
Huo Zheng clenched his teeth, and the pain coming from his abdomen made it difficult for him to maintain his movements.

Where did he think that someone would punch him directly in the stomach.

Huo Zheng’s eyes looked at Lin Yun, and he found that the person who beat him was a small hairy child in his early twenties, and immediately said angrily, “Who the are you?” Believe it or not Lao Tzu died….. Yes! ”

His voice still fell, and Lin Yun’s feet touched his fragile body again.

The whole person fell backwards like a meteor and fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Yun walked towards him coldly, stepped on his face, and asked, “Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you.” ”


Huo Zheng wanted to break free from Lin Yun’s hands, but he found that his body could not break free from Lin Yun’s shackles at all.

It was as if there was a mountain of five fingers, binding him firmly!

“What are you still looking at?” Not enough to help! ”

Huo Zheng had no choice but to ask his team for help.

Because the picture just now was too sudden, these people did not react for a while.

An attack was immediately launched against Lin Yun.

Suddenly, Yu Qian and Chen Mojing stood in front of Lin Yun, holding weapons, blocking the way of the people, making them suddenly feel a little overwhelmed.

“Just two women, what are you afraid of?” Give it to me! ”

Huo Zheng roared!

The crowd immediately attacked the two women.

But after they had fought, they were surprised to find that they were not opponents of the two women at all!

Both men were so fast that they could not see the means of attack, and they were beaten to the ground.

Moreover, what surprised them even more was that when their attack landed on the two women, there was not a single bit of damage!

Not even a single scar was seen on his body.

Within a few minutes, the dozen or so people brought by Huo Zheng were beaten by the two women and fell to the ground wailing.

“How is this possible?!”

Huo Zheng looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He didn’t expect at all that his group of capable people was even inferior to two women?

Also so surprised were Li Fan and others.

They saw the fighting power of the two women, and they were also surprised to grow their mouths.

“That’s too strong, isn’t it?”

“Although Huo Zheng’s men are one notch weaker than a few of us, they can be wiped out by just two people?” How does this work? ”

“Didn’t expect this little girl to be so powerful?” Fortunately, I didn’t provoke her! ”

The four of them were stunned by the shock, they never expected that Lin Yun’s woman would be so powerful!

“Mo Feng, your sister is ….”

Chen Yaowei was also shocked by Chen Mojing’s combat strength, and his second daughter, who had not paid attention to for many years, had become so powerful.

Chen Mofeng replied with a smile: “My sister has been trying hard to catch up with you in recent years, so her strength has improved rapidly.” ”

“That’s the way it is.” Chen Yaowei nodded, but there was still some disbelief that Chen Mozhen’s metamorphosis.

“Captain Chen! You’re going to let him let me go!” I’m carrying a boss quest! ”

Huo Zheng hurriedly begged Chen Yaowei for forgiveness.

After all, he knew that this was Chen Yaowei’s daughter’s territory.

That Lao Tzu who is Chen Mofeng can always say a word, right?

Chen Yaowei also knew that he could not kill Huo Zheng yet, he was one of the capable people in Ninghang City, and killing him was not going to be able to get along with the Ninghang City Ability Organization.

Then he said to Lin Yun, “Lin Yun, you can’t kill them, so how about sparing them on my face?” ”

“Your face?”

Lin Yun sneered and replied, “This is not okay, I am a person who never looks at other people’s faces.” ”

With that, Lin Yun turned his gaze to Huo Zheng on the ground, “Don’t you want to find an insider in Yunhai City?” He also said that if he didn’t cooperate, he would have to teach me a good lesson, so I stood in front of you and wanted to see how you were going to teach me! ”


Huo Zheng was suddenly frightened and his back began to sweat, and he continued to yell at Chen Yaowei: “Do you still care about him?” If he kills me, you don’t want to go back to Ninghang City! ”

“Lin Yun, you really can’t kill him, he is…” Chen Yaowei continued to persuade.

“As I said, I’m a man who never looks at other people’s faces.”

Lin Yun’s cold words emitted a murderous breath, interrupting Chen Yaowei’s advice.

“Lin Yun, you really can’t kill him, killing him will cause an accident!” Chen Mofeng also advised from the side.

“You’re teaching me how to do things!?”

Lin Yun glanced at Chen Mofeng and said, “Don’t forget your identity!” What is the master going to do, you, a servant, qualified to speak? ”


Chen Mofeng was also frightened by Lin Yun and did not intercede for Huo Zheng.

“Hum, tell you to talk more, my man is the movement that you can command?”

Chen Mojing sneered at her sister and father.

After knowing Lin Yun’s personality, where did she dare to say something contrary to Lin Yun, it was simply looking for death.

After reprimanding the father and daughter, Lin Yun once again set his eyes on Huo Zheng.

Huo Zheng’s frightened whole body began to tremble and said, “Don’t kill me!” We are all survivors and should help each other! ”

“Help each other?”


A scream came out, and Huo Zheng was directly pierced through the head by Lin Yun with a laser sword, killing him on the spot.


Everyone looked at the scene in amazement.

Huo Zheng was killed like this?

Only Huo Zheng’s younger brothers wanted to flee this place quickly.

Stand up and sprint 100 meters towards the gate!

“Just let them go?”

Watching a group of people escape from the base, Yu Qian asked Lin Yun.

“Let them go? You think too much! ”

Lin Yun sneered.

The next moment, there was a scream outside the base!

“Ah! How can there be so many green-level zombies! ”

“Damn! Help me! Help me! ”


It lasted about ten seconds before it was quiet outside, and most likely all died in the mouth of the zombie.


Chen Yaowei and everyone didn’t know what was going on outside.

Although there are many zombies wandering the streets, they should be able to escape with their skills.

How did it die?

At this moment, Chen Mofeng explained to the crowd, “Lin Yun, he can control the zombies, I saw it with my own eyes when I was in Hezhou City!” ”


When the crowd heard the news, they were shocked!

Control zombies? How could someone control the zombies?

But what surprised them even more was that Lin Yun did not hesitate to kill Huo Zheng!

Did Huo Zheng really commit a damn crime?

No, not even a small friction with Lin Yun!

However, with this little friction, Lin Yun directly took the lives of Huo Zheng and his team!

It can be imagined how fierce Lin Yun’s heart really is.

Let them deeply understand that Lin Yun, this person, can not be messed with!

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