Chapter 304 Peerless Demon Hime, Akagi Kaga

The award square, this side was full of people early, today is not only the award, but also a major day!

Today, the city of judgment is about to march to the Neon Empire, crossing the ocean to recover the blood debt of decades ago, such a big and significant day, the female warriors rushed over early, not only the 15,000 female warriors who were going to go out, but also surrounded by a sea of people, full of female warriors, all wanting to witness this moment.

In anticipation, Lin Fan’s figure appeared on the award platform, and with Lin Fan’s appearance, the atmosphere in the square instantly became warm, and one after another hot eyes looked at Lin Fan on the high platform.

His gaze swept over the square, Lin Fan took the document handed over by Shao Mingxue, in fact, there was no need to look at the document, anyway, only Liu Wanying was awarded the award, but it was always formal.

Opening the folder, Lin Fan glanced at it, and his gaze swept to the audience, “Liu Wanying.” ”


At the front of the queue, Liu Wanying stepped forward, her figure stood straight, her eyes burning at Lin Fan, she had already figured it out last night.

Your own happiness must be fought for by yourself, just like Ye Lihua and they said, if you don’t fight, when will it be your turn? There are still so many pies in the sky, how can it fall on your head?

Instead of being passive, it is better to take the initiative, the big deal is to be ridiculed by Lin Fan once, she still does not believe that Lin Fan has been mocking her that this general is a parallel product, moreover, her captain is not injected with water, Lin Fan, the lord personally nodded through, this can already prove a lot of things!

She Liu Wanying has been growing up since she was a child, and she can’t pull back eight horses, just like she learned the sword technique, practicing three nine in winter and three volts in summer, never slacking.

Don’t say that the woman chasing the male compartment veil, it is the compartment mountain, and she will also chisel through that mountain!

Looking at Liu Wanying who stood up, Lin Fan felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this woman today, and he felt that he suddenly became a lot more bold.

I didn’t understand Lin Fan and didn’t plan to delve into it, even if he had mind reading, Lin Fan didn’t like to use it indiscriminately.

“In view of the fact that squadron leader Liu Wanying taught the female warriors in the city the sword skills for three consecutive days, which greatly improved the combat effectiveness and survivability of the female warriors, the special reward officer was promoted to one level, the class sequence was promoted to Lv5, and the position of captain was encouraged by the leader.”

After reading this paragraph, Lin Fan handed the folder in his hand to Shao Mingxue next to him, and he walked down from the award platform step by step, and a female soldier next to him had already walked over with a tray.

Picking up the medallion on the tray, the four gold stars on the golden medallion shimmered brilliantly under the light of the rising sun, looking down at Liu Wanying in front of him, Lin Fan put the badge in his hand on her neckline.

After wearing it, Lin Fan tidied up her somewhat wrinkled neckline for her, and said with sincere emotion: “Congratulations Liu Wanying, you have won my recognition with your ability, this captain you deserve it!” ”

Liu Wanying had an incredible look on her face, she couldn’t believe it, this sentence was said by Lin Fan himself, what did it mean? Did you recognize her? She…. She’s not ready!

This surprise came too quickly.

Looking up to face the female warriors in the entire square, Lin Fan shouted in a deep voice: “Meritorious service will be rewarded, passing must be punished, your efforts will not be buried, new territories are waiting for you to conquer, tell me, what should you do in the face of the enemies of the Neon Empire?” ”




The crowd was excited, fifteen thousand female warriors shouted in unison, even the female warriors who were watching around were infected, followed by shouting, at this moment, the surrounding female warriors were extremely envious in their hearts, they also wanted to conquer the Neon Empire, open up the territory, and get back the blood debts of decades ago with the knife in their hands!

With a wave of his palm, a huge space door hundreds of meters wide appeared in front of the square in an instant, and Lin Fan shouted: “Go out!” ”




Fifteen thousand female warriors walked in unison, white military boots stepped on the ground, the earth was roaring, and amid the sound of shaking the sky, a column of female warriors walked with neat steps, looking straight ahead and entering the space door.

Until the last female warrior disappeared, Lin Fan patted Liu Wanying’s shoulder and said, “It’s time to go.” ”

Looking back at Lin Fan’s back as she turned her head and walked into the space door, Liu Wanying’s eyes were a little frustrated, she found that the decision she made last night was right, the most correct decision in her life!

Fifteen thousand female warriors set out to march, crossed the space gate and arrived at the port in an instant, where a logistics team of thousands of people was already waiting.

These were the maids in charge of washing and cooking, and all the food, clothing, shelter and transportation of everyone along the way would be prepared by these maids, not only these maids, but also vehicles full of supplies, all of which drove from the city of judgment at four o’clock in the morning.

As the female warriors all walked out, Lin Fan closed the space door and nodded to the Tiancheng, Ji Yi and other ship girls next to him.

Tiancheng willingly, took a group of sisters to the beach, the ship suit appeared behind him, tiptoe on the sea, stepping on the waves, as Tiancheng and other ship girls left the sea hundreds of meters, giant ships appeared on the sea in the astonished eyes of tens of thousands of female warriors.

At the bow of the battleship, Celestial City stretched out its parasol, and its purple beautiful eyes bloomed like flowers.

Seeing a series of nine huge warships appear in front of them, the female warriors were stunned and stunned, which was simply incredible!

Not caring about the shock of these female warriors, Lin Fan raised his hand and waved, the steel plate was decomposed, the blueprint floated in mid-air, and soon two huge warships more than two hundred meters long appeared in mid-air.

Unlike battleships and cruisers, the battleships built this time had no superstructure, only a flat huge deck, which was the runway where the bombers docked.

The size of the two ships is different, the first aircraft carrier is 247.65 meters long, 32.5 meters wide, has a draft of 9.48 meters, and there are as many as 72 aircraft parked on the deck, including 21 Zero fighters, 27 99 ship explosive aircraft, 27 97 ship attack aircraft, this behemoth has a displacement of up to 38818 tons, and this is the famous one-flight battle Kaga of the Neon Empire during World War II!

Compared to the Kaga, the second aircraft carrier is even larger, with a terrifying length of 260.67 meters, larger than Norii Amagi, 31.32 meters broad, a draft of 8.71 meters, and a huge deck with 66 aircraft, 21 Zero fighters, 18 99-ship explosions, 27 97-ship attack aircraft, weighing 37,100 tons!

And this aircraft carrier is the largest aircraft carrier in the entire Neon Empire, she is called Akagi, is the symbol aircraft carrier of the entire Neon Empire, the resume is very terrifying, has made great combat achievements, known as the cradle of the Neon Empire naval aviation! With the terrifying title of an invincible mobile force!

And today, the pride of the Neon Empire will step on the corpses of their fleet and occupy the entire Neon Empire!

The mental core exploded into a sky of starlight shrouding the two aircraft carriers, and the blue fox fire shrouded the two large aircraft carriers, forming a giant nine-tailed fox with a blue color, and the two giant nine-tailed foxes roared up to the sky, showing their majesty to the world.

The mysterious scene made the female warriors who had just woken up fall into sluggishness again.


Just when the female warriors were all sluggish, the sickly and crazy laughter came from mid-air, and the dark fox fire in the sky gathered, and the huge flame nine-tailed fox gradually shrunk, and finally formed a beautiful figure burning with flames.

The woman bathed in the fire of the fire-colored fox stepped on the flames step by step from mid-air, like a demon Ji in the flames, indescribable and indescribable, as if the beautiful eyes burning with red flames stared at Lin Fan on the ground, nine fox tails were unfolding in the wind behind them, and the fiery love seemed to burn through the sky.

Feeling the terrifying high temperature, the female warriors subconsciously retreated a little, with a thick jealousy in their eyes.

“I am a glorious battle, known as the Akagi of the Armada, as long as I am proud of the carrier-based aircraft and the Lord, no matter what kind of battle situation can be crossed, hehe, yes, as long as it is with the Lord…”

Shrouded in red fox fire, the black-haired demon Ji spoke feverishly, flying down from mid-air step by step, and pounced straight at Lin Fan.

For all this, Lin Fan opened his arms to catch Chicheng who flew down from the sky, and the red demon Ji entered his arms, as if holding a passionate fire, just like the love in Chicheng’s heart.

Breathing Lin Fan’s breath, the red demon Ji’s body trembled sickly, and only raised it after a moment, her red beautiful eyes looked up at Lin Fan’s face, and her eyes were full of Lin Fan’s figure.

“Finally waiting for you, Lord, but… It seems that there are a bit of a bit of eye-catching guys, let me ‘sweep’ it first, and then come to the exchange of love, hehe~”

The narrow fox eyes looked around, Akagi’s arm was raised, and a red flame suddenly ignited in Bai Yan’s jade hand.

“Sister, you can’t be rude in front of the Lord!”

An icy sound came from the sky, and in the blue fox fire, Kaga, who was incarnated as a white fox, walked down from mid-air with a fox mask, and his azure beautiful eyes stared at Kaga, and his tone was indescribably cold.

Unlike his sister Kaga, if Akagi is as hot as fire, then Kaga is the kind of cold that refuses to be thousands of miles away, but the heat in his heart is no less than that of his sister Akagi.

The cold beauty walked down from mid-air, stopped Hu Lai from Chicheng, and slowly walked in front of Lin Fan, looking at Lin Fan with azure blue beautiful eyes.

“I’m a heavy carrier of the First Air Corps, Kaga, although there is still a lot to say, but…. As soon as I see your face, I can’t remember it all. ”

The cold beauty is not as warm and good at expression as her sister, but this also makes Lin Fan like it, with a pull of her palm, the cold beauty fell into her arms, Lin Fan hugged the two peerless demon concubines of the sisters, and said softly: “Get ready, I can’t wait to see your heroic posture of ravaging the enemy.” ”

Chi Cheng raised his head and kissed Lin Fan on the side of his face, his eyes burning with blazing fire.

“Akagi has always been…. Love you, as long as it is for the Lord, even if it is God, Akagi will kill you! ”

PS: The first from the left is Akagi, the second from the left is Kaga, and a clearer picture of Kaga will be placed behind

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