Chapter 225 Hu Yuefei is so angry! Chu Han smoked a second to become a smaller superman

Solving Wu Yan and others, Lin Fan went upstairs all the way, there was no one on seven or eight floors in a row, Lin Fan did not stay, his mind spread, straight to the 11th floor, in the perception, from the 11th floor to start to exist.

Even on the 11th floor, Lin Fan didn’t feel anything, and Hu Yuefei could still hold on, but Chu Hanyan really couldn’t do it.

Ran in the middle of the night did not eat anything, and zombie cat fight, almost exhausted the spirit, and now climb 11 floors, she has really reached the limit, and even if it is not that Lin Fan to clear the zombie virus for her, the wood element energy involved in her to add some vitality, can not climb a few floors at all, she will be tired and paralyzed.

The heart and lungs were like fire, looking at Lin Fan walking in front, Chu Hanyan only felt like his feet were filled with lead, his breathing was spitting fire, she had been insisting, and now she couldn’t hold on a little, and the steps in front of her were shaking.

Concubine Hu Yue hugged Chu Hanyan, who was a little shaky, and said with concern, “Don’t go, stop, if you go down again, you are not going upstairs, you are in the Hall of the King of Yama, I am here to accompany you.” ”

I don’t know if it has been a long time together, Hu Yuefei has more feelings for Chu Hanyan like her sister, and seeing that Chu Hanyan is so uncomfortable, she can’t help but open her mouth.

Lin Fan turned his head and looked at Chu Hanyan, which would make Lin Fancai react, Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei were still following, Hu Yuefei had been exercising for a long time, but Chu Hanyan’s physical fitness was not so good.

“Or you’ll wait for me here, and I’ll come down in a little while.”

Chu Hanyan’s face turned miserable, and he looked at Lin Fan in frustration, lowered his head and shook his head slightly, “I… I’m okay, I can still go. ”

Hu Yuefei rolled her eyes in anger, can’t she argue for some gas? How humble is it?.

Unexpectedly, Chu Hanyan was still a stubborn temper, watching her grit her teeth and support the handrail to continue walking, Lin Fan shook his head, took out a porcelain bottle, and gently threw it away, and the porcelain bottle flew out of thin air in front of Chu Hanyan.

“Eat it so you can keep up.”

Looking at the porcelain bottle flying in front of him, Chu Hanyan took it in his hand and vaguely saw that the bottle had four words written on it, ‘Source Force Crystal’.

Chu Hanyan didn’t know what these four words really meant, and didn’t think much about it, pulling out the plug and looking up and eating it, soft as if he was eating fudge.

Watching Chu Hanyan look up and eat the contents of the bottle, Hu Yuefei only felt a pang of colic in her heart.

“Aren’t you afraid that there’s poison in it?” Or some kind of happy water or something? Can you grow a snack for this child! ”

The hatred on Hu Yuefei’s face was not made of steel, and it felt like an old mother who had broken her heart.

The concentrated power of the source force crystallization was already running in his body, and Chu Hanyan grasped the porcelain bottle in his hand and shook his head, “He… He won’t hurt me, I… I mean he doesn’t have to hurt me, no, I mean, my mom is his woman, he doesn’t hurt me, and I can feel that my body is getting better, and I can feel that I am getting stronger. ”

Hu Yuefei sighed, the whole person looked a lot more decadent, looking at Chu Hanyan, she didn’t know what to say.

Dude, how good are you to be self-hypnotized? Can you still feel that you are getting stronger? Why don’t you say you’re going to become an immortal?

What doesn’t have to hurt you? I see you wish people were a little crooked to you, right? From Chu Hanyan, Hu Yuefei refreshed her understanding of female licking dogs.

In the past, she had seen that in order to please her boyfriend, she gave her girlfriend to her boyfriend to be happy, really sisters together, and also saw that the handsome man could not walk, and also saw that as long as he was handsome, how to toss was fine, but Chu Hanyan …

Forget it, don’t mention it, it’s tears when you say more.

“Concubine, I really feel like I’m getting stronger, really!” I didn’t lie to you, I seem to have endless strength now, and, and there seems to be something running in my body, just… It’s like an internal force, really! ”

Chu Hanyan’s face was full of excitement, his miserable white face quickly became dizzy under the replenishment of massive yuan qi, and his excited hands danced with excitement, without the slightest appearance of weakness before, and even jumped three feet high, his strength was a little greater, and he stepped on the steps with a shallow footprint.

At first, Princess Hu Yue thought that Chu Hanyan was teasing her, but watching Chu Hanyan jump directly to the spot a meter high, everyone was stunned, especially looking at the footprints on the steps that were a few millimeters deep, they began to doubt life.

wtf? Is this step paper paste? Shouldn’t he be playing her?

Subconsciously lifting her foot and stomping on the steps, she was sure that the solid one was the kind she couldn’t step on, but….

What is the situation of Chu Han Yan? Is what you just said true? Just the contents of that little bottle, eat it and become superhuman?

The steps of Baiyuan Business Building are poured of reinforced concrete, and it is really superhuman to be able to kick such a strong step out of a small pit!

Before that, Chu Han smoked a few pounds and a few pounds she knew, and all these changes were changed after eating the contents of that bottle.

Mo is not…. Is that bottle really good?

Casually throwing a Tang knife to Chu Hanyan, Lin Fan said, “Try it, mobilize the qi in your body, and then use the knife in your hand to show it.” ”

Looking at the Tang Dao floating in front of him, Chu Hanyan grasped the handle of the sword, and according to what Lin Fan said, he tried to control the qi in his body, and then he swung the Tang Dao with force, and the faint sharp breath flashed, and everything returned to calm.

The first experiment, failed.

Looking at Chu Hanyan’s blank gaze, Lin Fan gestured, “It’s okay, try again.” ”

Chu Hanyan is like pulling seedlings to promote growth, out of thin air to get a powerful strength, but it will not be used at all, if it is the ability to obtain step by step, it must be like an arm, to put it bluntly, there is no experience.

With Lin Fan’s encouragement, Chu Hanyan nodded, and once again began to mobilize the qi in his body according to what Lin Fan said, this time it was much better than before, as Chu Hanyan swung it hard, a sharp knife qi broke through the air, instantly chopping on the wall in front, the power of the sharp knife qi was amazing, cutting out a half-meter-long crack in the wall, and even being able to see the steel bars that were cut off inside the wall.

Hu Yuefei looked stupid, isn’t this the end of the world? How did it suddenly become a martial arts style? What the hell is this special knife gas? And this destructive power is outrageous, right?

What the heck? Didn’t you just eat something? Is it really big to return Dan?

Returning to God, Concubine Hu Yuefei looked at Lin Fan eagerly, and that look was eager to pick Lin Fan up.

“That… I can’t walk anymore, isn’t it… Is it also….”

Lin Fan had a bright smile on his face, looking at the smiling faces piled up on Hu Yuefei’s face, and suddenly his face was flat, “Sorry, no.” ”


Concubine Hu Yue was stupid, and her eyes looked at Lin Fan with sluggish eyes, and she didn’t return to her mind for half a day.

This is a communiqué of personal vendetta! This is definitely a communiqué personal vendetta!

“You…. I…. You….”

Hu Yuefei you for half a day, did not say a word, have the heart to say that Lin Fan is generous to this and thin, but think carefully, what is the relationship between Chu Hanyan? People’s mother is Lin Fan’s woman, it seems normal to give something good, right?

What about her? She didn’t seem to have a half-cent relationship with Lin Fan, it didn’t matter, she had been singing the opposite tune along the way, so at this thought, Hu Yuefei was speechless.

“Concubine! Concubine! I’m getting stronger now! Did you see that? See? I’m right! Internal force eh! See no, that’s knife gas! Did you see that? Chu Hanyan would be excited like a little rabbit who had sprinkled joy, shaking Hu Yuefei’s shoulder, excited no.

Chu Hanyan’s strength was very strong, far beyond Hu Yuefei did not know much, this shake, Hu Yuefei was awake and awake, and half of her life was about to be lost.

Good fellow, the bones almost shook her apart, and she could hear the bones making a piercing mournful sound.

“Put! Let go! It hurts….”

The cold sweat on Hu Yuefei’s head had come down, it really hurt! Her shoulders were almost crushed for her, and she now understood how much strength Chu Hanyan had now, which was indeed a lot of improvement, and before, Chu Hanyan’s little strength wanted to make her feel painful, afraid that it was a little difficult.

But now, isn’t she a little in pain, her shoulder blades are almost broken, what are you, nine yin white bone claws? When you get stronger, don’t use her to practice!

Looking at the cold sweat on Hu Yuefei’s head, Chu Hanyan realized that she was too excited, and some could not control the force, hurriedly waved her hand, her fingers accidentally hit the handrail next to it, a muffled sound, Chu Hanyan did not feel the pain of the hand, but looking at the few dents on the handrail, people are a little square.

Not only Chu Han Yanfang, Hu Yuefei was also Fang, is this special still human? The bullet hitting the armrest doesn’t have this destructive power, right? At most light the spark and then jump the bounce, this casually touched, how on …..

Hu Yuefei grinned, this was just if she pinched her shoulder with this strength, it would not be her turn to open her mouth, and the shoulder blade would be broken.

“Concubines… Are you okay? I… I didn’t mean to, you…” Chu Hanyan also saw his current destructive power, and raised his hand to touch Hu Yuefei’s shoulder, as if he wanted to check it on her.

Frightened by Chu Hanyan’s action, Hu Yuefei hurriedly waved her hand back and looked at Chu Hanyan vigilantly: “I’m fine, I’m fine!” Don’t touch me, calm down! ”

Chu Hanyan’s hand froze in mid-air, and he smiled sarcastically, and Chu Hanyan awkwardly put his hand back.

On the stairs, looking at the two people like this, Lin Fan shook his head, for Chu Hanyan’s situation, he had long predicted, a person suddenly gained a very powerful power, it is inevitable that he cannot control it, and if he wants to control this force, it will take a long time to adapt.

Therefore, although the source force crystallization is very good, it is not suitable for eating more in a short period of time, and there is no benefit to all harms.

“It’s time to go, the newly acquired power, you need to get used to it, don’t be too close to Princess Yue in the short term, after all, some people are brittle like a piece of paper, in case you accidentally ‘rattle’ a little, shatter it.”

Hearing Lin Fan’s unceremonious taunt, Concubine Hu Yue looked up at Lin Fan, although the words were correct, but from Lin Fan’s mouth, she was curious!

This is definitely aimed at her! Absolutely!

Chu Hanyan looked a little frustrated, and the excitement of just gaining super strength was instantly extinguished, but he still looked at Hu Yuefei with his spirit and smiled strongly: “Concubine, you can rest assured, soon I will be able to control the power in my body, believe me!” ”

After saying that, Chu Hanyan raised his hand and wanted to pat Hu Yuefei’s shoulder, but just after raising his hand, he thought of something, looking at Hu Yuefei’s subconscious retreat, laughing even more helplessly.

On the stairs, Lin Fan looked at Hu Yuefei, who was the same as the anti-thief, and almost laughed and sighed, which was really interesting!

Hearing the whisper, Hu Yuefei turned her head and glanced at Lin Fan, if she couldn’t fight, she would go up and fight with Lin Fan now!

It’s too much!

Stopping his smile, Lin Fan took out a bottle of Source Force Crystal, compared it in Hu Yuefei’s eager gaze, and asked, “Do you want it?” ”

Concubine Hu Yue nodded hurriedly, and she couldn’t care less about the fighting spirit, “Want! ”

Lin Fan felt that he should be laughing a lot like those big villains now, right?

“Want it? Yes, please, please, I will give it to you. ”

Hu Yuefei was stunned, looked at Lin Fan’s smiling thief’s bad appearance, gritted her teeth, and said in a hateful voice: “I will not beg you!” I, Princess Hu Yuefei, died here today, jumping down this 11th floor stairs, and I will definitely not beg you! ”

“Dead hearted!”

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