Chapter 275 pretended to be forced for half a day, and was stabbed for a second, that’s it?

Wrath! The anger that he had never had before hit his heart, and Wu Zhihao was going crazy!

The woman in front of him dared to mock him like this! He vowed to catch this woman and play with it fiercely! When she is tired of playing, she will be thrown to all her subordinates, let her be played with by thousands of people, he wants her to know what regret is and what is despair!

“Kill! Do it to me! Do it! Don’t hit my upper body, give me a hoof! Hooves, I’m going to catch alive! ”

Although Wu Zhihao was already mad, it did not mean that he had lost his mind, and the maniacal roar echoed in the streets, and more than a thousand people could hear it clearly.

It’s just that it is not the turn of these people to take action, and Wang Ziwen and the others will move first!

The truth of capturing the thief first and capturing the king, Wang Ziwen still understood, the figure flashed, directly crossed more than ten meters and rushed to the second floor, Wu Zhihao people were scared stupid.

He didn’t understand what was going on here, one second this woman was still downstairs more than ten meters away, and the next second came directly to him?

Let’s not talk about how this woman came directly over more than ten meters, this is a height of six or seven meters, can you fly?

The pupils contracted suddenly, Wu Zhihao’s figure retreated, raised the gun to shoot, he now can’t care about what to catch alive, his life has been greatly threatened, at this time he still thinks that catching alive is looking for death!

Without waiting for his muzzle to rise, Wang Ziwen sneered and waved his hand casually, the sharp blade cut off the barrel like cutting tofu, and the whole pistol directly turned into scrap iron.




Lifting a kick, Wu Zhihao, who was just about to speak, was directly kicked out of the air, and the sound of dense bones shattering in mid-air came, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed out by Wu Zhihao.

The figure flew upside down for more than ten meters, and then hit the wall heavily, the wall was knocked out of a pit, the cracked cobweb-like traces spread instantly, and the splattered large pieces of blood directly stained the wall,

Wang Ziwen’s kick was too terrifying, directly kicking all the ribs of Wu Zhihao’s mouth and mouth, the terrifying force embedded him in the wall, violently hit and shattered all his blood vessels, and instantly hemorrhaged more than fifty percent of the total amount in the body, and Wu Zhihao’s blood was everywhere on the wall.

The Hungarian cavity was sunken, death came too quickly, Wu Zhihao did not react at all, he only had the last breath left, he did not expect that this attack, the meat was not fished, and his life was also sent.

Dull gaze looked at Wang Ziwen standing at the window with cold eyes, under the sun, the woman in the white combat uniform was so beautiful, beautiful, like an angel in the sky.

“You… You…”

Blood and fragments of internal organs kept pouring out, and Wu Zhihao’s head hung down weakly.

A big drug lord, the big leader of the underground force of nearly 10,000 survivors, was actually here, in a face-to-face situation, directly killed.

Looking at the dead Wu Zhihao with a cold gaze, Wang Ziwen said coldly: “You are such garbage, licking my shoes is dirty, in my eyes, there are only two kinds of men, one is the honorable Lord Lin Fan, and the other is a dead man!” ”

After saying this, Wang Ziwen turned around, looked at the battlefield on the street, and jumped directly with a Tang knife.

The streets have been completely chaotic, 40 female warriors are like tigers into the flock, holding Tang knives everywhere, blood splattered, no man can live a second in front of the female warriors, even with a pistol in his hand, there is no guarantee that they will live one more second!

As for the men with iron pipes or steel knives, they are no better, those weapons are no different from tofu in front of Tang Dao, trying to block them is like a joke, the female warriors are directly cut in half with weapons with people.

Walking on the street, Wang Ziwen’s face was cold, and the Tang knife in her hand was like a sickle for death, and everywhere she passed, the men were all separated from each other, even if they had pistols.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the gun was harsh, Huang Chengcheng’s bullets broke through the air and shot towards Wang Ziwen, for these bullets, Wang Ziwen didn’t even move, one bullet after another flew by, all stopped about an inch in front of Wang Ziwen, as if they were fixed in the air, and soon fell to the ground.

With the Qi Shield, these pistols don’t want to hit Wang Ziwen at all, let alone these pistols, the individual anti-tank rocket launcher is coming, and it can’t help the Qi, unless it is more than two.

But at that time, Wang Ziwen would not stand and let them fight.

The long knife was brandished, Wang Ziwen’s face was cold, his eyes were indifferent, and the corpse mountain and blood sea where he passed, waving his hand step by step, the head was rolling, and the killing intent was high.

Wang Ziwen’s side was unstoppable at all, seemingly gentle steps, every step appeared a few meters away, and everyone along the way was killed.

Bang bang!

Bullets came from mid-air, Wang Ziwen looked up, it turned out that there were still people upstairs, turned around and went directly upstairs, Wang Ziwen went into room to kill one by one, not a single living mouth was left, blood stained the Tang knife, and also spilled the entire street.

On the street, the female warriors do not have the same strong strength as Wang Ziwen, and can resist bullets hard, but these female warriors are also not weak, the speed is fast, the bullet can only hit more than ten meters behind them, often when shooting, these female warriors have rushed out for more than ten meters, and there is no way to aim.

Bang bang!


Facing more than ten men with pistols, Ning Yuzhen’s eyes were cold and full of killing intent, she did not rush to move, but walked towards these men step by step, facing the bullets that were fired, Ning Yuzhen did not dodge, the Tang knife in her hand waved, and the blade split bullets one by one and flew away.

The clanging sound, the fire splashed, there was not a single bullet at all able to get close, Ning Yuzhen moved forward step by step, more than a dozen men were almost frightened, their faces were pale, with a look of horror in their eyes, they only knew that they blindly raised the gun to pull the trigger, and they kept howling in their mouths.

“Don’t! Don’t come over! Don’t come here! ”

“Die! Die! Why don’t you die! Damn it! Why don’t you die! ”

“Aaaaaa Why doesn’t the pistol work! Grass! ”

Despair, fear, collapse, and other emotions filled the minds of these men, and now they no longer want to covet these women, and even hope that these devil-like women leave quickly, they want to go! They are afraid! They don’t want to die!

They don’t understand, why are these women so terrifying, they are not even afraid of bullets, what kind of joke is it to split bullets with knives? This is not a movie again!


Pistol bullets are not infinite, soon a dozen men ran out of bullets in the pistol, the pistol ran out of bullets, the men were even more afraid, looking at Ning Yuzhen who was approaching step by step, these men collapsed.

It was terrifying, they were like seeing a ghost coming towards them, and the feeling made them limp and couldn’t even turn around and run for their lives.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

In the successive muffled sounds, more than ten men knelt on the ground in unison, with frightened and desperate expressions on their faces, and their eyes became dull.

“Spare your life! Spare your life! I don’t want to die! Spare me! ”

“Please, don’t kill me, let me do anything, please!”

“I don’t want to die, don’t kill me, I really don’t want to die!” Woohoo! ”

Looking at these men who knelt and begged for mercy and even cried bitterly, Ning Yuzhen’s expression was cold, she didn’t have the slightest pity in her heart, why didn’t she kill these men straightforwardly?

Quite simply, she just wants to let a little click break the spirit of these men and make them desperate! Fear! Let them have a good experience of this feeling that life is not under their control!

Now her purpose has been achieved!


Tang Dao flashed a dazzling white light under the light of the sun, more than a dozen men’s eyes were about to be blinded, the sword light flashed, more than a dozen good heads flew into the air, and the blood column was several meters high.

Pulling back, Ning Yuzhen rushed towards another wave of crowd with a Tang knife.

On the tall building, Wang Ziwen swung a knife, and the last man who fled for his life in this building died under the knife, throwing the dirty blood on the knife, and Wang Ziwen jumped down from a twenty or thirty-meter-tall building.

For Wang Ziwen’s current strength, the height of twenty or thirty meters is nothing at all, lifting her qi and lightening her body, she can even glide for a short distance now, listening to Li Fengjiao’s first generation, they suspect that in the next realm, they can truly break away from gravity and cross the void, but it should not be able to last too long and it will definitely consume the qi in the body.

How fast do 40 female warriors kill? No one knows this, but the ambush team of more than a thousand people has very few left in less than twenty minutes.

Standing on the street, Wang Ziwen looked around, her eyes flashed, and she walked towards a certain place with a Tang knife in her hand.

Xie Yuanhao was about to be scared to death, Wang Ziwen flew directly to the second floor where Wu Zhihao was, and then there was a roar, it was not a gunshot, but a violent roar, just like the house was about to collapse, followed by Wang Ziwen flying down from the second floor!

Grass! I can really fly! He didn’t have any thoughts now, and he also understood why this group of women dared dozens of people to hold cold weapons and dare to collide with the corpses, it turned out to be so terrifying!

And that clanging sound, lying in a groove, knife splitting bullets? It’s really a shame that you don’t go to make a movie!

Seeing that the brothers around him were dying more and more, Xie Yuanhao couldn’t help it, he knew that if he didn’t do something, he would die here.

He has already investigated this vicinity, there is no sewer to drill him, he can only use one trick now!

That is to pretend to be dead!

No way, he can’t run out at all, and the only end of running around is to be chased by those devil-like women like the same people around him, and then cut across the board!

Now there is only the way to live by pretending to die, thinking of this, he decisively lay on the ground, and then quietly crawled forward, found two corpses, and then lifted up and pressed him, and then smeared a few handfuls of blood on his face.

Not to mention, this method is really good, every time a female warrior quickly runs over from the vicinity, she does not find him pretending to be dead, which also makes Xie Yuanhao breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as these devil-like women kill all the men and leave here, he can sneak away, and he never wants to come to this place again! He was going back to the subway station, a group of women he never wanted to see again!

Just when he was thinking cranky in his heart, a crisp sound of footsteps came, and it was getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, Xie Yuanhao didn’t care at first, but when he felt that this footstep stopped not far from him, Xie Yuanhao was not calm.

“Shouldn’t I have been discovered?”

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