“This person is getting more and more, and he doesn’t know if there is enough food to eat.”

Several men were gathered around the fire, and behind them was a group of wandering zombies, isolated by barbed wire to keep them safe in the camp.

“The old assembly is solved, I heard that all the food on his truck is food, don’t worry about us.”

“Otherwise we wouldn’t have followed him, grabbing from the west to the south, which good thing is not for him to enjoy first?” There are also a few women he enjoys exclusively,! Envy the dead man. ”

“Don’t you envy, didn’t you cool off once yesterday?”

“That woman is old and yellow, and she is simply suffering…..”


Several people talked and laughed as they threw a few pieces of sweet potatoes into the fire.


Suddenly, a strange sound came into the ears of several people, and one of them stood up immediately.

“What’s going on? Is there anything? ”

Several people looked at each other, and the voice was definitely not the voice of a zombie.

They looked off the fire into the distance and saw that the zombies that had been wandering had fallen one by one, and that the thing seemed to be advancing towards their place again.

“Damn! What’s wrong with that? ”

A group of people immediately stood up, their eyes brushing together and staring in that direction.

The cold wind whistled, and under the darkness of the night, the strange noise made several people feel deep fear.

Especially in this end-time environment, even any wind and grass will arouse their trembling hearts.

“Would you like to go and have a look?”

One man pulled out a flashlight and suggested it to several people.


They swallowed a mouthful of spit at the same time and said hesitantly, “Forget it, or stay here?” I don’t want to die. ”

“Your guts are too small, I’ll go!”

One man volunteered and walked in that direction.

Just as he grabbed his flashlight and walked to the barbed wire boundary.

Suddenly, a dark shadow jumped up, jumped in from the outside, and appeared behind the man.

“Eh!? What a thing! ”

Everyone was shocked, and they quickly looked at the black shadow, only to find that it was a robot with a snow-white body!

The crowd looked at each other, unable to speak for a moment in doubt.

Until one person opens his mouth and says, “Is this a robot?” How did it come to be here? ”

“Wouldn’t it be the boss’s gadget?” I’ve seen this stuff in movies. ”

Few people did not know the origin of this so-called robot, and the robot seemed to stop working, standing motionless in front of several people, allowing them to touch.

“Don’t say, the feel is not bad, it should be aluminum alloy, right?”

“No, no, no, I think it should be a new technology material, such as… Carbon fiber? ”

“This thing looks weird and scary, or shall we tear it down first?”

In the face of this new technological robot appearing in front of them, several people felt helpless.

Not sure what to do with it.

Just then, the robot finally spoke.

“Found the target! The West District of Yehai City, images are being displayed, accurate information is being determined where it is….”

“What’s the thing?”

Several people were shocked that the robot was actually determining their location!

“No way! There’s something wrong with this stuff! Smash it! ”

Several people immediately pulled out their weapons and tried to smash the robot in front of them.

But it’s too late!

The robot instantly raised its hands, and the two robotic arms turned into guns and attacked several people.


The flames were everywhere, and in just an instant, several people were buried in the rain of bullets.

“The goal is clear, and we are heading to the calculation direction…”

After the robot debriefing, head in one direction.

But when it just took a step.


A large-caliber bullet directly penetrated its mechanical brain, instantly losing its ability to move and turning into a pile of scrap iron.

“! It’s mind-boggling! ”

A bearded man jumped out from a distance.

He is also one of the guards in this area.

When he heard the gunshots, he immediately rushed over.

He walked over to the corpses of several people, collected the weapons in their hands, and took a piece of sweet potato to eat.

Finally, he came to the robot and kicked it.

Make a rattling sound.

“, what kind of monster is this?”

The bearded man frowned, he had never seen such a robot before.

With the current technology, let alone this kind of intelligent robot that can be used for combat, even the technology for cleaning home robots has not been perfected.

But in front of his eyes appeared this robot that could be controlled remotely, and had powerful firepower and more sensitive movements than humans.

Who the hell is this person manipulating this monster in front of you!?



Suddenly, the bearded man heard a strange sound.

He looked beyond the barbed wire, and the next scene almost made his eyes almost collapse!

He never imagined that outside the barbed wire, there were hundreds of robots approaching in the direction where he was….

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