“Spare your life! Spare your life! I’m an ordinary person passing through this place! Seeing that you can dodge zombies here, you come in! ”

Chen Ye shouted in fear.

His whole body trembled, and there was an unknown liquid flowing out between his legs, and this poor guy was directly frightened by Lin Yun.

Indifferent to Chen Ye’s pleas for forgiveness, he asked coldly, “Ordinary people?” Still reluctant to tell the truth? ”


With a slight force, Lin Yun directly broke one of Chen Ye’s arms.


Chen Ye let out a miserable cry, because his eyes were bloodshot because of the pain, and his vicious appearance was really frightening.

I said! I say! I am a poacher in this area, I have long known that there is a scientific research laboratory here, in order to avoid the zombies, I killed everyone in the scientific research laboratory and seized this place! ”

Finally, Lin Yun heard the answer he wanted.

Sneering, “Then you have no effect, die!” ”

“Don’t! No! Yes! ”

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yun crushed Chen Ye’s head and took his life.

He then turned his gaze to the monster Muhu, who had fallen to the ground.

He needed to ask something out of Mu Hu’s mouth.

But the Mu Hu in front of him had lost consciousness, and he was afraid that he was just a headless and brainless monster when he woke up.

Bite! Get special missions!

Mission Objective: Bring Muhu to the Yunjiang Yehai City Experimental Base!

Mission Reward: God-level weapon – Blade of Nothingness! (Capable of attacking enemies up to a kilometer)

Hidden Mission: Find a woman named Yang Weiyu at the Yehai City Experimental Base, who can treat Muhu’s illness!

“Yunjiang Night Sea City Experimental Base? Yang Weiyu? ”

Lin Yun raised an eyebrow, did not expect that Yunjiang had another experimental base?

He immediately picked up the tiger and flew out of this place and rushed to the Night Sea Market.


Yunjiang Night Sea Market.

A group of survivors are weaving through the building.

In the streets, there are walking zombies everywhere, more than three months of evolution, zombies have been evolving, from the first few hundred zombies to appear only one green-level zombie.

Now there are less than a dozen zombies, and a green zombie will be born.

The living space of human beings has been greatly challenged.

“Damn! We have to get to the lab in a hurry, we must not die here! ”

The survivors all carried backpacks on their backs, stuffed with food.

They are a squad sent by the laboratory to find food, but they encounter a small wave of corpses.

Blocked their way to the lab.

“Damn! There’s no road ahead! ”

They came to the far right of the building, but there was no foothold ahead, and to get back to the lab, they had to escape the tide of corpses.

But hundreds of zombies are already waiting for them in the streets below, how difficult is it to escape?

“What to do? Lu Lin, we have nowhere to go! ”

All the hope fell on the leading man, who looked desperately at the zombies below, and everyone’s face was very ugly.

“We have to send this food back!”

Lu Lin’s brow furrowed tightly, but in the face of this number of zombies, he was helpless, and could only watch stupidly, powerless.

“Or shall we not go back?” This food is enough for us to eat for many months. ”

A man with a squirrel eyebrow suggested to Lu Lin.


Lu Lin instantly refused.

“Then you say, how are we going to escape this tide of corpses?” The man asked.

Lu Lin was dumbfounded.

The man continued to sneer: “You went back because your wife was still in the laboratory, but there was no one I knew there!” I don’t want to die because of them!” ”

“Bangs! Is this something a person uttered?! Another man in the company shouted.

“Taking one’s own life to save others is not something that people can do!” Lao Tzu just wants to live! Liu Hai retorted loudly, “I don’t want to go back anyway!” Do you want to go with me? ”

The seven or eight people in the same group looked at each other for a while, not knowing whether to believe Liu Hai’s words and not regret the laboratory.

After hesitating for a while, finally one person said to Liu Hai: “I don’t want to go back, I don’t know them, if I don’t starve to death, who wants to come out?” ”

There is a first, of course, there will be a second.

“I don’t want to go back, Lu Lin, everyone is here to live, don’t blame your brother!”

In the end, five people decided to leave with Liu Hai, and only Lu Lin and the other three were left to return to the laboratory.

“Lu Lin, you see that everyone is a smart person, I advise you to do it yourself, in the last days in order to survive even the old woman can give up, let alone the wife?” There will be a period later! ”

Liu Hai immediately left the place with five people and looked in other directions for a way to escape.

“Lu Lin, what should we do?” One of the remaining people asked Lu Lin.

Lu Lin’s eyes looked at the three people, they were all people who were concerned, so they would stay and go back with Lu Lin.

After a moment of silence, Lu Lin said to the three of them, “We need to wait until the zombies below are reduced by half before we can leave, otherwise we will have…”


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the street behind them.

A figure actually fell from the sky, smashing the wandering zombies on the ground to death in an instant!

“What’s going on here?”

Everyone looked at the center in surprise, and was surprised to find that a figure stood up from the corpse pile and carried a huge monster in his hand.

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