Chapter 282 The Dilemma of the Mansion of All Nations, Du Yuhang and others of Madness

Just as Lin Fan was frantically swiping points, tens of thousands of female warriors wearing white combat uniforms poured out from the four directions of the City of Judgment, led by Lin Youyou and others, and these female warriors began to advance along the major roads to carry out carpet cleaning.

Major arterial roads, branch roads and even some remote corners will not be spared, not only the streets, but even the major shops and residential buildings are within the scope of cleaning.

Clean up all the way! There is absolutely no zombie or survivor left, this is a thorough cleanup, after this time, the devil is not allowed to leave any zombies that are still alive!

This was Lin Fan’s order, and all teams had to follow it through.

The 50,000-strong force is equipped with 1,000 divine punishment troops, 50 people in a squad, and each squad has a divine envoy from the wooden temple as a captain or medical staff to lead the team to clean up, in order to minimize casualties.

If it weren’t for the rapid increase in the population of the City of Ruling in recent days, it would really not be an ordinary difficulty to come up with this thousand Divine Punishment Forces.

And in order to get out of these divine punishment troops, Lin Fan spent an additional 800,000 points, 1,000 points for one person, 800 people is not 800,000 points, plus the previous 200 people, exactly one million points.

If it weren’t for the fact that the points had risen like flying in the past few days, Lin Fan felt that his flesh hurt, but now, it was drizzle.

For ordinary people, zombies may be terrifying, but for Lin Youyou, a strong person who has special abilities and destroys the world at every turn, it is no different from ants, even in the eyes of other female warriors, it is just a lamb to be slaughtered, and there is no threat at all.

A total of 50,000 female warriors all dispatched, plus Lin Youyou and others, the cleaning speed was fast, the radiation area continued to expand, in just half an hour has been advanced a kilometer away, according to this speed, the remaining area can be cleaned up by tomorrow at the latest, and the rest is to check the area where the intelligent zombies appeared.

Intelligent zombies have taken away tens of millions of zombies, and there may be some omissions.

The female warriors all went out of the city to start cleaning up the zombies, Lin Fan’s footsteps did not stop, the fantasy of having special abilities was too interesting, Lin Fan was very happy.

The electromagnetic cannon had already consumed the power of fantasy and disappeared, and Lin Fan had now changed into a new toy!

The fantasy manifestation ability that has been Lv6 level has been able to meet Lin Fangu’s many things that he can imagine, such as a steel giant wolf that can move and run and kill zombies by himself, the giant wolf is huge, ten meters high and nearly thirty meters long, the huge body is simply like a steel behemoth.

Lin Fan himself sat on the back of the steel giant wolf, the giant wolf rushed through the main road, and all the zombies in the past were trampled to death, or melted by the high temperature flames spewed out of the mouth of the steel giant wolf, the destructive power was terrifying, the streets where they passed were thick smoke, and the streets on the ground were burned by the flames, faintly with a tendency to magma.

Lin Fan went all the way to the east, where he passed, the zombies on the main road were all cleaned up, although the speed of the giant wolf killing the zombies was not as fast as the electromagnetic cannon that shot one or twenty thousand in an instant, but the victory was in leisure, no need to care, just need to lie on the back of the steel giant wolf leisurely legs to have experience and points.

The most important thing is, it lasts!

The power of the electromagnetic gun is great, but the cool two cannons are gone, and you have to re-embody one yourself, how troublesome is that? It’s still so comfortable.

The back of the steel giant wolf was very large, and he ran steadily, not even bumpy, and under the rays of the sun, Lin Fan felt lazy and fell asleep in a daze.

Although Lin Fan, the owner, fell asleep, the steel giant wolf was still carrying out Lin Fan’s order, constantly cleaning up along the main road, and not sparing a single zombie along the way.

The cleanup plan is progressing smoothly, the front cleans up the zombies, and the rear methodically escorts the captured survivors back to the city of judgment, the men kill, the women stay, only the women are left with no threat at all, plus the escort of the female warriors is strong, and there is no chaos at all.

Just as the female warriors were advancing methodically, ten kilometers north of the City of Ruling, the Bund.

Before the end of the world, the Bund of the magic capital can be said to be the most prosperous area in the entire magic capital, the crowds, gorgeous buildings and excellent scenery make this the most important cultural center of the magic capital, every night, under the colorful neon lights, it is like a city that never sleeps.

Now it has fallen, and there is no pre-apocalyptic scenery, leaving only devastation and countless zombies and corpses.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

A gunshot echoed on the bank of the Huangpu River, thousands of policemen at the gate of the Universal Building hid in one fortification after another, firing at the zombies surging in front like a tide, the formation of these police is very complicated, there are ordinary police, there are also some riot troops, the weapons in their hands are also varied, rifles, micro-punches, shotguns, pistols everything.

Not only the fortifications under the Mansion, but also on all floors of the Mansion, there are also a large number of police shooting at the zombies below through the window.

On the 21st floor of the Wanguo Building, Dong Yun, the head of the magic city shi, sat on a chair with a calm face, and there were not only Dong Yun in the room, but also more than ten figures.

There are the deputy chief and secretary of the Magic City, and Chu Tianxiong, the chief of the Magic City Police General in a police uniform!

Since the outbreak of doomsday, Dong Yun, as the chief of the shi, commanded Chu Tianxiong to converge the troops under the police, and then saved many survivors in an area of seven or eight kilometers, and even built a simple safety zone that was not very large.

Due to the relatively early reaction, coupled with nearly two months, Dong Yun and the others saved quite a few survivors, numbering as many as 160,000.

With the Universal Building as the center, there are safe areas around for three kilometers, and some streets are blocked by Dong Yun with waste vehicles and other things, eliminating the possibility of zombies coming over.

In this safe zone, 160,000 people live a fairly peaceful life, even if the food is not very good, but there is no danger, Dong Yun has been waiting, waiting for the rescue of the imperial army, not only Dong Yun, Chu Tianxiong They are also waiting.

As a high-level, they know how strong the country’s strength is, although the zombies are terrifying, but sooner or later they will still be eliminated, and when the time comes, they will free their hands to save them, as long as the imperial army arrives, they have saved so many people, it is definitely a huge achievement, and if you want to be promoted, it is definitely a smooth step and a gentle rise.

For this, Chu Tianxiong took troops around almost every day to search for survivors, in order to make their political achievements look better, of course, there is also a point, Chu Tianxiong also wants to save his daughter and wife, although it has been nearly two months, but to see people dead or to see corpses.

It doesn’t matter if his wife can save it, but his daughter always has to be saved, he is such a daughter, no matter what, he has to know a result, but unfortunately there are too many zombies, he simply did not have time to go to the Fenglin campus where Chu Hanyan was located, and he encountered the dilemma in front of him.

Yesterday evening, Chu Tianxiong’s squad encountered a group of survivors who were killing zombies, and seeing that the other party’s twenty people killed zombies so bravely, the captain of the squad wanted to rescue the other party, wouldn’t there be more combatants in the Mansion of All Nations?

But the accident happened, under the order of those twenty people, the zombies came from all directions and rushed towards the small group of police, although they didn’t know what the situation was, but in the face of the zombies, they at least ran and knew.

It’s just that there are too many zombies, and after paying a heavy price, dozens of policemen only fled back four people, and one of them turned into a zombie when he just fled back, and then was killed.

Without waiting for Chu Tianxiong to ask what the situation was, a large number of zombies surrounded the side of the safety zone, and hearing the report, Chu Tianxiong, Dong Yun and others ran to the roof of the Wanguo Mansion and saw the scene outside through the telescope.

And then they were stunned!

Among the tens of thousands of zombies, twenty figures holding cold weapons stood so quietly, and the surrounding zombies seemed out of place, and under the command of these people, the zombies actually learned to move things? The vehicles they used to block the road as obstacles were all pushed away, and as many as tens of thousands of zombies drove straight in and directly rushed into the safe zone.

This situation made Dong Yun and others think of the intelligent zombies some time ago, how similar are these people’s performance to the intelligent zombies?

In line with the idea of capturing the king first, Chu Tianxiong arranged more than ten snipers to snipe those intelligent zombies, but unfortunately there was a mistake in the plan, only eleven of the more than ten snipers completed the task, and the remaining few were all empty, and when they wanted to carry out the second round of sniping, the other party had already hidden, which greatly disappointed Chu Tianxiong and others.

But able to snipe eleven intelligent zombies, Chu Tianxiong is already very satisfied, but unfortunately the safe zone has fallen, tens of thousands of zombies drive straight in, the survivors in one building after another are all infected by zombies, facing the siege of tens of thousands of zombies, Chu Tianxiong can only order troops to die around the Mansion.

Then they were trapped, and this was the dilemma that Dong Yun and Chu Tianxiong and the others were encountering at the moment.

The current predicament, anyone present has no good way, the entire Mansion is surrounded by tens of thousands of zombies, and they can’t get out if they want to get out, unless the military region sends fighters over, otherwise they all have to die here.

But is it possible in the military district? Before, they felt the shaking of the earth, not only that, but they also saw a giant mushroom cloud rising dozens of kilometers away.

In connection with these intelligent zombies in front of them, Dong Yun probably understood in their hearts that the Magic Capital Military Region was probably gone, and the huge mushroom cloud was likely to be a nuclear bomb, and at that distance, the Magic Capital Military Region could not be spared at all, that is, their last retreat was gone!

Either destroy the intelligent zombies and these zombies in front of you, or die! Apart from these two options, there is no third way to go!

Just when the clouds were bleak on the side of the Wanguo Mansion, in a villa two kilometers away, Du Yuhang and others, who gave Dong Yun a headache, were gathering here.

In fact, Dong Yun and they thought wrong, the zombies did kill many people, but that was limited to men, and the women in the safe zone were all left.

“Aaaaah! Refreshing! Hahahaha! Call it! The more miserable the call, the happier I am! ”

Du Yuhang’s eyes were as red as blood, and he kept roaring and torturing a few women who were caught, and the few men around him did no worse than Du Yuhang, they were already crazy!

Claiming to be new humans in the new era, they were almost killed by sniper rifles, and the deaths of their companions were so real, after gaining super strength, they felt the crisis of death for the first time.

This panic made them more and more crazy, more and more cruelly tormented these women, their hearts filled with darkness, and they had completely degenerated into beasts.

Seeing that the woman’s aura under him gradually weakened, and his eyes began to turn white, Du Yuhang’s face flashed a fierceness, and his hands pinched the woman’s neck and twisted it hard.


The woman’s neck was crushed, completely dead, casually throwing the woman away, Du Yuhang turned his head to look into the corner, where more than ten women were tied there.

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