
Chen Yuexin’s charm value increased to 94!


Chen Yuexin’s loyalty increased to 200!


Lin Yun only felt that his feet were weak, and the consumption of these two days was too great.

It takes a while to recover.

Coming to the outside of the house, Lin Yun’s eyes looked at the zombies outside the villa.

Somehow, the number of zombies seems to have increased a lot lately.

And they were moving towards the same place as if under some control.

If I remember correctly, the destination should be the center of Yunhai City.

But what’s out there?

Will it force zombies to march to the same place?

“Eighty percent of what happened.”

Lin Yun’s brow furrowed, something must have happened in Yunhai City to cause this result.

There are about six days left before Liu Haili’s delivery time.

But Lin Yun always had a bad premonition, and he always felt that the deal was going to be canceled.


Suddenly, a suffocating roar came into Lin Yun’s ears.

Lin Yun looked at the sound source.

I saw that it was a zombie with a dark body, but its eyes were scattered with red light!


He had never seen a zombie of this kind before, whether it was size or momentum, it was completely incomparable to that kind of brainless zombie.

That’s the general of the zombies!


Get special missions!

Hunt down lv3 level zombies!

Mission Reward: Level up to 15!

Bonus: God-level ability – zombie coordinates! (Ability to control lv1 level zombies


Bonus: God-level Supplies – Supernatural Barriers! (able to resist any attack, with a range of 1,000 square meters


Lv3 level zombies?

Lin Yun looked at the zombie in surprise, this zombie was still graded?

Just when Lin Yun looked at the other party, he could also feel that the other party was also looking at himself.

The two began to confront each other like rival generals.

It wasn’t until a few minutes later that the zombie disappeared into the darkness.

“It doesn’t seem to be very safe here!”

Lin Yun frowned, the zombie was only afraid of being able to break through the iron door of the villa in an instant.

He suddenly remembered Yu Qian, this guy should have some understanding of this zombie.


“You said there was a zombie with dark eyes glowing red?” Are you sure? ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s narration, Yu Qian was very surprised.

There was still fear in her expression.

“How could it be! It was impossible, how could such a place that was not densely populated have a red level of zombies! Yu Qian’s voice trembled a little, as if she had seen a demon.

“What do you mean?” Red zombies? Lin Yun didn’t know Yu Qian’s jargon very well.

“I’ll explain it to you.” Yu Qian took a deep breath and explained, “There are also many kinds of zombies, the one who can produce green crystals is the weakest green-level zombie among the mutated zombies, and the one that produces red crystals is a level stronger than the green zombies. ”

Green level, red level?

Lin Yun may understand her terminology.

Most likely, the green level is the zombie of lv2, and the red level is the zombie of lv3.

And, according to Yu Qian, a zombie of this level can only be dealt with by a being that exceeds the limits of human beings.

Seems to be in some trouble.

“Are you really sure you saw a zombie of that level near here?” Yu Qian asked Lin Yun again.

Lin Yun nodded.

Yu Qian’s brow furrowed, and she hurriedly said, “I suggest escaping quickly!” Escape far away, you can’t beat him! ”

Yu Qian’s tone was pleading, hoping that Lin Yun could escape.

Because she had seen the power of the red zombie with her own eyes, he could tear open the iron door with his bare hands, and even punch a car!

This is not a monster that humans can deal with at all!

In front of him, even Yu Qian herself had only a part to escape.

“I’ve seen your power too.” Yu Qian continued, “But in front of that zombie, you are not an opponent at all!” So only escape! The farther you escape, the better! It’s too late at night! ”

Lin Yun fell into contemplation, he was also stunned by what Yu Qian said, this zombie sounded like a monster.

Immediately, he asked Yu Qian, “That guy shouldn’t be able to set fires, split thunderbolts or anything like that, right?” ”

“Of course not!” Yu Qian was very confused about Lin Yun’s question, “They are not magicians, how can they set fire to split thunder?” It’s just that the strength and speed are very strong, and the others are still no different from ordinary zombies. ”

“That’s good!”

Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief and thought he was about to face a monster.

Yu Qian: “??? What do you mean? Are you going to face that monster? You’re looking for a dead end! ”

“Are you so uneasy about me?” Lin Yun asked with a smile.

“It’s not a matter of disbelieving you! Why don’t you listen to advice? That zombie is…”

“Lin Yun! Not good! There is a black lump-like zombie outside trying to rush into the villa! ”

Before Yu Qian could finish speaking, Chen Yuexin rushed in.

Lin Yun laughed bitterly, casually untied Yu Qian, and said to her, “It seems that there is no chance to escape, and people have already found their own doors.” ”

== How did it get another chapter, a The author is going crazy! Modified under review ==

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