“Corpse tide!? Damn it! Are you sure they are coming to our place? ”

The white-haired woman asked the man.

Her tone was very grumpy, obviously caught off guard by this sudden incident.

Not only to deal with the troubles of Yunhai City and Chen Yaowei inside, but now there was another wave of corpses, making her boss a little desperate.

“That’s right! It’s the tide of corpses! And not only that location! It seems like the zombies nearby are approaching us! ”

The man replied.

The white-haired woman frowned, only afraid that this matter was not so simple!

“boss! Not good! ”

Suddenly, another man rushed in.

“What’s going on?”

The white-haired woman asked.

“The members of Xicheng District can’t be contacted! And there’s a horde of zombies coming in the direction of our base! In three days we will march to our base camp! The man replied fiercely.


The white-haired woman’s face instantly turned gloomy.


How could it be such a coincidence that in less than two days, there were two waves of corpses?

How is this possible?!

“It seems that the heavens will descend on the Si people, and they must first suffer their minds, and you are really busy!”

Chen Mofeng said with a sneer.

The white-haired woman’s sharp eyes instantly turned to Chen Mofeng.

He grabbed her by the side of her shirt and asked, “Do you know anything?!” ”


Chen Mofeng sneered and skimmed his lips and responded, “I don’t know! ”


The white-haired woman threw Chen Mofeng to the ground and raised her hand to teach Chen Mofeng a lesson.

But he didn’t dare to do it, because Chen Mofeng was Chen Yaowei’s daughter, and this person was still useful to himself!

“Damn! You give me waiting! ”

The white-haired woman snorted coldly and led the man out of the room.

Chen Mofeng was left alone and imprisoned inside, but at this moment, Chen Mofeng’s mouth was full of smiles.

Because she knew that soon the Ninghang City Capable Organization would be destroyed!


“Captain Chen! What do we do now? ”

Chen Yaowei and the others who ran away from Qinglin City came to Ninghang City at this moment.

They hid in a remote building to discuss countermeasures.

Chen Yaowei looked at everyone present and couldn’t help but sigh.

Even with the addition of the people of Qinglin City, there were only about twenty of them.

Outside, not only were they threatened by zombies, but even the capable people of Ninghang City were hunting them down.

For a time, they were in a desperate situation.

“Do you want to rush directly to the base of Ninghang City?” Kill that white-haired female ghost! ”

Li Fan stood up excitedly and proposed.

“Are you stupid? Can you beat her? Mu Li punched Li Fan and told him to calm down and not come up with such a bad idea.

Of course, no one listened to him, because everyone knew that this guy was not reliable.

Li Fan glanced at it and returned: “What can I do then?” We can only wait here to die! I don’t know what will happen to the brothers in the base. ”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people instantly darkened.

At the moment of Chen Yaowei’s accident, the white-haired woman sent someone to control three hundred people in the military department, and now she is most likely imprisoned in the organization’s base, waiting for the attack at any time.

“We have to think long-term, and with our strength, we are definitely not the opponent of that woman.”

Chen Yaowei has been holding a face since just now.

The daughter was captured, her subordinates were controlled, and she herself was still on the run.

No script could be worse than it is now.


Chen Yaowei’s mind appeared in the figure of a person, if it was him, it must be able to solve it smoothly, right?

“We still have a chance!”

Chen Yaowei said to the crowd, “Lin Yun said that he would deal with Ninghang City within a week, and now there are still three days left before his time to strike, and we still have to wait!” ”

“Captain Chen! It’s not that I suspect Lin Yun. Huang Chao said suddenly. There were still nearly six hundred people in the base, could he do it? ”

Huang Chao was a steady man, and although he knew that Lin Yun’s strength was very strong, Lin Yun was facing more than six hundred people!

And many heavy weapons organized!

Missile! Bazooka! Even laser weapons!

Either one is deadly!

In this case, what does Lin Yun have to do to win the white-haired woman? It’s a pipe dream!

“I don’t agree with you!” You don’t know how powerful Lin Yun really is! Li Fan vetoed, “Let’s not say that he can control zombies, you know his battle suit, right?” Knives and guns do not enter! I don’t think even a thousand more people are Lin Yun’s opponents! ”

“You’re farting when you say that!” How can there be someone who can’t get into the knife? ”

“! Your boy is under-beaten isn’t he? ”

For a while, the two began to quarrel because of how powerful Lin Yun was.

Chen Yaowei helplessly took out a cigarette and was trying to light a fire.

The man who was looking at the wind at the window ran over in panic.

“Come and see! Big things are happening outside! ”

The crowd looked at each other, big thing? What’s the big deal?

“Say it slowly, what happened?”

Chen Yaowei calmed the man’s mood.

“Him! Mourning! Lot! ”

After taking a deep breath, the man was finally able to read a passage fluently.

“There’s a horde of zombies heading in the direction of the base!” Now there are all zombies under our building! Lots of them! What an exaggeration! ”


Everyone rushed to the window, wanting to see what was going on below.

This does not look at the unknown, a look frightened.

Beneath them, countless zombies marched to the same place.

They were like an army, constantly advancing in the direction of the base of the Capable One, and the spectacular scene was almost like watching Ah San’s military parade again!

“Mommy? Is this battle going to raid the base? ”

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