lin Fan’s direction, it was going to the north, and the direction of the middle was deviated, gradually biased to the northeast.

More than ten kilometers away, Baiyuan Business Building.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Inside the originally quiet floor, the dense gunfire kept reverberating, and in the corridor, more than a dozen men in police uniforms and holding explosion-proof shields kept firing, and in front of these people, a bloodied zombie cat kept running, always avoiding bullets, and it was difficult for these men to hit them.

The power of the pistol is indeed terrifying, but the pistol is a dead thing after all, and if you want to exert its power, it depends on the person who uses it.

The zombie cats kept escaping, and in the rooms on both sides of the corridor, the survivors hid in the rooms and shivered, and did not dare to go out at all.

The footsteps of the wild running did not stop, all the way to chase the zombie cat, watching the zombie cat rush into the stairs, the men rushed into it, Wu Yan issued a death order, must kill all the zombie cats!

Cats are very vengeful creatures, especially after being infected by the zombie virus, no one expected that the revenge of zombie cats was so terrible, only the next day, zombie cats made a comeback, not only that, but also brought as many as dozens of zombie cats.

It was a nightmare!

A dozen men rushed to the stairwell, the first person just rushed in, a black shadow pounced on it, the man in the lead could not react at all, only the gradually growing cat’s paw in front of him.


There was a muffled sound, blood and flesh flew everywhere, followed by the men’s terrible screams.

“Aaa It hurts! Kill me! You guys…. You guys…. What do you do? Other… Don’t shoot, I….”


A shot solves the man who fell to the ground and was scratched in the face by the zombie cat, and the man who fired the gun held back the fear in his heart and looked angrily at the corner of the stairs, where a black zombie cat was looking at him with dead gray eyes.

Raising his hand to pull the trigger on the black zombie cat at the corner of the stairs, the gunshot echoed, and the black zombie cat ran away in an instant.

“Chase! If you don’t kill these zombie cats, we’ll all be played to death sooner or later! These damn zombie cats are teasing us like rats! ”

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