In the early morning, Lin Yun woke up from his sleep.

Beside him, Yu Qian was meticulously lying on his shoulder.

Although last night was somewhat compulsive, the final result was perfect.

He experienced the ultimate enjoyment, and Yu Qian’s taste was even more delicious than Ye Xuefei or Chen Yuexin.

Maybe it’s because she’s older, has softer skin and has a unique body odor.

After combining, I feel like I’ve forgotten all my fatigue.


Current Level: 20!

Current Experience:100000/110000!

Get thirteen regular items!

Coke, napkins, sanitary napkins….

Lin Yun chose a bunch of daily necessities that he usually used.

Randomly opening god-level abilities, please select!

Option One: Thunder! (Capable of unleashing lightning within a radius of ten kilometers!) Once a day! )

Option two: Mind control! (Full control over one person!) Switch between the controlled person after death! )

Option Three: Burn with anger! (Triple the attribute value!) Lasts ten minutes! Once a day! )

Note: Mind control cannot be given to others!


Lin Yun frowned slightly, all three of them had the ability to use the upper limit every day.

Thunder is able to hunt zombies on a large scale and gain experience quickly.

However, the ordinary materials obtained by upgrading now have little effect on him, and he still needs additional materials to improve his strength.

Mind control can control human beings, and it should be of great use in the face of human organization.

As for the last one burning in anger….

This Lin Yun chose to give up, and the ten-minute duration limit was too great.


Lin Yun chooses between two abilities.

For a moment you can’t determine your direction.

“Or mind control.”

Lin Yun still chose mind control after thinking for half a day.

Compared with zombies, perhaps other humans are more threatening.


Gain the god-level ability: Mind Control!

Quantity: One!

“Oh well”

A few minutes later, Yu Qian also woke up from her sleep, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Lin Yun’s face.


Lin Yun asked plainly.

Yu Qian nodded and quietly put her clothes on.

Yesterday, because of Lin Yun’s rough behavior, the clothes were missing a sleeve.

“How do you get into the city center?” The number of zombies is too many. Yu Qian looked at the zombies below, and her eyebrows frowned slightly.

This number of zombies is a hell on earth!

“Find a way to go in after stealth, I’ll give you stealth anyway.” Lin Yun replied.

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Yu Qian’s face was suddenly slightly red.

She also clearly remembered that Lin Yun was kissing her where the ability was given.

“But…” Yu Qian worried, “In addition to the zombies this time, there is also a group of human organizations interfering, we…

“Human organization? Wouldn’t it be nice to die with the zombies? Lin Yun replied simply.

“Got it.”

Yu Qian didn’t ask any more questions, because she understood that Lin Yun would not pity the lives of others.

“It’s almost time, let’s go!”


In the center of Yunhai City, a group of people are slowly advancing above the zombies’ heads.

Rely on the buildings crisscrossing the city and head to the very center of Unkai City!

“! Why haven’t you arrived at the Yunhai Building yet? I’m exhausted from climbing. ”

A bald, middle-aged man was lying on a telephone pole complaining.

Yunhai Building is the building in the center of Yunhai City.

It is about a hundred stories or so, belonging to the tallest building in Yunhai City, next to the commercial square.

But at this moment it was already full of zombies.

The only way to enter the Cloud Sea Building is to move slowly through street lights, telephone poles, billboards, etc., areas that zombies can’t reach.

“Chen Qing, you’d better close your mouth, if you are discovered by green-level or even red-level zombies, we will all die!”

The woman in front of him glanced at Chen Qing, who had already listened to Chen Qing’s complaint for nearly all the way.

“Death is death, I will climb down again, sooner or later I will die in this broken place!”

Chen Qing jumped and jumped to the next flagpole.

“I’ve had enough of you! Hurry up and keep up! ”

The woman sped up and headed towards the Yunhai Building.

Chen Qing sighed helplessly and quickly followed the woman.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen members to follow, and for this time the zombies above the red were born, this organization from other cities sent nearly twenty people!


Suddenly, the leading woman stopped.

The line of sight turns to the right, where there is the dining area.

Although it was also full of zombies, she always felt that something was wrong.

In the zombie horde, there is a road that can pass through just one person.

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Qing asked doubtfully, he did not understand why the woman stopped her steps.

The woman shook her head and replied, “Maybe it’s blind, let’s keep going.” ”

Several people continued to advance towards the Yunhai Building.

In the area she had just seen, Lin Yun and Yu Qian were walking in the zombie masses.

Naturally, they were aware of each other’s gaze, but they didn’t care.

With their invisibility, it is absolutely impossible for others to detect them.

“Interestingly, are all the competent organizations around Yunhai City coming?”

Lin Yun smiled.

They had seen at least seven teams along the way.

They all want a piece of the pie from this zombie above the red!

It is rumored that orange crystals can provide a huge boost (increase the attribute value of a hundred points) to the ability, which is a godsend for the ability!

Not to mention that it may be a black crystal of higher quality than orange crystal?

It’s a legendary thing that no one has ever used before!

==Ask for a flower evaluation ticket, hey hey hey hey ~==

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