Chapter 241 Gentle and capable Lin Youyou, an unexpected uninvited guest

Like this kind of tool man’s work, Lin Fan felt that it was really too necessary to hand over to the people under his hands, now the territory is small and he can’t see anything, and when the territory is big in the future, this kind of thing can’t all be handed over to him, as the leader of a big force, he has more important things to do.

There is also Zhao Yanyan, before Lin Youyou they also mentioned, farmland, orchard, vegetable garden are Zhao Yanyan in care, every day after returning, first run a trip to orchards, farmland, vegetable gardens and other places, this is completely unnecessary, can be handed over to the hands to do.

This kind of thing does not have to be done by the top level, it is necessary to set up a special department, this department is all composed of women with plant powers, and then whether it is to produce man-eating vines, man-eating flowers, orchards, vegetable gardens, farmlands, or newly built farms, these women with plant abilities are needed.

Cows, sheep, elk and rabbits these things are big grazers, the sixty or seventy acres of land seems to be very large, but there is no way for so many animals to eat for a long time, no plant can be spawned, it will not be long before the farm will be gnawed only the ground, not to mention the tree, the bark is gnawed for you.

This matter must be arranged as quickly as possible, the establishment of the new department is imperative, as for the manager, Zhao Yanyan should be very suitable.

Lin Youyou is now in charge of the big and small affairs of the City of Judgment, and sometimes he is too busy to ask Zhao Wanqing to help, Zhao Wanqing himself has an intelligence department that can’t pull away, and this matter can only be put on top of Zhao Yanyan.

Zhao Yanyan, who has the ability of the wood element, manages this department, and no matter how you look at it, it is justified.

With a thought in mind, Lin Fan can’t care about going out of the city to kill zombies, time magic, etc., points have to wait and brush again, anyway, there are a group of female warriors, and they don’t worry about the points not rising.

Flashing and disappearing in place, Lin Fan went straight to the hospital, and after locking Lin Youyou’s breath, Lin Fan’s figure appeared next to her.

“These animals are the top priority, you must remember these things to me, there can be no mistakes, give you a high salary, you must come up with the corresponding return!” And you, these sweet potatoes give me the fastest way to plant, and I’m going to see the fruit in a short time. ”

“Also, collect the rotten vegetable leaves in the vegetable field, don’t waste the vegetable leaves that are lost in the canteen, the core and peel of some fruits are on the pig’s recipe, what apple core and peel, watermelon peel, do you remember clearly?”

At this time, Lin Youyou was very busy, holding a small book in his hand, there were many things written on it, Lin Fan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw the above contents, all of which were some knowledge about breeding that needed attention, which should be written down by Mu Yueqing and left for Lin Youyou.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Dozens of maids quickly nodded and said in unison, “Understood!” ”

“Then do your job and hurry up and get to your new job!”

Waving away a group of maids, Lin Youyou turned around and wanted to go, just in time to see Lin Fan standing behind him, and he was a little stunned for a while.

“Lord, when did you come?”

Grabbing Lin Youyou’s arm and taking her into his arms, Lin Fan bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead, “Just came, what did you just call me?” Did you forget again? ”

Lin Youyou smiled embarrassedly and said awkwardly, “Brother Fan…. I call it habitual, where so easy to change over, you are too demanding. ”

“Take your time, sooner or later you’ll have to change it.” Wrapping his arms around Lin Youyou’s willow waist, Lin Fan lowered his head to her ear and whispered, “What is the like in the Lord of Heaven, you are different from those maids, where is the heroine who manages his own man called the Lord, do you think it is the kind of time at night when it is impossible to say it?” ”

Lin Youyou’s face was pink, and she slammed at Lin Fanxiong’s mouth, “What are you talking about in the daytime!” ”

“Who said it was daylight?” Lin Fan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the dark clouds in the sky rolled and the clear sky was instantly pitch black, like ink-like black clouds pouring out in all directions, the heavy lead clouds seemed to collapse the sky, and the world instantly darkened.

“You see, isn’t it night now?” How’s that, little cute, do you want to do something unspeakable with me? With Lin Youyou’s brow on his forehead, Lin Fan had a narrow smile on his face, and his tone was unspeakably ambiguous.

Looking at the dim sky around him, Lin Youyou was angry and funny, and he glanced at Lin Fan and said angrily: “Don’t make trouble, I’m going to be busy now, you toss me again, I can’t do anything today, good husband, okay?” ”

Lin Youyou’s bones were lightened a few times, and he raised his hand to pinch Lin Youyou’s delicate little face, and as soon as his mind moved, the thunderclouds in the sky quickly scattered around.

“For your sake of being so sincere, then forget it, next time I won’t let you go so easily.”

“Yes and yes, sir, my subordinates thank you so much for your extrajudicial kindness.” Tiptoeing to Lin Fanqi and kissing him, Lin Youyou was full of smiles.

Wrapping his arms around Lin Youyou, Lin Fan looked around and asked, “What about Wanqing?” Why didn’t I see her? Didn’t you two come back together to make arrangements? What about her? ”

Mentioning Zhao Wanqing, Lin Youyou wrinkled her nose and said in a bad mood: “That woman, Thea hateful!” After I came back, I ran, all the mess was thrown at me, and said that I was a big sister, and I could work harder! My head is big! I haven’t killed zombies much in the past few days, and I can feel that the momentum on Wanqing’s body is getting more and more powerful, and she may be about to break through! ”

“I don’t even have the feeling of a breakthrough now, she is a long time behind me in the thunder and lightning power, but now it is more than I don’t know!” How angry! ”

Listening to Lin Youyou’s complaints, Lin Fan has a number in mind, Zhao Wanqing’s words, indeed he is about to be promoted to Lv8, Zhao Wanqing is also one or two thousand years lower than his experience, Lin Youyou is also similar, this time Lin Youyou put most of his energy on management, and the improvement of strength is naturally slower.

Patting the annoyed little woman, Lin Fan bowed his head and kissed her a few times, soothing her emotions, “It’s okay, just chase back after this time, won’t she call you a big sister no matter how strong she is?” Right? You are the lady of the palace, you should be a little more atmospheric. ”

Lin Youyou hummed twice, leaned on Lin Fan’s heart and did not speak, a sentence of the palace lady Lin Youyou could not say anything, if you want to sit in the position of the lady of the palace, you must pay more, so that a group of sisters can be convinced.

“The Lord… Fango, how did you suddenly come back? At this time, normally, you are out killing zombies, is there anything wrong with coming back this time? Spitting out his tongue, under Lin Fan’s forced gaze, Lin Youyou hurriedly changed his mouth.

Speaking of this problem, Lin Fan is a bit unable to continue, this…. It seems that he has come to arrange work for Lin Youyou again, and his approach seems to be no different from Zhao Wanqing.

Seeing that Lin Fan looked a little embarrassed, Lin Youyou knew what was going on when he thought about it, hugged Lin Fan’s bear waist, and said softly: “Say, I listen, you can think of me for the first time, I am actually very happy, this shows that I am the most important in your heart, you are also sure of my ability, so it is enough, at least it seems that I am still very competent as a big internal manager.” ”

Lin Fan listened to the unspeakable emotion in his heart, lowered his head to pick up Lin Youyou’s chin, and kissed it strongly, Lin Youyou’s waist was broken, and his small hand kept patting Lin Fan’s shoulder for half a day before parting.

“Almost out of breath, why?”

“It’s all right, don’t you want to kiss it?”

“All right, you’re right.”

At the end of the play, Lin Fan put his arms around Lin Youyou and said, “I plan to establish a new department, all composed of wood element abilities, and the task of these people is to produce plants, whether it is orchards, farmlands, underground man-eating vines, man-eating flowers, or farms, all of which are left to these people.” ”

Seeing that you are so busy, I think you also need to set up an internal affairs department, there are so many people in the maid, there are definitely not a few people with this ability, you can pick some out to help you, small things they do, big things you decide.”

“Our power is getting bigger and bigger, you can’t do everything yourself, now you can’t take care of an inner city, and the second ring road is about to get up, how can you manage it?” You can’t always take care of your internal affairs in the hospital every day, right? ”

Lin Youyou frowned and pondered, she felt that what Lin Fan said was indeed very reasonable, there were too many things in the inner city now, each of them needed her to make a decision, running back and forth was indeed a waste of her time, a day passed unconsciously, there was no time to go out to kill zombies.

“I know, the new department and the interior department will arrange to implement it as quickly as possible, so that I can also be liberated.”

“Really good.” Smiling and holding up Lin Youyou’s delicate face, Lin Fan bowed his head and kissed it, “You are busy first, I will go first, whether it is a candidate for the interior department or a new department, you will notify me after you pick it out, I need to check it, if these people are qualified, you can directly pull it to arrange the work.” ”

“After all, the interior and the new department are the top priorities, and nothing can go wrong.”

Lin Youyou knew the importance of these two things, and nodded: “I will, the candidates for these two departments, in the evening I will take them to the supermarket, let you see, unqualified kick out, only leave the qualified.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll go first, you’re busy.” Dropping this sentence, Lin Fan let go of Lin Youyou, just wanted to leave, but the footsteps suddenly stopped.

Sensing that Lin Fan was wrong, Lin Youyou subconsciously looked up, looked at Lin Fan’s wrinkled brow and flat face, and for a moment he was a little confused, “What’s wrong?” ”

Looking at the sky in the northeast, Lin Fan frowned, looked cold, and his heart was quite puzzled and confused.

Lin Fan’s current perception power is incomparably terrifying, and his super high intelligence makes his spiritual power envelop a large range, far exceeding Lin Youyou, whose magnetic field ability has also reached Lv7.

At this moment, inside Lin Fan’s perception, some uninvited guests suddenly broke in, these uninvited guests did not come from the ground, but flew from a height of two thousand meters, and the speed was extremely fast! Several times the speed of sound, and most importantly, the other party is still invisible!

Even if those uninvited guests were invisible, Lin Fan could feel what it was.

“In the military region, you are really tired of living, the tide of thousands of corpses and millions of zombie crows are not enough for you to drink a pot, and you still use drones to up?” Since you want to die, I’ll kick you!” ”

“Tiger is not threatening, you really am a sick cat!”


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