“Damn! You’ve got to find a way to escape! ”

In the face of the zombie attack, the crowd has been confused!

Countless zombies poured into them like a tidal wave, and the terrifying scene was like hell on earth!

“What’s going on! Why don’t these zombies attack that guy! ”

“Impossible! How could a zombie obey a human’s instructions! ”

“Oh my God! The zombie went straight past him! No way! No way! ”

I don’t know who shouted it.

Everyone’s eyes were looking at Lin Yun!

Only to see that those zombies were not close to Lin Yun at all!

Without even looking at him, he rushed towards them!

“How could it be! What the hell did he do! ”

Chen Qing couldn’t believe his eyes, could it be that Lin Yun was carrying something on his body?

Let the zombies not dare to go near him!

Above red?


It must be above red!

Chen Qing set his eyes on the red, it must be above the red to keep the zombies away from Lin Yun!

“Hand her over to me!”

Chen Qing moved!

Holding a laser sword, he harvested the heads of zombies like a god of war! In less than a moment, he appeared in front of Lin Yun.

“I’m going to stop him!”

Yu Qian’s body was instantly covered with purple suits, and she tried to stop Chen Qing, but was stopped by Lin Yun.

“No, I’ll do it.”

Lin Yun knew in his heart that the suit could only withstand physical attacks, and it had no effect on this laser weapon.


A red light appeared in Lin Yun’s eyes, pointing directly at Chen Qing’s eyebrows!

“What’s going on?!”

Chen Qing was surprised to find that his body was out of his control!

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get his body to move again.

“What’s wrong with him?” Yu Qian asked doubtfully.

Lin Yun didn’t answer, just continued to direct the zombies, hunting and killing in the crowd!

“Chen Qing! What the hell is wrong with you! ”

Fang Ping was armed with two guns and engaged in a life-and-death struggle with the zombies!

But when she turned her gaze to Chen Qing, she was surprised to find that Chen Qing stood motionless like a statue in the zombie horde!


The precise marksmanship allowed Fang Ping to directly kill the zombies who wanted to get close to Chen Qing, and she immediately rushed to Chen Qing’s side.

“What’s wrong with you?” Fang Ping asked.

At this moment, all the members of the organization were fighting with the zombies to the death, but Chen Qing was standing here touching the fish?

It made Fang Ping feel very strange.

“I don’t know! I can’t control my body anymore! ”

Chen Qing roared, he was now unconscious in other parts of his body except his mouth and eyes!

“How can that be?!”

Fang Ping looked at Chen Qing doubtfully.

She didn’t remember what strange illness Chen Qing had that would make her body unconscious.

However, Chen Qing’s appearance did not look like he was pretending, after all, no one would make such a joke at such a life-and-death moment!

“Fang Ping, hurry up and take people away!” Further up, there may be hope for survival! Chen Qing ordered Fang Ping.

“Don’t talk! I’ll take you away! ”

Fang Ping threw the gun in her right hand on the ground and grabbed Chen Qing with one free hand.

She wanted to take Chen Qing away and escape from this place of right and wrong!

But just as she was about to escape, a sword pierced her abdomen!


Fang Ping looked at Chen Qing in surprise, and it was Chen Qing’s sword that pierced her abdomen!

“Not me! Not me! ”

Chen Qing roared with tears in his heart and lungs, seeing that he had killed Fang Ping, his two eyes were instantly covered with blood!

He wanted to tell himself that Fang Ping was not killed by him.

But the hand that held the sword belonged to him, to him Chen Qing!

“Chen Qing, what are you doing?”

The people of Qinglin City rushed to see Chen Qing with anger and doubt.

They couldn’t understand why Chen Qing wanted to kill Fang Ping?

“I didn’t kill it!” Not me! My body is out of control! ”

Chen Qing shouted with tears in his heart!

Tears slid from the corners of his eyes, watching Fang Ping fall into a pool of blood, but there was nothing he could do!

“Damn! Let’s leave with Chen Qing quickly! Too many zombies! ”


In less than ten minutes, only about sixty of the more than one hundred people present were left.

A huge number of zombies are constantly attacking them, and the killing is inexhaustible!

“Don’t come here!”

Several people who wanted to come and take Chen Qing away were shouted to stop by him.

Chen Qing took a deep breath, and after calming down, his eyes turned to Lin Yun on the side.

At this moment, Lin Yun was like a black hand behind the scenes, quietly enjoying all this in the same place.

Looking at the person in front of him being killed by the zombie, Lin Yun’s face did not have a single fluctuation.

Killing, he had long been numb.

Moreover, none of those present had blood on their hands, and in this last days, it was already the greatest luck to be able to live.

“It’s not you! You did it! Control my body and kill Fang Ping! ”

Suddenly, Chen Qing let out an earth-shaking roar!

Lin Yun looked at Chen Qing coldly.

Chen Qing had already been turned vicious by anger, and every one of the violent green tendons was telling his desire to kill Lin Yun!


In the face of such a self, the man showed a faint sneer.

“I said you all will die here!”

“Bastards! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you! ”

Chen Qing yelled and shouted, but his body did not move a single point!

Still in a running position, unable to escape the shackles of mind control.

Lin Yun shook his head helplessly and continued, “Look around you, kill me?” Can you do it? ”


Chen Qing’s gaze glanced around.

I saw that more than a hundred people who had arrived with him had already entered the mouth of the zombies.

The few remaining people also survived and fled frantically.

However, this is just a counterattack before death.

In a short time, he will be overwhelmed by the flood of zombies and die in this desperate hell on earth!

“Chen Qing, save me!” Save me! Yes! ”

People in the same city as Chen Qing also fell and were engulfed by zombies.

Only he himself still stood where he was.

No zombie attacks him, and he can’t act to save the lives of his companions!

You can only watch everyone die in front of your own eyes!

“Kill me! Kill me! ”

Chen Qing fell into a deep despair, as the strongest of the people in this group, he could only stand here stupidly and watch this massacre of mankind!

Lin Yun did not reply to him, and continued to control the zombies to kill everyone!

In less than thirty minutes, there were only three people present who could speak.

Except for Lin Yun and Yu Qian, Chen Qing was alone.

At this moment, Chen Qing’s eyes were covered with dark gray, which was the color of despair!

“That’s it!”

Lin Yun threw the little girl who had fainted in his hand to the stunned Yu Qian.

Yu Qian also looked stupid.

She had never experienced such a scene.

Thousands of zombies were slaughtering humans around her, and even if they were not attacked by zombies, they were scared enough.

For a moment, her sense of mystery and fear of Lin Yun’s body deepened by one point!

Seeing Lin Yun walking towards him, Chen Qing gritted his teeth and whispered:

“Who the hell are you?!” You are definitely not human! You are a zombie! No! You’re scarier than a zombie! You are the devil! Demons from hell! ”

=== Fourth More! ====

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