In just a blink of an eye, Lin Yun took his two daughters back to the villa in Yunhai City.

After getting the coordinates of Qinglin City, it took only a few seconds to think about it.

“Ahem! Stinky Daddy! I’m going to fight him the next time I see him! ”

Chen Mojing raised her fist angrily.

Chen Yaowei has always put his mind on her sister, so that Chen Moting has always been buried in her heart.

Although it is not enough to destroy the relatives in righteousness, at least the idea of beating Lao Tzu with his hands is still there.

Not to mention, the current Chen Mojing was a little higher than Chen Yaowei’s attributes, and it was really possible to beat him.

“Okay, you two go find Ye Xuefei first, I still have something to do.” Lin Yun said to the two women.

“Oh well!”

The two immediately entered the villa obediently.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, stood alone in the garden of the villa, sitting cross-legged.

He pulled out the crystals of the two orange-level zombies from his pocket.

A zombie crystal that can instantly increase a hundred attribute points, which is the dream of a capable person!

If Lin Yun eats it, he will be able to break through the attribute points to the mark of two hundred points.

However, Lin Yun hesitated before swallowing.

Because he didn’t know if this thing was useful to him or not.


Detect the level 4 zombie crystal!

Eat to get the following stat bonuses:

Strength +35

Agility +35

Intelligence +30


Lin Yun’s eyebrows stretched out for a moment, and he didn’t expect that the system could also pre-fund the crystallization to his attribute bonus in advance.


Provide a second option for hosting!

Deliver two Level 4 zombie crystals!

Bonus: Randomly strengthen three god-level items!

Randomly strengthen three god-level items?

Lin Yun was shocked, how could there be such a good thing?



Delivery Success!

Three supplies are being strengthened!

Bite! Enhance success!

The Power Pill has evolved into a Full Attribute Enhancement Pill!

Full Attribute +50! Charm value +10! (One person per person only)


The supernatural barrier is strengthened!

The range is increased to a kilometer radius! And provide an alarm function!

Alert range: the whole city of Yunhai!


α suit to increase your flying ability!

Lin Yun:????

The instantaneous strengthening of the three materials caught Lin Yun off guard.

The gain completely exceeds the boost brought by the two orange zombie crystals!

The most important thing is!

All supplies are unlimited!

Immediately took out a full attribute enhancement pill.

If you eat this pill, Lin Yun’s attributes will increase again and break through two hundred!


Swallow the pill!

Lin Yun only felt that his whole body was wrapped in a burning sensation!


Host Name: Lin Yun!

Strength: 200!

Agility: 172!

Intelligence: 190!

Charm Value: 100!

(Unsettled α bonus for the suit)


Lin Yun let out a breath, this was because he only felt that his whole body was full of strength at this moment, even if he faced the tuxedo man again, he could have the strength to fight.


Six hundred and twenty-six people were detected in Yunhai City!

Getting target data!

Suddenly, a map of Yunhai City appeared in Lin Yun’s line of sight.

There are countless red dots on the map, and they are the survivors of the existing and Yunhai City.

And the higher the ability value, the larger the red dot displayed.

Most of the red dots of these six hundred and twenty-six people belonged to the ordinary people’s level, and only a dozen of them were capable people, or the kind that had just broken through.


Suddenly, dozens of red points of light entered Yunhai City from the direction of Qinglin City.

Moreover, their light point size is still the level of the ability person.

Obviously, Chen Yaowei had the ability to come to Yunhai City to investigate the situation.

“It seems that I can’t rest today.”

Lin Yun raised his head to look at the gray sky, sighed involuntarily, and then sighed and disappeared in place!


“Are all the people in this place dead?” Half a day, not even a living person can see? ”

Four capable people from Ninghang City searched for survivors in an abandoned building in Yunhai City.

They all carried weapons and rations on them, apparently ready to survive here for a long time.

“Who knows? Maybe they were all eaten by zombies. ”

“It’s really a garbage city, and I heard that the only capable organization was also destroyed by zombies, and it was really terrible.”

A few people said one word to me, talking and laughing through the ruins of Yunhai City.


Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a beard found a figure sneaking through a certain security window.


“Are you sure?” His companion asked him, “Not a rat or a zombie?” ”

“No, I can be sure it’s people, let’s go!”

The four men immediately headed for the house.

In less than five minutes, he reached the house where there might be someone and kicked open the wooden door.

However, when they saw the scene of chaos in the house, they immediately frowned.

“Is there really anyone here?” There was a stench. ”

One asked the bearded man.

The bearded man did not answer, but continued to move inside.

Just as he pushed open the door of the master bedroom, a knife stabbed at him!

“I’m going to fuck you!”


The bearded man kicked and flew at the people who attacked him.

The man was thrown directly onto the bed in the master bedroom.


The bearded man looked at the woman who fell on the bed in surprise, and couldn’t help but smile faintly at the corner of his mouth: “Brothers, find someone!” ”

“What did you find??”

The other three rushed over.

They were pleasantly surprised to find a woman in bed who looked the same size as her body, but barely worked.

“Who are you!?”

The woman covered her belly in fear of retreating, she did not expect that in this last day four big men would break into her house.

“Are you a native of Yunhai City?” The bearded man asked the woman.

As he spoke, he also looked at a man sitting in the computer chair next to him.

But he had become a white bone, the flesh of his body had been cut off with a knife, and the woman’s means of survival were clear at a glance.

“I am.” The woman replied, “You guys are from outside?” Were the zombies out there wiped out? Is it possible to go back to the old life?! ”

When the woman heard that the four people were not natives of Yunhai City, she immediately became excited.

In her eyes, since someone had come from outside the city, presumably the zombies had been almost wiped out.

“Have you never been out?” The bearded man continued to ask, but his brow at this moment could not help but frown slightly, obviously, this woman knew nothing about the corpse tide.

“Yes, I’ve been in the room for two months, and… My boyfriend together. “

The boyfriend she was talking about was the white bone in the computer chair.

“Is it?” The bearded man’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly, “Then you are useless, leave it to the three of you to deal with!” ”

“Oh? It’s true? Then we’re welcome! ”

“What are you going to do!?” Don’t come here! Yes! ”

Listening to the woman’s screams and the excited shouts of the three people, the bearded man slowly walked out of the master bedroom.

He took a parched cigarette from his pocket, lit it and put it in his mouth.

Waiting for the three of them to finish.


“Who are you!?”



The screams of three people came from the master bedroom, and the bearded man immediately got up and rushed to the master bedroom.

And by the time he arrived, it was already too late.

Three of his companions had died, and in the master bedroom stood a young man watching all this with cold eyes.

He said coldly:

“As soon as I came in, I saw the scene of your disgusting people, the ability of Ninghang City, are the quality so low?”

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