Chapter 301 Plastic Sisterhood, Beat You into a Pig’s Head!

Tomorrow is about to go to battle, not only the villa side is very lively, the female warriors are even more lively, the whole building has a lively atmosphere, the atmosphere is warm, the female warriors with good relations get together in groups, and keep discussing tomorrow’s expedition.

Some were discussing, while others were carefully wiping the Tang knife in their hands, looking indescribably solemn and serious.

For the female warriors, the Tang knife in their hands is the second most important treasured thing besides Lin Fan, this knife was given by Lin Fan, the lord, although it was not given by his own hands, but it was of great significance, this is glory and life!

The Tang knife in the hand is of great significance, in addition to symbolizing dignity and glory, it is also the source of their strength progress, as long as they hold this knife in their hands, after killing the zombies, they can obtain great power, in the eyes of all female warriors, the status of this knife is already as important as their lives.

On the 15th floor, in the empty training room, three figures sat cross-kneeled on the ground five or six meters apart, each with their eyes slightly closed, as if digesting something.

As time passed, the three figures exuded a strong aura in their bodies, and as the momentum climbed, when they reached a peak, the three figures opened their eyes in unison.

A dazzling light flashed in the already bright training room, and a moment later, the momentum that shrouded the training room was taken back, and the previous calm was restored in the training room.

Looking down at her white jade-like palm, Liu Wanyingjiao evoked a happy smile, her strength has improved again, and the improvement is very large!

The energy contained in the source force crystallization is indeed terrifying, just one, let her strength advance by leaps and bounds, in addition to intelligence, whether it is strength, agility or physique, it has been greatly improved, not only that, the originally not thick qi in the body has also increased several times!

This source force crystal, let her strength more than ten times, this is the huge benefit brought by that source force crystal, this feeling of greatly improved strength, so that she can’t help but want to exchange another one to eat! It’s just that she held back!

Although the source force crystallization is good, but it is too late, eat too much and don’t say anything about the problem of unstable foundation, that is, it is difficult to adapt to the soaring power in a short time, she doesn’t want to take a step and kick out a pit on the ground, then it will be a death.

Opening the watch, Liu Wanying checked her current attributes.

Character: Liu Wanying

Power: 34

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 20

Physique: 35

Realm: Condensed Qi Realm

Status: Lv5 Group Captain

Except for intelligence, the rest of the attributes have all reached more than 30 points, and they are as many as 34 or 35 points, this speed is terrifying, and it will not even take long to break through to the Condensation Realm.

It hasn’t been a week since she came to the City of Ruling, and if she deducts the three days of the drill, the time she actually used to improve her strength is only three days, and in three days, she has reached Li Fengjiao’s efforts of the first generation for nearly a month.

There are her own efforts, as well as various rewards exchanged for military merits, which makes her strength increase so terrifying.

Feeling the power in the body, Liu Wanying got up from the ground, pressed her palm on the ground, did not control the power for a while, and pressed out a half-centimeter finger print on the floor cast by the alloy steel plate, seeing this situation, Liu Wanying was a little embarrassed, and at the same time had some urgency in her heart.

Although the source force crystallization effect is terrifying, the side effects of this surge in strength and inability to accurately control the power are also really a headache.

Not only her, Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying, who had just gotten up, also discovered this situation, and for a while the three sisters looked at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying are both regiment commanders under Liu Wanying, with the rank of colonel, originally there were three regiment commanders under their hands, but unfortunately, when the virus broke out, the female colonel was unfortunately scratched and infected by her soldiers, and now there are only two left: Zheng Ying and Ye Lihua.

The three daughters usually have a good relationship, and they are about to go on a campaign, Liu Wanying got a bunch of rewards, naturally did not forget the good sisters around her, the source force crystallization she ate herself, the reward of 30,000 ruling coins, she exchanged two bottles of source force crystal, and then gave them to the two women.

Just now, the three of them took the Source Power Crystal, intending to improve their strength before going to battle, the higher the strength, killing those wokou will be more efficient!

The three women all ate the source power crystals, and then there was a situation where they couldn’t control the power now.

Looking at Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying, who looked a little embarrassed, Liu Wanying asked, “You two should also have the strength of the Qi Condensation Realm now, right?” While there is still one night left, let’s adapt to the current strength and save face tomorrow. ”

Ye Lihua nodded, she was not too far from breaking through the Condensation Qi Realm before, but now she has eaten a source force crystal, and the breakthrough is as simple as eating and drinking water, and Zheng Ying is the same.

Character: Ye Lihua

Power: 30

Agility: 31

Intelligence: 19

Physique: 30

Realm: Condensed Qi Realm

Status: Lv4 Squadron Leader


Character: Zheng Ying

Power: 31

Agility: 31

Intelligence: 20

Physique: 30

Realm: Condensed Qi Realm

Status: Lv4 Squadron Leader

Leaning over and looking at the virtual interface that popped up on the two women’s watches, Liu Wanying nodded, turned around and took the three of their Tang knives from the knife holder next to them.

“To you.”

Threw the Tang knife in his hand to Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying, and the two women caught it one after another.

“There is nothing easier and faster to adapt to strength than actual combat, now you two attack me, when will we adapt to the new strength tonight, and when will we sleep.”

Zheng Ying and Ye Lihua looked at each other, and a few expressions of intent flashed in their eyes.

In the past, when they were in the military region, they did not fight with Liu Wanying, but they lost more than victories, and now their strength has become stronger, or the two of them have joined forces, it should not be difficult for the two of them to win, right?

“Is that good? How about we both come one by one? Wouldn’t it seem unfair for two individuals to join forces to attack? Ye Lihua had a keen light in her eyes.

“yes…. I also think this is not good, captain, in case you lose, it seems to be faceless, otherwise we will still come one by one, right? Zheng Ying also pretended to shirk, but the look in her eyes and face betrayed her true thoughts!

The two of them really want to beat Liu Wanying in a group, take a good breath of the previous evil qi, and if they don’t recognize anyone she beats tomorrow, they are not the soldiers brought out by Liu Wanying!

Although Liu Wanying is a little silly and sweet, but people are not really stupid, the expressions of both of them are so obvious, where can’t Liu Wanying see it?

For the idea that the two sisters wanted to beat her, Liu Wanying sneered in her heart.

Xiao Xian, with the strength of the two of you, you still want to beat me? If you don’t call out the mother you both beat today, I won’t be your top boss!”

Looking at Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying’s beautiful and delicate faces, Liu Wanying was now thinking about how many fists she had to greet on their faces.

Just planned to compare the knife technique, since these two people have bad intentions, then don’t blame her for being unreasonable with her fists!

With an inexplicable smile on her face, Liu Wanying turned her head and put her Tang knife on the knife frame, turned around to look at Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying’s puzzled appearance, and chuckled: “The sword has no eyes, we haven’t adapted to our own strength, in case of injury, it’s not good, tomorrow it’s time to go to battle, see the blood is not lucky, let’s compare our fists and feet.” ”

Looking at the smile like a spring breeze on Liu Wanying’s face, the two women didn’t know why, they suddenly had a bad premonition, should the two of them go to the pit, right?

But the opportunity in front of you is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the arrows are on the strings, where is the reason to take it back?

“Well, since the captain has said so, then the two of us will accompany the captain to practice our hands, fists and feet are eyeless, when the time comes, a blue nose and a swollen face, Wanying, don’t hold a grudge against us to wear small shoes.”

“Yes, yes, this is a serious competition, we can’t hold a grudge, if the two of us are beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, we will definitely not blame you.”

Listening to Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying singing and reconciling, Liu Wanying’s heart was about to burst into laughter, since you are both uneasy and kind, then don’t blame me for being cruel.

“I agreed, put the knife down, let’s get ready to start, even if I get beaten into a pig’s head in the end, I will definitely not hate you two and give you two little shoes to wear.”

Hearing Liu Wanying’s assurance, Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying almost jumped, but they still held back.

Both put the Tang knife away, and the two women, one left and one right, stood on both sides of Liu Wanying, put on a posture, and the momentum on their bodies changed instantly.

Seeing the two women enter the state, Liu Wanying also put away the joke in her heart, she also has to be serious, respect the opponent, is to respect herself.

“Captain, we’re coming!”

The two women drank together, and the figure like a female leopard instantly pounced on Liu Wanying, facing the siege of the two women, Liu Wanying’s face was calm and calm, without the slightest panic, under the high concentration of spirit, the speed of the two women was infinitely slowed down.

Bang bang!

The three women clashed, between the collision of fists and feet, there was a boom in the air, the three women were attacking and defending with all their strength, so that they could better and faster adapt to the soaring power in the body, the figures of the three people were fast, the training ground was full of the figures of the three women, and the steel plates on the ground were stepped on one by one.

As the three women kept feeding each other, the injuries on their bodies became more and more, and at the same time, their control over the power in their bodies became more and more comfortable, and the dents on the floor became shallower and shallower.


A punch hit Ye Lihua’s left face, and the already bells and whistles were swollen and the injury of the face was aggravated again, the originally beautiful and handsome face was blue and swollen, black and purple, and the face was swollen twice as large as before.

Sensing the strong wind coming from behind, Liu Wanying bent over and flashed, turned around and punched Zheng Ying’s nose, at that time there were two nosebleeds, paid so much, or rewarded, Zheng Ying’s punch still hit Liu Wanying’s chin, and instantly three figures flew out directly.

The three figures lay on the pitted steel plate of the training room, breathing heavily, and for a long time, the three women sat up on the floor.

Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying have almost no good place on their faces, either bruises or purple and black, Zheng Ying is the most funny, and has nosebleeds, if not physically strong enough, plus Liu Wanying also left her hands, otherwise this nose has to collapse with a punch.

The two women were beaten miserably, Liu Wanying can only say that she is a little better than the two of them, her eyes are black into pandas, and her left face is also swollen, but compared to Ye Lihua and Zheng Ying, I don’t know how much better.

The dragon teeth covered their cheeks, and the three women looked at each other’s appearance, and it took a long time for a string of laughter to appear.

PS: The character picture is Liu Wanying, thank you sleepwalking $ life bosses for the 10,000 rewards, thank you for the urging and rewards, thank you, first send one, and then continue to change the text.

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