Chapter 266 Shhh, is the maid still so clear?

“The earthquake just now was because…. The Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital was gone, and the explosion centered on the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital swept a radius of more than forty kilometers, and it had completely turned into a crater. ”

As Lin Fan said these words, the side of the East City Gate was completely quiet, and the excitement on the faces of the female soldiers who were originally happy because their strength had improved a lot froze.

The joy and doubt on her face froze at this moment, and Liu Wanying’s eyes lost their highlights, became dazed, became frightened, became unbelievable, and finally turned into supplication.

“You…. You’re kidding, right? Demon… How could the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, explode? Obviously, we have only been gone for an afternoon, and if we follow the report of Major General Quartermaster, the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, can last at least 12 hours! ”

“It’s less than six hours, how can it explode? You’re lying to me, aren’t you? Please, don’t lie to me, Lord, I beg you. ”

Liu Wanying’s tone was crying, grabbing Lin Fan’s arm and shaking, the whole person looked very helpless and collapsed, that gaze was like seeing an oasis in the desert, an island in the deep sea, and a light in the dark.

Looking at Liu Wanying’s appearance, Lin Fan said ruthlessly: “I didn’t lie to you, the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, is indeed gone, as for why it only lasted less than six hours, it may be that something happened to me.” ”

After speaking, Lin Fan waved his hand casually, and a spatial projection screen appeared above his head, which showed the scene overlooking the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, from above.

In the picture, the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, has completely turned into a scorched earth, the center of the explosion is hundreds of meters deep, the terrifying arc-shaped giant pit is several kilometers in radius, and the ground is ploughed out of obvious hierarchical contours, like the terraces on the Sichuan and Shu sides.

Looking at the projected picture blankly, Liu Wanying let go of Lin Fan’s arm, and the figure couldn’t help but retreat, and the stumbling figure looked very helpless.

Looking at Liu Wanying’s appearance, Lin Fan shook his head helplessly, “If you are really sad, you may as well turn your grief and anger into strength and strive to improve your strength, there are so many zombies that it should be enough for you to kill.” ”

In addition to saying this, Lin Fan didn’t know how to comfort Liu Wanying, he was not good at this, he was not the type of warm man, comforting people This kind of technical work is too demanding, it is better to let her come out by herself.

Maybe after this time, Liu Wanying will grow a lot.

Turning around and leaving this side with the three maids, through the spatial passage, Lin Fan returned to the supermarket side.

With three reserve maids upstairs, at the door of the second floor, looking down at Shao Mingxue who had changed into an astringent maid costume and was busy changing his shoes, Lin Fan felt that this progress was too fast, come up and wear it like this, who can withstand this? Look down on him? Or didn’t treat him like a normal man?

If it weren’t for the fact that I wasn’t familiar with you, you would have a ghost today intact!

Secretly slandering in his heart, Lin Fan glared at the two fat pigs fiercely, and then walked slowly to the living room.

I didn’t come back for a day, and there were many more people in the living room on the second floor, most of them were maids wearing maid costumes, and Lin Fan found that the style was different, what cat-eared maid, what astringent maid, and some conservative, Lin Fan wondered, what is the situation?

Is this made up by not enough maid pretend? Why such bells and whistles?

Beckoning to Shao Mingxue, Lin Fan signaled her to come over.

Receiving Lin Fan’s summons, Shao Mingxue, who was originally a little disappointed, hurriedly stepped forward, obediently knelt in front of Lin Fan, and said meekly: “Lord, do you have any orders?” ”

Looking at Shao Mingxue in front of her, especially her clothes, yes, it is clothes, Lin Fan promised not to look around, hey, this maid pretends to be really white.

“What’s going on with your dress?” Saying that, Lin Fan also pointed to the other maids and asked, “What’s going on with your clothes?” Why are there so many styles? ”

The cat-eared maid knelt meekly in front of Lin Fan and said softly, “Lord, we are responsible for pinching your shoulders and back, and then serving you to dress and eat.” ”

The maids, who were relatively conservative in their costumes, knelt on the ground from a long distance and bowed their heads and said, “Lord, the task given to us by the master mother is to be responsible for cleaning these things every day. ”

Good guy, clear division of labor, different types, different clothes?

Lin Fan glanced down at Shao Mingxue in front of her, hooked her chin, and asked, “What about you?” What type of are you? ”

“I…. I…” Shao Mingxue’s face was slightly pale, and her voice was like a mosquito: “I am responsible for keeping the Lord in a happy state throughout the day. ”

Lin Fan is stupid, no wonder this dress is so astringent, for fear that he can’t do it, it turns out….

Letting go of Shao Mingxue, Lin Fan turned his head to look at the three maids who followed back and asked, “What about the three of you?” ”

Asked by Lin Fan, the three maids who had accompanied Lin Fan for an afternoon looked twisted, their faces pinked, “Slave… The subordinates, like Shao Mingxue, are all …. It is all about making the Lord happy every day. ”

Oh, you really know how to use adjectives, and you guys like you are hearse drift level professionals.

Seeing that there were kneeling around, Lin Fan waved his hand and signaled, “Don’t kneel, get up.” ”

Lying sideways on the sofa, Lin Fan half-squinted, sure enough, the chair was not as comfortable as the sofa.

Seeing Lin Fan lying down, several cat-eared maids stepped forward and held Lin Fan’s big hoof and pressed gently, several maids were very careful, and did not dare to make too much noise to prevent noisy Lin Fan, the lord.

There is a point in the rules that need to be observed, if Lin Fan closes his eyes and thinks about things or can’t disturb when he is faking sleep, touching any of these rules, he will most likely be swept out and obediently roll back to the maid’s dormitory to do the previous work.

These maids were finally chosen, and that was a one in ten thousand chance, and they almost put those rules on their heads.

Not long after Lin Fan closed his eyes, the door on the second floor was opened, Zhao Wanqing and they rushed back one after another, seeing so many maids in the living room, they were also stunned, but they didn’t care much, there were maids and maids, it must have been arranged by Lin Youyou’s eldest sister.

Opening his eyes and looking at Zhao Wanqing and others who came back, Lin Fan didn’t say anything, Su Xiaoluo rushed over with small broken steps, holding Su Xiaoluo who was rubbing like a puppy, Lin Fan stroked the soft body of the little loli, and then sat up satisfied.

Character: Su Xiaoluo

Power: 58

Agility: 52

Intelligence: 55

Physique: 60

Faith value: 100

Psychic: Earth Elemental Control Lv7

Experience: 108/10w

Conveniently opened Su Xiaoluo’s attributes and took a look, the strength increased rapidly, the energy level is Lv7, and it seems that it is a level that has just been promoted today, starting from Lv7, but it is slowly becoming more difficult.

“Luoluo’s strength has improved very quickly, and the earth element has reached Lv7 so quickly, which is worth rewarding.” Holding Su Xiaoluo’s little face, Lin Fan lowered his head and kissed her pink little slug twice, giving little loli a happy no.

Wrapping his arms around Lin Fan’s neck happily, Su Xiaoluo ‘chattered’ is two, “Brother, from today onwards, Luoluo doesn’t plan to go out, and build our palace at home every day!” This is designed by myself, and I have to build it myself, it must be big! Be luxurious! Same with the Royal Palace! ”

Lin Fan remembered that Su Xiaoluo’s original intention of asking for earth element powers was to build a palace, and as time passed, the number of people on the second floor gradually increased, and he didn’t feel crowded now, but it was not okay to keep going like this.

And what is it like to live in the supermarket all the time, the design drawings have long been available, but it is too busy and there is no time to get it, so Su Xiaoluo took the initiative to shoulder the burden.

“You can build it if you want, the Lv7-level earth element power is enough, from tomorrow, we will have to work hard for our great architect.” Pinching Su Xiaoluo’s small face, Lin Fan chuckled.

“Hee-hee, it’s not hard, that’s our love nest! In addition, I don’t like to kill zombies all the time, compared to killing zombies, it’s more interesting to build a house. ”

Touched Su Xiaoluo’s little head, Lin Fan did not speak, at this time the door was pushed open again, Lin Youyou walked in with a tired body, just changed his shoes and rushed towards Zhao Wanqing with great momentum, Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, and his intuition told him that something big had happened.

Sure enough, Lin Youyou, who was not angry, directly held down Zhao Wanqing and scolded.

“I told you to throw the mess at me.”

“I told you to turn around and run without saying a word!”

“I told you to say that the eldest sister can work hard!”

“Big sister, right! Those who can work harder, right? Look how my eldest sister cleans you up today! ”

Before Zhao Wanqing understood what was going on, she felt that it was dark in front of her eyes, and then the person was pressed on the sofa, and the crackling was beaten, and the direct people were stunned.

When Lin Youyou stopped her hand, Zhao Wanqing covered her magnesium butt in pain, turned her head to look at Lin Youyou, and wanted to complain about something, but seeing Lin Youyou’s busy appearance, the words were all held back in her stomach.

What she did today is really not authentic, the two came back together, she backhanded Lin Youyou and ran away, in fact, Zhao Wanqing just felt that her strength seemed to be almost about to break through, and then she wanted to make a splash.

But in fact, that is one of the three illusions of life, and today I still feel that I am about to break through, and Zhao Wanqing is not depressed.

After being beaten and accompanied by a smiling face, Zhao Wanqing felt that she was old and humble.

Turning his head and glaring at Zhao Wanqing, Lin Youyou said angrily: “Don’t be angry with me here, go and call all your good girlfriends and those people to the second floor, specially approved, hurry up and do it, this is your chance to make up for it!” ”

Zhao Wanqing gave a funny salute and said, “No problem, I promise to complete the task.” ”

After speaking, Zhao Wanqing ran to the door with a cigarette, and was about to go out, when she suddenly turned her head and asked: “Big sister, do you want to call Liu Mingyue and their batch?” ”

On the sofa, Yue Yiren, Li Yun, and Zhang Qiuyue were slightly stunned, their eyes all looked at Zhao Wanqing, and their heads were full of question marks.

Lin Youyou was almost unable to get up with a breath of anger, turned his head and glared at Zhao Wanqing, and scolded: “I see that you just want to be angry with me, and the seedlings are not as fast as you!” ”

“That can’t be, angry with you who is Lao Huang…” Zhao Wanqing almost said something for a while, but looking at Lin Youyou’s black face that was no different from the bottom of the pot, Zhao Wanqing probably understood that it seemed that she was going to be miserable at night.

Watching Zhao Wanqing slip away, Lin Youyou sighed, feeling so tired, he wanted to be held by Lin Fan to sleep.

Obviously Zhao Wanqing was very stable before, why has it become a comma now? I didn’t see anyone at home who was Erha attribute.

Rubbing his somewhat aching head, Lin Youyou raised his head, looked at Lin Fan’s searching gaze, and smiled slightly.

“The candidates for the new department and the Ministry of the Interior have been selected, just wait downstairs, Lord do you want to see it now?”

Lin Fan’s eyes lit up, he waited for this, exchanged two powers in a row, tried mind reading, but the soul powers were not yet!

He wanted to know how mysterious and powerful the soul power really was.

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