Chapter 244 I’d rather she hates me for the rest of her life than hope she can live

13,200 female soldiers, plus a female general of the rank of major general, if he didn’t understand it before, Lin Fan already had a score in his heart.

These 13,200 female soldiers are almost a dowry, and the ultimate goal is likely to be this Liu Wanying, but to be able to come up with such a big stroke, whether it is a Yang plot or not, Lin Fan is moved.

Lin Fan admitted that these 13,200 female soldiers were moved by his heart, as long as the female major general Liu Wanying was not too cerebral palsy, he could not worry about it, but if he fought against him, then sorry, this dowry is not good, you should die or die.

Lin Fan will not tolerate anyone to fight with him, eating soft and not eating hard.

Already with the spectrum in his heart, Lin Fan stepped out of the space and appeared in mid-air.

The general satellite monitoring department of the Liu family of the warlord of the Modu warlord, Liu Yuanbin quietly looked at the monitoring screen, the spirit of a soldier in the monitoring department is highly concentrated, not concentrated, ah, the commander-in-chief of the Liu family of the warlord of the Modu is standing behind, if the spirit is not concentrated and caught, then it is not mixed?

“Commander-in-chief, the drone we sent to the Magic City exploded as we approached the target site.”

Just when Liu Yuanbin’s eyes were a little distracted, an officer walked to the side and whispered.

Turning back, Liu Yuanbin looked at the officer and asked, “Is there any picture collected by military satellites?” Did the missile launch before the unmanned fighter exploded? ”

“Sorry Commander-in-Chief, when the unmanned fighter exploded, the missile had not yet been launched, and we moved the military satellite to that side at the first time, but it was interfered with by the unknown magnetic field, and the pictures collected were all blurred, and nothing could be seen at all.”

Liu Yuanbin’s unspeakable disappointment in his heart, the unmanned fighter exploded, but the missile was not launched, which was different from what he thought, but the result should be the same.

The leaflet in the missile is just an insurance, since the unmanned fighter has been exploded, then the other party must know where the source of the unmanned fighter is, and with his understanding of Lin Fan, the character of Jing Wei will definitely find it.

As long as the other party finds it, his purpose can also be achieved!

“Let the military satellites pay close attention to the skies over the military region, and if there is an unidentified humanoid flying object, report it immediately!”

“Yes! Commander in chief! ”

Watching the officer leave Liu Yuanbin’s gaze swept over one display screen after another, as if searching for something.

A burst of footsteps came from behind him, and Wu Guozhong slowly walked to Liu Yuanbin’s side.

Just listening to the footsteps, Liu Yuanbin knew who was coming, and did not look back, calmly asking: “Have the female soldiers been gathered over there?” ”

“Well, they’re all gathered and ready to act.”

“That…. What about Wanying’s side? ”

Wu Guozhong was embarrassed and said, “I have already ordered her soldiers, as long as she gives an order, she can knock Wanying unconscious, old man, if you do this, you are not afraid of Wanying hating you for the rest of your life?” ”

“Hate me all my life?” Liu Yuanbin’s eyes were blank for a moment, and he quickly firmed up, “I would rather she hate me for a lifetime, and I also hope that she will live, and the sins on me and Jingyu should not fall on her shoulders, she will understand sooner or later.” ”

“Commander-in-chief, an unknown figure was found at an altitude of 1100 meters!”

A cry of surprise came, Liu Yuanbin was shocked, and quickly rushed to the side of the officer who spoke, and Wu Guozhong followed closely behind.

Running to the officer’s side and looking at the blurry humanoid figure in the picture, Liu Yuanbin was unspeakably excited in his heart, if he guessed correctly, he should have made the right bet, and the other party did come to the military region!

“Is this already the clearest?”

“Commander-in-Chief, there is this high-intensity magnetic field reaction around this figure, our satellite can’t …. Oh, the magnetic field reaction seems to have disappeared, and the figure is becoming clear! ”

Liu Yuanbin also saw the figure that was becoming clearer, and when he saw that face, Liu Yuanbin confirmed! It’s Lin Fan!

“Commander-in-chief, do you need to find a way to shoot it down?”

Ignoring the officer’s questioning, Liu Yuanbin turned his head and walked toward the outside of the monitoring center.

“Old Wu came out with me!”

Wu Guozhong shook his head at the dazed officer and ordered, “You should leave this matter alone, move the satellite away.” ”

After speaking, Wu Guozhong chased after Liu Yuanbin step by step.

Above the military region, Lin Fan raised his head and looked up into the sky, as if he felt something, and his gaze looked at the outer space beyond the earth, as if he saw a military satellite in outer space.

Inside the monitoring center, the officer looked at Lin Fan’s eyes on the screen, and the whole person’s heart was cold, the heart seemed to be caught, the breathing could not be maintained, and the whole person was almost suffocated.

Immediately, just when the officer was about to suffocate and die, Lin Fan shook his head and looked away.

In mid-air, Lin Fan lowered his head, and his figure fell towards the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital.

Lin Fan’s sudden appearance of the figure attracted the attention of the zombie crows, and suddenly a large living person appeared from the sky, a big living person who could fly with the smell of fresh flesh and blood, the zombie crows were instantly excited, quacking and flying towards Lin Fan, the terrifying crows were like curtains in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sky.

Lin Fan raised an eyebrow, turned his head to look at the zombie crows rushing over, and shook his head disdainfully.

“Do you think I’m the Liu family of the Demon Warlords?” Or the humans you have eaten? ”

After saying this, Lin Fan grabbed the void, the space suddenly collapsed and shattered, forming a black hole of tens of meters in size, the black hole instantly swallowed everything around, thousands of zombie crows evaporated on the spot, the black hole emitted a terrifying suction force, it was not at all what these crows could resist, all the nearby zombie crows were all swallowed up by the black hole.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of crows were swallowed up by the black hole, and the zombie crows scattered with screams, and some of them ran slowly were also pulled into the black hole by the suction of the black hole.

With a laugh, Lin Fan no longer paid attention to these ridiculous zombie crows, and his figure flashed and appeared on the ground of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital.


“Don’t move!”

As soon as Lin Fan landed, a group of soldiers surrounded him, standing far away from more than ten meters, looking at Lin Fan vigilantly.

Just now Lin Fan flew down, these soldiers have seen, with a wave of their hands, it is a large black hole of tens of meters in radius, which is really a bit terrifying, they really dare not get too close, but they do not know how to restrict Lin Fan, and they panic to death for a while.

Originally, dozens of soldiers surrounded Lin Fan, and no matter how you look at it, Lin Fan belonged to the weak side, but in fact, dozens of soldiers were panicked in their hearts.

“You all back off, there’s nothing for you to do here.”

Just when these soldiers didn’t know what to do, a brake sound came, followed by Liu Yuanbin’s old voice.

The soldiers turned back one after another, relieved to see Liu Yuanbin, saluted and turned to leave.

“You’re coming faster than I thought, and it’s only been a few minutes since the drone exploded.”

Hearing Liu Yuanbin’s words, Lin Fan raised an eyebrow and asked, “Are you the commander-in-chief of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital?” The one that threw the missile over there? ”

Saying, Lin Fan glanced at Liu Yuanbin’s epaulettes, well…. Marshal.

“Yes, it’s me, do you want to go with me to the army to see?” Let you see the cool and heroic posture of the female soldiers who are about to take over. Not minding Lin Fan’s rudeness, Liu Yuanbin showed a smile on his face that he had never had in the past few days.

Looking at the old general in front of him, Lin Fan nodded, “Good. ”

“Get in the car, you probably haven’t sat in a military vehicle yet, especially with an old man like me.” With that, Liu Yuanbin turned his head and walked toward the military jeep.

Lin Fan has nothing to be afraid of, to be honest, he really has never sat in this kind of military vehicle, now try to feel it.

Sitting in the back seat, next to Liu Yuanbin, there was an old general in the main driver, and Lin Fan did not know what it was for.

“Do you have a lot of questions in your heart, why should I let you come and take over those female soldiers, and how do you know that you will take over the female soldiers, and only female soldiers?”

“Indeed, I don’t understand, to be honest, when I saw those leaflets today, I thought it was a Hongmen banquet, and I was planning to come and smooth over the Liu family of the Modu warlords, but when I saw the current situation of the Modu warlord Liu family, I knew that what was said on the paper was probably true.”

Speaking of this, Lin Fan had a more emotional look on his face, “If I hadn’t come to this side, I really couldn’t have imagined that the Liu Clan of the Demon Capital Warlord would have been forced to this point, the wisdom zombie…. For humans, it’s terrible. ”

“Is it terrible?” Liu Yuanbin smiled, “What is even more terrifying is that talent is right, if there is no one, where will there be this wisdom zombie?” But your words have given me some things, and if I tell you that this intelligent zombie has something to do with you, can you believe it? Or can you think of it? ”

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, looked at Liu Yuanbin in shock, pointed at himself and asked, “Have something to do with me?” ”

“Show you this and you’ll understand.” With that, Liu Yuanbin took out some photos from the side and handed them to Lin Fan.

After taking the photo, the first Lin Fan recognized it, the photo was him and Zhao Wanqing, and there was another woman, that woman Lin Fan still had the impression, was subjected to human experiments by Yang Yiping, and there was a two-month-old child in his belly, but the woman was about to become a zombie.

Countless thoughts arose in his mind, Lin Fan’s heart flooded with waves of terror, many things are not difficult to think, Liu Yuanbin just said those words, plus this first photo, if it is connected with that video, the answer is already ready to come out.

Before Lin Fan felt that the clothes of the female zombie in the video looked familiar, but at that time he denied it, after all, the child in the woman’s belly was only two months at that time, and the zombie child in the video, the zombie child in the belly had been formed and could break out of the belly, and the difference between the month and the distance was too large, so he denied it.

Looking at the photo in his hand now, Lin Fan had a ridiculous idea in his heart, that wisdom zombie, should it be the child in this woman’s belly?

Then look at the second, third, fourth, although the photos are not very clear, but you can see that the photos are all the women who were sent away by him, and each photo, the stomach has obvious changes, until the last one, the zombie child broke out of the belly, the woman completely became a corpse.

Looking at the pile of photos in his hand in shock, Lin Fan felt that there were too many things that surprised him today, and the wisdom zombies actually had some relationship with him.

Recalling the sense of peeping from high altitude just now, Lin Fan casually threw the photo aside, pointed to the top of his head, and asked: “The reason why you know my situation, and about those female soldiers, should be relying on the military satellites in the sky, right?” ”

“If it was a military satellite, you can understand why you know that I have the ability to come and take over the female soldiers, and you may even have found my information before the end of the world, right?” After all, I’m just a little fart, and your hand-eyed commander-in-chief wants to check on me, it’s too simple, maybe you know exactly what underwear I wore when I was a child. ”

“But you shouldn’t have been paying attention to my side, or even just once or twice, and it’s not an important place, otherwise I would have sensed it a long time ago.”

“Am I right?”

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