Two days later, an abandoned high-rise building in Yunhai City.

Two middle-aged men were smoking cigarettes and playing cards.

They all held weapons in their hands, and although they were only simple knives, they also had the power of self-defense.

“I said old seven, did you say that Angkor has been a bit neurotic lately?” Dreaming that you were learning martial arts? ”

A green-haired man smoking a cigarette asked the other side.

“Who knows? Ever since the boss killed a very strange zombie, it had been unbearable, and the ghost knew what he had gone through. ”

The man named Old Seven agreed.

They are all Wu Hai’s younger brothers and are responsible for the security of this area.

The main content is to prevent zombies from escaping into the stadium and to search for survivors.

Even after more than forty days, there are still countless survivors in this city in this ruin.

They need to bring the group together.

Capable men stay, and beautiful women stay.

As for the elderly and children?

Dead or alive has nothing to do with them.

“By the way, I heard that Ah Hu in the villa area is dead, do you know that?” Old Seven asked suddenly.

“The villa area? I don’t know, I remember that Ah Hu’s boy was very capable! If it weren’t for Angkor, he might have been the boss of this Yunhai city. ”

“Also, Ah Hu’s guy is very vicious, and his little brother monkey, two people like monsters, only recognize food and women.” Old Seven stammered.

He had seen Ah Hu and the monkey side, and when the two of them were buying guns in Wu Hao’s hand, it was very powerful.

Behind them were a dozen women, all of whom had been raised by Ah Hu and monkeys.

In the end, he spent five women and bought two guns and dozens of bullets.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, the news that the goods had died came out, which was also interesting.

“May I ask, how do you get to the gymnasium here?”

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice came into the ears of the two people.

Shocked, the two immediately stood up and aimed their knives at each other.

Behind them was a young man with a beautiful appearance and a height of about one meter and eight meters.

He was a little dirty and had blood on his wrists, and he was obviously a survivor who had just escaped from the mouth of a zombie.

“Boy, are you trying to scare us to death?” Suddenly! ”

Old Seven said angrily.

“No, I’m just here to ask for directions, do you know how to get to the gymnasium?”

The man who appeared was naturally Lin Yun, who had come to look for his way to the gymnasium.

The stadium is located in the center of the square, next to a circle of flat ground, where there are already zombies and it is impossible to break through.

However, some people use it as a base area, and there must be a way to enter it calmly.

So Lin Yun set his sights on the tall building a kilometer away from the gymnasium.

What should be able to be heard here.

“You want to go to the gymnasium?” For what? Old Seven asked doubtfully.

He had seen many survivors, most of them coming out in search of food and asking where the nearest convenience store was.

Where is like this, ask directly where their base camp is.

“Oh! I want to ask Wu Hao something, you should understand, right? Lin Yun replied with a smile.

“I came to buy a gun!”

Old Seven suddenly realized, what can I do to find Wu Hao? He couldn’t think of anything other than buying a gun.

“It’s okay if you want us to take you, but well….”

The two sneered and rubbed their hands, signaling Lin Yun to give them a little benefit.

“Simple! Simple! ”

Lin Yun took out two cans of meat and stuffed them for the two of them.

“Me Cao? Why do you have canned meat? This thing doesn’t even have Wu Hao! ”

The two saw the food that Lin Yun pulled out and couldn’t believe their eyes.

This boy actually has such a rapidly scarce resource as canned meat! And! Or military canning! The portions are quite large!

“I picked up a few cans when I passed the supermarket, and I don’t know if you can tell me now how to get to the gymnasium?” Lin Yun smiled and continued to ask.

“Of course you can!”

Old Seventh quickly replied, “Did you see that tall building?” There is a steel wire wire, which was left over from the previous construction, and can be directly followed by the wire to the top floor of the stadium, where someone will pick you up. ”

Lin Yun looked at the location of the old seven fingers, and the tall building was only two or three hundred meters away from here.

At the junction between the stadium and the tall building, there is indeed a steel wire connecting it.

He nodded thoughtfully, it turned out to be the gymnasium that he had gone to this way.

But how?

“Big brother, how am I going to come out after I go in and buy something?” Lin Yun continued to ask.

“This Angkor will solve it, as long as you pay the starting price.” Old Seven continued.

Lin Yun nodded again, it seemed that this area was Wu Hao’s jurisdiction.

After understanding the general situation, Lin Yun set his eyes on the two people.

The two goods were about to open his canned meat to taste, but unexpectedly, suddenly two black things aimed at the door of their heads.


The two immediately dropped the canned meat in their hands, raised their hands, and did not dare to move!

They never dreamed that this little brother who came to ask for directions actually had a gun in his hand!

“What are you doing here?” Didn’t you come to Angkor to buy something? Why are you dealing with us? Old Seven asked bitterly.

But I only heard Lin Yun smile slightly and reply, “I’m sorry, I’m not here to buy things, as for you…”


Two shots rang out, and the two fell to the ground.

Lin Yun would not hesitate to kill anyone related to Wu Hao, because he didn’t want them to become his own resistance when he escaped!


Lin Yun aimed his gaze at the tall building three hundred meters away, and the corner of his mouth slightly cocked, rushing towards the target point.

==Humble ask for some flowers~==

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