Chapter 259 The female soldiers are all stupid, this well-shaped villain

“Brother Fan, what do you think? Is twenty enough? Do you want to add more? Is there anything I didn’t expect? ”

Lin Youyou said vigorously, not seeing Lin Fan’s already sluggish expression behind him at all.

Lin Fanren is stupid, what is the situation? Lee is the gods and demons! Twenty maids? Twenty ???? Are you serious?

And it is so clear and meticulous, what does it mean to pinch the back and beat the shoulders, the maid who cleanses, the maid who washes clothes, the maid who feeds the food? You say that I can understand the front, but what does this feeding in the back mean?

Lin Youyou, is this treating him as an imbecile? Before the clothes did not have to be worn by themselves, with Li Yun and they wore clothes, Lin Fan felt very corrupt, and now he has to be fed by others when eating, this… Isn’t it too much?

“Brother Fan? Are you listening? ”

Returning to his senses, Lin Fan nodded, “Well, I’m listening.” ”

“Do you think I missed something just now? You name the deficiencies, and I will add them. ”

“No, there is no omission, it’s already good, so be it for now.” Lin Fan didn’t mean anything else, he just felt that Lin Youyou was so careful and so gracious, it was not good for him to refute rashly, what if it hurt Lin Youyou’s heart?

Anyway, it has to be arranged, how to arrange it specifically, just listen to Lin Youyou, he will not be next to point fingers and propose any bad ideas.

“What happened to what I told you in the morning?”

“About the new ministry and the Ministry of the Interior?” Lin Youyou’s tone rose a few degrees, as if he had just woken up, and in a hurry, Lin Youyou turned around from Lin Fan’s arms, grabbed Lin Fan’s arm, and asked, “Brother Fan, you won’t go out in the afternoon, right?” ”

Looking at Lin Youyou puzzled, Lin Fan nodded subconsciously, “Don’t go out, I plan to be a salted fish at home these days, drink tea every day, listen to Mu Qingxue’s songs, and enjoy her dance by the way, the only pity is that the Internet is disconnected, otherwise I can watch TV or something.” ”

Listening to Lin Fan’s words, Lin Youyou’s eyes flashed with joy, and quickly said: “Today is so busy, I don’t have time to choose candidates for the Ministry of the Interior and the new department, just because you are here, and you don’t go out in the afternoon, so I will trouble you, watching here, there are only three squads of female warriors I don’t worry.” ”

“Just watch the girl over here, well, I’m leaving!”

Lin Youyou spoke quickly, and after speaking, he stood up on tiptoe and kissed Lin Fanxian as comfort, then turned his head and ran away.

Subconsciously touched it, and looked at Lin Youyou, who had disappeared and only had a shadow, Lin Fan was stupid.

He….. Was he just arrested? What to say to look at the girl, what is there to see, so many female soldiers did not show anything, what to see? Look at the clothes?

The only thing that made Lin Fan a little psychological comfort was that the maids were wearing relatively light and thin, and because it was too hot, they sweated a lot, and now they looked like a special taste, plus there were many female warriors in combat uniforms standing around, and the white tall boots and a white fade in the middle of the skirt were also very eye-catching!

Looking around with interest, Lin Fan felt that this job did not seem impossible.

After a while, a few maids moved chairs, tables, umbrellas and whatnot, followed by Mu Qingxue, who was wearing a long white skirt and holding a guqin in her arms, with an ethereal posture.

Lin Fan knew without thinking that this must have been arranged by Lin Youyou, and if Mu Qingxue was playing the piano next to him, it would be even more moist.

Sitting on the chair, Lin Fan leaned comfortably, and behind him stood two maids with beautiful looks and quite good figures, one holding a fan to gently fan the wind, the other was pressing his shoulder, and there was a maid feeding fruits beside him.

Lin Fan’s side is enjoying it as much as the uncle, a group of female soldiers frequently look at Lin Fan’s side, quite stunned, to be honest, except in the TV series, these female soldiers have really never seen Lin Fan enjoying it so much in reality.

Mu Qingxue played the piano, and the three women around her pinched their shoulders and beat their backs to fan and feed, this is simply amazing, if it weren’t for Lin Fan’s inappropriate clothes, they all thought they were filming that kind of costume TV series, and Lin Fan was such a powerful villain.

In the corner, Liu Wanying was also dumbfounded, Mu Qingxue of course she knew, so much before the end of the day, even President Yang Ligong praised more, I don’t know how many rich people want to have dinner together, or want to listen to Mu Qingxue play alone, now Lin Fan is good….

Directly regarded Mu Qingxue as a private Qinji, this is placed before the end of the world, I don’t know how many people will be envious to death, and the key is that Liu Wanying found that Lin Fan was not affected by Mu Qingxue in the slightest, and looked at Mu Qingxue without the slightest concealment.

For Mu Qingxue’s rumors, she can’t be more familiar, no one can hold on to her temperament like a fairy in the dust, and the feeling of inferiority will make people subconsciously look away.

She heard Liu Yuanbin say that their old men had the iron-blooded and firm will of soldiers, plus they had reached the ancient age, and everything was almost seen through, so that they would not be affected.

But Lin Fan, this person, actually looked at Mu Qingxue like a good porcelain and treasure, and did not take his eyes off, which was very outrageous!

In this case, Liu Wanying could only owe it to Lin Fan’s mind was too firm and her strength was too strong, so she could ignore this influence.

The melodious sound of the piano is like the clanging of spring water, trickling into everyone’s hearts, and under this piano sound, it seems that even the weather is not so hot.

Mu Qingxue’s piano sound is very infectious, which has been confirmed on the first day, a sonorous and powerful song has increased the strength of the female warriors under the city wall by three percent, and they are brave and fearless.

Lin Fan even has a sense that in my BGM, no one can defeat my déjà vu.

13,200 female soldiers, the number is indeed a lot, but dozens of maids distribute equipment together, and the speed is still very fast.

After the last female soldier had distributed the equipment and remembered the body size, Lin Fan signaled the maids beside him to step down, and only then stood up from the seat.

Liu Wanying has already walked over from the corner, whether he continues to close himself, Lin Fan is not very clear, even if he has the ability to read minds, he doesn’t want to use it all the time, there is no point, and it’s not to check the ghosts inside the traitor or something, just use it when necessary, or usually have fun.

“Rules, do you all know it?”

Standing three meters in front of Lin Fan, Liu Wanying responded: “Lord, we already know the rules, and we will not violate those rules.” ”

“Okay, you know, it’s still early, you have a whole afternoon to kill zombies, you are the division commander of these female soldiers, how to detach you should understand much more than me, give you twenty minutes, can you handle it?” Lin Fan is still self-aware, everyone is from a military background, don’t say amateur, he doesn’t even have enough level of entertainment, so don’t give people blind command.

As if taking Lin Fan as a commander, Liu Wanying subconsciously saluted and shouted: “Report to the Lord, it doesn’t take twenty minutes, you can set off now, no additional detachment is needed.” ”

Frowning, looking at Liu Wanying in front of him and more than 10,000 female soldiers, Lin Fan felt that he still needed to remind him.

“Now you are not using guns, but cold weapons, the most important thing is that you will be sent separately to the four directions of east, south, north, and west, if you are together, the entry will be very slow, can you understand what I mean?”

“Yes, I can understand, and that’s what I mean.” Liu Wanying looked directly at Lin Fan, her crisp voice was high, and shouted: “Formation!” Queue! ”

As soon as the words fell, 13,200 female soldiers moved instantly, southeast, northwest, front and back, left and right, a female soldier was orderly and divided into four huge phalanxes without the slightest chaos, and each row seemed to be a combat group, separated from the front and back, simple and clear.

“Report! Once you’re done, you’re ready to fight! ”

Looking at these female soldiers, Lin Fan understood that he was just worried blindly, this is a regular army, and it has a remarkable efficiency in the execution of orders, compared to those female soldiers in the hospital now, it is indeed much stronger.

How to say that people have also trained for many years, there are always some results, ordinary people can catch up in a few days, what is the point of army training?

With a wave of his hand, four spatial doors appeared in front of the four phalanxes, and the huge spatial doors three meters high and more than ten meters long were enough for these female soldiers to quickly reach the first city wall.

“Through the spatial passage, the next enemy you will face is those zombies, I suggest you don’t leave the city gate too far, and rush back before dark, this will make you live longer, I said everything that should be said, go in, let me see if your performance passes.”

Looking at the space passage that had been seen for the second time in front of them, the female soldiers did not hesitate and walked inside in an orderly manner with Tang Dao in hand.

“What about you? Where are you going to go? I want to see how much skill this major general of yours has, and how much moisture this major general has in his rank. ”

Clenched her fists, for Lin Fan’s mockery, Liu Wanying was very angry in her heart, what did her rank have moisture? Who to look down on?

“You’ll see! I will prove that I am really capable! ”

“Rules forgotten so quickly? You make me wonder more and more how you became a major general, and with your attitude, a different military district has long since let you become a cook. Lin Fan said sarcastically.

Liu Wanying was stunned, only then did she react that not long after she finished speaking, this violated the rules, in the city of judgment, Lin Fan is supreme, and her words and deeds just now belong to the crime of disrespect.

“I’m sorry Lord, but I still say that, and I’ll prove it to you!”

Liu Wanying was able to flex and represent, decisively admitted her mistake, and then immediately changed her words.

Lin Fan didn’t have any thoughts of punishing, so he casually pointed to the four spatial passages and said, “Choose, after the selection, let me see how many pounds and taels you have.” ”

“Lord, you will!” Liu Wanying finished saying this sentence with full of resentment, turned her head and walked into the nearest spatial passage.

She will prove to Lin Fan today that she Liu Wanying has real materials!

PS: Today’s first change, continue to codeword, I am a ruthless codeword machine.

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