Chapter 227 Good Words Can’t Dissuade the Damn Ghost, Want to Die I Complete You!

“Go, knock on the door one by one, and call all the women out.”

After Lin Fan said this, Chu Hanyan’s eyes lit up, and the whole person seemed to have hit chicken blood, and the conditioned reflex rushed out with the Tang knife, and the fierce wind brought by the speed too fast blew Hu Yuefei’s dark blond long hair around.

Helplessly straightening her hair, looking at Chu Hanyan, who rushed out excitedly, Hu Yuefei didn’t know how to complain.

Lick the dog can’t be house! Be sensible!

At the door of the nearest room, Chu Hanyan picked up the Tang knife and slashed at the doorknob, the sharp blade still carried a wisp of knife qi, watching Chu Hanyan so excited, the sword qi was used, Lin Fan was particularly stupid.

“Calm down, what I’m talking about is, call the women out, do you know what I mean?”

Lin Fan was a little flustered, this guy don’t get excited, kick the door in and cut off all the women, he really doesn’t mean this!

Tang Dao gathered over the head of Chu Hanyan stunned, hearing Lin Fan’s words, this is a little sober, but the movement in his hand is not slow, directly split the door lock.


Kicking open the door, Chu Hanyan’s posture was unspeakably fierce.

Standing at the door of the room, looking at the blank eyes inside, Tang Dao pointed to every one of them and drank, “Give me out!” ”

Lin Fan’s side, the black line at the head of Concubine Hu Yue, who had not yet moved, looked at the one that was holding the child.

Shaking her head helplessly, she walked to the other side, but compared with Chu Hanyan, Hu Yuefei’s actions were not much better.


A shot broke the door lock, kicked open the door, looking at the frightened women inside, Hu Yuefei’s cold eyes swept through, and said coldly: “If you don’t want to eat the gun, give me out.” ”

Under the threat of Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei, no woman dared to say a word, all of them came out of the room, and before long, all the women on the entire 16th floor were felt in the corridor, and the long corridor was soon full of women.

Driving the women all out, Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan walked back to Lin Fan’s side.

Looking at these women, Lin Fan had nothing to say, his index finger crossed the space in front of him, and a dark space passage appeared in the corridor.

Looking at the space passage that suddenly appeared, many women did not know what it was, and Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan, who had seen it once, were not too surprised, after all, they had both walked through it once, but they did not know where the space passage led this time.

Seeing the doubtful and frightened eyes of the women in the corridor, Lin Fan pointed to the space door in front of him and said, “Maybe you don’t know what this is, I can tell you that this is the space channel, at the other end of the space channel, it is the power I have established, and now all you need to do is to walk in, do you understand?” ”

The women in the corridor had different expressions on their faces, expressions of shock, confusion, displeasure, disdain, and so on.

“Why should we listen to you? Do you let us in and get in? ”

“That is, why should we go to your forces, and can you guarantee our safety?” It’s whimsical. ”

“Neurosis, huh?” Are we going to do whatever you say? How old are you. ”

Discordant voices came from the corridor, there were too many people in the corridor, and the corridor was too long, and for a while it was impossible to find out who was talking.

Originally, some timid women had already taken steps, heard these discordant sounds, and the steps that came out were retracted, looking left and right, a little dazed for a while, not knowing how to be good in the end.

Lin Fan’s side, hearing these yin and yang strange sounds, Chu Han’s small face wrinkled up, and the irritation in his eyes was unspeakable.

“Who! Whoever is talking has the ability to stand up and say it to my face! ”

Chu Hanyan was still too young, and at this time, the fool also knew that he could not stand up.

“What’s the matter, haven’t you let people talk yet?” If you have a knife, it is powerful! ”

“That is, who to scare with a knife?” Flaunt your might, right? ”

“Just bullying and bullying us compatriots, why don’t you see you taking a knife to cut down zombies, what kind of prestige is there for us?”

“Foxes fake tigers, bullying soft and afraid of hard talk is this kind of person.”

Not only did no one stand up, there were more mocking voices in the crowd, and for a while the situation in the corridor was at an impasse, and even some people saw this situation, and they also followed the flags and shouted next to them, followed by coaxing, Chu Hanyan experienced this kind of thing for the first time, and for a while some did not know how to be good.

Pulling La Chu Hanyan’s arm, Hu Yuefei shook her head at her, looked at her indignant look, and gestured in the direction of Lin Fan.

Chu Hanyan looked at Lin Fan, and to her surprise, Lin Fan’s face did not mean to be half annoyed, but on the contrary, it was very calm, and the calm made her feel very incredible.

She didn’t understand very much, Lin Fan wasn’t angry?

Isn’t Lin Fan angry? No, it’s just that this situation has encountered more, I don’t know if the so-called people have gone, if he had been angry every time, he would have died of anger.

These women in the Baiyuan Business Building are different from those women in other survivors’ gathering places, these women have obviously not been oppressed, and even have a very moist life, and it is normal for these women to be unable to see reality.

In fact, Lin Fan did not agree with this method of rule of Wu Zhan, and there was nothing wrong with Wu Zhan’s method of rule, but the mistake was wrong, using the wrong era!

This is not ancient, this is modern, and it is not a chaotic world, but a deadly zombie crisis, what is the use of being so accustomed to these people? What about raising a master? This situation reminded Lin Fan of the plot of an anime, that is, the high castle mansion in the school apocalypse.

The survivors in the high city mansion are just like these women in front of them, in the last days, the last thing they need is kindness and tolerance, and any clown who dares to jump out and make trouble, all be damned!

The so-called tolerance is just a box he gives, and in this box, it is the tolerance that he can tolerate, and beyond this box, it is to challenge the bottom line, and this kind of behavior that challenges the bottom line has only one result!

That’s death!

For this kind of woman who dares to challenge his majesty, Lin Fan’s favorite thing to do is to kill! They are cold in the liver and gallbladder when they are killed, and they cry out to their fathers and mothers! Kill them in horror and despair! Then without giving them the slightest chance to repent, they ruthlessly swung their butcher knives and ended their lives!

“Don’t you all want to go in?” Or do you want to go in? Or do you all agree with the stinky rats who are hiding their heads and tails? ”

Lin Fan’s calm appearance and calm tone make many women a little uneasy, these women are not all fools, Lin Fan can go here, but also show this hand, obviously capable, they do not know what the end of defying Lin Fan is, too calm expression and tone, so that many women are worried.

In the crowd, Lin Meifeng’s nose was almost crooked, hiding the stinky mouse with its head and tail? Cheap goods? This is simply unbearable, and aunts and aunts can’t stand it!

“What age is it, and is it still machismo?” The most annoying thing is this kind of straight male cancer, disobedience is a stinky rat cheap goods? We women really can’t get on the table. ”

“Hasn’t freedom of speech been allowed to speak yet? It’s so domineering, we’re all going to be scared to death. ”

“We have a good life here, why should we go with you?” Who do you think you are? President? What do we all have to listen to? We women are also half of the sky, do we respect women? ”

Listening to the clamor coming from the crowd, Lin Fan did not have more nonsense, raised his finger to the space passage in front of him, “Go in or stay, you choose yourself, you can move now if you want to go in, if you don’t want to go in, I will not force you, I am a person with limited patience, no one will move after 10 seconds, I will default to you choosing to stay.” ”

In the corridor, looking at the dark space passage in front of Lin Fan, the time went backwards by a second, ten seconds of time, very short, no one moved at the beginning, five seconds later, finally someone couldn’t help it, and walked towards Lin Fan’s side.

In the crowd, Lin Meifeng looked at Lin Fan with resentment and shrieked, “Have you thought about it?” Maybe after entering, it will be hell, you can think clearly! ”

Lin Meifeng’s voice is very loud, the women who left are hesitant, no one is sure what will happen in the future, maybe it is really the same as Lin Meifeng said, the end of the space passage is a dark life?

With an eyebrow raised, Lin Fan sighed, “You say you’re not a?” I didn’t plan to clean you up so early, you have to jump! ”

After saying that, Lin Fan grabbed it casually, and in the crowd, Lin Meifeng was shocked in her heart, and she found that she could not move! All over the body lost control!

Then she found that she flew up, clinging to the top of the corridor, flying all the way towards Lin Fan, bumping into some lampshades along the way, breaking the blood on her head, howling bitterly, flying until she flew near Lin Fan before falling from mid-air.



“Aa!!!aa It hurts me to death, the king is a bastard! Brute! ….”


Raising her foot to break Lin Meifeng’s shoulder, the severe pain interrupted the swearing in her, seeing this situation, the women were frightened and retreated.

Ignoring Lin Meifeng’s tragic howl, Lin Fan raised his foot and stepped on it again, this time it was Lin Meifeng’s arm bone that shattered, and the tragic howl kept echoing in the corridor, Lin Fan looked up at the frightened women in the corridor and whispered, “You still have three seconds to decide whether to walk in or not.” ”

The women in the corridors on both sides were panicked, and at this time, they couldn’t think at all, and they rushed into the space door.

Seeing the silhouette of the women swarming, Lin Fan lifted his feet and kicked down again, this time it was Lin Meifeng’s spine, the click sounded, Lin Meifeng’s sharp roar frightened the women all over their bodies, and they ran fast under their feet, hoping that their parents had two more stomps.


In the women’s terrified eyes, Lin Fan read out a number, and an ominous premonition arose in the hearts of the women who were running towards the space passage, and then they saw a scene that made them despair.

With his arm raised, a translucent sword appeared out of thin air, and with Lin Fan’s wave of his hand, the translucent sword instantly shot out, rapidly expanding in mid-air to be as wide as a corridor, and then cut off towards the back half of the corridor.

“No!!! No! ”

“Don’t! We don’t want to die! ”

“You don’t talk about credit, you say there are still three seconds, you obviously say there are three seconds!”

Sharp screams shouted out from the women’s throats, dozens of nearly a hundred women screamed at the same time, the sound was tragic, but the knife would not stop because of their fear, the terrible knife cut through, blood splattered, sprinkled all over the air, the upper body of the waist was cut off, the upper body flew up, the face also had a frightened expression, and the uncontrolled lower body ran out of a distance before falling to the ground.

The women who were lucky enough to escape were scared to tears, and even many frightened urinated incontinences, like crazy into the space passage, did not dare to look behind them at all.

Retracting his hand and looking at the women on the ground who still had not completely lost their breath, Lin Fan said dismissively: “Do you need to talk about credit for those of you who are afraid of the world’s chaos?” You think I don’t know who was forcing Lai in the shadows before? ”

“Good words can’t dissuade damn ghosts, if you want to die, I will fulfill you!”

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