“Li Jun? What the hell is going on? ”

Yu Qian asked in a panic.

“Don’t you come here!”

Suddenly, Lin Yun stopped Li Jun from approaching them.

“What do you mean?” Yu Qian asked doubtfully.

Lin Yun pointed to the wound on the other person’s body and replied, “See for yourself.” ”

Yu Qian’s gaze looked at Li Jun’s body, only to see that there was a bite mark on Li Jun’s right arm, obviously, Li Jun had been infected by zombies!

Li Jun also understood that his time was short, and immediately shouted to Yu Qian, “Yu Qian, Captain Liu is dead!” He’s dead! ”

“Liu Haili? How did he die? No way! Unless it is a red-level zombie, Captain Liu will not die! ”

Yu Qian took a few steps backwards in a trance.

Liu Haili was one of the most powerful people in Yunhai City, one of the closest people to the ability, how could he die?

“It’s true! But not dead at the hands of zombies. Li Jun stomped his feet anxiously, “It’s the boss! The boss killed Captain Liu! ”


Yu Qian’s brain seemed to be hit by a train, plunged into darkness.

She would never have dreamed that the old man would kill Liu Haili!

Why? Why did the boss do this? Obviously, Liu Haili has always been doing things for the organization! Never betrayed the organization, why did the boss lay down his dead hand?

“Why? Why did the boss do this? ”

Yu Qian continued to ask.

Li Jun wiped his tears and replied, “The boss doesn’t know where he learned a way to convert green crystals into red crystals!” All green crystals of the entire tissue were requisitioned at one time! ”

“Convert to red crystal? How can it be! ”

Yu Qian exclaimed! “That is the crystallization of those who can break through the ability, how can it be transformed by green crystal?”

“It’s true! But the price is that a person’s body is needed! Red crystals will only produce red zombies! ”

“So he chose Liu Haili, who had a broken hand?” Lin Yun then said, “Use the excess green crystals to turn him into a red-level zombie?” ”

He had heard roughly what had happened.

Red crystals are crystals that can break through the limits of human beings, and the general principle is that people with more than ninety attributes eat red crystals and increase ten attributes, which transcends the limits of ordinary people, that is, those with ability.

That is to say, the value of this red crystal is far greater than ten green crystals!

After all, for ordinary people, this is the key to breaking through the shackles.

“That’s right!” Li Jun nodded and continued, “The boss didn’t know what means to use to trick everyone in the organization into not saving Captain Liu’s death, and in full view of everyone, he turned into a red-level zombie!” Finally died at the hands of the boss! ”

Yu Qian collapsed to the ground weakly, she never expected that the boss sacrificed Liu Haili for the benefit of the organization!

Why did the boss do this?

Do whatever it takes to pursue power? This is contrary to the original intention of the organization!

“Ask, how many zombie crystals do you need to turn a person into a zombie?” Lin Yun suddenly asked.

Li Jun thought for a moment and replied, “Probably eighty… Eh! Roar! ”

Before he could finish answering, something changed in Li Jun’s body.

Lin Yun frowned, and a knife split Li Jun in half.

This cargo was eaten with green crystals, and after the transformation, it was at least a green-level zombie.

It’s better to solve it early.

“How could it be… How come…”

Yu Qian sat sluggishly on the ground, she never dreamed that Liu Haili died at the hands of her own people!

“Hey, can you still move?” Since Liu Haili did not come, this transaction will be canceled, let’s go back to the villa. ”

Lin Yun said to Yu Qian.

“I… I don’t believe it, I’m going to meet the boss! I’m going to ask him why! ”

Yu Qian was ready to stand up and go to the base, she wanted to understand why the boss was doing such a thing!

Lin Yun frowned, directly stepped on Yu Qian’s body, and said coldly, “You are my thing, do you know?” ”

“You let go of me! I have to ask the boss why he killed Liu Haili! Captain Liu has obviously done so many things for the organization! Yu Qian growled.

“What do I care about you? You are now my thing! ”

“Believe it or not I died before you.”

“You can try!”

Lin Yun’s face was ugly, he was not willing to let Yu Qian go, since the transaction was canceled, Yu Qian still belonged to him!

After Yu Qian calmed down, a few tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

She choked up and said, “If it weren’t for me, Captain Liu wouldn’t have died, it was all my harm, it was all my harm.” ”

Lin Yun glanced at Yu Qian.

This matter cannot be concluded prematurely, because all they know is to listen to the words of that Li Jun.

However, Liu Haili did not appear, and it can indeed show that he is more fierce and less lucky.

But what does this have to do with yourself?

Even if the people in their organization died, they would not have a half-cent relationship with Lin Yun.

Just as Lin Yun was preparing to forcibly take Yu Qian away, Yu Qian’s deep voice came into Lin Yun’s ear.

“I want to trade with you!” My body, my life, my whole! You can take it all! But just please! Let me go to the base to meet the boss! ”

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