Chapter 289: Do you like the Lord? Shape first?

What are the consequences of being targeted by a dragon king? Before, Jasmine didn’t know, now she knows!

Being stared at by Diamat’s cold gaze, Jasmine panicked in her heart, although she didn’t know how this dragon came about, but it must be inseparable from Lin Fan, think about the situation of the women in the City of Judgment, and then think about what she just did, she was really confused!

Diamat landed on the lawn of Villa No. 1 in the Tianxia Villa Area, his huge body landed, and Lin Fan walked down holding Jasmine, who had limited mobility.

In the living room of the villa, Lin Youyou and the others were all there, but they seemed to be very busy, they were writing something with their heads down, Shao Mingxue and these maids saw Lin Fan come back, and quickly ran up to change Lin Fan’s shoes.

Wearing an astringent maid costume, Shao Mingxue knelt in front of Lin Fan to change her shoes, smelling the familiar breath coming from Jasmine, and then looking at this incapacitated appearance, the envy in her heart was not to be mentioned, and she didn’t know when she would be able to serve Lin Fan well once and come to a full set.

“Are you going to go upstairs and take a break?” After changing his slippers, Lin Fan looked down at Jasmine, who was a little weak in his arms, and asked softly.

Jasmine did not refuse, she is indeed tired now, and she is deeply traumatized, she is happy when she plays, and now it is time to pay off the debt.

I planned to help Jasmine upstairs, but Zhou Xiuyan and Ye Ruolan who came over replaced Lin Fan, and the two women were all envious, especially Ye Ruolan, she came first, but the near water platform was preempted by Jasmine, don’t mention how uncomfortable it is.

But everyone is out of the Dark Incense Bar, so let’s be the first.

Rest assured that Jasmine was handed over to Zhou Xiuyan and Ye Ruolan, Lin Fan stretched his muscles and walked to the sofa, and Shao Mingxue and the rest of the maids quickly followed.

Lying comfortably on the sofa, Shao Mingxue sat down first, holding Lin Fan in her arms, and the rest of the maids knelt beside her, pinching and pinching, and serving the fruit plate of the fruit plate.

For these Lin Fan has become accustomed, the previous three days are basically like this every day, a person who wants to be diligent needs years of persistence to form a habit, but it only takes a day, or even half a day, to become lazy.

Sniffing the scent of Nai Xiang and eating the cantaloupe that Shao Mingxue sent to the side, Lin Fan looked at Lin Youyou who were not far away and wrote something together, and asked: “Mingxue, what are they doing over there?” ”

Glancing at Lin Youyou and them, Shao Mingxue whispered softly: “Lord, Lord and Mother You seem to be dealing with documents sent by the Ministry of the Interior and the intelligence department, I heard that there are some planning maps or something, it seems to expand other industries, the specific slaves don’t know.” ”

Lin Fan was not interested in these things, so he stopped asking and enjoyed life comfortably.

In a luxurious guest room on the second floor of the villa, Ye Ruolan and Zhou Xiuyan were two women with their waists crossed, with a strong look of envy and jealousy on their faces, opposite the two of them, Jasmine was shrunk on the sofa like a child who made a mistake.

“You started really fast, I just received the notice this afternoon, and you will be gone when you come back in the evening, it’s just too infuriating!” Ye Ruolan crossed her waist, don’t mention how depressed she was, how could it not be her! She’s been waiting for a long time! The little maids in the house are progressing faster than her, and the other days there was water to drink every day, and her side was going to die.

Zhou Xiuyan looked Jasmine up and down, her eyes were not too weird.

“I’m more curious, why don’t you have it, your clothes are a little wrinkled, could it be that you just found a villa?” Shouldn’t you just pretend? No way! You’ve got to let me check it out! ”

Zhou Xiuyan said to do it, and directly pounced, Jasmine is sad, where is she Zhou Xiuyan’s opponent now? Not to mention that Ye Ruolan, who helped to do so, was quickly cleaned up.

Holding the safe vault in his hand, looking at the blood stains on it, Zhou Xiuyan and Ye Ruolan were stunned, and then looked at the various traces on Jasmine, who was indignant, and they knew that it was already a fact.

“I’m curious, which of you two moves first? Who made this hole? Zhou Xiuyan leaned in front of Jasmine and looked at her curiously, her eyes full of gossip.

Angrily grabbing the safe trap, Jasmine snorted softly, tilted her head and said proudly: “I got it!” ”

Looking at Jasmine like this, Zhou Xiuyan and Ye Ruolan felt sour in their hearts, and said sourly: “What is the spirit, sooner or later we will also have this day.” ”

“It is.”

After putting on the safety vault, Jasmine yin and yang said strangely: “What day is that?” ”

Cluck…. Click, click….

Zhou Xiuyan and Ye Ruolan pinched their fingers, the crisp sound of popping beans came, the two women looked bad, seeing this situation, Jasmine also knew that this was a hornet’s nest, and quickly smiled: “Two sisters, I…. I’ll just make a joke, give me a chance, give me a chance. ”

“Up! Clean her up! ”

“Give you a chance to fart! Death to grandma! ”

There was a burst of chicken flying dog jumping, and there was no doubt that Jasmine, who had little strength at all, was cleaned up miserably, and her already scarred body had some more scars.

After resting for a long time, finally relieved her breath, Jasmine struggled to get up, put on her coat and came to the window, but this look attracted more attention than not wearing it.

“Hey, what are you doing? Shouldn’t you want to jump off the building? I tell you, this is the second floor, our strength is definitely not your head even if your head is broken, it is recommended that you find a 100-story one. ”

Turning her head and glaring at Zhou Xiuyan, Jasmine said angrily, “Why didn’t I find this woman of yours so vicious before?” You just jumped off the building, too lazy to pay attention to you! ”

Turning her head and walking to the side of the rooftop, Jasmine looked around and shouted into the distance: “Diamat, Diamat .” ”

“What are you howling? What about calling souls? Ye Ruolan raised his head to look at the rooftop in disgust, and was instantly stunned.

Looking at the fierce dragon head that suddenly appeared on the edge of the rooftop, Ye Ruolan froze, especially the cold vertical pupil, which made Ye Ruolan fall into an ice cellar.

Not only Ye Ruolan, but also Zhou Xiuyan was so frightened that she couldn’t say anything for a while.

On the edge of the rooftop, looking at the sudden appearance of Diamat , Rao is Jasmine has seen it for a long time, and has watched it for more than an hour, and now he also feels hairy in his heart.

The cold gaze on Jasmine, especially the scars all over her body under the clothes she was wearing, poured oil on Diamat’s angry nerves, and almost burned her sanity.

What does this woman mean? Is this ant demonstrating with her?

Diamat is almost insane!

“Human ant, are you provoking the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat? Your behavior is provoking me as the Dragon King! ”

Jasmine came to her senses, and under the gaze of that cold vertical pupil, she forcibly endured the chill in her heart and waved her hand: “Great Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat, I don’t mean to provoke you, I just have something I want to ask you, or give you a little advice, of course, this is good for you.” ”

Diamat looked at Jasmine in front of him, and wondered in his heart, could this woman be scared by her and then fool her?

Heat erupted from his nostrils, and Dimat whispered: “Woman, you’d better not lie to me, say, what do you want to say.” ”

Relieved in her heart, when Jasmine came back, she was thinking about how to deal with Diamat, no way, tossing on people’s backs for so long, obviously feeling that this dragon was jealous, so what to do?

It’s not good to solve it, in case this female dragon can’t get through the idea one day, just give her a casual look, and she’ll be gone!

In the eyes of people, she is a large ant, and the human scales are almost larger than her, and the cold light and the texture of gold and iron, she doubts whether she can leave traces on the scales.

Being targeted by such a terrifying dragon king, or the mother dragon king who is jealous of the situation, the devil knows what the consequences are, so it is better to deal with her side well.

“Great Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat, I want to ask you, do you like the Lord? I mean the like, or more clear, the things that are on your back today, you think? ”

The dragon claw moved impatiently twice on the grass, Diamat stared at Jasmine, the dragon nodded twice, and asked: “I think, it’s just that I don’t know about the attitude of my lord, so…. Don’t dare to think at all, do you have a way? ”

OK! That’s it!

After determining Diamat’s thoughts, Jasmine didn’t panic in her heart, she must have done this!

“Diamat you’re the Dragon King, aren’t you? I read some novels or anime, dragons can turn into human form, that’s me, if you want to succeed, you have to become my size, do you understand? You can’t let the Lord accommodate you, can you? ”

“And the Lord’s aesthetic is human, looking at your current appearance, maybe in the eyes of the dragon, your body type must be very beautiful, but in the eyes of the master, there will be no idea at all, so do you understand?”

Pointing to Diamat’s size, Jasmine seduced.

Diamat looked at Jasmine, then looked down at the dragon claw and dragon body, and nodded thoughtfully.

“I understand, it’s just that I’ve never taken shape, it may take a little effort, you wait for me.”

Jasmine did not speak, quietly looking at Diamat, whether you can transform into shape is a very important key, and it must be beautiful! Good figure! That’s the key! Thinking of this, Jasmine hurriedly reminded: “Diat, you must pay attention, be beautiful, and have a good figure, understand what I mean?” ”

Jasmine is afraid! In case she didn’t remind you, Diamat turned into an ugly shape, then she would be finished.

“I understand, I’m trying, I still understand a little about your human aesthetics.” Diamat’s urn sounded and the opening of the urn, as if he was holding back some big move.

Inside the room, watching Jasmine chatting with the dragon outside, Ye Ruolan and Zhou Xiuyan looked at each other, endured fear and stood up and walked next to Jasmine.

“Jasmine, what are you talking about? Is this the dragon in the Lord? This is also too big! ”

This afternoon, the dragon’s groan shook the earth, and they also heard it, but they didn’t see the specific image, but they also heard a lot of female warriors’ discussions, and now they see it with their own eyes, it is still shocking.

Just squatting like this without power, that terrifying coercion made them breathless, it was hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if they really launched a threat!

With such a large size, the destructive power must be terrifying!

Jasmine looked back at the shocked Zhou Xiuyan and Ye Ruolan, and responded: “Yes, her name is Diamat, the Heavenly Demon Industry Dragon Diamat, I heard that it is a dragon king.” ”

O Dragon King! The two women were shocked again.

Just when the two women still wanted to say something, a flash of light flashed in front of them, and the huge and hideous dragon body began to shrink rapidly, seeing this situation, Jasmine’s heart lifted.

Is this going to take shape!?

PS: The head is cracked, 288 is somehow stuck, and my face is green! In addition, thank you for the ten thousand rewards of the crazy big guy, the big guy is awesome, the comment area saw that it was said to be fantasy, I don’t know if I am talking about Diamat, in fact, I want to say, isn’t it fantasy from the beginning? The protagonist’s powers themselves do not belong to the category of ordinary apocalypse, right? If it’s Ogares, people are on the technology side, this is not a fantasy, right?

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