Chapter 298 Copper Smelting Belt Master, Refinement! Can be refined!

“Huh… How does the Lord feel? Ahem. Watching Atago come over dizzily, Amagi smiled fondly, and the brilliance of the big sister on his face was pleasing and convincing.

Atago came back to his senses, touched Xiao Xiao, glanced at Kaohsiung next to him, and chuckled: “It’s very good, isn’t my sister going to try it?” ”

Kaohsiung’s face turned pale, and he stammered and whispered, “No… Shameless. ”

Teasing Kaohsiung, Atago turned his head to look at Lin Fan’s back, his eyes flashing with love, “Lord, Atago can’t help but want to take you for himself more and more.” ”

Lin Fan’s arm was raised, the magnetic field energy decomposed the steel plate, the blueprint disappeared in mid-air, and soon a ship much smaller than Kaohsiung and Atago appeared in mid-air.

Not to mention Amagi and Kii, even if you compare Takao and Atago, the hull of the battleship in front of you is very small, the 118.41-meter-long hull is 10.4 meters wide, the draft is only 3.2 meters, and it is only 1780 tons in tonnage.

However, the smaller hull and lighter tonnage gave her greater maneuverability, which was also a gain and a loss.

The two mental cores did not enter the hull, and the power of fantasy was injected closely after, and in Lin Fan’s expectant gaze, the petite girl walked out from the glimmer.

The long light yellow hair has mechanical ears like a headband, the girl in the sailor suit is like a schoolboy, carrying a ship suit behind her, her jewel-like beautiful eyes are confused, and Sanwu’s little face is cute, with a little shyness, indescribably cute.

Compared to the girl’s shy appearance, the nuclear bomb she held in her hand, oh no, the chopping knife is not so cute, and the huge chopping knife stands up as tall as a girl, full of deterrence.

The cute and cute girl seemed to be a little confused about the situation in front of her, her confused eyes looked around, and finally focused her gaze on Lin Fan, a rare wave of fluctuations flashed in her eyes, and the little hoof with white silk stepped forward a few steps.

“The improved Zhibo of the Blowing Snow-class destroyer … I don’t hate fighting, and I don’t like it, for the sake of the Lord… I feel that I will become stronger, and only by coming back alive can I see the Lord again. ”

Looking at the shy girl rubbing the corners of her clothes in front of her, Lin Fan almost pounced directly, refining! Can be refined! People live for little loli!

Raised his hand and touched the head of the wave, the wave of loli’s figure was the same height as Su Xiaoluo, only to Lin Fan’s Hun mouth position, looking very small.

Rubbing Lin Fan’s palm, a slightly three-nil voice spat out from the waves, “Although I don’t quite understand what the point of this is… But a little happy, is the Lord expressing likes? ”

A little touched in his heart, Lin Fan bent down and picked up Ling Bo, the weight of more than a thousand tons, if it weren’t for Lin Fan’s terrifying strength and physique, it is estimated that if he wanted to hold it, he was dreaming!

“Next time, you have to load the ship first and then hold it, otherwise they will be close to 50,000 tons in Tiancheng!” Although I hold it, it’s too heavy! ”

Holding up the waves, feeling the weight in his arms, Lin Fan kept complaining in his heart.

Pinching Qiong’s nose, Lin Fan patted away the thoughts in his mind and spoiled: “Yes, I like you the most.” After that, Lin Fan lowered his head and kissed on his smooth forehead, and the young loli’s face instantly turned pale.

“Good…. So happy. ”

Rubbing the girl’s head, Lin Fan carried her to the side of the girls in the Celestial City and put her down, and after handing the waves to the Celestial City, he continued to build.

With a wave of arms, the steel in the sky flew into the air, forming the appearance of a destroyer under the modeling of the blueprint, the 118.5-meter-long hull is only half a meter longer than the wavelength, the width is 10.8 meters, the draft is 3.8 meters, and the displacement is 2033 tons, in terms of tonnage, it is much heavier than the wave, is this the reason for the most fleshy expulsion of the snow wind?

Secretly slandered for a while, Lin Fan integrated the two mental cores into the ship, and the power of fantasy appeared, and the cute silver-haired loli came out from the glimmer.

The silver-haired loli has snow-white animal ears on her head, and her hair is tied with a black cute bow, and her slightly baby fat little face is childish and full of vitality.

The cute silver-haired loli walked up to Lin Fan, looked up at Lin Fan with her hands crossed, and said in a tone that was extremely inconsistent with her body shape: “Listen, I am noble, lucky, invincible, snowwind?” Eight? What, this word is so hard to pronounce! Ahem, all in all, it’s your luck to get me, just rely on the luck of Lord Ben, HO, HO, HO! ”

The silver-haired tsundere loli’s voice was crisp, which made Lin Fan have an indescribable sense of familiarity, remembering the great achievements of the snow wind in history, Lin Fan suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision to show the snow wind tool.

Just as Lin Fan lowered his head and pondered, Xuefeng puffed up his little face, and his dark beautiful eyes glared at Lin Fan, raised his little foot and touched Lin Fan’s shoes, and said dissatisfied: “What bad things are you thinking!” Did Yukikaze-sama embarrass you? Relying on the luck of Lord Yukikaze makes you so embarrassed! ”

Looking back at the silver-haired tsundere loli in front of her, Lin Fan could see a thick sense of unease and loss from under her eyes, perhaps for Xuefeng, his hesitation was a denial of her.

As a created ship girl, his every move is touching the hearts of these girls, just like those warships in World War II, even if they survived a difficult war, but the final result was not good, they were scuttled one by one, and his hesitation probably meant their fate in history.

If those battleships had their own thinking, their emotions would be very sad and helpless, just like the uneasy snow wind in front of her, the arrogant silver-haired loli did not know how to honestly express her fears, and could only express her dissatisfaction and attract her attention in this way.

Crouching down and hugging Xuefeng into his arms, Lin Fan patted her back soothingly, “I was just thinking about which set of wedding dress to use to bring Xuefeng home, it’s probably the kind of thing that when I saw it for the first time, I even thought about what the child’s name was.” ”

A set of combination punches stunned the little loli of Xuefeng on the spot, what? What? Child?

“You…. What are you talking about! Snow wind… Xuefeng didn’t think about marrying… Marry you…. Naw… I love white wedding dresses. ”

Listening to the words in his ears, Lin Fan smiled in his heart, the only pity was that this ship was a little in the way, and he couldn’t rub the small figure of Xuefeng Loli into his arms.

Letting go of the snow wind and looking at her fluttering little face, Lin Fan lowered his head and kissed her, patted her little butt, and said softly: “Go to the Celestial City, I still have something to do.” ”

Dizzy by the kiss, Xuefeng obediently walked to the side of Tiancheng, suddenly stopped halfway through, turned his head to look at Lin Fan, suddenly plucked up courage, crossed his waist and said: “Okay, you proposed to Lord Xuefeng, ten million…. Don’t sneak away on your own. ”

After saying this, Xuefeng finally couldn’t stand Lin Fan’s gaze, and quickly turned his head and threw himself into Tiancheng’s arms, and the reliable big sister chuckled and patted her back.

At the moment, there were also two submarines, two aircraft carriers, and a transport ship, Lin Fan sensed the power of fantasy in his body, and couldn’t help scratching his head.

11 warships is still too much, even if there is a mental core, the power of fantasy is less than one-third of it so far, and it is still a little difficult to build all the remaining ships.

Waving his hand at the steel plate next to him, two blueprints floated in the air, this time Lin Fan planned to present two submarines at once, one by one was too slow.

As the model of the battleship condenses in mid-air, in the battleship, the submarine is the smallest of all the series, such as the two in front of you.

98.8 meters in length, 8.8 meters wide, draft 4.58 meters, water drainage 1400 tons, which is much smaller than the wave, the other ship is much larger, 108.7 meters in length, 9.3 meters wide, draft 5.1 meters, water displacement up to 2584 tons, this ship is Yi 19.

Looking at these two submarines, the former is Yi 168, Ping Hun young girl, the latter Yi 19, giant X loli, Lin Fan is thinking, is this a huge change brought about by draft?

The mental core poured into the two submarines, the power of fantasy was injected into them, the two submarines continued to get smaller, and finally condensed into an adult form, under Lin Fan’s expectant gaze, a cute and petite figure in the light on the right seemed to be a little impatient, and happily rushed out, white silk little feet ran quickly in midair, and crashed into Lin Fan’s arms like a milk swallow.

Holding the small meat bullet that rushed in, Lin Fan felt like holding a kitten in his arms and rubbing it non-stop.

“Lord, people have been thinking about you for a long time, oh yes! Lord, the people are Yi 19 Oh, Lord ~ people ~, people have been waiting for you to appear, as long as you praise me, you can do whatever you want. ”

Mengmeng’s voice came from his arms, feeling the beautiful touch in his arms, Lin Fan looked down at the young girl with hair in his arms, but the body size of less than one meter two has such an unscientific big pig, Bai Yan’s fruit feet are covered with white silk, and he is wearing dark blue dead reservoir water, just when Lin Fan looked down at her, Yi 19 also raised his head.

Xun Chen’s big eyes flashed, looking at Lin Fan’s somewhat shocked look, Yi 19 smiled, hugged Lin Fan’s neck and kissed him.

“People like the Lord the most.”

Even buy Ka, worthy of being an intimate little padded jacket, it’s just amazing!

Being kissed by the lovely Yi 19, Lin Fan felt good in his heart, turned his head to look ahead, Yi 168, who had long black hair and was wearing cute white dead reservoir water, stood in place dumbfounded.

Waving at Yi 168, Lin Fan called: “168, come here.” ”

Receiving Lin Fan’s call, Yi 168’s beautiful eyes were a little more angry, and he trotted to Lin Fan barefoot, rubbing the corners of his clothes, and said in anticipation: “I… I am the I-168 submarine, in …. Forget it, I don’t have any decent grades, Xi… I hope the Lord will come to good use for me. ”

Touching 168’s little head, looking at the young girl in front of him who had just been ignored and became unconfident, Lin Fan said softly: “Yes, you are all my pride, believe me, in tomorrow or in the battle ahead, you will all shine and perform outstanding feats!” ”

Just kidding, look at what weapons the system is equipped with? If nothing else, look at this torpedo.

UNY-08 precision-guided space collapse torpedo, precision guidance plus space collapse, what level of ship can’t help but do this!

Lin Fan looked at the specific introduction, this torpedo belt tracking, can not catch the target, can also space jump directly detonate on the target, want to dodge can’t dodge.

One left and one right holding two young girls in his arms, the copper belt master has no regrets in this life.

PS: The character picture is an intimate little padded jacket Yi 19

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