Chapter 234 The defensive line completely collapsed, and the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord was in danger

“Captain! Head! Not good! Not good! Zombies are coming! ”

At the forward headquarters, there was a piercing shout outside the door, and there was a moment of silence in the brightly lit headquarters, and several colonels suddenly stood up and looked at the door with a livid face.

As soon as several people got up, a lieutenant officer rushed in at the door, and at this time no one was thinking about why he didn’t report it, why he didn’t abide by discipline, and all this was because of the voice just now.

Zombies are coming!

Several colonels in the command headquarters were filled with incredulity, how could it be so sudden? Wasn’t it okay before?.

“Colonel, it’s not good! Those zombies are rushing up! ”

Looking at the lieutenant who directly pounced on the near front, Li Yangfeng’s face was livid, and he grabbed the lieutenant’s arm with both hands and cried out in a deep voice: “What the hell is going on?” Let’s be clear! Wasn’t it okay before? Why did the zombies suddenly rush up? What happened on the front lines? ”

Grabbed by Li Yangfeng’s arm, the lieutenant officer looked frightened, “Commander, I don’t know!” Originally, it was fine, the brothers’ firepower could suppress the pace of the zombies’ progress, but for some reason, those zombies rushed up like they had suddenly been stimulated! ”

“Unstoppable! Can’t stop it! The brothers can’t stop it! Those zombies are too fast! There was a glint in his eyes, and the fire of the machine gun could not be suppressed at all! ”

Li Yangfeng had an unspeakable solemnity in his eyes and asked, “So what is the situation now?” Where did the zombies rush? What about the line of defense? What happened to the defensive line? ”

“Line of defense…. The defensive line…” The lieutenant looked blank for a moment and cried, “Lost…. The line of defense is lost! Hundreds of thousands of zombies rushed up, the brothers could not stop at all, those zombies were like flying, our bullets hit the zombies, those zombies were like no impact, at most pause, and then they flew up, the brothers died a lot! ”

Li Yangfeng inhaled a cool breath, and several colonels next to him also looked shaken, and before they could ask anything, the phone next to them suddenly rang, and one of the colonels raised his hand to answer, and when he heard the report on the phone, the colonel’s eyes widened.

“What? Lost the last line of defense? The 13th Regiment of the Second Army was completely destroyed? Are you kidding? That’s a regiment’s strength! Five thousand heavy machine guns, you tell me the whole army is destroyed! That’s five thousand! What are you eating! ”

Li Yangfeng looked at the furious colonel in a daze, and he almost fell to the ground without standing still.

How long has it been since the lieutenant officer came in to report? The 13th Regiment of the Second Army was completely destroyed? Five thousand people evaporated in this short time? Not only that, but the last line of defense on the periphery of the military region has also been lost?

Li Yangfeng was stunned, as if he had lost his soul, he couldn’t understand what the situation was, tens of thousands of fire points could not even suppress the pace of the zombie attack, this was a firepower strike regiment covering it indiscriminately! What the hell is going on?

The reason for the evening? Impossible! Last night, the night before yesterday, nothing like this happened, what’s wrong?

Zombies are going crazy! Under Lin XianEr’s emotional mobilization, hundreds of thousands of zombies spread out, attacking the military region madly, the momentum and intensity were more violent than usual, I don’t know how many times, the key to zombies is only the head, as long as it is not hit in the head, the zombies can get up and continue to charge!

In the face of the crazy zombies, the last line of defense was quickly lost, and not only that, but the entire regiment of troops did not withdraw, was chased by the zombies, and then drowned alive.

This was the largest loss in the recent period, and soon, a phone call spread throughout the entire Demon Capital warlord Liu Family, and the army was mobilized on a large scale and directly sent to the front to suppress the corpse tide.

The conference hall, after a few days, here is once again full of a famous general, in the first place, Liu Yuanbin’s brow is tightly wrinkled, the old man’s face is wrinkled more, a few days of sorrow let this old man’s hair is not much, now completely white, even the spirit is a lot weak, looks very tired.

As the door of the conference hall was closed, Liu Yuanbin’s old gaze scanned a circle, and he could see everyone’s solemn appearance.

“I think everyone should have received the news that our last line of defense suddenly fell, and the 13th Regiment of the Second Army was completely destroyed, and none of them escaped.”

There was silence in the conference hall, and the news of the total annihilation of the 13th Regiment of the Second Army had indeed spread long ago, and all the generals already knew the news, it was too sudden, so sudden that everyone could not accept it!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Liu Yuanbin continued: “According to the information I know, those zombies were provoked by the roar coming from the rear, and then as if they were mad, the crazy impact position, speed and resistance were greatly improved, so that our soldiers did not react at all, they were rushed to the front of the defense line, and it was too late to retreat.” ”

“If my speculation is correct, the sudden abnormality of these zombies is inseparable from the roar of the rear, and it is thought that it should be the intelligent zombies in the rear who have issued new orders, which caused these zombies to go crazy, and the roar is the way to transmit orders.”

“Now, all our peripheral fronts are lost, leaving only the high walls of the military district, which is our last line of defense, and if this last line of defense is lost, the zombies will no longer have any obstacles, and then it will be the day when our military district will be destroyed.”

“We are today….. It’s a trapped beast! ”

Liu Yuanbin’s sigh echoed in the conference hall, and this sigh expressed the helplessness in everyone’s heart.

Are zombies scary? Terrible but not terrible!

Zombies are terrible because of their high contagiousness, which the military region is not afraid of, no matter how many zombies, facing the heavy fire of the military region will be a joke, but when these zombies are commanded, everything changes!

The long front is as high as more than ten kilometers, and this more than ten kilometers of fronts are filled with hundreds of thousands of zombies, which are different from the zombies who have brainless charges before, these zombies are not gathered together, the distance is at least three meters, and only one zombie is within three meters, which infinitely reduces the lethality of large-caliber howitzers, rocket launchers, missiles and other terrible thermal weapons.

Usually, a howitzer can tear hundreds of zombies apart and turn them into shredded flesh, but now, but dozens of them, rocket launchers and missiles are the same, and the number of effective kills is directly reduced to the minimum!

It’s like an anti-aircraft gun hitting a mosquito, wasted! It was incomparably wasteful, but there was no way, it had to be like this, otherwise the zombies would directly rush to the position without firepower suppression, and then the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord would be instantly overwhelmed by the Sea of Zombies.

The Demon Warlord Liu Clan is now enduring heartache in firing the cannon, which belongs to the helplessness of being forced to fire, not firing the cannon is death, in the two choices of annihilation and heartache shells, everyone knows how to choose.

The Demon Warlord Liu Clan is now a trapped beast, nearly ten million zombies have cut off all the retreat routes of the Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family, and the only way to retreat is the sea!

If it were not for the desperate situation, no one would want to abandon the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord and evacuate from the sea, not to mention that they might not be able to evacuate.

The zombie crows in the sky are a great threat, and with a massive evacuation, the zombie crows swoop down, and without even the zombies rushing in, the military district will be destroyed.

All the retreat routes were blocked, which made the entire conference hall bleak.

Including Liu Yuanbin, no general present thought that one day, hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, would be cornered by zombies!

For them, zombies are the most difficult, not at all to force them to the point of desperation, high-powered thermal weapons and missiles are their hearts to rely on, but with the emergence of intelligent zombies, everything has changed!

There is no way to the heavens and no door to the earth, this is the truest portrayal of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon City, nearly ten million zombies are the insurmountable graben of the military region, and as many as millions of zombie crows are the last straw that crushed the camel!

The conference hall was as silent as death, and everyone was overwhelmed by this silence, in which Liu Jingyu was undoubtedly the most depressed one!

He was the most deeply hurt by this apocalyptic wave of corpses, and the strength of an entire integrated division of the First Army was left behind, and he, the commander-in-chief of the First Army, also broke his arm for inexplicable reasons, and fled back like a lost dog, which was simply the shame of his life!

In the past few days in the military region, he has lived a tasteless life, and often cannot sleep at night to wake up from nightmares.

He was afraid, the horror of the zombies he personally experienced, the feeling of life and death hanging on the line, made him afraid!

And the tide of tens of millions of corpses outside the military region made him even more terrified! Now that the Demon Warlord Liu Clan was in turmoil and could be destroyed at any time, the fear in his heart could not be said!

The fists under the conference table were clenched tightly, and the excessive force made the fists all turn white, Liu Jingyu was breathing fast, and his voice was low: “Is it… Can we just sit back and wait? Killed by a little bit of a smart zombie hiding in the darkness? What is the difference between this and a boiled frog? ”

“Instead of being trapped alive and dying, we might as well …”

Liu Yuanbin’s eyes were tired, and his old eyelids were pulled, just like the male lion who was dying in his twilight years, and there was no longer the majesty of the King of the Hundred Beasts half a point ago.

“Not as good as what? Breakthrough? Fight to the death? Do you think it’s possible? ”

Liu Yuanbin’s loud questioning made Liu Jingyu hang his head weakly like a deflated leather ball, and Liu Jingyu was dazed.

Breakthrough? Hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers broke through the tide of tens of millions of corpses? Even if there is no wisdom zombie command, it is the end of the whole army, not to mention the wisdom of the zombie, this is not a desperate fight at all, this is to send death!

The Liu family of the warlord of the Modu is now an isolated city, there is no rescue and no way out, unless the tide of corpses takes the initiative to retreat, or some miracle occurs, otherwise the collapse of the Modu warlord Liu family is just around the corner.

Watching his once spirited son become this decadent look now, Liu Yuanbin’s unspeakable disappointment and sadness in his heart, failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is to be defeated by failure and become cowering.

After all, it is all the way to the smooth sailing, has not experienced any desperate situation, at this time Liu Yuanbin has some regrets, regrets that he should not give Liu Tongyu too much help, if he grows up in adversity, it will definitely be another way at the moment, right?

Mourning his misfortune and being angry with him is the truest portrayal of Liu Yuanbin’s heart, he originally planned to hand over the position of commander-in-chief to Liu Jingyu after a hundred years, how to see that Liu Jingyu, the eldest son, is better in all aspects than the second son Liu Tongyu’s fiery and straightforward personality, and is more suitable for being the commander-in-chief.

Now…. What a disappointment!

Raising his spirits, Liu Yuanbin looked at the many generals in the conference hall and asked, “What do you all think?” Talk about it as soon as possible, if it is too late, maybe we even have the opportunity to choose….. None of them! ”

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