(⊙o⊙)?Orange crystal? You say you have orange crystals!? ”

Yang Weiyu asked Lin Yun in surprise.

She knows the horror of orange-level zombies, monsters that can shake a tank car!

But the young man in front of her actually told her that he had an orange crystal?

Under Yang Weiyu’s eyes, Lin Yun pulled out an orange crystal.

“Yes, I have.”

Lin Yun handed the orange crystal to Yang Weiyu’s face.

Yang Weiyu held it in surprise and looked at it carefully.

A moment later, that little face revealed his surprise to Lin Yun.

She could be sure that it was an orange crystal!

Nuclei dug out of the orange zombie body!

“Can I? This one! ”

Lin Yun asked.

“Yes! Of course! ”

Yang Weiyu said excitedly, “You wait for me, I will immediately go to prepare the potion!” ”

She took the crystal and ran into the laboratory with excitement.

Lin Yun was also relieved, and thought that he wanted something special, it turned out to be orange crystal.

“Friend, the crystal you just took out is an orange-level zombie?”

Lu Lin on the side couldn’t help but ask Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded, “What’s wrong?” ”

“What’s wrong! That’s an orange-level zombie! If our laboratory is invaded by orange-level zombies, it will be completely destroyed! ”

Lu Lin said in shock.

The people in their entire laboratory could deal with at most one red-level zombie.

When facing an orange-level zombie, it’s like hitting a pebble with a pebble!

Lin Yun touched his nose and said lightly, “It’s okay, that monster is not difficult to deal with except that the skin is a little harder.” ”

“Oh my God!? Not too hard to deal with? Friend! You’re awesome too! ”

“That’s an orange-level zombie!” I’ve seen a survivor base in Night Sea Market, which was destroyed by an orange-level zombie, hundreds of people, all dead! ”

“This little brother seems to be a master who can defeat an orange-level zombie, is this still human?”

Everyone talked about Lin Yun.

In their eyes, an orange-level zombie is a monster, the god of death.

In the face of death, they could not have any chance of survival.

However, this man named Lin Yun in front of him was something that even the God of Death could deal with, which was simply beyond their imagination!

“By the way, it’s time for dinner, do you want to have some with us?” Lu Lin asked Lin Yun.

After all, without Lin Yun’s help, how they could get back to the lab was a problem.

However, Lin Yun shook his head.

Seeing that Lin Yun did not want to eat with them, Lu Lin gave up.

After all, the food is only so little, everyone refuses, and he can’t cheekily give the living guy to others.

Lin Yun sat at the door of the laboratory and waited.

Gradually, two hours or so passed.

Lin Yun’s tightly closed eyes suddenly opened as the door to the laboratory was opened.

Yang Weiyu rushed out of the laboratory excitedly.

She held a tube of potion in her hand: “Success! It is worthy of the crystallization of the orange zombie! ”

Lin Yun’s gaze fell on the potion in Yang Weiyu’s hand, which was a light orange liquid that looked like mango juice.

“Just this thing can eliminate the side effects on Mo Ting’s body?” Lin Yun asked.

Yang Weiyu nodded and assured, “Please believe in my technology.” ”

“Okay, now go with me to Chen Mojing’s side.” Lin Yun said.

“Huh? Can you let me have a meal first? I’m so hungry. ”

It was now seven o’clock in the evening, and Yang Weiyu, who had not eaten for nearly twelve hours, made a grunting sound.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “If it really works, I invite you to a big meal!” ”

“But it’s going to take us a few days to go to Zhejiang Province, right?” There’s no need to be in such a hurry, right? Yang Weiyu asked doubtfully.

Zhejiang Province is at least a hundred kilometers away from Yehai City, and it is basically impossible to arrive in a short period of time, not to mention that it is the end of the world, and even the most basic transportation cannot be guaranteed.

“How many days? No, let’s go! ”



A flash of white light flashed, and Yang Weiyu found that the area she was in was no longer her laboratory.

Instead, it was a strange place, and before her eyes was a huge castle-like building with light white lights shining inside.

Around, there is a shaded green wood, and sometimes birds chirping.

This scene in front of her really stunned her, where is the environment here like the end of the world!

It’s a hideaway!

Yang Weiyu was stupid, and everything in front of her could not be explained by the knowledge she had.

And how did you get here?

She looked at the man next to her in amazement, and some strange emotion appeared in her beautiful eyes.


Is there really a supernatural ability in the world? But even the zombies are there, and the appearance of this superpower does not seem to be a strange thing.

“Let’s go in.”

Lin Yun said to Yang Weiyu.

As soon as the words fell, the door was opened by an invisible force.

And a small head popped out of it.

When she saw Lin Yun, she shouted excitedly, “You are finally back!” Eh? Who is the woman behind you? ”

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